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Chapter 600: Zhang Chengzhen's power

A group of martial arts masters fought in the hall, and the power was as if they were going to overturn mountains and seas, and they were extremely powerful.

Right now, this branch of the Sanqing Palace is guarded by a formation, and the place is large enough to accommodate such a martial arts master here.

At the moment when those martial arts masters rushed up, Chu Xiu did not choose to compete with them for the first time.

This group of people came up with all-out efforts. Although Chu Xiu had the qualifications to deal with them now, it was only one-on-one, not this kind of melee.

The same is true of other martial artists of the younger generation, who are all watching the changes.

There are only nine Dao Yun, and there are more than 20 Martial Dao masters present. At least more than half of them can't get this Dao Yun, and even if they do get it, they must first fight with the spirits of the beasts above. After a fight, you can get Dao Yun in your hands.

Zhang Xiling of Tianshifu is one of the strongest among the warriors of Taoism, Buddhism and Demons. He doesn't like the so-called ferocious beast spirit at all, so he gathers Zixiao Shenlei in his palm and falls with one palm. The thunderbolt exploded, and the beast spirit, which looked like a flying tiger, let out a wailing cry, and was smashed by Zhang Xiling, a purple thunder!

Moreover, the smashed spirits did not dissipate directly, but fell into pieces and were picked up by other warriors.

These smashed spirits also have the effect of enhancing mental power, which immediately caused a group of warriors to compete.

Dao Yun and the others couldn't grab it, but it was better than nothing to grab these soul fragments at this time.

Just when Zhang Xiling wanted to put this Yun into his arms, a loud explosion sounded, Zhang Xiling suddenly felt a mighty force like the top of Mount Tai, and his whole body instantly thundered into the sky, turning into a thunder talisman in front of him. Expand.

A strong force came, and the thunderbolt was instantly destroyed. Zhang Xiling was also blasted away by this punch. The powerful and unparalleled fist shattered all methods, even if it was Zixiao Shenlei, it could not stop it.

Stabilizing her figure and seeing the person coming, Zhang Xiling couldn't help but said angrily: "Chen Qingdi! What the **** are you doing? You still want to understand the Dao? You are just like trash when you get that Dao Yun. What are you robbing?"

Chen Qingdi's martial arts are just like his people, simple and direct to the extreme, and things like comprehension have nothing to do with Chen Qingdi.

Chen Qingdi snorted softly: "It's useless for me to get it, but my disciple is useful.

My disciple, Huigen, is born in heaven. If he understands this Dao aggregate, he will become some kind of Heavenly Master and Heavenly Venerable. Isn't it a beautiful thing? "

Seeing Chen Qingdi's appearance, Zhang Xiling could not help gnashing his teeth in hatred, he knew that Chen Qingdi was here to disgust him.

Things like Daoyun are useless for Chen Qingdi's lineage, but Longhushan was a little unhappy with Chen Qingdi before.

When the Dong family opened the mountain last time, Emperor Chen Qing humiliated the Dong family in Gaoling for a while. Afterwards, I don't know if it was Chen Qingdi's instigation. The World Alliance also annexed a lot of Dong family's power and territory.

The Dong family was already frightened by Chen Qingdi, so naturally they didn't dare to talk nonsense with Chen Qingdi at this time, so they could only go to Tianshifu for help.

There is no shortage of martial arts masters in the Tianshi Mansion, but the mentality and personality of people are different. The character of the Dong family's help is a bit arrogant and conceited. The power of the disciples went to coerce Emperor Chen Qing.

With Chen Qingdi's character, he didn't want to be the enemy of Tianshifu, but Tianshifu just relied on himself as the head of the Taoist sect and came to tell him about those things, Chen Qingdi is not so easy to mess with .

It was also fortunate that a senior martial artist from the Heavenly Master Mansion who was in the realm of real fire, arrived in time, reprimanded the grandmaster of the Heavenly Master Mansion, and explained the matter clearly, and this was the solution.

But obviously, Chen Qingdi was very upset, and he wanted to vent when he was upset, and now Zhang Xiling has become his venting target.

Zhang Xiling did not deal with Chen Qingdi once. He knew that Chen Qingdi was such a person, and he was very helpless.

This guy is simply a lunatic, a lunatic who dares to break the net with any merman when he gets crazy.

Fortunately, there was no fight last time, otherwise, Chen Qingdi really dared to kill!

Here, Zhang Xiling fell into depression. Not to mention, the pure Zen emptiness of the Buddhist Subhuti Temple and the obsession of the Great Prajna Temple have all been rewarded, and the same is true of Yunzhongjun and Chu Wuji, the blood of the devil.

Even people like Guan Siyu and Bai Qian of Sword King City who do not belong to the three sects of Taoism, Buddhism and Demons have not encountered any resistance. With their strength, there are not many people in the same rank who can compete with them. But it is the people of the Taoist lineage.

Even Buddhists and people in the devil's way are targeting the line of Taoism.

In the current world, the strength of the Daomen lineage is already strong enough. This Daoism falls into the hands of Buddhism and is just a reference. It may be useful when it falls into the hands of the magic way. After all, there are many people in the magic way. related magic.

But if this thing falls into the hands of the Daomen lineage, it can even increase the strength of the powerhouses in the realm of real fire refining, giving martial arts masters a little more chance to advance to the realm of real fire refining!

At present, the power divisions on the rivers and lakes are actually very even. Taoism and Buddhism check and balance each other. Under their joint suppression, the magic way is slightly weaker.

The rest, whether it is the nine great families or the five sword sects, or the six great gangs that have deep hatred for each other, and the six gangs scattered in the sand, they can't pose any threat to the Taoist lineage at all.

But if the Daomen lineage gets these nine Dao aggregates, the balance will definitely be broken.

Therefore, Xu Xing from Daguangming Temple and Chijian from Dabanruo Temple are almost clearly targeting the Guangning Daoist of Zhenwu Sect.

There are not many loose cultivators in the Daomen lineage, plus Zhenyangzi was killed by Chu Xiu, and Zhang Xiling was entangled by Chen Qingdi. After fighting for so long, the Daomen lineage did not even get a single Dao Yun. , which made Guangning Daoist constantly curse these people for being shameless in their hearts.

At this time, in a corner, Yu Chi Feng of Baihutang gathered his murderous aura to the extreme. Just after Xiahou Town used the Yuan Mystery method to slay a beast spirit, the overwhelming Baihu Evil Spirit slanted down like a sword and rain. , directly shrouding Xiahou Town in it.

Xiahou Zhen let out a cold snort, and the divine art drew the vitality of heaven and earth, turning it into a storm to protect the whole body.

However, at that moment, a scarlet blood glow struck, Xiahou Zhen froze, and his figure immediately moved away from the side, but at this moment, Yu Chi Feng's figure emerged from the blood glow, directly He took the array plate with Dao Yun in his hand.

Proudly raised his head at Xiahou Zhen, Yu Chi Feng laughed loudly: "Patriarch Xiahou, thank you for helping me kill the beast spirit, that thing is all manifestation of the power of the primordial spirit, I want to get rid of it, but I still can't. It takes some effort."

Xiahou Zhen glared angrily, but before he could counterattack, he saw the lightning pattern shining all over Zhang Chengzhen's body and stepped forward.

These martial arts masters have been fighting for so long, and it is time for Zhang Chengzhen, Chu Xiu and other young warriors to take action, and Zhang Chengzhen is the first to stand up.

In the white robe, the thunder pattern shone, and the thunder light shone on Zhang Chengzhen's handsome face, which made Zhang Chengzhen seem like a fairy descended to the earth at this time.

Zhang Chengzhen was heading for Yuchifeng.

Seeing this scene, Yu Chifeng swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said with a big laugh: "Little Heavenly Master of Longhu Mountain, you have no grievances or enmity with your Heavenly Master's Mansion, you don't go to Buddhism and Taoism to **** things and stare at me. What is Dao Yun doing in your hand?"

Yu Chifeng's attitude was a little soft, and he didn't want to fight Zhang Chengzhen, which made everyone present couldn't believe it.

Is this still the fierce-tempered and murderous Baihu Tang Wei Chi Feng?

In fact, Yu Chifeng had never dealt with Zhang Chengzhen, and Baihutang was far away in Dongqi, so he rarely dealt with Tianshi Mansion, but he did not want to deal with Zhang Chengzhen.

Not because of fear, because of cowardice, but because I have no bottom in my heart.

Zhang Chengzhen has dominated the Dragon and Tiger list for nearly ten years. It is recognized by the world that he has a fighting strength comparable to a martial arts master. The one who died in his hands will not be mentioned, and more achievements have not been passed down.

Even now, most people say that Zhang Chengzhen has not been promoted to the realm of martial arts master until now, just because he wants to accumulate, or because of some secret technique, if he wants to be promoted, he can step into the realm of martial arts master at any time.

But no matter what you say Zhang Chengzhen is a junior.

Yuchifeng won, but he was disgraced, lost, and lost his reputation. Besides, Yuchifeng didn't have much confidence in winning.

But at this time, Zhang Chengzhen didn't answer. He stepped out one step, squeezed the Dao Seal in his hand, and the cyan thunder light all over his body turned into a thunder dragon roaring, and rushed towards Yu Chi Feng!

Seeing that Zhang Chengzhen was still shooting, Yu Chi Feng gritted his teeth, and a ferocious battle knife nearly one person tall appeared in his hand. Collide.

In an instant, there was a thunderstorm, and the sound of roaring and whistling resounded endlessly.

The Thunder Dragon's body was torn apart, but the azure thunderbolt exploded with a loud bang, directly smashing the rank six treasured soldier in Yuchifeng's hand.

Zhang Chengzhen's power, he can only describe it as terrifying!

And at this time, others looked at Zhang Chengzhen as if they had seen a ghost.

They had heard that Zhang Chengzhen was strong here and there, but no one knew how strong he was.

But now they know that, facing a long-established martial arts master like Yu Chi Feng, Yu Chi Feng was directly smashed by weapons, and people were blasted away. Except for the horror, everyone present couldn't think of anything else. the adjective, perhaps horror is more appropriate.

Yu Chi Feng's face was red, not hurt, but embarrassed.

Being blasted away by a junior martial artist with a shattered blade, no matter how thick Yu Chi Feng's face was, he couldn't hold on at this time.

With a low shout, the white tiger evil spirits around Yuchifeng condensed together, turned into a fierce tiger with monstrous murderous intent, and took the initiative to attack Zhang Chengzhen!


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