Meet The Leader

Chapter 593: puppet

Hearing Gong Shuyuan uttering the words "human puppet", Lu Jin frowned and said, "Are you going to make those disgusting things again?"

Gong Shuoyuan snorted coldly and said, "What is disgusting? My puppet is a masterpiece of puppet art that has reached its peak, okay?

Don't forget that last time you were besieged by those bald donkeys in Daguang Temple. If it wasn't for my puppets to rescue you, I'm afraid you would have been hammered by those bald donkeys long ago! "

Lu Jin's face turned dark, and he quickly said, "Speaking of business, what are you going to do?"

At this time, Chu Xiu suddenly interjected: "Interrupt, dare to ask what this puppet is?"

Gong Shuyuan said proudly: "Human puppet is the strongest puppet technique in this world, it can be called a perfect masterpiece! In this world, I am the only one who knows how to make it!"

When he said this, Gong Shuyuan's eyes were full of fanaticism. He was not conceited, but he himself thought so.

"In Xuanwumen, the puppet technique is a kind of war machine, and it is no different from those things like crossbow traps, but it is more flexible and changeable.

But in my opinion, puppets are different from those things, because puppets are mainly human-shaped, imitating people, and can even display martial arts.

Human beings are the most powerful beings in the world.

A newborn baby is not as good as a beast cub, and an adult person is not as good as a beast with sharp teeth, but human potential is infinite, and a strong martial artist can even tear a dragon with his hands!

Therefore, as a puppet that imitates the human shape, its strength is the strongest, and it is 10,000 times stronger than those tiger puppets, dragon-shaped puppets and the like!

But in the past, those guys only used various materials to make puppets. Dead objects are no match for all things like humans, so I chose to use 'human' as the material to refine human puppets and inscribe array patterns on the human body. , embedded in the machine, and eventually it will become a puppet of the Xeon! "

Mr. Lu on the side said lightly: "So this is the reason why you cut the NPC into eight pieces and cut into tens of thousands of pieces, which is more ruthless than Ling Chi?"

"You know shit!"

The words fell, Gong Shuyuan waved his hand, and a swordsman who was shrouded in black robes, wearing a hat and holding a long sword appeared in front of Gong Shuyuan.

That swordsman didn't have the slightest vitality, it wasn't a living person, and a living person couldn't be put into something like a space secret box.

Following Gong Shuyuan's actions, the swordsman took off the hat on his head, revealing an extremely terrifying face.

The face was densely covered with knife marks, but in the end it was sewn up with gold threads, and there were dense runes engraved on the knife marks, very small, like tadpole writing.

The swordsman's eyes were replaced by a pair of black crystals, and there were also runes shining through them.

With Gong Shuyuan's control, the swordsman slashed toward the valley with his sword, and his sword energy was soaring to the sky, and he even cut off a section of the cliff with one sword! This swordsman has the strength of a martial arts master!

Gong Shuyuan smiled proudly and said, "This is the first master-level human puppet that I have successfully refined, and his predecessor was a master-level master at Siwangjianlu, 'Tongtian Sword' Hua Bufeng, who wanted to kill him. I was killed by me in the end, and finally became a puppet.

It was the first time I used the master as the material to refine a puppet, and my hands were a bit raw. Even if I added a lot of things in the later stage, this puppet could only exert less than 50% of its predecessor's strength. If you let me come, at least I will Eighty percent! "

Gong Shuyuan turned his gaze to Chu Xiu again and said: "The incarnation of the hungry ghost has a body, the spirit, the body, and part of the spirit of the six demons, this is the complete incarnation of the hungry ghost.

Now you only have the soul, so I will make a human puppet for you, which can be used as a container to hold the soul, and swallow everything when you shoot, but you don't have to worry about swallowing you too.

But you are not a lunatic, you can't cut a piece of intelligence into the puppet, but that's okay, I will teach you how to manipulate the puppet, you can directly manipulate the puppet itself without worrying about the spirit.

Of course, in this way, its power cannot be compared with the genuine Hungry Ghost Dao incarnation. According to my estimation, it is already the limit to be able to exert 50% to 60% of the power.

Moreover, the spirit of the incarnation of the hungry ghost can grow by swallowing it, but the puppet is a dead thing and cannot grow, so theoretically, if your incarnation of the hungry ghost swallows too many things, its strength will increase by more than When the limit of the puppet is reached, you have to replace it with a puppet as a container, of course, provided that I am still alive at that time. "

Gong Shuyuan's last sentence was very indifferent.

With an identity like him, and he likes to look for all kinds of materials and refine all kinds of strange things, he might offend someone, and even he himself can't guarantee how long he can live.

Chu Xiu nodded and said, "Since Senior Gongshu is confident, then do as you said, Senior Gongshu."

Gong Shuyuan waved his hand and said, "Wait a minute, there is one thing I haven't made clear, and you want me to make a human puppet for you, but you need a reward.

Even if your brother is a rookie trained by the hidden demons, but you are not my apprentice, and you will not be able to retire for me in the future, why should I spend my energy refining human puppets for you? "

What Gong Shuyuan said was very realistic, but Mr. Lu had already prepared Chu Xiu psychologically, so Chu Xiu's expression did not change at this time, he just said lightly, "I don't know what Senior Gongshu needs?"

Gong Shuyuan sneered and said, "Then it depends on what you have first. I don't look down on ordinary things."

In Gong Shuyuan's view, no matter how strong Lin Ye is, he is only a junior martial artist. What good things can he have on him? I'm afraid that there will be a hidden demon to help him.

Mr. Lu said on the side: "Gong Shuyuan, aren't you lacking in the practice of the tantra line as a reference for your puppet's ability? Is an orthodox tantra seal of rank six or above enough?"

Gong Shuyuan's eyes lit up when he heard the words: "Oh? You still have this thing?"

Refining human puppets is very complicated. Although Gong Shuyuan is sloppy, he can be regarded as erudite. He can understand almost everything from machine skills to formations to martial arts.

Moreover, the abilities of the puppets are different, which also means that Gong Shuyuan needs to learn a lot of martial arts.

Not to mention the three meridians of Dao, Buddha and Demon, and even the swordsmanship and swordsmanship he needs to understand.

Among them, both the Dao and the Devil's cultivation techniques can be easily handled, let alone the Devil Dao. In ancient times, there were 3,000 Dao Sects. In fact, most of the cultivation methods now carry more or less traces of Dao sect cultivation methods. Gongshuyuan's position of strength is not a problem if he wants to get the Daomen's exercises.

The only thing that is more difficult to get is the Buddhist practice.

At present, the Daguang Temple and the Subhuti Temple are the only two, and 90% of the Buddhist traditions are in these two.

Moreover, as a branch of the mainstream of Buddhism, Tantric Buddhism is even more niche.

Although Gong Shuyuan had several esoteric techniques in his hands, none of them could be considered strong.

Lu Jin said to Chu Xiu, "Your nine-character formula is the orthodox tantric printing method. Just pick any one and give it to this old guy."

Having said that, Lu Jin gave Chu Xiu a wink, meaning that this Gong Shuyuan can be completely trusted.

After all, the Kuaishou Jiuzi Jue is actually one of Chu Xiu's signature exercises. If he took out the Kuaishou Jiuzi Jue in front of Gong Shuyuan, it would basically be equivalent to admitting his identity.

Chu Xiu nodded. He didn't want to escape and throw a seal to Gong Shuyuan, so he asked directly, "I don't know what kind of seal the senior Gongshu needs?

The seal in my hand is a practice method that condenses the essence of the martial arts of the tantric sect. It integrates attack, defense, and even speed healing. The effect of each seal is different. "

Gong Shuyuan said: "Of course it is an attack-type seal. The tantric seals are wide open, fierce and violent. Only the attack-type seals are the representative of the tantric seals!"

Having said that, Gong Shuyuan threw a jade slip directly to Chu Xiu and said, "You can directly imprint the cultivation technique here with your spiritual power."

Gong Shuyuan was actually a master of the formation path, and such things as the jade slips that passed the skills were simply trivial to him.

After Chu Xiu instilled the Great Vajra Wheel Seal into the seal Gong Shuyuan took a look and immediately praised: "It really is the orthodox Tantric Vajra Seal!

The avenue is simple, the power of the King Kong slays evil and subdues demons, it does not require so many changes, only the power is the ultimate! "

Mr. Lu hummed aside: "You are a demon now, are you ready to surrender yourself? I've given you something, think about how to make a human puppet."

Gong Shuyuan spread his hands and said, "If I don't have the materials, what can I use to refine it? Generally, warriors in the realm of the unity of heaven and man cannot integrate into the incarnation of hungry ghosts, unless they are at the level of Emperor Zongxuan of the Great Bright Temple.

But let you kill Zongxuan, it is a hundred times more difficult than killing a martial arts master, so you should kill a martial arts master first, remember, it must be fresh, or after the blood is dry, it will become a puppet. But it will drop. "

Mr. Lu frowned and said, "Kill a martial arts master? It's simple, the martial arts master is not a cat or a dog who will stand there for you to kill.

Tsk, if we knew this earlier, we just took the body of that true Yoko away. "

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "If you can't take it away, Daoist Guangning and Zhen Yangzi are the same people of the Three Great Daomen. It doesn't matter if he can't stop me from killing Zhen Yangzi, how could he let me go and **** Zhen Yangzi? Corpse?

But if we want a corpse, we might as well design to kill a person. The Holy Maiden has also wanted to let that person die for a long time. "

Mr. Lu asked, "Who are you talking about?"

Chu Xiu squinted his eyes and said: "Guanzhong Punishment Hall, the chief of the Criminal Investigation Department, the 'Five Dharma Sword' An Liunian!

As soon as this person dies, I join forces with the Holy Maiden, and the Guanzhong Execution Hall is within easy reach. We can completely turn the entire Guanzhong Execution Hall into a secret place for my hidden demons! "


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