Meet The Leader

Chapter 583: Chu Xiu of 'helping others'

There are many dangers in Xiaofan Tiantian, but for everyone who has already figured out the rules of most of the ruins in Xiaofan Tiantian, in fact, the real danger in Xiaofan Tiantian is not the ruined ruins, but the people who enter Xiaofan Tiantian together. Musha.

In the past, the most dangerous things in Xiaofan's days were only some broken formations left in the catastrophe of heaven and earth. The lethality was limited, and the number of people who died in the hands of their peers was definitely more than those who died in these formations.

In the end, who would have thought that they were so unlucky this time, entering such a devil's cave, and before they saw anything, more than ten people died first.

At this time, the young man's body was completely enveloped by the corpse aura, and the nails in his hands rapidly grew, several feet long, like a sharp sword.

At the same time, his appearance has also begun to distort, his eyes are glowing with red light, but at this time he is more terrifying than those Specter.

A mournful long howl sounded, and the young man rushed directly towards Daoist Guangning and the others. The speed was even several times faster than those of ordinary hungry ghosts. It was like a teleportation, and in an instant, the three of them had arrived. before.

Guangning Daoist squeezed his sword fingers, and the yin and yang swords turned into Tai Chi sword energy and strangled down, but with the sharp claws in the hands of the youth, the sword energy was torn apart in an instant.

Huangfu Weiming pinched the seal behind the Daoist of Guangning, and the boundless qi condensed into a big seal like a hill and crashed down, suppressing the heavens and the earth, with a majestic and astonishing power.

But the young man who turned into a hungry ghost was surprisingly powerful at this time. He had no qi, but he directly smashed the big seal of qi with his own strength.

"Monster, die!"

Yu Chi Feng took the last shot. The white tiger evil spirit around him condensed into a giant blade, with an unparalleled murderous intent, he slashed down with a loud bang, and the young man was finally slashed by Yu Chi Feng for more than ten times. Zhang Yuan.

However, Yu Chifeng's knife only slashed a crack in his clothes, revealing the gray-white skin, but there was only a mark on it, not even a wound!

Seeing this scene, the expressions of Daoist Guangning and others changed a bit.

Among the three, in terms of accumulation of cultivation, the Daoist of Guangning should be the strongest, but in terms of pure lethality, Yu Chifeng is the strongest.

Baihutang's white tiger evil spirit is well-known in all corners of the world. It gathers the power of the western white tiger and gold, and is extremely sharp. At the same time, it attracts the murderous evil spirit into it, which is even more powerful.

It is said that Baihusha Shengang can even fight against the gods when he cultivated to the peak. As a result, Yuchifeng's knife has now only left a white mark on the young man who has turned into a hungry ghost. How strong is this guy's defense? ?

But it was no longer their turn to sigh. The young man who turned into a hungry ghost once again had a black corpse aura all over his body, roaring at them and charging towards them. For a while, Daoist Guangning and the others could only barely resist when they joined forces. The offensive of that hungry ghost turned youth.

The opponent is not only physically strong, but the corpse aura around him is extremely poisonous, and even has the effect of corroding other people's astral qi, so the more they fight, the worse the state of Daoist Guangning and the others will be.

At this time, the other hungry ghosts also rushed up and fought with everyone, but everyone present was instantly caught in a hard fight.

But the others fought hard, but Chu Xiu's eyes lit up.

The devilish energy around him exploded to the extreme. When he saw a hungry ghost, he directly smashed the opponent's head with a punch, and the black liquid melted into Chu Xiu's body. The strength is enhancing Chu Xiu's mental strength.

No matter how hard the bodies of these hungry ghosts are, they are nowhere near as hard as Chu Xiu's fellow cultivator's Great King Kong divine power and Jiuxiao's golden body.

After Chu Xiu killed all the hungry ghosts around him, his eyes turned to the others.

The defensive power of these hungry ghosts is amazing, and they are extremely difficult to deal with. Unless they have the explosive power of Chu Xiu, it is difficult for even a warrior of the unity of heaven and man to cause damage to them, so most of the people present are playing extremely hard. Difficulty, Lu Fengxian is the same.

In fact, with Lu Fengxian's strength, it is not a problem for him to solve these hungry ghosts, but with Luo Feihong present, it is a little difficult to deal with these hungry ghosts alone with Luo Feihong's strength. Lu Fengxian still has to take care of Luo Feihong. Somewhat exhausted.

Chu Xiu moved, and did not directly help Lu Fengxian, but first killed all the hungry ghosts around Lu Fengxian around the warriors, and then went to help Lu Fengxian out of the siege.

After killing those hungry ghosts, Chu Xiu just looked at Lu Fengxian before continuing to kill other hungry ghosts.

Luo Feihong held the blood gun and red kite in his hand, and said a little strangely: "This guy from the devil's way actually volunteered to help us?"

Lu Fengxian smiled and said, "Some people in the devil's way may not kill innocent people indiscriminately, and some people in the right way will never be chivalrous and righteous."

Luo Feihong nodded, she had also been hanging out in the arena for a long time, of course she knew the truth.

At this time, the others also felt very strange, thinking in their hearts that Lin Ye had changed his temper?

They still remember the scene where Lin Ye brutally killed the three disciples of Chunyang Daomen before, but he didn't show the slightest mercy, and he was extremely ruthless.

As a result, he will take the initiative to help them now. Is there anything more bizarre than this?

Although the people present couldn't understand it, they saw that Lin Ye had already helped them kill these hungry ghosts. Naturally, the others couldn't be left behind. If one person couldn't kill them, then several people would kill them together.

But they did this, but it made Chu Xiu very uncomfortable.

Those hungry ghosts must kill them immediately before they can absorb the black liquid. If it is too late, the black liquid will evaporate immediately.

So the seemingly helpful actions of these people are actually harming his interests.

"Get out of here!"

Chu Xiu shouted angrily at the few warriors who were besieging a hungry ghost, and those warriors who were scolded were stunned.

You are helping you lighten your burden, but you are scolding us here. Isn't Lin Ye's brain sick?

Seeing that these people hadn't stopped, Chu Xiu directly punched down, and the demonic energy was immense. Both the man and the hungry ghost were included in his attack range.

When everyone present saw this scene, they all scolded insanely and avoided one after another, allowing Chu Xiu to directly smash the hungry ghost to pieces.

After beheading dozens of such hungry ghosts one after another, Chu Xiu's mental power has skyrocketed, and it can be said that he is far more than 90% of the martial arts masters on the rivers and lakes.

However, although the spiritual power has skyrocketed, Chu Xiu has discovered a problem. The spiritual power he obtained by beheading these hungry ghosts is not actually integrated with his original spiritual power, but exists alone in the primordial spirit. It was not a transparent color, but a dark gray, and even dyed Chu Xiu's primordial spirit black.

However, this black mental power is no different from the mental power that Chu Xiu cultivated himself, and there are no side effects, but Chu Xiu has a feeling that there should be another use for this mental power, but I didn't realize it myself.

At this time, the glazed golden thread Gu that was attached to Chu Xiu's heart also underwent some changes.

After swallowing the black liquid, the glazed golden silk Gu's body has grown a circle.

Originally, the appearance of the glazed golden silk Gu was just a slightly cute-looking, somewhat chubby golden silkworm, but now there is a black line on the back of the golden silkworm, giving it a slightly evil feeling.

However, the power of the glazed golden thread Gu was clearly growing. At this time, the glazed golden thread Gu also burst into a rhythm, pointing at the young man who had turned into a hungry ghost.

Chu Xiu touched his chin, he knew what the glazed golden thread Gu wanted to do, but it was a bit difficult to kill the young man who had turned into a hungry ghost and devour the black juice in the opponent's mind.

The strength of the hungry ghost turned young man was not low in the past, and it was initially estimated that he had gathered the masters of martial arts and real pills.

But now, after being transformed into a hungry ghost, the whole body's defense is extremely amazing, and even the White Tiger Demon God Gang can resist it, so it is very difficult for him to kill the opponent.

The most important thing is that the Daoist Guangning and the other three are now joining forces to Chu Xiu wants to seize the opportunity to kill these three people, but it is also somewhat difficult.

But Chu Xiu couldn't care about anything else for the time being. He went straight to the young man who had turned into a hungry ghost and said, "Three, I'll help you!"

Daoist Guangning and the other three had noticed that Chu Xiu helped everyone present to kill the hungry ghost, and they were also a little confused about what Lin Ye was thinking.

However, they are struggling to fight here, and they have no time to manage so much.

And now this Lin Ye actually came to help them, this kind of action really made everyone present at the scene a little bit confused.

If it weren't for the ruthless determination that Lin Ye used to kill the three Chunyang Daoist disciples, maybe they really believed that this Lin Ye was born in the Demon Dao, but he was a little warm-hearted, but now, they all think this Lin Ye There must be something odd about their behavior, but they didn't say no.

This young man who has turned into a hungry ghost is very difficult to deal with, but Lin Ye's strength is displayed here. His explosive power is comparable to that of a martial arts master, and he can share some of the pressure together.

When Chu Xiu went up to fight with the young man who turned into a hungry ghost, he felt the difficulty of the other party.

With one punch, he could only knock the opponent back a few steps, and the mighty Prince Suppressing Prison Ming Xiang fell down, but was torn apart by the opponent, without even the slightest effect.

After fighting for a long time, Yu Chi Feng couldn't help but said: "I said boy, you don't need the seven knives behind you now, when will you use them?

Isn't your seven-handled sword a magic weapon? This fellow's physical defense is astonishing, he can defend against treasure soldiers, and I don't believe that he can also defend against divine soldiers!

If you don't need it, then give the knife to Lao Tzu and let Lao Tzu use it! "


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