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Chapter 592: 'Magic Master' Gong Shuyuan

After Chu Xiu regained his strength, he was ready to act with Mr. Lu. Before the final battle, Chu Xiu did not intend to reveal his original identity. In the chaotic battle, although his strength could not reach its peak, it actually It is much more useful than his apparent identity.

At this time, Chu Xiu suddenly thought of something, and he asked Mr. Lu, "Mr. Lu, have you ever heard of the Six Paths Demon Venerable?"

Mr. Lu frowned and said, "You mean that lunatic in ancient times? How did you know him?"

Chu Xiu said solemnly, "I have obtained the incarnation of the Hungry Ghost Realm of the Six Path Demon Lords."

Chu Xiu had already used it before the incarnation of Hungry Ghost Dao, so he didn't have to hide from Mr. Lu at this time.

Moreover, Chu Xiu is also going to ask Mr. Lu for help to solve the problem of the incarnation of the hungry ghost.

When Mr. Lu heard this, he was taken aback: "Are you planning to practice this evil method? I advise you to put away your thoughts.

The Six Path Demon Venerable is simply a lunatic, and the exercises he has passed down can only be practiced by lunatics.

Now my hidden demon lineage is not the time when the Kunlun demon sect was coercing the rivers and lakes in the past. If you dare to practice the evil method of the incarnation of the hungry ghost, my hidden demon lineage will not be able to protect you. "

Mr. Lu is a standard man in the magic way. Over the years, he has led the Phaseless Demon Sect to do things in secret, and it is almost the same as saying that there are countless murders.

So what Mr. Lu cares about is not that the incarnation of the Hungry Ghost Dao is harmful to the world. If the Kunlun Demon Sect was still there in the past, Chu Xiu would cultivate as he wanted.

All he cares about is the consequences of cultivating this evil method. After all, the martial arts of the righteous way are very powerful now. Once they are discovered, Chu Xiu will cause great trouble.

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "Of course I don't want to cultivate. In fact, I don't have a way to cultivate this kind of thing."

Having said that, Chu Xiu briefly explained to Mr. Lu about the incarnation of Yu Xuan and Hungry Ghost Dao.

Mr. Lu touched his chin and said, "So, you are the only person in the world who has the incarnation of the hungry ghost? This is your destiny, but it's also a trouble."

Chu Xiu nodded and said, "It's a hassle, that's why I want to ask Mr. Lu if you have any way to minimize the influence of the incarnation of the Hungry Ghost Dao. After all, the Phaseless Demon Sect is also very researched in this regard. "

The Wuxiang Demon Sect's exercises are inclusive of all things, and the Heavenly Demon Wuxiang Magic Method is just one of them. Among them are disguise, hidden breath, and even formations, magic tricks and other messy things. Maybe there is something here in the Wuxiang Demon Sect. The method can solve the side effects of this hungry ghost incarnation, so that the thing can swallow itself when it is excited.

Mr. Lu pondered for a while and said, "I said that the Six Path Demon Venerable is a madman, and what a madman has researched, of course, only a madman can cultivate.

Now the incarnation of the hungry ghost is just a soul, and it has only instinct but no intelligence, so of course you can't control it when you shoot, that thing will only act according to instinct.

And if this incarnation of the hungry ghost is refined, it is equivalent to a clone of the six demons.

That guy has six redundant personalities. It is rumored that he has even developed the technique of splitting the soul. When a personality is cut out and integrated into it, he can manipulate the other party, just like a puppet, so naturally he doesn't have to worry about backlash.

You don't have a split personality, so of course there will be problems using the madman's exercises. It should be said that the guy's exercises can only be cultivated by himself, and anyone else who cultivates will have problems. "

Having said this, Mr. Lu suddenly clapped his hands and said, "Puppet? I thought of a person, and just happened to take you to meet him. I believe he should have a solution."


While taking Chu Xiu towards the east, Mr. Lu said: "The master of the loose cultivator of the hidden demon lineage, the 'Puppet Master' Gong Shuyuan, a guy with a strange temper.

If he has a way to solve your problem, you have to come up with something that will satisfy him first, otherwise, that guy won't even give face to anyone.

Along the way, Mr. Lu also told Chu Xiu about the puppet master Gong Shuyuan, who is also considered an alternative in the magic way.

Gong Shuyuan had an extraordinary background in the past. He was the direct disciple of Xuanwumen, one of the four spirits, and he was even one of the heirs of the next generation of Xuanwumen.

Among the four spirits, Xuanwumen is the most low-key, because most of the disciples of Xuanwumen are not good at fighting. What they are good at is making various mechanical equipment, puppet traps and the like.

Tangjiabao in the middle of Shu is actually good at making all kinds of hidden weapons, but what Tangjiabao is good at is only some exquisite and extremely lethal hidden weapons, most of which are poisoned.

And what Xuanwumen makes is not actually a hidden weapon, just a machine, a large-scale war machine!

For example, Xuanwumen once made a hundred God-destroying crossbows for Beiyan. A crossbow arrow is about ten feet long. If a city is broken, even the master of martial arts will be pierced.

Of course, this is only theoretical. Large cities are guarded by formations, and even a crossbow arrow cannot penetrate, but a small city that can be penetrated by an arrow can be easily captured by dispatching troops, so do you need such a precious thing?

And the same is true of using this thing to deal with the master of martial arts. The master of martial arts is not a target, and of course he will hide.

Just like Chu Xiu, if he stepped into the realm of martial arts masters, the Heavenly Son's Wangqi Technique would not even be able to touch his side with these crossbow arrows, and he would even be able to show off a straw boat to borrow arrows.

So this thing is a bit tasteless, and the most important thing is that Bei Yan was also pitted once.

Xuanwumen gave Beiyan only one crossbow arrow, and they had to buy it when it ran out. As a result, the price of the crossbow arrow was the same as the crossbow body, which was simply a pit.

Because of this incident, Xiang Long, the old emperor of Beiyan, almost chopped off the heads of the officials who bought these things.

Of course, this is just an immature work of Xuanwumen. What Xuanwumen is really good at is puppets, puppets like real people, and some puppets are even comparable to martial arts masters.

Refining a puppet is very complicated. It requires mastery of weapon refining, formation and martial arts at the same time. At the same time, each puppet has more parts than the bones of a human body. Some key places also need to be engraved with formation patterns, so refining To make a puppet, Xuanwumen is based on years.

Gong Shuyuan was the most outstanding disciple of Xuanwu Sect in the past. He once refined a qualified puppet in the Sanhua Juding Realm. Although it was a bit crude, his strength was better than that of most warriors in the Yuan Dynasty of the Five Qi Dynasty.

It's not a problem for Gong Shuyuan to develop normally and become the next generation head of Xuanwu Sect, but his mistake is that the puppets are a bit crazy. Refining puppets has finally developed into refining puppets with living people, which has already violated the taboo of Xuanwumen.

But Gong Shuyuan still didn't think he was wrong. In his opinion, puppets were originally the clones of warriors, and they pursued the ultimate lethality. What materials were used to refine them, what was the difference?

In the end, this Gong Shuyuan was imprisoned by the enraged Xuanwu Sect Master, and wanted to hold a meeting to deal with him, but who would have thought that the puppet refined by Gong Shuyuan was transformed into a disciple, let him go, and plunged into the magic way.

Refining puppets with human beings is an evil way everywhere, only in the magic way, this kind of thing is not new, it is normal.

Mr. Lu took Chu Xiu out for dozens of miles, came to a hidden valley, and while walking, Mr. Lu complained: "That guy Gong Shuyuan is simply sick!

Xiaofantian has only been opened once in 30 years. People come here to find opportunities, but he came here to find materials. When he found something, he started to refine some puppets in the valley. He also said that this place is rich in spiritual energy and is more suitable. To portray the pattern, Xiao Fantian's opportunity was simply wasted. "

When Mr. Lu stepped into the valley, a dense golden pattern suddenly appeared in front of him.

The golden pattern is like a blade, enough to tear the qi and tear the fleshly treasures apart!

Every puppet master from Shenwumen is also a master of formation.

Mr. Lu said angrily: "It's me, put away the formation!"

After a while, the formation disappeared, Chu Xiu and Mr. Lu stepped into the valley, and what they saw was a little old man squatting among a pile of messy parts.

The little old man had disheveled hair, was disheveled, and was wearing a dirty black robe. It was hard to imagine that he was a martial arts master.

Moreover, according to Mr. Lu, when Gong Shuyuan was young, he was an outstanding disciple of and he was also an outstanding figure in the arena. At this time, he has become like this. God knows what Gong Shuyuan has experienced.

Looking at Mr. Lu, Gong Shuyuan said angrily, "Lu Jin, I said, don't bother me, what are you doing here?"

Mr. Lu snorted: "Of course I have something to do with you. This is Lin Ye, a young handsome man from my hidden demon lineage. You should have heard of his name. He needs your help with something."

Having said that, Mr. Lu told Gong Shuyuan about the incarnation of the Hungry Ghost Dao.

After listening to this, Gong Shuyuan's expression was strange, but he was not as impatient as before.

"Tsk tsk, the incarnation of the Hungry Ghost Dao of the Six Path Demon Venerable? Interesting, you can show that thing to me first."

Chu Xiu raised his brows and said, "It's here."

Gong Shuyuan said angrily: "Of course it's here, how do I know how to solve it if I don't see it? With two martial arts masters here, are you afraid that you won't be able to control the situation?"

Hearing what Gong Shuyuan said, Chu Xiu immediately mobilized his mental power and released the incarnation of the Hungry Ghost Dao.

In an instant, the appearance was extremely ferocious, and the incarnation of the hungry ghost with two horns was released, swallowing everything, and the evil aura that assimilated everything exploded in an instant, and even the surrounding heaven and earth were completely swallowed up.

"Okay, okay, take it back."

Gong Shuyuan waved his hand, and Chu Xiu took back the incarnation of the Hungry Ghost Dao, but in just a few short breaths, his complexion was already pale.

Mr. Lu asked, "Is there any way?"

Gong Shuoyuan squinted his eyes and said: "There is a way, and there are more than one, but it is very difficult to exert the greatest power of the incarnation of this hungry ghost, Lu Jin, you should know about human puppets, you say this How are things?"


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