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Chapter 597: 3 In front of the Qing Palace, the strong gather

An Liunian was really dead, because he didn't realize until the end that he guessed wrong.

He thought that Chu Xiu was just colluding with the devil, and when Chu Xiu finally showed his greedy sword, he knew the true identity of Chu Xiu.

Chu Xiu used Lin Ye's identity to severely damage Xuxing and behead Zhen Yangzi. There were many witnesses to these two incidents. Lin Ye got a set of seven magic knives in Xiaofan days, and the news of the amazing power spread. , was known by many people, and An Liunian naturally heard of it.

So he didn't realize until he was about to die that Chu Xiu was Lin Ye, and Lin Ye was Chu Xiu!

It turned out that Chu Xiu had never colluded with the devil's way, he was a man of the devil's way from the very beginning!

This is a big secret, but An Liunian never had the chance to tell the secret again.

Gong Shuyuan came over, looked at the hideous knife marks on An Liunian's corpse, and said with some disgust, "I asked you to make the corpse better, but you ended up like this."

Mr. Lu said angrily: "That's not bad, those grandmaster puppets you brought yourself, let alone only one scar, they were almost torn apart by you!"

Gong Shuyuan snorted and didn't answer. He just put away An Liunian's body and said to Chu Xiu, "It will take some time to refine the human puppet. When I finish here, someone will notify you."

Mr. Lu nodded and said, "It's time for us to go. I met a warrior of the hidden demon lineage before. He said that the Dragon Tiger Mountain Tianshi Mansion, the Moon Worship Sect, the Subhuti Temple and other forces discovered the temple of Sanqing Temple. The ruins of a branch hall are kept extremely intact.

At this time, Zhang Xiling from Longhu Mountain, Yun Zhongjun and the others have put aside their prejudices and are working together to break the formation. It is expected that it will take two or three days to break the formation. "

Chu Xiu moved in his heart and said, "Sanqing Palace?"

After entering Xiaofantian, Chu Xiu really came into contact with some secrets of the ancient times, including the magnificent martial arts of the ancient times, which was also displayed in front of Chu Xiu's eyes.

Judging from the ruins in Xiaofantian alone, the martial arts in the ancient times were not necessarily stronger than they are now, and there is no systematization of the martial arts today, but the advantage of martial arts in the ancient times was that they were imaginative, and all kinds of strange methods emerged one after another. beyond your imagination.

It's like the method of refining Gong Shuyuan's puppet now. If it was called innovation in the ancient times, but now, it is a method that goes against human relations and is evil.

Mr. Lu thought that Chu Xiu didn't know about the Sanqing Palace, he explained: "The Sanqing Palace is the leader of the ancient Taoist sect, the supreme sect. There are also pure Yang Daomen added up, none of which is as powerful as the Sanqing Temple in the ancient times.

Where is the real relic of the Sanqing Palace? No one has found it for so many years, not in the outside world, and not in Xiaofan for the time being. However, even if it is a branch hall found this time, the treasures in it are limitless, otherwise Dao, Buddha and Demon Nor can they be joined together. "

Chu Xiu nodded, and Mr. Lu turned his eyes to Gong Shuyuan and said, "The Sanqing Palace is open, are you ready to go?"

Gong Shuyuan scratched his disheveled hair and said, "Forget it, I still won't go. That kind of place is not suitable for me. If I won't be able to grab anything by then, and a few puppets will be scrapped, it will not be worth the loss."

In fact, Gong Shuyuan's own strength is not weak. He was born in Xuanwu Sect. He is a genius in puppet art. Good at fighting.

For example, if Chu Xiu was able to manipulate the master-level puppet before, its power and Gong Shuyuan's manipulation were two different concepts.

Although it is said that Gong Shuyuan is not weak among warriors of the same rank if he uses all his means, but he loves his puppets and is reluctant to suffer losses. Relics of such a rank as the branch hall of the Sanqing Palace will definitely attract All the powerhouses of the three lines of Dao, Buddha and Demon came here. This kind of intense situation was not suitable for him to play, so Gong Shuyuan simply did not go.

Seeing Gong Shuyuan say this, Mr. Lu didn't force it, but took Chu Xiu directly to the location of the Sanqing Palace.

But this time Chu Xiu did not use Lin Ye's identity, but his own identity.

After appearing in Xiaofan for such a long time, Chu Xiu should also act in his own capacity. Moreover, the competition for the Sanqing Palace must be extremely fierce. Right now, the three lines of Taoism, Buddhism and Demons are joining forces.

Besides, he has severely injured Xu Xing and killed Zhen Yangzi, and he will definitely become a thorn in the side of Taoism and Buddhism, a thorn in the flesh, and the target is too big. At this time, it is safer to use the identity of Chu Xiu.

After parting with Mr. Lu, Chu Xiu went all the way east.

There is no night in Xiaofan, only day, but there is no sun in the sky, but the more you go to the east, the brighter the light.

After walking for nearly a day, there were waves of power fluctuations in front of him. Chu Xiu walked over and saw that there were two or three hundred people concentrated there. I was afraid that more than half of the warriors who entered Xiaofan Tiantian had already come.

And the appearance of the branch hall of the Sanqing Palace also appeared in front of Chu Xiu's eyes. If Mr. Lu hadn't said, this place is just a branch hall, Chu Xiu would have thought that this was the real Sanqing Palace. The ruins are really too majestic.

From the outside, the entire branch hall is a huge bronze hall. Except for the doors and windows, there are no gaps at all. The most important thing is that the hall is very large, with a radius of more than ten miles. It does not look like a palace. Saying it's a small town would be more or less the same.

The bronze walls of the palace are engraved with various mysterious Dao patterns, some of which have faded over time and appear a little blurry, but they give people a simple and desolate feeling.

At the gate of the palace, there is also a giant Xuanwu tripod that is about 30 feet high. When the Sanqing Palace was strong in the past, it must have been filled with incense and Taoism, but now it has become desolate and silent. .

At this time, in front of the gate of the Sanqing Hall, there were more than ten martial arts masters studying where to break the formation, and Chu Xiu knew less than half of them.

Inside the Taoist gate are Zhang Xiling, the 'Zixiao Divine Lord' of Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain, and Guangning Taoist from Zhenwu Sect.

There is an eminent monk from the Subhuti Temple in Buddhism. The eminent monk is called Jingchan Kongdu, and his name is a bit strange, and looking at his appearance, he does not look like a person from the Central Plains, but has the color of a person from the Western Regions.

In addition to the pure Zen space, there is also a fat monk with a fat head and big ears, who is also cracking the formation.

In addition to these two people, Chu Xiu also saw Xu Xing in the crowd.

At this time, Xu Xing had already repaired the injury caused by the greedy knife, but he did not participate in the breaking of the formation.

Duoxing is the first seat of Bodhidharma, and he is not good at things like formations.

As for the Demon Dao side, there were two people involved in breaking the formation, one of whom was naturally Yun Zhongjun, but the other, Chu Xiu, had never met.

That man was a handsome middle-aged man wearing a black gluttonous pattern robe, with a two-way moustache.

Although the middle-aged man Chu Xiu had never met, Mr. Lu had introduced this person to Chu Xiu before. This person was also a demon powerhouse of the hidden demon lineage, 'Miaoyue Venerable Master' Chu Wuji. The history is also very legendary.

Chu Wuji was born in the royal family, but he was not the royal family of Beiyan, Dongqi and Western Chu, but the royal family of Wei Kingdom, the Wei Kingdom that was attached to Dongqi and was destroyed by Beiyan, and now he became Beiyan's Wei County is also Chu Xiu's hometown.

Chu Wuji used to be the prince of the Wei Kingdom, but his heart was on the rivers and lakes, not the throne, so his elder brothers did not regard him as a threat. Fight for the throne with yourself, and the last emperor of the Wei Kingdom also loves his young son the most, giving him what he wants.

Therefore, in the first 20 years of Chu Wuji's life, it was all spring, and it was a smooth sailing. Generous, he likes to make friends with great disciples, heroes from all corners of the world, three religions and nine Liuliu, etc. He has a wide network of people in all corners of the world and has received a lot of praise. He is called 'Wei Gongzi' Chu Wuji.

As a result, the state of Wei was destroyed by Beiyan, and the royal family of the state of Wei was all executed. Chu Wuji fell into madness and went to seek help from his former friends, those powerful and powerful disciples to help revenge. Some of the disciples of the great sect spoke comfortably, while others were hypocritical and perfunctory or even ignored.

The battle between the rivers and lakes is related to the attack on the temple, but it has nothing to do with it. The two sides are disconnected and separated, but the only thing in common is that when it is not related to their own interests, they should try to participate as little as possible in the affairs of the court and temple, just rely on them and Chu Wuji With that little friendship, it is impossible for them to harm the interests of the sect.

Later, Chu Wuji, who had seen the warmth of the world, found a bunch of grassy loose cultivators who had a deep friendship with him. Although these people were not as strong as the former, there were some people who really wanted to accompany Chu Wuji.

But the consequences are tragic.

A group of people didn't even have a martial arts master, and they tried to trouble Beiyan, but they were killed by Beiyan's military. Except for Chu Wuji, who was seriously injured and fled, everyone else died there.

He indirectly killed so many of his friends. No one knew how Chu Wuji was in his original state of mind. However, after Chu Wuji disappeared for more than ten years, when he reappeared, he was already a martial arts master of the hidden demon lineage and began to slaughter frantically. In the past, the Beiyan military master who broke his Wei State avenged his Wei State.

In the past, Fang Longquan, the general 'Hengshan Bajian' of the Beiyan Army stationed in Wei County, was cut off by someone, and it is said that Chu Wuji did it.

These are all things in the legends of the rivers and lakes, and according to Mr. Lu, the evaluation of Chu Wuji is even higher within the hidden demon lineage. Among this generation, Chu Wuji is one of the most promising masters to enter the realm of real fire. One, of course, the premise is that he can solve the loopholes in his own state of mind.


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