Meet The Leader

Chapter 617: foregone conclusion

Tao Gongwang's death is actually very wrong.

Although his strength is far inferior to Chu Xiu, he has a lot of evil poisonous insects on him. These things are his trump cards. Although he dare not say that he can compete with Chu Xiu, he can at least guarantee that he is in Chu Xiu. in the hands for several rounds.

In the past, Tao Gongwang was able to escape from Zhang Chengzhen's hands, which actually proved Tao Gongwang's strength.

It's just that Tao Gongwang didn't expect that Chu Xiu would actually kill him. He was also a member of the Hidden Demon's lineage. In such a large audience, Chu Xiu would just do it, and he even dared to kill him directly.

Tao Gongwang didn't count this, and others didn't count it, so he died, and he died very wrongly, and he was killed without using his trump cards.

Chu Xiu looked at the demon warriors around who were angry, overwhelmed, and looked like a good show, and said lightly: "You can't forget your roots, even if I'm a person in the magic way, but I still need to know what is morality and what is righteousness. kindness.

All of you have been sheltered by the Hidden Demons over the years and have saved your strength and lives. Now that you just need to use your strength, you are pushing three and four here. Isn't this ungrateful?

The Hidden Demons don't need useless trash, don't need ungrateful idiots, you have all seen the fate of Tao Gongwang, is it when an ungrateful idiot is cleaned up as garbage, or follow me to report the original nine The grievances of the Tianshan Magic Dao Alliance are yours to choose. "

Some of the warriors present were a little angry.

Some people have similar backgrounds to Tao Gongwang, and they all joined the Hidden Demon lineage later. These people actually don't have much sense of belonging to the Hidden Demon lineage.

Chu Xiu killed Tao Gongwang with such a violent method and threatened them, which made him very uncomfortable, and they still didn't believe it. Lin Ye really couldn't kill them all.

However, Chu Xiu then paused and said, "Of course, I'm not denying you the chance, revenge is not something that is forced, as long as you are not like Tao Gongwang, who is obviously under the influence of hidden demons. Asylum, but ended up babbling nonsense there, shaking the military's heart, whoever wants to quit now, whoever wants to leave, follow you, I will report to Senior Wei Shuya, and from now on, you will no longer belong to the Hidden Demon lineage. "

Chu Xiu's words are almost the same as what Wei Shuya said to him just now. It seems to be a multiple-choice question, but in fact, you have no choice at all.

Those who were still filled with righteous indignation in the field before became quiet in an instant. Even if a few people moved, but in the end, when they saw that no one uttered a sound, they all held back and dared not say anything.

As Chu Xiu said, even the demons are extremely disgusted by those ungrateful villains.

When they leave today, they will be marked with an ungrateful little man with a rat's head at both ends.

They themselves have been rejected by the martial arts of the right way, and if they leave the hidden demon lineage at this time, they can only go to the bright demon lineage.

But as long as their deeds spread, even the Ming Demon lineage would not accept such people as disciples.

The relationship between the sect and the disciples is mutual. The sect provides you with space for shelter and growth. In the future, I hope you can in turn shelter the sect and other disciples.

Now that this group of people has done this, it is conceivable what other people will think of them.

Besides, they don't think that even if they admit that they are ungrateful and cowardly, the Hidden Demons will let them go.

With their strength, they have seen the secrets of many hidden demons, such as this secret place.

At this time, they chose to leave. Can the Hidden Demons be assured that they will keep their secrets? The best kept secrets are the dead.

Looking at the people around him, Chu Xiu said lightly, "What? No one wants to leave? If someone dares to disobey the order next time, don't blame me for not giving you a chance."

With that said, Chu Xiu's eyes turned away from Tao Gongwang on the ground. Obviously, this was the end.

"And don't feel wronged. You joined the hidden demon lineage, but you did not directly enter the sects that belong to the hidden demon lineage, such as the Wuxiang Demon Sect and the Chi Lian Demon Sect. Although you are freer, you naturally also Can't get the treatment in the sect.

There are many people like you. Senior Chu Wuji, who just went out, came from the same background as you, but in the end he became a master of martial arts, a master of the hidden demon lineage.

But think about it for yourself, how many of you are sure to reach the level of Senior Chu? Senior Chu can get to this point by himself without relying on everything, but you can't!

This time, Senior Wei called you to take revenge for the Jiutian Mountain Devil Dao Alliance, not to let you die. "

As soon as this statement came out, most of the anger of the people present disappeared, and the rest was thinking.

It is true that they have been in the Hidden Demon lineage for so long. Although they have been sheltered, in fact, there are always a few of them who can succeed.

Now the opportunity has come. Although there are certain risks, it is also rewarding, especially if you can gain a good impression from Senior Wei.

At this moment, Luo Sancong suddenly came out with his ghost head beheading knife, and laughed: "Your mouth is quite able to say, I can't tell you, I only believe in the knife in my hand!

You and I have come up with a few tricks and you have beaten me. No matter if you are a senior or a junior, you are the boss. If you lose, I will go with you. After all, when I was chased and killed by the sons of those noble families, it was the Hidden Demons who saved me. I am not the ungrateful old Tao Gongwang. "

Although just now Chu Xiu almost killed Tao Gongwang in one move, everyone present did not actually see Chu Xiu's true strength.

Because Chu Xiu's shot was too abrupt. Although it was a frontal shot, everyone present, including Tao Gongwang, did not expect that Chu Xiu would openly use a killer on such an occasion, so Chu Xiu's attack could be regarded as a sneak attack. In fact, Gongwang didn't even show half of his strength, so he was pinched to death by Chu Xiu.

So this time Tao Gongwang died a bit wrong. Not only Luo Sancong, but others also wanted to see the true strength of Lin Ye's frontal shot.

Although they have already read the information on the Dragon Tiger Ranking, this Lin Ye is very strong, and even has the power to kill a martial arts master, but what they heard is false and what they see is true. After all, they have not seen it with their own eyes. Still a little skeptical.

Chu Xiu waved his hand casually and said, "Okay, you can take out the knife."

Luo Sancong said in surprise: "It's right here? If this hall is damaged, Senior Wei will scold it, it's none of my business."

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "Don't worry, things that can be solved with a few tricks won't be broken."

Luo Sancong snorted coldly, "Arrogant!"

Although he admitted that this Lin Ye is very famous in the arena, and most of his strength is also very strong, this time he made a challenge, but the winning rate is not high, but he does not believe that Lin Ye can solve him with a few tricks.

However, since Lin Ye said so, he was not polite. The blood on the ghost head decapitation knife in Luo Sancong's hand soared, and even his eyes turned blood red in an instant.

With one slash, the blood and murderous intent skyrocketed, the boundless fierceness burst into bloom, and there was even a faint sound of the howling of the devil in the stance of the sword.

I have to say that Luo Sancong's strength is really not weak. He is definitely a master in the realm of the unity of nature and man. Among the warriors of the same rank, there are not many who can block his sword.

However, no matter how strong Luo Sancong is, his strength has not surpassed the category of the unity of heaven and man, and Chu Xiu, at this time, there are not many warriors of the same rank that he can regard as his opponent, and his opponent has even become an opponent. Those martial arts masters!

As the sword slashed, Chu Xiu's expression did not change, but there was a mysterious starlight flowing in his eyes.

With the current Chu Xiu's mental power, when he used the Heavenly Seeking Qi technique, a martial artist with such strength as Luo Sancong had almost no secrets in front of him. All in all.

Just as the blade was about to approach, Chu Xiu threw a punch, a punch with boundless blood and evil spirit.

Haoran's blood and murderous intent swept through, and fell with an indomitable might, but there was some kind of strange rhythm in that As the punch got closer, Chu Xiu The selfless killing fist actually aroused Luo Sancong's blade, causing the power of his blade to become unstable, start beating, and even backlash!

Luo Sancong had never even seen this kind of strange situation. It was clearly his own attack, yet he would even fight back. Is this his own power or that of Lin Ye? Why does the other party even know his own strength better than himself!

The strength backfired, and Luo Sancong no longer dared to continue to shoot.

Continue to shoot the knife, this knife will hurt others and hurt himself, so Luo Sancong directly withdraws the knife to defend at the critical moment and blocks in front of him.

Chu Xiu's selfless killing fist slammed on Luo Sancong's blade, and suddenly there was a loud noise.

The powerful force attacked, causing Luo Sancong's complexion to change suddenly, his figure could not help but quickly retreat back, the footsteps fell, and a pothole suddenly cracked on the ground.

Taking a few dozen steps back, Luo Sancong had already retreated to the back of the hall. Chu Xiu squeezed the seal in his hand, and displayed the image of the slaughtering devil. His anger was soaring into the sky, and Luo Sancong's knife just now was nothing compared to Chu Xiu's killing demon Buddha.

Luo Sancong's eyes widened when he saw the sword that killed the demon and the Buddha, and the power made him so horrified that he even prepared to burn his blood essence to resist.

As a result, Chu Xiu's knife did not fall completely, but after it fell halfway, the qi and blood in it dissipated directly, and the killing demon and Buddha slowly disappeared.

Luo Sancong put down the knife, no longer arrogant, bowed his hands to Chu Xiu, and said with a wry smile: "I have seen adults, I lost, and I am convinced of the loss."


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