Meet The Leader

Chapter 594: acting

Mei Qinglian has plans for the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. Mr. Lu knows this. Otherwise, Mei Qinglian is a dignified saint of the Yin Demon Sect and a figure at the level of a martial arts master. Even if the Yin Demon Sect already exists in name only, it is only because of her strength and presence. Mei Qinglian can get along well with the connections in the Hidden Demon lineage. Why should she want to be Guan Siyu's wife?

Anyway, from Mr. Lu's point of view, although Guan Siyu is also a figure in the arena, he is not worthy of Mei Qinglian.

But Mr. Lu did not expect that Chu Xiu, a guy who had only joined the Guanzhong Punishment Hall for a few years, even had an attempt at the Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

In fact, even Chu Xiu himself doesn't know when he came into being. Maybe it's because his strength is getting stronger and stronger, maybe it's because he has more and more people under him, and he needs a place to really settle down. .

Guanzhong Xingtang has his heritage and foundation, and it is also neither righteous nor devil, just right.

The most important thing is that Chu Xiu actually felt that Mei Qinglian was too hesitant to take action. After so many years, he still hadn't won the Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

Perhaps this is the difference between women and men. Women always consider a lot of things, but in Chu Xiu, his choice will be very rough.

Mr. Lu touched his chin and said, "If An Liunian is not with Guan Siyu, you can still consider taking action.

But killing An Liunian is simple. If you want to control the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, the first thing to do is to deal with Guan Siyu first.

Although I feel that Guan Siyu is not worthy of the saintess, I have to admit that Guan Siyu is indeed the number one person, and he may not be so easily confused by the saints.

Although Yin Mozong's concubine Dafa is amazing, I always feel that there is something wrong with it. "

Chu Xiu said solemnly: "I also asked the Lady Saint about this matter, but Her Lady Saint said everything is under her control.

Including this time I am qualified to enter Xiaofantian, in fact, it was the saint who suggested Guan Siyu to do so, otherwise the three keys of the Guanzhong execution hall will fall into the hands of their three martial arts masters. "

Mr. Lu nodded and said: "This is also what I am suspicious of, the saint also said that Guan Siyu trusts and relies on her enough.

Dafa Dafa is most sensitive to such subtle mental fluctuations. If something is wrong with Guan Siyu, the Holy Maiden should be able to detect it. "

After he finished speaking, Mr. Lu also laughed at himself: "Forget it, don't think about whether these are some or not. How are you going to deal with An Liunian? I don't know much about this person's strength."

Mei Qinglian's real age is actually about the same as Mr. Lu's, but she was very young when she stepped into the Three Flowers Gathering Realm and the Martial Dao Grandmaster Realm, which had a critical impact on her appearance, so she was able to maintain this beautiful picture. Appearance, not old at all.

Generally, when a martial artist steps into the Three Flowers Gathering Realm very early, his appearance will stay in this realm for a long time.

If you step into the realm of martial arts masters again without waiting for your appearance to age during this period of time, your youthful appearance can still be preserved.

So now there are some martial arts masters in their prime, some of them look like middle-aged people, while some are young people.

The same is true for Mei Qinglian, no matter when, her strength is above Mr. Lu, so it is not Mr. Lu's turn to remind Mei Qinglian about this kind of thing, she knows what she knows.

Chu Xiu didn't worry too much about this issue, he squinted his eyes and said, "It's simple, I still need two of you to play a show with me."

Gong Shuyuan said from the side: "Acting is fine, but you have to pay attention, when beheading the opponent, be careful not to damage the body, otherwise a tattered body can't be refined. made of puppets.

Of course, if you can capture each other alive, it will be even better, refining human puppets with living people, and their strength is at least 70% at the bottom. "

Mr. Lu and Chu Xiu looked at each other, they were sure of killing the martial arts master, and wanting to capture a martial arts master alive, this was a bit of a fantasy.

Rabbits even bite people in a hurry, let alone a master of the martial arts master level, and most people dare to do it at a critical moment.

If Chu Xiu wants to kill An Liunian, he must first find the news of An Liunian.

Although Xiaofantian's area is large, the probability of encountering other warriors is not small. If they can communicate with each other, they can easily lock An Liunian's position.

However, things like sound transmission jade slips cannot be used in Xiaofan Tiantian, so Chu Xiu and Mr. Lu can only use the simplest method, which is to ask them one by one, and ask the hidden demon warriors who enter it. So in this way, the speed is a bit slow, and they don't dare to be too fast.

Anyway, Xiaofan is full of opportunities and secret treasures throughout the day. It's okay to find An Liunian. In the end, there will be a chance to meet.

Fortunately, Chu Xiu and Mr. Lu did not wait until the end. Two days later, a disciple of the hidden demon lineage met An Liunian and gave Chu Xiu and Mr. Lu a general range. If An Liunian is not in a hurry If he is on his way, he should not be able to escape this area.

At this time, An Liunian is indeed not in a hurry to hurry, but his complexion is also a little dark, because he has experienced a baptism of spiritual energy in the past few days, and his strength has increased. Almost nothing was done.

It's not that An Liunian is too incompetent, but that he doesn't know if there is some kind of regularity in the rules of Xiaofan's day. Obviously, it is a random transmission, but the result is that An Liunian and several other martial arts masters are transmitted together.

Although An Liunian is not proud of his own strength, he is also very confident.

He dared to fight alone, and he dared to fight with two people, but with several people, An Liunian certainly couldn't compete for others. After barely getting some things, he left.

As a result, An Liunian found it unfortunate in the past few days. He didn't seem to get anything useful, but even some junior warriors got more than him.

And let An Liunian rob these junior warriors, and An Liunian can't do it.

This is not because An Liunian is kind and so on, but because he can't afford to lose this person, it's that simple.

Just when An Liunian was still thinking about it, two figures in the distance came galloping. When An Liunian was there, one of the figures hurriedly shouted: "Big leader! Help!"

Seeing this person, An Liunian's brow wrinkled even higher, because he hated Chu Xiu very much.

At this time, Chu Xiu had changed back to his previous dress. Behind him was a puppet dressed in black and holding a long sword, but at this time, the puppet was surrounded by demonic flames, covering up the flames on his body. dead.

In fact, An Liunian didn't feel anything about Chu Xiu before, and he wouldn't target him just because he belonged to Guan Siyu. Most of the people in the Guanzhong torture hall were from Guan Siyu, so he couldn't always target them all.

An Liunian hated Chu Xiu just because he was too close to that demon girl Mei Qinglian!

In the past, he had never competed with Chu Kuangge for the position of Hall Master of the Punishment Hall in Guanzhong, which he was convinced.

Next, he never competed with Guan Siyu, but Guan Siyu can do better than him in this position, so An Liunian also did not choose to do things in secret, he just wanted to retain a part of his power, after all Infighting hurts Guanzhong's own vitality.

As he grew up in Guanzhong Punishment Hall, An Liunian also sincerely hopes that Guanzhong Punishment Hall will become stronger and stronger, so although he has selfish intentions, he will not harm the interests of Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

But now in An Liunian's view, Guan Siyu has been fascinated by the demon girl and can't find the North. Even in such a big thing as entering Xiaofantian, he actually listened to the demon girl and let a junior like Chu Xiu come in.

This Chu Xiu is clearly the same raccoon dog as that demon girl!

So seeing Chu Xiu being chased and killed at this time, An Liunian had no intention of making a move, he sneered: "You still want to enter Xiaofantian to compete with others before you have enough strength, this is your own death, what did you think at first? ?"

Chu Xiu shouted as he fled: "Big boss, there is an ancient ruin in front of it, and there are only some junior guards of the magic way. If you save me, I will take you there. The things in it are divided between you and me!"

An Liunian's heart suddenly moved when he heard the But he sneered: "You are being hunted and killed like a bereaved dog, how dare you say that you are divided into five or five with me? Everything in it is mine, Those I don't like are yours!"

Chu Xiu gritted his teeth and looked very aggrieved. At this time, the long sword from the puppet's hand behind him was cut out, and the monstrous demonic energy swept in, and the power was extremely powerful.

This human puppet used to be a kendo master who was sitting in the sword house, and his own strength is not weak. Although it has been refined into a human puppet at this time, it is very stiff when he shoots, but unless it is an acquaintance of the martial arts master before his death, otherwise Others can't see the flaws.

Chu Xiu hurriedly dodged while shouting, "Just follow what the big leader said!"

An Liunian sneered. As soon as he raised his hand, he held a long sword behind him. The edge of the sword was extremely sharp. The power of Yu Jin turned into an edgeless edge, and with one sword, the man's puppet was cut off.

Chu Xiu, who was standing aside, frowned slightly.

This was not performed by human puppets, but An Liunian's own strength was so strong.

As expected of a senior martial artist who was qualified to compete with Guan Siyu for the title of Hall Master in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall in the past, his strength is really extraordinary.

At this time, the puppet made a hoarse voice like mechanical friction: "Dare to grab someone from my hidden demon lineage, you are so bold!"

An Liunian sneered: "You hidden demons don't dare to surface all your strength, who are you scaring now? I don't know what it is!"

When the words fell, An Liunian pulled out another long sword behind him. In an instant, the crimson-red sword qi burst out. Under the flames of the sword, even the demonic qi around the puppet was completely suppressed.


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