Meet The Leader

Chapter 612: profit distribution

Some external aftermath did not disturb Chu Xiu. At this time, he was still in retreat and practice in the land of Kansai.

What this retreat brought to Chu Xiu was not the improvement of his own strength, but the most important thing.

It is easy to say with some battle experience with Zong Xuan and Zhang Chengzhen, and the finger of killing the immortals that day, but in fact, the most difficult thing to digest is that Dao Yun.

What this Tao contains is the purest way of heaven and earth, condensing the ethereal things into entities. I have to say that the strength of the Sanqing Temple in the ancient times was really strong, even strong enough to make people tremble.

You can tell by looking at the attitude of Sanqingdian, and they threw out the nine Dao Yun, as if for them, this Dao Yun is simply at your fingertips.

Chu Xiu had been in seclusion for nearly a month, and it took him more than twenty days to comprehend this Dao Yun, but he still had nothing to gain.

Moreover, Chu Xiu thought that his own comprehension was already very good, but he still couldn't penetrate the Dao aggregate. Could it be that he did not match the attributes of this Dao aggregate?

If you think about it carefully, it is really possible. The Taoist line pays attention to purity and inaction. If Chu Xiu also maintains such a state of mind to realize the requirement of this Taoist aggregate, then he estimates that he will not be able to understand this Taoist aggregate for the rest of his life.

At this moment, the dark mist filled with demonic energy in Chu Xiu's closed room, and the figure of Mei Qinglian walked out of it.

Chu Xiu knew that Mei Qinglian didn't have the habit of knocking on the door beforehand when he was looking for him, so this time he was in retreat, but he was wearing clothes.

Mei Qinglian's beautiful eyes flashed, and she stared at Chu Xiu without blinking, and Chu Xiu felt a little hairy when she saw it.

"I said Lady Saint, why are you looking at me like that?"

Mei Qinglian chuckled lightly and said, "Of course it takes a look at the history of Jianghu to see a genius come out in 10,000 years."

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "Zhang Chengzhen is a genius only after a thousand years. I'm embarrassed to say ten thousand years."

Mei Qinglian stretched out her jade finger and gave Chu Xiu a few vacuous gestures: "Don't be modest, your 'qi' is not the same as Zhang Chengzhen's. If you let outsiders know, the first and third on the Dragon Tiger Ranking are actually One person, the whole river and lake will boil.

It can even be said that you have played the whole arena by yourself, tsk tsk, you are not a wizard, who is a wizard? "

Chu Xiu was stunned for a moment when he heard the words: "Is Lin Ye ranked third on the Dragon Tiger list?"

It is not surprising that Chu Xiu can get the first position on the Dragon Tiger List, after all, he defeated Zong Xuan in public.

But what he didn't expect was that Lin Ye's identity even stepped into the third place on the Dragon Tiger list.

After all, most of the time he used Lin Ye's identity to kill people with the Seven Demon Swords, Xu Xing was severely injured by him with the Seven Demon Swords, and Zhen Yangzi also died under his Seven Demon Swords.

In addition, he was born in the magic way, Feng Manlou will inevitably suppress him in the ranking, thinking that he used foreign objects to achieve this strength, thus lowering his ranking.

But Chu Xiu didn't expect Fengmanlou to be quite fair this time.

Mei Qinglian said: "Actually, Fengmanlou's work is fair, and they are not a sect of the righteous way, but they can't stand on my side of the devil's way blatantly.

This time, it may be that Zhang Chengzhen's disturbance was a little too big, or that the sects of the right way had seen that the rise of the magic way was unstoppable, so they didn't put pressure on Feng Manlou to make them play tricks on the list.

This is also a good thing. The more famous you are in the magic way, the more convenient it will be for you to act in the magic way. "

Just when Chu Xiu wanted to ask Mei Qinglian what convenience meant, Mei Qinglian suddenly looked solemn and said, "You killed An Liunian?"

Chu Xiu raised his brows and said, "Is it obvious? Did Mr. Lu tell you?"

Mei Qinglian snorted softly, "I guessed it when that kid Lu Jin didn't tell me.

An Liunian is not an idiot. He is an old man in the rivers and lakes. Even if he entered Xiaofantian, he would not kill himself so carelessly, and he died so silently.

And over the years, An Liunian has been keeping a low profile, basically staying in the Guanzhong torture hall in seclusion. Except for you, I can't think of anyone who has a reason to kill him. "

Chu Xiu said lightly: "Such an obstacle should have been removed a long time ago, Lady Saint, you have been planning for so long in the Guanzhong execution hall, and your actions are too slow. It is not easy for us to occupy the Guanzhong Execution Hall."

Mei Qinglian raised her eyebrows and snorted coldly, "When you step into the first place on the Dragon and Tiger Ranking, you will be inflated to such an extent that you still dislike me for being slow?

The demon lineage was very low-key before, let alone my hidden demon lineage. Once I move fast, and let the orthodox sects notice some clues, there is no guarantee that they will not intervene.

And now, whether it's the clear demon lineage or my hidden demon lineage, I've decided to make some noise. Even if you don't do it, I have to consider this aspect. "

Chu Xiu laughed twice. If he remembered correctly, when he proposed to get rid of An Liunian, Mei Qinglian was still worried about Guan Siyu.

However, Chu Xiu didn't go to expose this face-loving woman, he said with a straight face: "Sir, since An Liunian is dead, it will be sooner or later that my demon line will secretly take charge of the punishment hall in Guanzhong, so I want to ask now. , If one day I really occupy the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, then who should this Guanzhong Punishment Hall belong to? Yours? Mine? Or the entire Hidden Demon lineage?"

This is a very sensitive matter, but Chu Xiu never said it before.

Mei Qinglian is Mei Qinglian, he is him, and the hidden demon lineage is the entire hidden demon lineage.

The two sides are related to each other, but they are independent of each other. How the forces are distributed afterwards is a very critical matter.

In the past, Chu Xiu was not strong enough, and he was not qualified to say this.

But now Chu Xiu ranks first on the Dragon Tiger list. The combination of Chu Xiu and Lin Ye is even enough to rival some famous martial arts masters in the arena. Even if it is not any background, Chu Xiu is not He is afraid of anyone, so now he is qualified to talk to Mei Qinglian face to face.

Mei Qinglian took a deep look at Chu Xiu and said, "You're direct, but that's fine, make it clear in advance, and save yourself from being like those hypocritical sects of the righteous way, who appear to be brothers on the surface, but inside they are fighting endlessly.

You can rest assured on the side of the hidden demon lineage, what you have fought for yourself, the hidden demon lineage will not want.

The Hidden Demons are not sects. To be precise, they are just an alliance. Everyone has their own forces and unites for the same goal.

So although you can't get all kinds of resources and preferential treatment like those sects, you don't have to worry about any injustice and so on.

Right now, the Hidden Demon lineage is only led by senior Wei Shuya and other seniors of the Demon Dao. Unless there is a matter of honor and disgrace to the entire Demon Dao like the last battle between the Fuyu Mountain and the Demons, the Hidden Demon lineage will not be easy to do. gathered. "

After saying this, Mei Qinglian looked directly at Chu Xiu, and a strange rhythm quietly radiated out, stirring Chu Xiu's nerves.

Mei Qinglian spoke slowly, but her voice was like a murmur: "As for you and me, I'm not sure, but now, can I trust you?"

How powerful is Chu Xiu's mental power? It has even reached the point where it is stronger than most martial arts masters.

The inner demon spun out of the Dafa, and Chu Xiu's mental power was like a vortex, dispersing all the rhythm.

Raising his eyebrows, Chu Xiu said lightly, "The Yin Demon Sect's Concubine Dafa is indeed extraordinary, but Lady Saint, you shouldn't use this in front of me, right? Are you still afraid that I won't tell the truth?"

Mei Qinglian said solemnly: "I'm not joking, but to be honest, Chu Xiu, I'm becoming more and more unable to see through you.

In fact, what I want is very simple, nothing more than the reputation and inheritance of a Yin Demon Sect.

Before you laughed at me, I lurked in the Guanzhong torture hall for so long and I didn't make any progress. I admit that this has nothing to do with the situation of the demon lineage. It's just that I'm not good at this kind of trickery and so on, so I'm a little indecisive in some decisions. , missed a lot of good opportunities.

When the Yin Demon Sect was here, I was a saint, with the suzerain above and a lot of disciples below. I didn't need to worry about these things, nor did I need to worry about them.

Now I'm the only one left in the Yin Demon I didn't imagine relying on me to rebuild the Yin Demon Sect, but I want to leave a legacy of incense for the future Yin Demon Sect.

That kid Lu Jin helped you so selflessly is in order to form a good relationship with you, and in the future, you will form an alliance with the Wuxiang Demon Sect.

I can help you now, and I can even help you hold the entire Guanzhong torture hall in your hands. Can you help me rebuild a Yin Demon Sect in the hidden demon lineage? It doesn't need to be too powerful, just a reputation and an inheritance will do. "

Mei Qinglian stared at Chu Xiu, her purpose was always simple, but she didn't know what Chu Xiu was thinking, which was why Mei Qinglian couldn't fully trust Chu Xiu.

Mei Qinglian's strength is there, but she has been lurking around Guan Siyu for so many years, but she has not managed much power, not even an An Liunian. This is enough to prove that Mei Qinglian is not good at trickery. Rebuilding the sect is difficult and difficult.

A person and a sect with inheritance are two different concepts. Mei Qinglian can live well by herself, but she has no ability to rebuild and manage a sect to deal with all aspects of things.

It is a good choice to foster a capable person. Mei Qinglian doesn't need to control a sect, she only needs to control one person and it is enough.

Chu Xiu used to be one of such candidates, but as Chu Xiu's strength became stronger and stronger, and even the power in Guanzhong's execution hall came from behind, now Chu Xiu is fully qualified to be on an equal footing with Mei Qinglian. So Mei Qinglian never thought about controlling Chu Xiu, she only thought about cooperation.

Even now, it was Mei Qinglian's turn to be more cautious, because she couldn't be sure whether it was a blessing or a curse to cooperate with a guy like Chu Xiu who was so thoughtful that no one could guess the bottom line in his heart.


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