Meet The Leader

Chapter 581: monster

ps: Thanks to the leader 0o Yu Xiaomo o0 for the reward of 10,000 starting coins

The suddenly cracked Sansheng Stone surprised Chu Xiu, and the warriors behind thought that Chu Xiu was because of their previous discussion, so they angrily manipulated in secret, and then the Sansheng Stone was cracked.

Due to Chu Xiu's previous power, they didn't dare to say much, but they were also muttering in secret, this guy from the devil's way is really stingy, it seems that we should be careful about this Lin Ye in the future. Talk bad in front of you.

Chu Xiu frowned. He didn't see anything on the Sansheng Stone, and after he read it, the Sansheng Stone suddenly cracked. This kind of strange thing made Chu Xiu feel a little awkward.

But now is not the time to think about it, it is the most important to get the benefits within Xiaofan days.

Daoist Guangning and others at the front walked very slowly, and the others in the back did not dare to worry, for fear of encountering something wicked.

Before, they thought that this place was a paradise of birds and flowers, and it must be the residence of some righteous sect.

But when they saw the weirdness of Huang Quan and walked across the Naaihe Bridge, they completely forgot the idea.

Where is the hidden righteous sect of the world, it is clearly a demon cave that is extremely evil!

Everyone continued to move forward, and the pavilion and pavilion hidden in the mist also appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Before, they felt that these pavilions and pavilions hidden in the mist looked with a hint of fairy spirit, but at this time they could only feel the ghostly spirit.

What appeared in front of everyone was a large complete building. Although all the buildings were very atmospheric, the outer layers were painted in pitch-black color, and the exterior of the building was also engraved with strange runes, making people look at it. At a glance, there is a feeling of annoyance in my heart.

On the front of the main hall, there are four big characters written on the white plaque: The Devil's Palace of Elysium!

The Daoist Guangning frowned. He is considered to be well-informed. There are also many ancient books in the Zhenwu Sect, but he has never heard of this blissful magic palace.

However, looking at the scale of the ruins, as well as the powerful formation and the wicked Huangquan Shui Naihe Bridge, this Bliss Magic Palace must have been the top demon sect in ancient times.

Yuchi Feng took the brunt of the brunt, pushed open the gate of the palace, and the extremely sharp White Tiger Demonic God Gang was used to the extreme by him, and his whole body seemed to be full of weapons.

The door was pushed open, and there was nothing dangerous in it, but the scene was beyond everyone's imagination.

The inside of the hall, which looks neat and tidy outside, is a mess. Various chairs are scattered on the ground. The center of the hall should be enshrined with something similar to a statue, but it has been removed at this time. Only leave a mark.

Everyone present glanced at each other, and they all had a strange feeling, as if the people in this Devil Palace of Bliss were walking in a hurry, and even from these traces, they could see that thousands of years ago, the warriors of this Devil Palace of Bliss panicked. Zhang looks like he will die if he is slow.

There are too many things that have been removed in the hall, and there are also many scattered and messy things on the ground.

Everyone searched for a while, but found nothing of value, so they continued to explore.

Behind the main hall are a large number of pavilions and palaces. These places are usually where the disciples of the Bliss Devil Palace retreat, and where they live, even the arsenal or the Danfang and other places. This area is actually the whole Bliss. The most precious place in the magic palace.

However, when everyone just stepped into this area, everyone felt that the dense fog in this place was more dense than that on the Naihe Bridge, and even some could not see the face clearly.

Fortunately, although everyone's perception was somewhat suppressed, it was not too serious.

Daoist Guangning frowned and said: "Everyone, be careful, the people from the Devil Palace of Bliss walked very strangely and in a hurry, so they didn't close some formations, and they didn't take some things with them.

It is best not to touch the things here before you are sure, otherwise once you touch the formation, it will not be so fun, it will hurt others and yourself. "

Daoist Guangning is for their sake, these ancient formations are inherently evil, especially this Bliss Magic Palace, which is even more evil, even he has to be careful.

But the people present didn't think so. For them, competing with Daoist Guangning and other martial arts masters, they were already at a disadvantage, and they could only drink a little soup.

At this time, if you have the first opportunity, you can get a treasure and leave, it is also a good deal.

Although there are risks, they all know the truth of seeking wealth and wealth. Everyone is afraid of death, but in the face of interests, everyone is not so afraid of death.

If they were all extremely cautious, fearing wolves before and tigers later, they would not be able to cultivate to the current state.

Seeing the expressions on other people's faces, Daoist Guangning couldn't help shaking his head.

Yu Chi Feng said with a sneer: "Old Daoist, what do you care about them? These guys are courting death, and you can't stop them. When something goes wrong, they will naturally be distressed by their teachers, but it's not your turn to be distressed here. ."

Daoist Guangning didn't speak, he just carefully explored it. As he walked, Daoist Guangning frowned and said, "This Magic Palace of Bliss is a bit strange, and the formation is too complete."

Huangfu Weiming said on the side: "Since this Devil Palace of Bliss is a great sect of the devil's way in the past, it has some background. It seems normal that it can continue to exist in the calamity of heaven and earth."

Daoist Guangning shook his head and said, "I thought so at first, but then I realized that something was wrong. Look at the scene in the main hall. The disciples of the Elysium Demon Palace left in a hurry. Obviously, things have reached a critical point. At this moment, this made a Demon Dao faction so flustered.

If the formation of the Devil's Palace of Ultimate Bliss is really so powerful that it can withstand the catastrophe of heaven and earth, why did the disciples of the Devil's Palace of Ultimate Bliss escape in such a hurry? Isn't it okay for them to stay safe in the formation?

In fact, this is the third time I have entered Xiaofantian, and I have explored several Xiaofantian ruins. All the ruins are more or less damaged to varying degrees. Damaged remains.

If something goes wrong, there must be a monster. Anyway, in the eyes of Pindao, this Devil Palace of Bliss is a little wrong, very wrong. "

At this moment, there was a sudden whisper from the crowd, and everyone was shocked and looked over there.

I saw a warrior in the crowd who was at the Yuan Dynasty with five qi and was at a loss: "My senior brother is missing! He was behind me just now, but as he walked, he was gone!"

There are seven or eighty people who have entered the valley before and after, and you can see all of them at a glance.

At this time, everyone looked around fiercely for a week, but found that there were more than ten people missing among them!

It's just that the identities of the warriors present are a bit too mixed, and there are all kinds of sects, so even if some people are lost in the crowd, the people present don't really care, they think these people are not listening to Guangning Daoist's advice, to go alone.

It wasn't until the martial artist's senior brother disappeared that everyone felt that something was wrong, fearing that something was wrong.

But at this moment, the sound of chewing sounded in the fog, and everyone present shuddered.

A black shadow flashed through the fog quickly, and a warrior screamed miserably in an instant, and his figure disappeared into the fog in an instant.

Everyone present was shocked, and the Daoist Guangning shouted: "Pay attention to your surroundings!"

As soon as his voice fell, there were dozens of black shadows rapidly attacking them in the fog, and the speed was so fast that even the warriors of the unity of heaven and man could barely see their silhouettes.

Facing this kind of attack, Yu Chi Feng snorted coldly, and the white tiger demonic gang broke out all over his body, and a figure slammed into him. The fog looks a little disgusting.

Daoist Guangning flicked the whisk, which seemed to be an understatement, but he directly swept away several of those Among them, Huangfu Weiming was the only one who was slightly weaker, but no matter how bad he was, he was also a martial artist. Grandmaster, the attacks of those figures are a great threat to the warriors of the Five Qi Dynasty, and it is a little worse for the warriors of the unity of heaven and man, and when facing the martial arts masters, they pose no threat at all.

And when Chu Xiu is facing these things, the advantage he wants to occupy is even greater. The thing that Chu Xiu is most afraid of is fast things.

When Tian Zi Wang Qi was cast out, those shadows were extremely slow in his eyes.

The boundless demonic energy in his hand erupted, and Chu Xiu directly grabbed the shadow in his hand, but when he saw the thing suddenly, even Chu Xiu was taken aback.

It was a humanoid 'thing' half the height of a normal person.

It is said to be a thing only because it has a human form, but it does not look like a person.

That thing has sharp claws on its hands and feet, but its head is bigger than a normal person, and its belly is bulging, even bigger than its head.

They looked hideous, their skin was so shriveled that only a layer of skin remained, and they had sharp teeth and sharp teeth in their mouths, but their eyes showed mad bloodlust, and there was no blood at all.

The most bizarre thing is their heads, where the skin is transparent, and there is a drop of pitch-black liquid inside the head, which is very conspicuous.

This thing looks very similar to the hungry ghosts in the legendary **** realm. What did the guys from the Bliss Devil Palace refine?

That thing was still struggling in Chu Xiu's hands, but at this time, there was a throbbing in Chu Xiu's heart, and the glazed golden silk Gu was constantly releasing a thought, as if it was a response to this thing in Chu Xiu's hands. Something is very longing.


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