Meet The Leader

Chapter 616: ungrateful

Everyone in the magic way has their own thoughts. In fact, the whole line has never been monolithic, and not everyone wants to avenge the deaths of those who died in the Jiutian Mountain Magic Dao Alliance. That's why Wei Shuya asked Chu Xiu to lead these people and put these people in charge. People sort it out.

Compared with Tao Gongwang's so many careful thoughts, Luo Sancong's thoughts were much simpler.

Luo Sancong sneered and said: "Tao Gongwang, you are the one who has the most bad things, the junior, what happened to the junior? Strictly speaking, my seniority is younger than yours, why don't you accept me? Otherwise, we have come here twice?"

Tao Gongwang was speechless by Luo Sancong's arrogance, and he snorted coldly: "This is not a question of seniority, I have been in the hidden demon lineage for so many years, and have been hiding in the dark, but now Senior Wei But let a junior with little experience lead us to provoke the righteous martial arts, have you considered the danger of this matter?"

Luo Sancong waved his hand fiercely, and snorted coldly: "I think about it! It doesn't matter whether he is righteous or devilish, as long as that kid's strength is strong enough, I will kill whoever he asks me to kill.

On the other hand, if that kid is not my opponent, then whoever I want to kill will not be in his control! "

Tao Gongwang had nothing to do with Luo Sancong, so he turned his attention to Zhao Chengping.

Compared with the two of them, Zhao Chengping was much more normal.

Zhao Chengping was a middle-aged man wearing a black robe with a stern look. When the others started arguing, he sat there alone without looking at him.

Seeing Tao Gongwang's gaze at this time, Zhao Chengping just said lightly: "I don't know that Lin Ye, and I don't know whether it is good or bad for me to take the initiative to attack those sects, I only know that this The matter was ordered by Senior Wei, and Lin Ye was also selected by Senior Wei, I only believe in Senior Wei, I believe that Senior Wei will not be wrong."

Compared with Tao Gongwang and Luo Santong, Zhao Chengping was born in the orthodox magic way.

In the past, his ancestors were masters of the magic way who followed Wei Shuya to the Nine Heavens Mountain, but he was killed in that battle. Zhao Chengping's lineage has always been sheltered by Wei Shuya.

So no matter what Wei Shuya says, Zhao Chengping will do it. For him, Wei Shuya is no different from his ancestors.

When Tao Gongwang saw Zhao Chengping's attitude, he simply stopped talking nonsense with him, but turned his attention to other people and discussed plans with them.

Although this group of people are now considered to be hidden demons, in fact, they all have their own thoughts.

Some are due to their own personality, such as Luo Sancong.

But there are also many people like Tao Gongwang who have small calculations.

Just as everyone was discussing enthusiastically, the door was pushed open, and Chu Wuji walked in with Chu Xiu, who had put on a mask.

The originally noisy lobby was instantly quiet.

Chu Wuji's prestige is quite big among the hidden demons. This martial arts master who is closest to the realm of real fire refinement, even if he is as rebellious as Luo Sancong, he would not dare to disrespect him.

Chu Wuji looked around for a week, and said indifferently, "Senior Wei called you all together, you should all know this.

This is Lin Ye, a young hero from my hidden demon lineage. I won't take care of everything after that. I'll leave it to Lin Ye to deal with it. You can just keep talking. "

After speaking, Chu Wuji turned around and left, leaving only Chu Xiu.

Although Wei Shuya didn't say that this was a test, in Chu Wuji's view, this was actually the first test for Chu Xiu.

If he can't even handle these guys, then Chu Xiu is not worthy of his current position.

Seeing Chu Wuji leave so neatly, everyone present was stunned for a moment, and then they were all whispering to each other.

Among the demons, most of them are unruly and unruly. Not to mention that Chu Xiu is not a martial arts master, and he does not have so many qualifications. Even if Chu Xiu becomes a martial arts master, these people may not be convinced.

Before they were so respectful to Chu Wuji, it was because of the reputation and prestige that Chu Wuji had accumulated in the Hidden Demon lineage in the past few decades, Chu Xiu, just based on his rumors in the rivers and lakes, his ranking on the Dragon Tiger list, It was not enough to completely smother the demon warriors present.

Looking at everyone present, Chu Xiu narrowed his eyes and said lightly, "Everyone, I think you should have heard of my name, Lin Ye."

Hearing this, someone in the room suddenly laughed softly, with a hint of disdain in their tone.

They had heard of Lin Ye's name, yes, but Lin Ye said it right in front of them, which was a little too complacent.

But then Chu Xiu said lightly: "Of course it doesn't matter if you haven't heard of it, now that you have heard of it, please don't forget it.

Why did Senior Wei Shuya gather all of you here? I don’t think I need to repeat it. The next thing is actually very simple. I don’t need you to use your brains. I just need to use a knife to kill people. Killing someone is easy, isn't it? "

As soon as these words came out, almost everyone present showed a hint of dissatisfaction, and this Lin Ye was a little too arrogant.

Although they admitted that Lin Ye's strength is indeed strong, and even killed the martial arts master Zhenyangzi of Chunyang Daomen, but their seniority is here, most of the people present are better than this Lin Ye's You have more seniority, higher than Lin Ye's seniority. You Lin Ye didn't say anything modest when you came up, and just put on such an orderly tone. Isn't this arrogance?

When Tao Gongwang saw Chu Xiu's attitude, he suddenly sneered in his heart.

Before, he thought that this Lin Ye was a figure, and if he could rank third on the Dragon and Tiger list, he would certainly not be too bad.

As a result, looking at it now, I don't mention Lin Ye's strength, but he is arrogant and brainless in his actions, which is not a cause for concern.

Tao Gongwang stood up and coughed: "Little friend Lin, I'm a generation older than you, it's not an exaggeration to call you a little friend.

It's true that Senior Wei Shuya called us all here, and he also told me to wait. It's not wrong to follow your instructions this time, but it doesn't mean that we will hand over our lives to you.

Lin Xiaoyou, do you know the current situation of my hidden demon lineage? You are so rashly taking me to find the trouble of those sects of the righteous way. Once the top forces of the righteous way are involved, it will be dangerous for me to wait.

My Hidden Demons have kept a low profile for so long. Even if Senior Wei Shuya decides to take action against those sects of the righteous way, he must wait for a long-term plan before taking action, instead of taking action recklessly now. "

Tao Gongwang is an old fried dough stick on the rivers and lakes, and he plays tricks and tricks quite neatly.

On the surface, he did not directly deny Wei Shuya's words, but he persuaded Chu Xiu to take a long-term view.

And how long it will take to discuss this long-term plan is not necessarily. When it is discussed until Lin Ye is punished by Lord Wei Shuya for his unfavorable conduct, his purpose will be temporarily achieved.

This is a conspiracy. Lin Ye agrees, and he can delay the time. If Chu Xiu does not agree, he will definitely be resisted by most of the warriors present.

Chu Xiu squinted at Tao Gongwang and said, "So, you don't want to avenge those seniors sacrificed by the Nine Heavens Mountain Demon Alliance?"

Tao Gongwang hurriedly said: "Don't talk nonsense! Everyone present is testifying, I have never said such a thing!"

"You didn't say it, but you thought so in your heart!"

Chu Xiu snorted coldly: "Tao Gongwang, I know you, in the past, you were almost killed by Zhang Chengzhen's five thunders in Western Chu, and you escaped with Zhang Chengzhen's hands, but you were also killed by the people of Tianshifu. There is no way to go to the sky and no door to the ground, and you are taken in by the hidden demons.

People like you, if you didn't have the protection of the hidden demon lineage, I am afraid you would have been given the righteousness to the chivalrous person, completely eradicated the demon and defended the road, and it is your turn to speak nonsense here?

The Hidden Demons are kind to you, but now you push back three and four and refuse to do things for the Hidden Demons. You are ungrateful.

And who do you call your little friend? Is the word "little friend" also qualified for you? Ridiculous!

An ungrateful I don't know the so-called stupid idiot. He has no effect at all. He only knows how to attach himself to the big tree of the hidden demons to seek protection of interests. What is the use of you as an idiot? "

Chu Xiu's last word fell, and an astonishing spiritual force burst out in an instant.

Tao Gongwang is indeed an old man who has been in the rivers and lakes for a long time. At the moment when Chu Xiu's mental power broke out, he had already sensed the crisis, and immediately released a large number of poisonous insects, but he did not rush towards Chu Xiu. Instead, protect yourself.

However, as Chu Xiu's soul-suppressing ghost song was released, the ripples formed by the spiritual force rippled, and every burst of primordial spirit shock would cause a large number of poisonous insects to fall to the ground.

Almost in an instant, there was a blank space in front of Tao Gongwang, and even he himself was hit by the soul-suppressing ghost song, and his head felt a sharp pain in an instant, as if his soul was about to be shattered.

Before Tao Gongwang could cry out in pain, Chu Xiu stepped out and appeared in front of Tao Gongwang almost instantly. One hand was already on Tao Gongwang's neck. It burst out, blocking Tao Gongwang's meridians.

There was a look of astonishment in Tao Gongwang's eyes, and the others never thought that Lin Ye would do it if he said he would do it, and he didn't make any sense.

Just when they wanted to speak to dissuade Chu Xiu and Tao Gongwang wanted to beg for mercy, Chu Xiu's demonic energy exploded, and he directly crushed Tao Gongwang's neck, throwing him to the ground as if he were throwing a dead dog. .

Everyone present looked at Tao Gongwang's corpse, and their eyes still flashed with disbelief.

Tao Gongwang just died like this? How dare Lin Ye be so daring to kill someone when he comes up?


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