Meet The Leader

Chapter 613: cloudy

In fact, Chu Xiu had already had some guesses about Mei Qinglian's purpose.

And after hearing Mr. Lu talk about Mei Qinglian's life experience, he could roughly guess that what Mei Qinglian did should be for the sake of his former sect, the Yin Demon Sect.

Even if Mei Qinglian didn't really want to be the head of a sect, she just wanted to be a saint, but now she was the only one in the Yin Demon Sect, and Mei Qinglian had to carry this burden.

In Chu Xiu's view, this request was not excessive. Mei Qinglian had no interest in power from the very beginning, as she knew from her title.

At present, Mei Qinglian is the only one left in the Yin Demon Sect. She should normally say that she is the sect master.

But in fact, whether it was Chu Xiu or Mr. Lu, she asked the other party to call herself a saint, so Mei Qinglian actually wanted to be a saint.

Chu Xiu was also looking at Mei Qinglian at this time, and said solemnly: "Sir, you have been in the rivers and lakes for so many years, and you have seen a lot of such things as sinister people. You should know that it is unreliable to promise this kind of thing. , be it good or evil.”

Mei Qinglian raised her eyebrows slightly. At this time, shouldn't Chu Xiu say that he is reliable, but he actually said the opposite.

"You mean that other people's promises are unreliable, and your Chu Xiu's promises are also unreliable? Don't you often say that you are faithful to your words."

Chu Xiu waved his hand casually and said, "It also depends on the occasion if one's word is true. In the face of interests, no promise can be trusted.

It is beneficial for me to stand together with the Holy Maiden, so I can be trusted. Otherwise, if there is no benefit, why should I go to harm you, the Holy Maiden?

In the Hidden Demon lineage, although the Yin Demon Sect exists in name only, the personal connections are still there. If I harm you, Lady Saintess, I will definitely have no place in the Hidden Demon lineage.

Moreover, I have experienced the battle between the righteous and the demons in Fuyu Mountain, and everyone in the hidden demon lineage should know that I was supported by the Holy Maiden and Mr. Lu all the way. If I harm you, the Holy Maiden, it will be revenge for kindness and injustice.

Even if it is a line of magic, it can be cruel to outsiders, and it can be unethical, but for one's own people, I believe that no one is willing to work with a villain who repays revenge for kindness.

My interests come first, I will only stand with you, Lady Saintess, and will not choose to harm you.

So Lady Saintess actually don't have to choose to believe me, you only need to choose to believe in benefits, and that's enough. "

Hearing Chu Xiu say so much, Mei Qinglian couldn't help but snorted: "Chu Xiu, your sophistry skills are not inferior to your strength."

Although Mei Qinglian said that Chu Xiu was a sophistry, she couldn't help but agree with Chu Xiu's opinion.

Hurting her is not good for Chu Xiu, unless Chu Xiu is the kind of idiot who is used to doing things that hurt others and not himself, otherwise he has no reason to cheat himself.

Chu Xiu said lightly: "This is not a sophistry, but a fact, Lady Saint, what are you going to do about Guan Siyu for the time being?"

Chu Xiu vaguely remembered that in the original plot, there seemed to be a huge change in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. Could this huge change have something to do with Mei Qinglian?

Chu Xiu carefully recalled the plot and wanted to find out whether Guan Siyu died or not in this great change, and whether he would be affected by the butterfly effect again.

But after thinking about it, Chu Xiu's complexion suddenly changed and became very ugly.

Because of him, he can't even remember any details about the plot. You must know that when he decided to join the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, Chu Xiu deliberately wrote down several important events about the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. As a result, Chu Xiu has not I can't remember at all.

This kind of thing is normal for ordinary people. There are so many things, who can remember everything in detail?

But on Chu Xiu, this kind of thing can be called strange, extremely strange!

You must know that Chu Xiu has reached the realm of the unity of heaven and man. It is not bad not to mention that he will never forget it. At least, with the blessing of his powerful spiritual power, his memory is dozens or even hundreds of times that of ordinary people.

He himself is in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, and he will never forget the memory of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

However, the fact is that he did forget, and he forgot so cleanly that he couldn't remember anything.

But it wasn't the scariest.

Chu Xiu just tried to recall other well-known plots, but he was horrified to find that most of the plots had become very vague. But I can't remember the specific details of the incident, especially when it comes to people.

With Chu Xiu's memory, this is absolutely impossible, especially about the original plot. These are all Chu Xiu's trump cards. Chu Xiu's life is where he lives. He can forget everything else, but these are the only ones. can not forget!

But as a result, he has forgotten it now, Chu Xiu is sure that there is definitely something wrong with him.

And Chu Xiu combed it carefully, except for some memories about the original plot, even some of his memories before his rebirth were vague, but his memories of this life are very clearly left in his mind, which is very interesting. unreasonable.

Now Chu Xiu's thoughts are based on 'past life' Chu Xiu's thoughts, not 'this life', so even if he wants to be vague, his vagueness should be the memory of this life, why is the memory of the previous life so important , will be blurred?

Just as Mei Qinglian was about to speak, she saw that Chu Xiu had fallen into such a sluggish state, it could even be said that she was in a state of utter despair, she couldn't help but ask, "Chu Xiu, what's wrong with you? Why are you so fascinated?"

Chu Xiu was awakened by Mei Qinglian's words, and he said to Mei Qinglian in a deep voice, "Sir, please use the Concubine Dafa to check my spirit and Yuanshen to see if there is any abnormality."

In the arena, Chu Xiu rarely fights with people who are also cultivating the Yuan Mystery Law, so he was severely injured by the Yuan Mystery Law or the level of secret calculations is very small, but he will have to wait for Mei Qinglian to investigate before making a decision.

The Yin Demon Sect's Concubine Dafa is not considered a primordial mystery technique, but its power in primordial spirit is more terrifying than a martial artist who specializes in this technique.

Mei Qinglian said in surprise, "You were tricked by someone using the Yuan Mystery Method during Xiao Fantian?"

Mei Qinglian knew that Chu Xiu's attainments in Yuanshen's spiritual power were definitely far superior to most martial arts masters, and even similar to her.

If someone silently left a dark wound on Chu Xiu's Primordial Spirit, how terrifying would this person's cultivation be?

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "I'm not sure, that's why I want you to check it out, Lady Saint."

Having said that, Chu Xiu took the initiative to let go of his heart and asked Mei Qinglian to use the concubine Dafa to investigate.

Mei Qinglian nodded, and a rhythm burst out and penetrated into Chu Xiu's mind.

After a while, Mei Qinglian shook her head and said, "Your soul is very strong, there is no damage at all, there is no problem.

Of course, it is not ruled out that someone has buried hidden dangers in the deepest part of your Yuanshen, but I haven't detected it with my strength, so this person's strength is definitely not a martial arts master, but a real fire refining spirit powerhouse specializing in spiritual power. to be able to do it. "

Chu Xiu frowned, if that's the case, then it's really troublesome.

He can be sure that there is something wrong with his current state, but he can't find what is wrong.

In fact, the vague memory of the original plot is not so bad for the current Chu Xiu.

Chu Xiu has influenced too many things in the past few years, which has also led to the butterfly effect of most people-related things under the influence of Chu Xiu.

In the original plot, the Guanzhong Punishment Hall suffered a great change, and whether that great change will happen now, no one can say for sure.

It's just that this matter is like a cloud, shrouded in Chu Xiu's heart, and can't be dissipated for a while.

Powerful existence is not really scary, what is really scary is the unknown.

Mei Qinglian waved her hand casually and said, "Okay, don't think that some of these are gone, have you been under too much pressure in Xiaofan days, and haven't recovered yet?

Your retreat here is also over. Senior Wei Shuya asked you to go there. I have a good thing for you. "

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows and said, "Good thing? What good thing?"

"Don't ask so much, you'll know when you go."

With that said, Mei Qinglian was about to pull Chu Xiu away.

Chu Xiu said in surprise: "You are going too? How do you explain Guan Siyu?"

Mei Qinglian waved casually: "You don't need to worry about my I have my own way on Guan Siyu's side."

Hearing what Mei Qinglian said, Chu Xiu didn't ask any further questions, he just hid his breath, followed Mei Qinglian all the way out of the land of Kansai, and came to the area at the junction of the land of Kansai and Western Chu.

In the middle of the night, Mei Qinglian took Chu Xiu to a mansion, a ray of breath burst out, the door was immediately opened, and Mr. Lu walked out of it.

Seeing Chu Xiu and Mei Qinglian, Mr. Lu nodded and said, "Senior Wei has been waiting for you for a long time, come in."

This mansion is only an ordinary businessman's house in name. The owner and servants in it are ordinary people, but when they saw Chu Xiu and the others approaching, they seemed to be looking at the air. They all ignore it.

Mr. Lu opened a secret door and took Chu Xiu and Mei Qinglian into the ground. The ground of this mansion even had a universe inside, and its area was even larger than the ground.

At this moment, in an underground lobby, Wei Shuya was holding a cup of tea with squinted eyes, as if he was about to fall asleep at any moment.

No one would consider him to be a peak powerhouse in the realm of real fire refining the spirit of that old-fashioned dragon bell.

And beside him was Chu Wuji.

Chu Wuji didn't sit upright either. He crossed Erlang's legs and played with a smart white-browed parrot in his hand. When Mei Qinglian came in, the white-browed parrot immediately shouted in a sharp voice, "Beauty! Great beauty!"

Chu Wuji also smiled and said: "It's Xiaolian, you and I haven't seen each other for many years, and I miss you so much for my brother."

Mei Qinglian raised her eyebrows and said, "Chu Wuji, if you are talking nonsense, believe it or not I strangle your bird?"


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