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Chapter 601: Zhang Chengzhen's courage

The White Tiger Demon God Gang in Baihutang can be said to be the most sharp-edged among the countless gangs in the rivers and lakes.

Before Yu Chifeng made a move, he still had a bit of strength, just because he was afraid that it would be difficult to explain why he killed Zhang Chengzhen, so he left a little bit of strength to stop.

As a result, Yu Chi Feng was really angry this time, and he shot with all his strength.

Yu Jin Baihu's body was filled with suffocating energy, and that powerful and sharp aura rushed into the sky. The whole white tiger was like a blade, and its aura was extremely powerful.

Zhang Chengzhen's face was still expressionless, the cyan thunder gathered around his body, he waved one hand, pressed down, and the boundless thunder condensed a fierce tiger, and charged straight towards Yuchi Feng.

The tiger roared the world, two fierce tigers collided in mid-air, and the suffocating energy splashed in an instant, the power of thunder devoured everything, Yu Jin Baihu was swallowed by the thunder at a speed visible to the naked eye, and was struck by the power of the thunder, Yu Chi Feng's face suddenly changed. Changed, and his figure took more than ten steps behind him.

Zhang Chengzhen stepped forward, and when his palm fell, the thunder pattern in his palm suddenly lit up, dazzling.

A palm fell like a thunderous explosion, and countless thunderbolts bloomed in his palm, shrouding Yu Chi Feng in it.

All the people present widened their eyes, and there was a look of astonishment in their eyes.

Legend has it that the little celestial master Zhang Chengzhen had thunder marks on his palm. Now it looks like this. The power of thunder did not come from the power of heaven and earth. It was entirely his own power, but it was stronger than most martial arts masters Be strong.

Yu Chifeng roared angrily, and the White Tiger Demon God Gang with boundless suffocating energy was used to the extreme by him, resisting the power of thunder, killing intent turned into a blood-colored blade, about to slash at Zhang Chengzhen.

But at this time, Zhang Chengzhen landed another palm, and five thunders as thick as buckets slammed down. And Fei, the Dao Yun Formation Plate also fell into Zhang Chengzhen's hands.

"Five Thunders!"

Some people present couldn't help but let out a low voice.

The Wulei Zhengfa of the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain is very famous, but in fact, few people can really successfully cultivate it.

To cultivate the five thunders, one must first cultivate the five qi. The power of the five thunders belongs to the five internal organs in the body. Only when the foundation of the five qi dynasty is deeply rooted, can one be qualified to cultivate.

Therefore, the starting point of the Five Thunders is the Yuan Dynasty of the Five Qi Dynasty, and the cultivation process is very difficult. Most of the people who can successfully cultivate it are the martial arts masters of Longhu Mountain. As a result, now Zhang Chengzhen has performed it, but it is like walking with clouds and flowing water. , without any hindrance.

Yu Chi Feng clutched his numb chest that had been slashed by Wu Lei Zheng Fa, his eyes flashing with horror.

But he didn't even say a harsh word, just turned around and left.

It's shameful enough to be defeated by a junior martial artist, what cruel words could he say at this time? Tell Zhang Chengzhen to be careful, this matter is not over? I really thought that the Tianshi Mansion on Longhu Mountain was a decoration.

Zhang Xiling, who was fighting with Emperor Chen Qing, suddenly lit up and said loudly, "Chengzhen, take Daoyun and leave!"

Zhang Xiling can see that today, the Buddha and Demons definitely don't want to make their Taoism better, and it is impossible to get too much Taoism.

Therefore, getting one is one. Zhang Chengzhen will leave first, and then he will find a chance to win a Dao Yun. As for the people of Zhenwu Sect and other Dao sects, he can't control that much.

However, Zhang Chengzhen did not leave at this time, but held the array plate with Dao Yun and turned his eyes to the crowd.

"I know, Dao Yun, you guys really want it, but you don't even want me to get it, including my number one position on the Dragon and Tiger Rankings, and some people think I've been sitting a little too long.

Today I give you this chance, Zong Xuan, Fang Qishao, Chu Xiu, Ying Bailu, Li Feilian, you guys, let’s take action together, beat me, Dao Yun is yours, and the No. 1 position on the Dragon Tiger list is also yours ! "

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar in the audience. Everyone's eyes on Zhang Chengzhen changed a little. They doubted whether the person who said this was a fake Zhang Chengzhen. The top five young heroes challenge!

If it is one-on-one, everyone admits that Zhang Chengzhen is indeed strong, but people like Zong Xuan, Fang Qishao and Chu Xiu are not weak, at least the gap between them is definitely not that different.

As a result, Zhang Chengzhen actually challenged these five people as soon as he opened his mouth. It can even be said to be arrogant, but in fact Zhang Chengzhen is not an arrogant person.

Regardless of whether it is an older generation of warriors or a younger generation of warriors, their impression of Zhang Chengzhen is almost the same, that is, they are very measured.

Zhang Chengzhen has always been a very measured person. He is neither arrogant nor impetuous, nor overly arrogant, nor overly modest. He is perfect in dealing with people properly.

As a result, he was so arrogant today that he challenged so many heroes on the Dragon and Tiger list. What did Zhang Chengzhen want to do?

Zhang Xiling at the back couldn't help shouting anxiously: "Chengzhen! What are you doing? Don't make a fool of yourself at this time, and leave with your things!"

Zhang Xiling watched Zhang Chengzhen grow up, and he naturally knew Zhang Chengzhen's strength, but he did not think that Zhang Chengzhen could be strong enough to rival all the heroes on the Dragon Tiger List.

Zhang Chengzhen has always been calm, but who knew that Zhang Chengzhen would do such an irrational thing today.

At this time, Zhang Chengzhen didn't seem to hear Zhang Xiling's words, but just stared at Zong Xuan, Chuxiu and others without blinking.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Xiling was anxious, but there was no other way.

Just because he watched Zhang Chengzhen grow up, he also knew Zhang Chengzhen's character.

Don't look at Zhang Chengzhen's character in the past, which has always been indifferent and easy to talk, but as long as it is something he decides, no one can change it, even if the old master comes.

Chu Xiu narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhang Chengzhen. He vaguely guessed what Zhang Chengzhen wanted to do. Even he had to admit that Zhang Chengzhen, the number one young generation in the world, really had courage!

Zhang Chengzhen wanted to use their pressure to break through and step into the realm of martial arts masters with the most perfect posture!

To put it simply, Zhang Chengzhen was gambling, very dangerously.

Winning the bet, Zhang Chengzhen stepped into the realm of a grandmaster, becoming the first person in the real younger generation to step into the realm of a martial arts master. He will always be No. 1 on the Dragon Tiger List, because no one can surpass it.

But if he loses the bet and Zhang Chengzhen loses the battle, it's hard to say whether he himself fell or was seriously injured, his mood will definitely be hit, and his reputation will also plummet.

The little Heavenly Master Zhang Chengzhen, who had never been defeated, was defeated because of his arrogance, and even the reputation of the Heavenly Master's Mansion would be implicated to a certain extent.

With Zhang Chengzhen's strength and his realm, Chu Xiu believes that there are definitely 10,000 ways for Zhang Chengzhen to safely step into the realm of martial arts masters and condense true elixir.

As a result, now he has chosen the most difficult path, a path comparable to gambling. Even Chu Xiu has to admit that Zhang Chengzhen has the courage, and he is worthy of his current position.

The divine light in Zong Xuan's eyes shone, and after a while, his whole body burst into qi, took a step, and spit out a word: "Okay!"

Fang Qishao also put away his lazy appearance at this time, clenched the long sword in his hand, and looked serious.

"Zhang Chengzhen, I underestimate your courage. In fact, I have never liked you very much, because your performance is so perfect, so perfect that the old guys in Sword King City will take you as a positive example when they teach me a lesson."

Bai Qian's face, who was fighting with people on the side, turned black. Fang Qishao's broken mouth, why did he say anything?

In Sword King City, there are indeed many elders who have taught Fang Qishao a lesson, let him be more serious, and learn Zhang Chengzhen's way of dealing with people and dealing with people.

But that was only said internally, outside they wouldn't say that Fang Qishao was inferior to Zhang Chengzhen, wouldn't that be a loss of his prestige? The result is good now, Fang Qishao told it himself.

Pointing at Zhang Chengzhen with his sword, Fang Qishao said solemnly, "I didn't expect you Zhang Chengzhen to be so self-willed, so... courageous!

If you want pressure, that's fine, I'll give you pressure! Three years ago, my Karma Kendo couldn't beat your Lei Fa. Today's battle, you try it, my sword is sharp! "

Fang Qishao has always been very unreasonable, even when he is fighting fiercely with gives people a feeling of being a fool.

But now Fang Qishao is standing with a sword, that kendo edge is straight into the sky, the sword is boundless, and try the world!

There was a rare look of relief on Bai Qian's face, if Fang Qishao could keep this state all the time? Their Sword King City will definitely have a supreme powerhouse with titles such as Sword Saint Sword God in the future!

It's a pity that with Fang Qishao's character, there are very few people in this world who can show him this kind of fighting spirit.

The Heavenly Demon Dance in Chu Xiu's hand was held in his hand, and the Buddha's light and demonic energy all over his body rose at the same time, rising into the sky. The power was so strong that there was even a faint sound of the howling of the demon **** and the sound of Buddha's voice and Sanskrit singing at the same time. Powerful, but also to make others look at him.

"I've heard about Zhang Chengzhen's name for a long time, but when I see it today, it's a well-deserved reputation! But I wait, but it's not a vain reputation!"

This can be said to be the first time that Chu Xiu showed his strength, which immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

Everyone knows that Chu Xiu cultivates magic arts, but he is a person from Guanzhong's punishment hall, and for the time being, no one will suspect that he has something to do with magic.

And later, this Chu Xiu obtained the inheritance of the holy monk Tanyuan. He is also very tyrannical in Buddhist martial arts. He is a fellow practitioner of Buddhism and demons, but he is incomparably round and natural. This power is not inferior to Fang Qishao, and he has even joined the sect. Xuan Xiang is almost there.

In the crowd, Mr. Lu did not take action to **** Dao Yun, but instead he leaned over to Chu Wuji and secretly said, "This is the rookie of my hidden demon lineage, what do you think? Senior Wei Shuya is very nice to him. After Fantian is over, Senior Wei is going to hand over the matter of revenge on Jiutian Mountain to this Chu Xiu, that is, Lin Ye."


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