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Chapter 582: Hungry Ghost Road

Glazed Golden Silk Gu is a living creature, but no matter how strong it is, it is just a Gu worm, so it does not have intelligence, but only instinct.

At this time, Chu Xiu could clearly perceive the glazed golden thread Gu's desire for this thing, but he didn't know what the glazed golden thread Gu was craving.

Chu Xiu tried hard to crush this thing to death, but it didn't work.

Although this thing looks extremely thin, its body is comparable to gold and iron, and it has a certain resistance to Gang Qi.

The devilish energy burst out, and Chu Xiu's neck was completely twisted by the hungry ghost, but it wasn't dead yet, and its body was still twitching.

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows and pointed it out directly. The powerful demonic energy condensed at one point and directly shattered the head of the thing.

But at this moment, the black liquid in that thing's head involuntarily infiltrated into Chu Xiu's body, and along the meridians and blood vessels of Chu Xiu's body, it flowed into the glazed golden thread Gu and was swallowed by it.

This situation was not initiated by Chu Xiu, but by the passive behavior of the Glazed Golden Thread Gu. Even Chu Xiu was taken aback and wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

The glazed golden silk Gu and Chu Xiu coexist together, which is equivalent to a part of Chu Xiu's body. How can he stop the subconscious reaction of his body?

However, that drop of strange black liquid did not cause any harm to Chu Xiu, and part of its power was swallowed up by the glazed golden thread Gu, which made the rhythm of the glazed golden thread Gu beating stronger.

The remaining part of the power was integrated into Chu Xiu's mental power, which actually increased Chu Xiu's mental power, and there was an unexplainable feeling, which made Chu Xiu a little uncertain, but a little clear Xio was certain, killing this thing and taking the black liquid inside its head would be beneficial to the glazed golden silk Gu in his body and his own mental power.

At this time, the evil spirit-like thing swooped on the field, causing some of the weaker warriors on the field to be recruited.

Daoist Guangning frowned, and he threw out an array plate. In an instant, the forces of yin and yang in the array plate rotated. At the same time, two long swords, one black and one white, fell into the array plate, inspiring a turbulent sword qi, several times. Within a hundred zhang, all the fog was dispelled, but what was revealed was a picture that made people feel extremely frightened.

Outside the fog, evil-looking ghosts were holding the corpses of those warriors and biting desperately. There were even scenes of several evil ghosts biting the same corpse. The whole scene was like hell.

Even Yu Chifeng's scalp felt numb when he saw this scene. He couldn't help but ask, "Old Daoist, what are these things? Are there beasts that have grown up like this?"

Daoist Guangning looked ugly and said: "Ferocious beasts! These things used to be human! What kind of blissful magic palace, it should be called the **** magic palace, these lunatics! They actually want to refine the evil ghosts of the hungry ghost realm. Come!

I have seen in some ancient books of Zhenwu Sect that in ancient times there was a devil who caused disasters for all corners of the world, called Six Path Devil Venerable.

He actually imagined that he had six personalities, and each of them was a genius above martial arts.

This person wants to refine the incarnation of six reincarnations with a secret method, and then cut out six parts of his own soul and integrate it into the incarnation.

For this reason, these six demons killed countless people for experiments. Among them, the incarnation of the hungry ghost was like this. They caught countless young babies, placed arrays on their bodies, gradually wiped their minds, and then fed them with elixir.

When their souls are wiped out, they are like walking corpses, only their instincts are left, and then they are thrown into a closed space, without any food or water, let them kill each other, feed on each other's flesh and blood, and finally raise them like a gu. Yes, it is the incarnation of the hungry ghost!

I have seen the pattern in the ancient book, the incarnation of the hungry ghost looks like this, but it is much larger than these things, and its power is much stronger, it is a real **** hungry ghost.

However, there is a record in that book that the Six Path Demon Venerable has been strangled by many experts in the world because of his behavior. A dehumanizing thing! "

Behind every hungry ghost here represents the lives of countless innocent babies. Even if these people are people from ten thousand years ago, the Daoist of Guangning is still very angry at this kind of thing.

Chu Xiu also frowned after hearing this. Although he has practiced a lot of magic arts, he will not practice such magic skills that destroy human nature.

Demons exist between heaven and earth, although orthodox magic arts represent the negative forces between heaven and earth, but everything has yang and yin, and the practice is just an attribute, whether it is the right way or the magic, you use it To save people, it is good, to use it to kill, it is evil.

Any cultivation method is inhumane, but as long as the practitioners are human, there will be no trace of humanity left.

Now, those famous demon giants in the arena, whether they are Dugu Weiyi, who used to oppress the world, or Ye Shaonan, the leader of the Moon Worship Cult, they have a lot of lives in their hands, but what they have touched is all of them. Regarding the lives of warriors, I have never heard of any demonic giant owl who made his name in the world by slaughtering ordinary people.

Such people would even cast aside the demons themselves, they can no longer be regarded as demons, and the demons are almost the same.

At this time, Yu Chifeng looked at the hungry ghosts, frowned and said, "These things have been alive for ten thousand years since ancient times. Are they still alive?"

The real Guangning frowned and said: "I am also puzzled by this, these things have not been swallowed and evolved completely, which means that they have not really become the incarnation of the hungry ghost, and if they want to keep them alive after ten thousand years, use some means to make them It’s okay for their souls to go to sleep, but the people from the Elysium Devil Palace have already left, and who made them go to sleep?”

At this moment, a melodious flute sound suddenly came. The flute sound was melodious and melodious, but it was full of boundless resentment, which made people feel upset after listening to it.

But when the hungry ghosts heard the flute, they seemed to have heard an order and quickly gathered together, ignoring the corpse.

In the fog, a figure in white came out of it.

The figure in white clothes turned out to be a handsome young man with a simple bun. He was holding a green bamboo flute. His skin was terrifyingly pale, similar to the gray-white skin of those hungry ghosts.

The young man came slowly and gently touched the heads of those hungry ghosts. These evil monsters actually stood obediently beside him, and were unusually docile.

Seeing the fragmented corpse that had been eaten by hungry ghosts on the ground, a strange color suddenly appeared in the young man's eyes.

He picked up a relatively complete arm, and a smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

That smile matched his handsome face, obviously it should be a very sunny scene, but it gave people a sense of evil.

Picking up the severed limb and placing it in front of him, the handsome young man suddenly opened his mouth. His mouth grew to a very evil and terrifying level. Inside his mouth were neat teeth, but they were densely packed with fangs like that of a hungry ghost. Sharp teeth!

In an instant, the young man swallowed a whole arm into his stomach, making a disgusting chewing sound.

After a while, he wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, showing a fascinated expression on his face, and said in a slightly weird accent: "The feeling of flesh and blood is really good. After ten thousand years, I finally tasted the feeling of flesh and blood again."

Before, everyone thought that this young man was a living person, but he used some secret method to survive from ancient times to today's existence. As a result, looking at it now, where is this guy, he is clearly the strongest hungry ghost here!

Daoist Guangning controlled the Yin and Yang sword formation, and said solemnly, "What are you?"

The young man rubbed his head and said: "Things? I seem to have forgotten a lot of things, old Taoist, you are a sensible person, you should know that things like hungry ghosts have no soul and intelligence, they are completely walking dead, I will do away with it. It took a lot of strength to retain his intelligence after being transformed into a hungry ghost, but now, there are many things that he can't remember, including his name.

I'm just a poor **** who was forgotten by the Elysium, I just remember that I was responsible for feeding these disgusting In the end, they all left. I have been forgotten, forgotten in this blissful magic palace that has been completely empty!

In order to save my life, I can only take the initiative to transform myself into these guys that I feel disgusting to look at on weekdays.

Ten thousand years, I woke up, woke up and fell asleep, repairing the formation, repairing the magic palace of bliss, I want to wait for the master and the others to come back, you, do you know the news of the master and them? "

The young man looked at Daoist Guangning and the others with a sincere expression, and his appearance did not show the evil and terrifying just now.

Everyone has almost understood what is going on, this guy is indeed a pitiful worm.

Everyone in the Demon Palace of Bliss had already left before the ancient catastrophe, but he was the only one left, whether it was intentional or unintentional.

In the end, in order to save his life, this man turned himself into a hungry ghost of hell. As long as he was awake, he would repair the formation in the Demon Palace of Bliss, which is why this place looked so complete.

Daoist Guangning looked at the young man and said coldly, "News? You have already died from the Devil's Palace of Ultimate Bliss, where can there be any news? You dare to try the evil secret technique of refining the incarnation of the Hungry Ghost Dao. , it's simply unacceptable for the people of the Devil's Palace of Ultimate Bliss to not die in the ancient catastrophe!"

The young man sighed in disappointment, "Oh, so that's what happened."

His voice just fell, but the whole body was filled with black air with the smell of corpse, and that power even made the three martial arts masters present feel a chill.

"Since that's the case, then you're useless, so be obedient to me as blood food, I'll be very gentle when I eat you, and won't be so dirty like those ugly things!"


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