Meet The Leader

Chapter 598: Lin Ye is scared

The three families of Taoism, Buddhism, and Demons rarely let go of their prejudices, and they joined forces to break the formation here calmly, and there are several other martial arts masters who are proficient in formation techniques. This is a rare scene.

At this time, with the arrival of Chu Xiu, there was also a sound of discussion.

"Here comes another one! It's Chu Xiu from Guanzhong Punishment Hall!"

"The top five on the Dragon Tiger list are almost gathered together. I don't know if the ranking will change this time."

"Of course there will be changes! Have you heard before that Lin Ye, who ranked seventh on the Dragon and Tiger Rankings, got seven magic knives within Xiaofan days, which severely damaged the first Fuxing of the Bodhidharma Academy, and even killed him. The true Yangzi of Chunyang Daomen! With a record of beheading grandmasters, how could Lin Ye be able to make it to the top five on the Dragon Tiger List?"

"Don't forget that there is also Li Feilian, who hasn't been in the arena for several years. This one used nine knives to hit Zhen Yangzi. Without him, Lin Ye wouldn't be able to kill a martial arts master at Zhen Yangzi's level."

"This time there are so many strong Xiaofantian, do you think it will threaten the position of Xiaotianshi Zhang Chengzhen? He has been at the top of the Dragon and Tiger list for so many years, and it is estimated that many people below are waiting to take this position. ."

"I don't think it's possible. You haven't been in contact with the Little Heavenly Master, and you don't know his strength. This Little Heavenly Master of Longhu Mountain is definitely a dragon and a phoenix among people, stronger than you think.

Zhang Chengzhen is a genius born in Longhu Mountain for thousands of years. The supreme figure of the previous generation of Taoism was the 'immortal' Ning Xuanji. Therefore, Zhenwu Sect became the supreme Taoist. Now Tianshifu is the head of Taoism. The second Ning Xuanji is coming? "

"I said Dong Xiangqi, are you crazy? Isn't it because the Dong family in Gaoling was beaten in the face by Chen Qingdi last time, and then Tianshifu helped you to make a few words in front of Chen Qingdi? You need it. Kneeling and licking the Tianshi Mansion like this? There is also the second Ning Xuanji, why don't you say that he is the second Lu Chunyang?"

"You fart! What kneeling and licking? Can things between warriors be called kneeling and licking? I'm telling the truth!"

A bunch of people are arguing endlessly here, but with the arrival of Chu Xiu, the top five on the Dragon and Tiger list are really gathered, and there are even a lot of top ten.

Zhang Chengzhen, who ranked first, stood behind Zhang Xiling, watching Zhang Xiling break through the formation, and was extremely focused.

However, it seems that there are rumors in the rivers and lakes that Zhang Chengzhen does not seem to be able to form formations.

On the other hand, Zong Xuan, who ranked second, was still expressionless, standing beside Xu Xing, his eyes were shining brightly, no one knew what he was thinking.

Fang Qishao originally stood with Bai Qian and Lin Kaiyun from Sword King City. After seeing Chu Xiu coming, he waved the long sword in his hand lazily, saying hello to Chu Xiu.

But later, he seemed to have reacted. He raised his sword to greet him as if he was suspected of being provocative. Pay less attention to the image, even if it is as expressionless as Zong Xuan.

Ying Bailu, who ranked fifth, stood beside Yan Feiyan, keeping a certain distance, not far or near, not only expressing his love, but not making Yan Feiyan feel too entangled. Feeling bored.

Although most of the people present were men, even they were convinced by Ying Bailu's infatuation.

With the rules of Yue Nv Palace and Yan Feiyan's identity, it is almost impossible for the two to be together.

Of course, at other times, there is still a slight possibility.

That is, Yan Feiyan's aptitude is ordinary. The Yuenu Palace has other heirs and doesn't care about her as a disciple. If Shang Shuiying can pay enough price, the Yuenu Palace will expel Yan Feiyan from the sect. Naturally, she will be able to marry Ying Bailu, and Yue Nu Palace has not broken its own rules.

But now, don't say that Yan Feiyan has no idea about winning Bailu, even if she did, Yuenu Palace would not let anyone go.

Chu Xiu also saw Li Feilian among these people. He did not stand on the side of the magic way, nor on the side of the sect of the righteous way, but stood there alone, with a dull expression, but the surroundings seemed to be a vacuum, and there was almost no one. near.

Li Feilian hadn't appeared for several years before, and everyone thought he was scared by Chunyang Daomen and didn't dare to appear, or died unexpectedly.

As a result, who would have thought that as soon as he appeared, he would dare to attack Zhenyangzi, the martial arts master of Chunyang Daomen, and he was severely injured by nine swords.

Although it was said that Zhen Yangzi was killed by Lin Ye in the end, but without Li Feilian, no matter how strong Lin Ye's Seven Devil Swords were, he would not be able to kill Zhen Yangzi.

This man is also a ruthless man, who has been forbearing for many years, and his shot is a lore. If he throws his sword out of the sheath, he will see blood and steal his soul. Even the martial arts master dare not say that he can completely block him. The only ones who are flying knives are those in the top ten of the Dragon Tiger Ranking.

"Brother Chu, you are finally here, what's the situation on your side, why is it so slow?" Xie Xiaolou came over and asked.

Lu Fengxian and Luo Feihong also followed behind him. After seeing Chu Xiu, Lu Fengxian just nodded slightly. He knew the situation, so of course he didn't need to ask more.

Chu Xiu spread his hands and said: "I was entangled by something in a ruin. There are so many messy things in Xiaofantian, it is impossible to prevent, and I almost lost."

Xie Xiaolou nodded, but he didn't doubt anything. After all, Xiaofan was in danger in every day. Although Chu Xiu was stronger than them, there was nothing he could do if he was unlucky.

Chu Xiu pointed to the Sanqing Palace and said, "They have been breaking the formation these past few days?"

Xie Xiaolou said: "Of course not, the Dao, Buddha, Demon and three lines meet together, of course, you have to fight before you can make a move.

Although in terms of numbers, the Demon Dao lineage is at a disadvantage, but the Martial Dao masters who came from the Demon Dao are really not weak.

Not to mention Yun Zhongjun in the Nine Great Gods and Witch Festivals, he is very powerful, and Zhenyangzi, who once pressed Chunyang Daomen outside, was fighting.

And that 'Miaoyue Dharma Venerable' Chu Wuji is also very strong. With a slash of the blood moon blade, he almost broke the first vain golden body of the Bodhidharma Academy, and he fought alone against the first vain walk of the Bodhidharma Academy and the abbot of the Great Prajna Temple' smiling face. The two of Maitreya's Chi Jian still have the upper hand. By the way, Chi Jian is the fat monk.

Everyone fought back and forth and they didn't completely decide the winner, so they decided to join forces. "

Chu Xiu nodded and looked at Xu Xing subconsciously.

Before this Xu Xing had always been black-faced, Chu Xiu always thought that he hated being hit hard by him in the Black Magic Tower, but now, Chu Xiu felt that he was stimulated by Chu Wuji's strength.

At this time, other Jianghu people were also looking around. The first few people on the Dragon and Tiger Rankings had already arrived, but Lin Ye was just short of it. Why hasn't this one appeared yet?

However, some people have already made excuses for Chu Xiu. When they want to come, this Lin Ye is probably afraid.

Since entering this Xiaofantian, this Lin Ye has shined brightly. To be more precise, it should be said that he is on a killing spree.

He killed the people of Nancang Xiahou's family, and the people of Gaoping's Lu family were also killed by him.

The first Fuxing of Bodhidharma was severely damaged by his sword, and Zhenyangzi of Chunyang Daomen was also slashed by him with one sword.

It can be said that Lin Ye has offended both the nine great families and the Taoism and Buddhism all at once. This courage is not ordinary.

At this time, if Lin Ye dared to appear here, even if Yun Zhongjun and Chu Wuji were there, he would not be able to keep him.

Besides, there should only be one Chu Wuji who can protect Lin Ye, and Yun Zhongjun will only protect their saintess from the Moon Cult. How can he manage an outsider from the hidden demon lineage?

At this moment, Guan Siyu came over and asked Chu Xiu, "Is there any danger along the way?"

Chu Xiu cupped his hands and said, "Senior Xie is concerned, I have encountered some troubles, but there is still something to gain."

Guan Siyu nodded, frowned slightly and said, "That's good, by the way, have you ever met An Liunian?"

An Liunian is a master of martial arts, and his speed is naturally much faster than that of a martial artist in the unity of heaven and man. As long as he is not transported to the most remote place and cannot be seen by anyone, he should have heard of the Sanqing Palace by now. The news that the branch hall was discovered is true.

As a result, An Liunian has not appeared now, which makes Guan Siyu faintly worried, whether there is a problem with An Liunian.

In fact, although Guan Siyu and An Liunian are both a bit misunderstood, in fact, both sides do not want to let each other have an An Liunian knows that the current scale of the punishment hall in Guanzhong depends on Guan Siyu's overall planning , so Guan Siyu can't have an accident.

And Guan Siyu also knew that the Guanzhong Punishment Hall was a sensitive one, and he couldn't stand it alone. He had to have a lining to support him, and An Liunian was the lining of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

So now that An Liunian suddenly disappeared, Guan Siyu was also a little anxious.

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "I have never seen a big leader."

Guan Siyu sighed lightly when he heard the words, although he felt something was wrong, but at this time he was not too impatient.

After all, An Liunian is a master of martial arts, and he is also aware of this situation. As long as he does not encounter an irresistible danger, there should be no accident.

After thinking about it, Guan Siyu instructed Chu Xiu: "When the Lower Sanqing Palace opens, you can just stay behind with your friends, don't participate in the competition for the master level, otherwise you will even fight against The aftermath can easily hurt you."

Chu Xiu nodded when he heard the words, but if Guan Siyu knew that Chu Xiu had already killed more than one martial arts master, he would not think so.

So now Chu Xiu has promised well, but when the Sanqing Palace opens, it will depend on the situation.

At this time, in front of the Sanqing Palace, a majestic wave of formations struck, Yun Zhongjun and others retreated in unison, and the whole earth trembled in an instant.

The endless array of brilliance bloomed and went straight to the Jiuzhongtian, and the gate of the bronze palace slowly opened, and made a harsh 'crunch' sound, revealing a desolate feeling.

With the power of the Sanqing Palace, in the ancient times, this gate was probably never closed, and no one dared to attack the Sanqing Palace, forcing the Sanqing Palace to close its doors for defense.


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