Meet The Leader

Chapter 595: Chu Xiu, **** you!

An Liunian's Five Magic Swords gathered the power of the five elements, and its power was even somewhat beyond Chu Xiu's expectations.

After all, human puppets are just puppets. Gong Shuyuan said that human puppets can retain their strength during their lifetime, but in fact they only refer to basic strength.

However, the combat effectiveness of a martial artist is not only related to strength, but also to his own will, combat experience, etc., and these are what human puppets lack.

So in the battle with An Liunian, the human puppet was crushed in almost all directions, and finally it pulled back and shouted in a hoarse voice: "An Liunian! You are so bold in the punishment hall! I remember this matter. Down, this account will be reckoned in the future!"

After finishing speaking, the human puppet turned around and fled, but Chu Xiu, who was behind, cursed inwardly, is this Gong Shuyuan's head froze from refining puppets? To make such a low-level mistake.

Guanzhong Punishment Hall is very low-key in the arena, while An Liunian is even more low-key.

Although most of the Jianghu people knew that Guanzhong Xingtang had such a department as the Judgment Division, they didn't even know Fang Sha and Si Ming who came forward most often, let alone An Liunian who spent most of his time in seclusion.

So now that Gong Shuyuan is manipulating a puppet to say such a thing, there are actually many doubts.

But fortunately, An Liunian didn't notice anything wrong.

In fact, when Guan Siyu first took over the position of hall master, An Liunian was still very famous in Jianghu. After all, most Jianghu people at that time believed that the person who would inherit the position of hall head of Guanzhong Punishment Hall was An Liunian, not Guan Siyu. So An Liunian was actually more famous than Guan Siyu at that time.

In addition, An Liunian has not stepped into the Jianghu for so many years, but he ignored it. Jianghu people are very forgetful. Except for some forces that were close to the Guanzhong Punishment Hall in the past, most people have already forgotten him. .

Looking at Chu Xiu, An Liunian said coldly, "Where is that relic?"

Chu Xiu said: "Just in front, please come with me, big chief."

An Liunian snorted coldly: "Don't try to play tricks! Don't think that you are Guan Siyu's confidant, and you have defeated Fang Sha to think that you can be on an equal footing with me. In the past, when Chu Kuangge was the hall master, I led the arrest. Si is fighting in the rivers and lakes, let alone your junior at that time, even his Guan Siyu, he was still a small Jianghu headhunter in the Guanzhong torture hall, and he didn't make it!"

Chu Xiu lowered his head, nodded yes, and made an appearance of wanting to refute, but forbearance for the time being, which made An Liunian not feel that something was wrong.

If this Chu Xiu really didn't respond at all, and just obeyed, it would be strange.

But it doesn't matter, he doesn't need this Chu Xiu to be convinced, he just needs this Chu Xiu to bring him to the ruins.

If a martial arts master from the Hidden Demon lineage could hunt him down, there must be a lot of good things in the ruins.

Chu Xiu led An Liunian all the way to a remote valley, which made An Liunian frown slightly.

Xiaofan's spiritual energy is abundant in the day, but it is also divided into strong and weak. Most of the ruins are actually in places where spiritual energy is abundant.

And the aura of this valley is very thin, and there are people building sects in this place?

Chu Xiu headed into the valley. Seeing Chu Xiu go in first, An Liunian didn't think too much about it, so he stepped directly into it.

But at this moment, Chu Xiu shouted: "Damn it! Let the others get there first!"

An Liunian walked over immediately and said, "What's going on?"

Chu Xiu pointed to the black corpses lying on the ground in a circle in front of Taniguchi and said, "These people are those warriors who were in charge of guarding the ruins from the Hidden Demon lineage before, but now they are all dead here, most of them I was killed. When they were chasing and killing, they were given the first step!"

An Liunian looked at Chu Xiu suspiciously: "Is there such a coincidence? Are you lying to me? There are no traces here at all."

Chu Xiu hurriedly said: "How dare I lie to you, the leader? These corpses are still fresh, obviously they have just been beheaded."

An Liunian was still a little confused when he heard the words. This Chu Xiu's reputation in the Guanzhong execution hall was not very good, so he always suspected that there were relics, but it was in another place. This place was just one that Chu Xiu had been to before. The place, but he had already emptied it, and he also killed people, and then lied to himself that he was taken first.

An Liunian is worthy of being a martial artist from the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. Although he has not been a leader of the Jianghu for a long time, his professional quality is also very strong. In just a short moment, he has deduced so many things.

So under suspicion, An Liunian was going to check the corpses in person to see if they died in Chu Xiu's hands.

However, just as An Liunian walked towards the corpses, the corpses stood up in an instant, connected with silk threads in their hands, and the streamer of formation was injected into them, like a net of heaven and earth, shrouded in An Liunian!

It was not until this time that An Liunian noticed that these corpses were not dead people at all, but rather hideous puppets in human skin!

"Go away!"

The golden sword in An Liunian's hand was unsheathed, and Yu Jin's sharpness was exerted to the extreme by him. Those puppets whose strength was only in the unity of heaven and man were directly blown away, but the silk thread remained motionless and continued to strangle An Liunian. Come!

Gong Shuyuan's figure jumped down from the top of the valley, and laughed loudly: "Don't waste your time, it's useless, this is what I used for the silk of countless zerg silkworms, such as the ice silkworm in the snow, the silkworm in the northern sea, and the golden silkworm in the southern border. The woven bundle of gods nets, the gods are constantly slashing."

But at this time, An Liunian's attention was not on Gong Shuyuan, but behind him!

At the moment of being ambushed, An Liunian thought, since this is a trap, what role does Chu Xiu, who led him here, play?

So at this moment, An Liunian turned around directly, the four long swords behind him were unsheathed, and the power of the five elements broke out in rotation. However, a powerful sword formation was arranged!

And behind him, Chu Xiu did not use the trump card such as the incarnation of hungry ghosts or the Seven Devils Sword.

This thing consumes too much, and Gong Shuyuan said that it is best to catch it alive, so Chu Xiu directly formed a seal in his hand, and the Buddha's light bloomed all over his body. It's like covering up the sun and the moon, stealing the sky for another day!

The power of the Great Sun Tathagata fell with a palm, collided with the five-element sword formation, and suddenly a powerful wave erupted, causing An Liunian to retreat step by step, with a look of horror in his eyes.

Miscalculated! This is the true strength of that Chu Xiu!

An Liunian had only seen Chu Xiu make one shot, that is, the time he killed the opponent.

But that Fang Shao did not use his secret method to press the bottom of the box, and Chu Xiu did not use his full strength. The reason why Chu Xiu was able to easily defeat Fang Shao was because Fang Sha slightly underestimated the enemy, and the second was Chu Xiu's grasp of the battle rhythm. It is so outstanding that it is not inferior even to the martial arts masters like them.

So An Liunian just saw that Chu Xiu's strength was good, but he didn't feel how strong he could be, or even strong enough to threaten him.

But now, as soon as the Day-changing Dafa comes out, I can feel the power in it. If nothing else, this Chu Xiu is already comparable to him in terms of explosive power.

If he knew Chu Xiu's strength, he would not have been fooled from the very beginning.

The Demon Master who was chasing and killing Chu Xiu, although his strength is good, he is not strong. With Chu Xiu's strength, let alone being chased and killed by him, he can even chase and kill the opponent!

But now it's too late, An Liunian just wanted to escape from this siege.

At this time, Gong Shuyuan shouted distressedly: "Take action and pay attention to me! Don't break my God Binding Net!"

As soon as his voice fell, he saw An Liunian holding the sword in his hand. In an instant, the other four long swords followed behind the golden sword. As he slashed out, the golden sharp sword light seemed to cover the sky and cover the earth. The slashing out, tearing everything apart, the bundle of divine nets was cut open in an instant!

The power of the five elements generates and restrains each other, and the power of the other four swords will be given to the golden sword after being restrained, and this sharp power will be exerted to the extreme.

Binding the God Net is only theoretically able to defend against the magic weapon, but the power that the magic weapon and the martial arts of the warrior can exert is not necessarily the same.

Seeing this scene, Gong Shuyuan shivered in shouting that he was lost, he would not have helped him if he had known this.

The golden sword is sharp and the water sword is soft.

A wave of transparent ripples erupted on the water sword in An Liunian's hand, and the sword was cut out, and the air in front of him was fluctuating. go.

But at this time, he was horrified to discover that he was only less than a hundred meters away from the exit of the valley, and he was able to escape with a few breaths, but in the end, he seemed to be standing still for so long, and the exit was still so far away.

Looking around, there is no valley, the surrounding is actually pitch black, the Yellow Spring River flows on the ground, and countless evil ghosts roar towards him, and above the sky, there is still a seductive witch dancing without an inch of thread. Be wary of his desires.

"Break me!"

Five swords coiled around An Liunian's body, and finally turned into a red and hot appearance. The five swords were cut out at the same time, and the fiery sword gang burned away the filth of the demons, revealing the figure of Mr. Lu in front of him.

"Phaseless Demon Sect!"

An Liunian's eyes suddenly widened.

He didn't know Gong Shuyuan, but the celestial magic of the Wuxiang Demon Sect was still very famous.

Turning his head sharply to Chu Xiu, An Liunian gritted his teeth and said, "Chu Xiu! It turns out that you have colluded with the magic way, **** it! You really should be damned!"

What An Liunian thought about at this moment was not his own safety, but the future of Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

A guy who had colluded with the magic way broke into the Guanzhong torture hall and became one of the four chief torture officers, Guan Siyu's confidant.

With such a wicked guy, An Liunian couldn't imagine what the future of Guanzhong Xingtang would be like.


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