Meet The Leader

Chapter 615: The Power of the Hidden Demon 1 Vein

Wei Shuya said that he would hand over some people to Chu Xiu, but he was not the elite of the entire Hidden Demon lineage.

There are many forces in the Hidden Demon lineage, and their interests are also complicated. Not to mention those people will not listen to Chu Xiu, some of them will not even listen to Wei Shuya.

Just like Mr. Lu, he is from the Phaseless Demon Sect and has a good relationship with Wei Shuya, and even the entire Phaseless Demon Sect has a good relationship with Wei Shuya.

However, relationships are relationships. Once it comes to interests, you have to be more careful.

Therefore, Wei Shuya did not use other people, but found a group of loose cultivators of the hidden demon lineage.

The composition of this group of loose cultivators is very complicated. Some of them are the loose cultivators who have simply obtained the magic way and naturally joined the magic way.

There are also some descendants of some survivors of the Nine Heavens Mountain Demon Alliance, and they all respect Wei Shuya.

And the most difficult part of it is some warriors who had to fall into the devil's way for various reasons, or were forced into the devil's way by those sects of the right way.

Such people are not weak in their own strength, and some even have quite a reputation in the arena. All of them are eccentric and rebellious.

Wei Shuya handed these people over to Chu Xiu, on the one hand to give him strength, and on the other hand to prepare Chu Xiu to integrate these people into a force, no longer a mess of sand.

Of course, there is no consideration in this. Wei Shuya believes in Chu Xiu. If Chu Xiu can't even handle this trivial matter of getting started, then what qualifications does he have to complete this task?

Therefore, Wei Shuya did not personally take Chu Xiu there, but asked Chu Wuji to take Chu Xiu there.

As for Mr. Lu and Mei Qinglian, their identities were special. One belonged to the Yin Demon Sect and the other belonged to the Wuxiang Demon Sect. After Wei Shuya explained something to them individually, he let them all leave.

The area of ​​the underground stronghold of the Hidden Demon Lineage is not small, Chu Wuji took Chu Xiu to the place where those people were, and said with a smile: "Senior Wei really values ​​you, but he is also big-hearted, and he even took those guys all over the place. Come together and let you lead, anyway, you should be careful for a while, regardless of your ability to rival the martial arts master, your status in the magic road is still the third in the dragon and tiger list, but those guys may not buy it."

Taking a deep look at Chu Xiu, Chu Wuji said lightly, "I used to be one of them."

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows and said in amazement, "With your strength, Senior Chu, after you joined the line of Demon Dao, you haven't been cultivated and reused?"

Chu Wuji said lightly: "The line of Demon Dao is not a shantang, and those sects of the righteous way have something to say, and most of the actions of the Dao are ruthless and ruthless.

How much strength you can show, and how much benefit you can bring to others, will you be treated as much.

When I joined the Hidden Demon, there were many sects from the Hidden Demon lineage who offered me olive branches, but these sects were not for me, but for my ranking on the Dragon Tiger Ranking. The reason is for my status as the royal family of the Wei Kingdom, so that I can use this status to write some articles.

To put it bluntly, all they use is my identity. I want to join the magic path just to pursue powerful power, not to make wedding dresses for others, so I refused.

Among the people you are about to lead now, those who have been inducted into the line of magic because of cultivating magic skills are easy to manage, and the descendants of the former Jiutian Mountain Magic Dao Alliance are also easy to manage.

The most difficult to manage is precisely people like me, who have strength and temperament, do not want to be restricted by others, and have extreme eccentric temperament. If you want to convince them, it is not an easy thing. "

Chu Xiu narrowed his eyes and nodded. Chu Wuji said so, which proves that these people are really difficult enough.

But Chu Xiu didn't say much, he just said lightly: "Then, can I kill someone?"

Chu Wuji looked at Chu Xiu with a half-smile but not a smile. He knew Chu Xiu before. This son's murderousness is not ordinary, and Chu Xiu is not a murderer. For him, killing is just the easiest way to achieve a goal. means.

Having been in the devil's way for so many years, Chu Wuji, a murderer of all kinds of bloodthirsty madmen and unblinking murderers, has seen countless people, but these people have all fallen into the inferior position.

Don't look at their vicious looks, claiming that they have countless blood in their hands, but they are no match for Chu Xiu.

These are just poor people controlled by killing intent. Killing intent is just an emotion. They can't even control themselves, aren't they pitiful?

On the contrary, Chu Xiu regards killing as a tool, and all those who only want to achieve their goals and gain benefits are the most terrifying.

Such people sometimes do not kill with their own hands, but with one word and one decision, they may bury countless lives.

Chu Wuji said lightly: "I can't tell you whether you can kill people, you need to think about it yourself.

Anyway, whether it's me or Senior Wei, what we see in the end is the result.

If you kill to get things done, then kill.

On the other hand, if you make trouble because of murder, you will be responsible for the consequences. "

Chu Xiu nodded knowingly, indicating that he understood.

Chu Wuji pointed to a closed hall in front of him and said, "Everyone arranged by Senior Wei is inside, get ready and go in."

At this time, there were more than 300 people crowded inside the hall.

This group of people are old and young, and their costumes are also strange, but it is certain that this group of people is very strong.

Among the more than 300 people, the weakest are the Three Flowers Gathering Realm, and the strongest is the Heaven and Man Unity Realm. Among them, there are more than 30 warriors in the Heaven and Man Unity Realm. This number is even higher than Among the seven sects and eight sects, there are even more weaker sects, such as the Canglan Sword Sect and the Bashan Sword Sect.

At this time, there was a mess in the hall, some people were whispering, some were making noise, and some people were drinking and scolding.

There were only ten chairs in the hall, and only ten people sat there. There were bloodstains on the ground, as well as some pale people who were repairing their injuries with resentful expressions. Obviously, before Chu Xiu came, these rebellious guys stopped. It's been one fight already, and it's still a fight for something as boring as fighting for a seat.

At this time, in the seat, a thin warrior in his forties, wearing a black robe, triangular eyes, and a thin body said, "Luo Sancong, Zhao Chengping, and everyone, I said you should stop sitting, saying: Come on, what does Senior Wei mean by bringing us here this time? Let us all obey a junior? This is just a joke."

This man was playing with a golden scorpion in his hand, and it looked very agile, but if you looked closely, you could see that the tail of the scorpion was as black as ink, and it was obviously highly poisonous.

This warrior is Tao Gongwang, who is quite famous among the demons.

In fact, to be precise, this person is not practicing magic, but poison, but in the eyes of most people in Jianghu, this kind of evil and strange things belong to the category of magic, so Tao Gongwang is also attributed to In the line of magic.

This person used to be on the rivers and lakes for more than ten years. Although his methods are cruel, he is also cunning and cunning, so even though he has provoked a lot of people, he has always been safe.

It's just that he was unlucky. A few years ago, he used human blood to nourish poisonous insects in the land of Western Chu, and bumped into the hands of Zhang Chengzhen, the little celestial master. , this is the only way to escape.

Since then, Tao Gongwang has been involved in the hidden demon lineage, and has started to act in a low-key manner, daring not to go too far.

This time Wei Shuya asked them to gather together and obey Chu Xiu's order to take revenge on the Jiutian Mountain Demon Alliance. In fact, Tao Gongwang refused in his heart.

From Tao Gongwang's point of view, although Lin Ye's strength is strong, and even though he ranks third on the Dragon and Tiger list, he is still only a junior. Allowing himself to obey the other party's orders, Tao Gongwang naturally has some resistance.

Of course, these are secondary. After all, people are under the eaves and have to bow their heads. Then Lin Ye has such a big backstage as Wei Shuya, so he just listened to but he really didn't want to go against the righteous path any more.

A few years ago, he was afraid of being beaten by Zhang Chengzhen, which caused a psychological shadow.

It was because of fear that Tao Gongwang sought refuge in the hidden demon lineage. When he joined the hidden demon lineage, he acted in a low-key manner for the hidden demon lineage, but now even the hidden demon lineage is not low-key anymore. Of course he wouldn't.

Strictly speaking, he is not a person of the hidden demon lineage at all. What does the hatred of the Jiutian Mountain Demon Dao Alliance have to do with him? Later, he will definitely find a chance to push this matter away completely.

He doesn't care about other people going, but he doesn't want to go.

Luo Sancong was a strong man sitting in the first place. His muscles were knotted all over his body, and his appearance was masculine, as if cast out of steel.

He also had a **** ghost head beheading knife with a ferocious shape in his hand. It was more than half the height of a person, and it was stained with a little black and purple blood rust, which looked extremely fierce.

‘Blood Crazy Blade’ Luo Sancong is not a standard Hidden Demon martial artist.

He was a loose cultivator, but he was reckless and belligerent, and his personality was also a bit irritable, so he offended many people on the rivers and lakes.

Offending some ordinary warriors, Luo Sancong is getting stronger and stronger, but he once inadvertently offended many warriors of the younger generation of the nine great families at the gathering of the younger generation of the nine great families, and was hated and chased by others.

Even if Luo Sancong offended him, he would not pursue and kill a loose cultivator with great fanfare, but he couldn't hold back some disciples of other aristocratic families who were not big-hearted, so Luo Sancong was After being chased and killed by them, he was almost driven to a desperate situation, and was finally rescued by a master of the hidden demon lineage, so he successfully joined the hidden demon lineage.


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