Meet The Leader

Chapter 591: bumpy

Xiahou Zhen's face was as gloomy as water. With such a good opportunity today, he was unable to avenge the murder of his son. He had a hunch that if he wanted to take revenge in the future, it would be more difficult.

He never thought that Zhen Yangzi would actually die, and that Lin Ye actually beheaded Zhen Yangzi!

Regardless of whether Li Feilian intervened or not, no matter what the situation was at the time, there was no simple existence who could kill a martial arts master in the realm of harmony between man and nature.

In addition, Lin Ye is a handsome figure cultivated by the hidden demon lineage, and he will definitely be protected by the hidden demon lineage to a certain extent, just like he is now.

Once Lin Ye stepped into the realm of martial arts masters, even Xiahou Zhen would not be able to beat the opponent!

Looking at Mr. Lu coldly, Xiahou Zhen snorted coldly, turned around and left.

Phaseless Demon Sect is another difficult character.

What is this, Mr. Lu was not conspicuous in the Wuxiang Demon Sect before, but now that he has stepped into the realm of martial arts masters, the power he shows is shocking. Town side by side.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in the Devil's Way is definitely not as simple as what the outside world sees.

After Xiahou Town left, Mr. Lu sneered disdainfully, and also entered the palaces of the Palace of Elysium and began to search for some treasures in the Palace of Elysium.

Mr. Lu was actually very low-key before, but after stepping into the realm of martial arts masters, Mr. Lu also wanted to find someone to test his strength.

When Chu Xiu was being hunted down before, he wanted to rescue Chu Xiu and fought against Nie Renlong by the way. Who would have thought that Chu Xiu had come back by himself.

In a dense forest more than ten miles east of the Devil's Palace of Bliss, Chu Xiu did not go far, but left a unique mark of the hidden devil lineage outside, where he temporarily regained his strength.

After half a day, Mr. Lu appeared here, and what was even more strange was that Li Feilian was actually following behind Mr. Lu.

Mr. Lu said to Li Feilian, "This is Lin Ye, the most outstanding young man in my hidden demon lineage. You are still fighting side by side, so you should be very familiar."

Li Feilian handed over to Chu Xiu and said succinctly, "Brother Chu."

Li Feilian doesn't seem to be good at words. His words are very few, even to the point of cherishing words like gold.

Chu Xiu also cupped his hands and said: "Brother Li's flying knife is very strong, even the strongest flying knife I have ever seen. If there is a chance in the future, I hope I can learn from you, brother Li."

Li Feilian nodded and said, "It's a shame."

Seeing Li Feilian's appearance, Chu Xiu knew that it would be very difficult to chat with this person. Chu Xiu turned to Mr. Lu and asked, "Is this brother Li also from my hidden demon line?"

Mr. Lu shook his head and said, "Li Xiaoyou has nothing to do with my hidden demon lineage, he just has something to do with my invisible demon lineage.

Li Xiaoyou's lineage is very big. Although it is only a single lineage, no one dares to underestimate it.

It's just that there were some problems in Li Xiaoyou's father's generation, causing his father to die prematurely, so we entrusted us to help take care of Li Xiaoyou.

The suzerain of my Phaseless Demon Sect received the kindness of Li Xiaoyou's father in the past.

In other words, if Li Xiaoyou's father was alive, he should be one of the powerhouses standing at the top of the rivers and lakes now, not to mention that Li Xiaoyou killed the disciple of Chunyang Daomen, even if he killed the son of the headmaster of Chunyang Daomen, his father Can also bear it.

My Phaseless Demon Sect was hiding in the dark at that time, and it was inconvenient to fight against the Pure Yang Daomen, so I could only use some means to help Li Xiaoyou cover up his identity and temporarily dormant. "

Hearing what Mr. Lu said, Chu Xiu understood what was going on.

No wonder in the past, Chunyang Daomen was almost digging three feet into the ground and could not find Li Feilian. It turned out that he was hidden by the Wuxiang Demon Sect.

Let's not talk about strength, the hidden kung fu of the Phaseless Demon Sect is absolutely first-class.

Li Feilian rushed to Mr. Lu and cupped his hands: "Man, I have already killed him. Half of the revenge from the past has been avenged. Mr. Lu, let's leave it for now."

Mr. Lu nodded and said, "Xiaofan is in danger all the time, be careful."

Li Feilian nodded, turned around and left.

Looking at Li Feilian's back, Chu Xiu said to Mr. Lu, "It just so happened that Li Feilian's father died prematurely, and the hidden demon lineage didn't even think about taking Li Feilian into the hidden demon lineage?"

Mr. Lu nodded and said, "I really thought about this, but Li Feilian didn't agree.

His lineage is neither righteous nor evil or evil, basically doing whatever he wants. His father is a great man of a generation. He has friends in all three lines of Taoism, Buddhism and Demons, and he is very open to it. Unfortunately, he died early, otherwise he would be a romantic figure of a generation.

Li Feilian's father was kind to the suzerain, and since Li Feilian was unwilling, the suzerain would naturally not persecute him.

Speaking of which, this Li Feilian is also a pitiful person. His lineage is not an ordinary person. Li Feilian's father is even more so. The words Fengshen, handsome and unparalleled are very similar to your friend Lu Fengxian. , but he is a more romantic person, and he also left a lot of romantic debts on the rivers and lakes.

Compared with Li Feilian's father, his mother is extremely ordinary, not even from the rivers and lakes, just a village girl with an ordinary appearance to the extreme.

As a result, this village girl made Li Feilian's father completely relieved, no longer romantic, and gave birth to Li Feilian, which surprised many people at the time.

This Li Feilian's appearance also follows his mother's. If he follows his father's, it is estimated that it is not much worse than your friend Lu Fengxian.

There are almost no ugly people in his lineage, all of them are handsome and handsome. Although Li Feilian is not ugly, he is too mediocre, and he does not have the slightest resemblance to his ancestors.

Originally, with Li Feilian's background, he should have had a smooth journey, but when his father died, he was not yet ten years old, and his mother followed his father and killed himself, so he has relied on himself for more than 20 years. I survived alone until I couldn't stand it anymore, and then I turned to my Phaseless Demon Sect for help.

I still remember that this Li Feilian was very lively when he was a child, and he followed his father. As you can see now, he is taciturn and cherishes words like gold. It is not that he does not speak, but he does not speak much at all.

Although his father gave him all the inheritance when he died, he was afraid that someone would covet the inheritance of their lineage, so he went to the 100,000 mountain alone to cultivate in the ancestral land of his lineage, although it was said to be the ancestral land. , But in fact, it is a cemetery guarded by a formation, and it is accompanied by the dead all day long.

It wasn't until he was in his twenties that he stepped into the realm of harmony between man and nature, and he did not leave the customs until he had the ability to protect himself, but at that time, Li Feilian had even forgotten how to speak. "

Chu Xiu also nodded when he heard the words. To be honest, he really didn't expect Li Feilian's life experience to be so rough.

The world can only see how beautiful they are who are on the Dragon and Tiger List, but in fact, everyone's strength does not come out of thin air.

Although the little celestial master Zhang Chengzhen was born with thunder patterns, who knew that he even risked serious injury to practice thunder in the rainstorm to realize the artistic conception of thunder?

Ming Wang Zongxuan's physical body is invincible, but who knows the inhuman pain when cultivating Baoyueguang King Liuli's alchemy body?

Including him, Chu Xiu, is the same. From being penniless to the top five on the Dragon Tiger List, how many enemies has Chu Xiu killed, and how many times has he fallen into a desperate situation where he runs out of fuel?

Even the most unreliable Fang Qishao, a guy with the same talkativeness, although kendo is perfect, he once learned kendo and sat alone in seclusion for eighty-one days, without eating, drinking, and sleeping. People are already withered.

The words of Master Fang Weiren are not 100% credible after suffering and suffering, but there are always a small number of people who gain powerful strength without experiencing any hardships.

At this moment, Mr. Lu suddenly looked at Chu Xiu and said with a smile, "If Li Feilian is included in the hidden demon lineage, do you think you can still get this kind of treatment? Are you not afraid that the hidden demon lineage will try to train Li Feilian?"

Chu Xiu said indifferently: "It's not good to see people, and a guy who relies on others to become king and dominate is destined to be unattractive.

Just like Lin Kaiyun from Sword King City, even without Fang Qishao, he can't become the first young generation in Sword King I don't need to be afraid of anyone, as long as I am stronger than any competitor, That's enough. "

Mr. Lu nodded secretly.

Everyone can say big words, but he can hear from Chu Xiu's tone that what Chu Xiu said is not big words, but self-confidence, extreme self-confidence, and with the current strength of Chu Xiu, he is also qualified to be confident.

"By the way, Mr. Lu, how is the competition in the Palace of Elysium? Who gets the most?"

Mr. Lu's face turned dark and said: "With the power of my celestial magic method, it is most suitable for winning in chaos, and I should have obtained the most things.

However, those guys from the right path like to fight more and less. Seeing that they can't stop me, the three of them joined forces, which resulted in a lot less things I got, but even so, I also took the things in the Elysium Palace. Almost two percent.

By the way, your friends Lu Fengxian and Luo Feihong, these two young people are not weak, and they seized the opportunity. When I played against those three guys, he also took advantage of the chaos to steal a lot of things, only Second to our four martial arts masters. "

Chu Xiu nodded, it was good that he didn't lose money anyway.

Chu Xiu didn't ask Mr. Lu what good things he got. Although he has a good relationship with Mr. Lu, friendship is friendship, and rules are rules.

It's as if Mr. Lu didn't ask Chu Xiu about the role and origin of the Seven Demonic Swords. There are some things that you can say by yourself, but if others take the initiative to ask questions, it is very taboo.

Although Mr. Lu is a martial arts master now, in his opinion, Chu Xiu's potential and his current combat effectiveness have far surpassed most martial arts masters.

Of course Mr. Lu would not go to fight with Chu Xiu for a few treasures, because it is not worth it, doing so is tantamount to throwing watermelons and picking up sesame seeds.


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