Meet The Leader

Chapter 614: Demon's Banner

Among the hidden demons, most of them are actually old acquaintances, and almost all of them have worked together.

Chu Wuji and Mei Qinglian had known each other for a long time, and he also knew Mei Qinglian's character.

Hearing that, Chu Wuji immediately put away the white-browed parrot in his hand, otherwise, Mei Qinglian would really strangle his bird.

Chu Xiu cupped his hands and said, "I have seen Senior Wei, Senior Chu."

Chu Wuji subconsciously touched the moustache on his mouth, looked at Chu Xiu and said, "Yes, you are much more promising than I was at the beginning. You have two seats in the top three on the Dragon Tiger List. But it's the only one."

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "The only one is not fake, but I don't dare to compare with Senior Chu."

Although it is said that Chu Xiu is now number one on the Dragon and Tiger Rankings, Chu Xiu has not expanded to the extent that he can ignore anyone. When Chu Wuji was young, he was not necessarily worse than him.

In the past, Chu Wuji was indeed only ranked fifth, but after Chu Wuji, he secretly joined the Hidden Demon lineage. What was his strength during this time, it was almost blank, and when he appeared on the rivers and lakes, Chu Wuji was already a leader. Since he is a martial arts master, he naturally cannot stay on the Dragon Tiger Ranking, so Chu Wuji jumped directly from fifth on the Dragon Tiger ranking to become a martial arts master. If there is no blank period, within ten years, Chu Wuji will step into Dragon It is not difficult to be number one on the Tiger List.

At this time, Wei Shuya slowly put down the tea in his hand, looked at Chu Xiu and nodded and said: "Chu Xiu boy, you did a good job this time, and even cut off the nose of a calf in Chunyang Daomen, it's fun, cheer up!"

Chu Xiucheng didn't care that Wei Shuya, who was number one on the Dragon and Tiger list, didn't care at all. At his level, watching the Dragon and Tiger list was almost like watching a joke. A group of young people were playing around, such things as lists. , Don't worry, this kind of thing is not as important as Chu Xiu killing Zhen Yangzi.

Wei Shuya didn't talk too much nonsense with Chu Xiu, he put down the tea cup, and said with a solemn expression: "Chu Xiu boy, in fact, you and I don't have a deep entanglement with the hidden demon, but now on the rivers and lakes, you have become my hidden demon. The spokespersons of the lineage, and even some of the older generation of magic warriors, are not as much of the limelight as you.

You are the person recommended by Mei girl and Lu Jin boy. Even Chu boy speaks highly of you. I believe that it is difficult to find someone better than you in the hidden demon lineage, or even the entire magic lineage line. .

So now I don't care what your previous status was, I just ask you, are you willing to join the line of my demonic way, and are you willing to carry the Kunlun Demonic Sect, which is regarded as a thorn in the eyes and thorns in the flesh by countless sects of the righteous way !

If you are willing, I can help you win what the Hidden Demon can give you.

And if you don't want to, I won't embarrass you because of your relationship in the past. From now on, Lin Ye is dead, and there is only Chu Xiu in the arena. As long as you don't reveal your flaws, no one will know about you. true identity.

Now the choice is in your hands, how to choose is up to you. "

Chu Xiu said directly without even thinking about it: "I used to have little entanglement with the Hidden Demons, but now, since I have become Lin Ye of the Hidden Demons, this entanglement can be said to be very serious. Deep down, Chu Xiu is me, Lin Ye is me."

Mei Qinglian and others thought that Chu Xiu was expressing his attitude, but in fact what Chu Xiu said was himself.

Chu Xiu is him, and so is Lin Ye.

At the very beginning, Chu Xiu didn't really want to lean on the magic way.

In the original plot, he could no longer reproduce the path he traveled, and even if Chu Xiu wanted to copy, he didn't know what he went through in the original plot.

So for Chu Xiu at the beginning, all he pursued was the capital to survive and the power he had mastered.

But Nai's good fortune tricks people, and I don't know if it's fate or cause and effect. In the end, Chu Xiu has a relationship with the demon lineage, and has been implicated. Even now, his causal implication with the hidden demon lineage is getting deeper and deeper, and the revival Even if he didn't want to carry the banner of the Kunlun Demon Sect, he still had to carry it.

At this time, hearing Chu Xiu say this, everyone present was subconsciously relieved, especially Lu Jin and Mei Qinglian.

The two of them became friends with Chu Xiu, but in the end, if Chu Xiu chose to give up, it would not only prove that they didn't know anyone, but would also add a bit of risk of exposure.

For some people, especially those hidden demons who have been hiding in the dark, they can only be dead friends if they can't be living friends.

Wei Shuya nodded with satisfaction: "Since that's the case, then sit down, Chu Xiu boy, I have something for you to do this time, and the reward is very simple, even if it's a gift from me, one chance, one can It will give you the opportunity to accumulate a lot of fame and fame in a short period of time in the hidden demon lineage."

"what chance?"

Wei Shuya's dimly stunned eyes revealed a terrifying edge, and said coldly, "A chance to take revenge on behalf of the five heavenly demons in Jiutian Mountain!"

Chu Xiu was shocked and said: "The hidden demons are going to attack the entire righteous way?"

Although the five Heavenly Demons of Jiutian Mountain were annihilated in the past, the power they raised at that time was not small.

The Five Heavenly Demons of Jiutian Mountain were the first demonic forces to be strangled by many decent sects after the Kunlun Demon Sect.

In fact, in terms of strength, the five Heavenly Demons of the Nine Heavens Mountain and the people under their command combined are not as strong as the current Moon Worship Cult.

But the Five Heavenly Demons of Jiutian Mountain are so terrifying to the righteous martial arts because they have seen the power of the revival of the Demonic Way.

The fire of a single star can start a prairie fire, and the five heavenly demons of Jiutian Mountain at the beginning are the fire of the single star, so it must be completely extinguished before the prairie fire starts.

However, although the five heavenly demons of Jiutian Mountain were defeated, their magic alliance was not meaningless.

At least at the time when the magic path was at its worst, it was Wei Shuya and others who told the swaying disciples of the magic path, the magic path, and the power to fight!

It is precisely because of that battle that Wei Shuya and the other five recast the spine that was interrupted after the battle of the Kunlun Demon Sect, which is of extraordinary significance.

And even if Wei Shuya hadn't reached the realm of real fire refining before, his status in the devil's way was actually comparable to the realm of real fire refining.

Wei Shuya waved his hand and said, "I believe that sooner or later, my demonic lineage will have to attack the righteous martial arts, but it's not now, I'm not that crazy, and if I do it now, it's not an opportunity for you, but an initiative to send it. You went to die."

With that said, Wei Shuya laughed at himself and said, "To put it bluntly, now my demonic lineage can't compete with those sects of the righteous way. It's not a big deal to be a little bit cowardly. If you want to rush up knowing that you're losing, that's an idiot."

Chu Wuji said quietly from the side: "But in the past, on the Nine Heavens Mountain, you and the other four seniors knew that you were no match, but you still did it."

Wei Shuya said indifferently: "That is a special case, if there are shrewd people in this world, then no matter which force, it will be a mess.

Sometimes, a faction still needs someone to be that idiot, even if it means dying. "

Wei Shuya waved his hand casually and said, "Okay, let's stop talking about these old-fashioned things, let's talk about something serious.

Chuxiu boy, I didn't ask you to deal with those righteous factions, and now my hidden demons have no strength to seek revenge against them.

When I say revenge, I mean to seek revenge for those small forces that participated in the battle to besiege my Jiutian Mountain in the past.

In the past, those orthodox sects attacked my Jiutian Mountain, and there were countless small forces attached to them, and they fell for my Jiutian Mountain Magic Dao Alliance, and took our heads to the zhengdao sect in exchange for bounty and reputation.

In that battle, my top combat power in Jiutian Mountain was beheaded by those righteous sects, but some low-level disciples were mostly killed by these people!

Right now, this group of people used the resource benefits obtained in the previous battle, and the reputation they gained in exchange was booming. Now, they should also pay some price! "

Speaking of this, a cold light flashed in Wei Shuya's eyes, and the temperature in the entire hall suddenly dropped a little.

In the past, the five heavenly demons in the Nine Heavens Mountains formed the Magic Dao What kind of grand occasion was that? As a result, everything was overturned overnight, leaving only the weakest of the five major demons.

Over the years, Wei Shuya certainly had hatred in his heart, but he endured it all because it was not yet time for revenge.

But now, the Demonic Lineage has been on the rise. The Ming Demon Lineage is headed by the Moon Worship Cult, and has even recruited disciples on the rivers and lakes with great fanfare to resist those sects of the Right Way. Although the Hidden Demon Lineage is temporarily low-key, it is You can't show no movement at all.

Wei Shuya looked at Chu Xiu and said, "Boy Chu Xiu, I will give you a list, and at the same time, I will give you some people. According to the forces on this list, they will be eliminated one by one. I don't care about the process, I just want the result.

Three hundred years ago, these small forces were not ranked in the rivers and lakes, but three hundred years later, through the benefits they got from that battle, some forces are not what they used to be.

However, I believe that with your strength, it is not a problem to solve these problems. After this is done, I will convene the Hidden Demons to celebrate your merits for you, and confirm your identity as the number one of the younger generation of the Hidden Demons! "

Chu Xiu nodded, clasped his fists and said solemnly, "Thank you, Senior Wei."

Chu Xiu really should say thank you, Wei Jiuduan gave him an unusual opportunity this time.

The five Heavenly Demons of Jiutian Mountain are of great significance to the Hidden Demons. Now that Chu Xiu is taking the lead to avenge the five Heavenly Demons of Jiutian Mountain, the fame and prestige he can gain will be inestimable.

What's more, Wei Jiuduan had to convene the entire Hidden Demon lineage to celebrate for him afterwards. This was almost Wei Jiuduan's platform for Chu Xiu, confirming his identity in the Hidden Demon lineage.

Since then, Lin Ye's identity is the direct descendant of the Kunlun Demon Sect, and there is no doubt about it anymore.


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