Meet The Leader

Chapter 618: layout

Luo Sancong told Chu Xiu that he was convinced that he lost. This was not perfunctory, but the truth.

He had already seen the power of the sword that killed the demon Buddha just now, and it was astonishingly powerful.

But it turned out that Chu Xiu was able to take it back after he made a move, which was like an understatement. It was ten times more difficult than the one he cut out.

Luo Sancong's voice is also convinced. Although Chu Xiu is much younger than him, for a person like him, strength is his only criterion. As long as Chu Xiu's strength is stronger than him, then Everything is easy to say.

Zhao Chengping, who had not spoken at this time, also stood up and bowed his hands to Chu Xiu respectfully: "I have seen your lord."

For Zhao Chengping, his mind is very simple.

Wei Shuya wanted to take revenge on the former Jiutian Mountain Demon Alliance, but he actually wanted to take revenge on his ancestors, and he had no reason to object.

Moreover, his lineage was originally protected by Wei Shuya, let alone the powerful Lin Ye in front of him to lead them, and he could accept a weaker one. Anyway, as long as Wei Shuya said, then he had to support.

These people present saw the strongest among them, Tao Gongwang was killed, Luo Sancong and Zhao Chengping both chose to surrender, and the others bowed their heads respectfully and cupped their hands respectfully at this time: "I have seen your lord! "

At this time, outside the main hall, Wei Shuya and Chu Wuji were actually watching there all the time.

Seeing that Chu Xiu had subdued these people with thunder in a short period of time, Chu Wuji couldn't help but admire: "This kid is really good, that kid Xiao Lian and Lu Jin are not wrong.

In fact, what I lack most in the hidden demon lineage is not the strong, but the person who can dominate the overall situation and really do things like this kid. "

Strength and ability are two concepts. Some people have strength, but it does not mean that they can do everything.

For example, Chu Wuji, although he is from the royal family, is actually not good at such tricks as **** of subordinates, conspiracy and conspiracy.

There are also people like Mei Qinglian, but now she is the only one left in the Yin Demon Sect. Even if she is not good at these things, she must do it.

While Mr. Lu's strength is not as strong as Mei Qinglian and Chu Wuji, in fact, his ability is stronger than the first two.

As early as in the realm of Heaven and Man, Mr. Lu brought people from the Phaseless Demon Sect in secret and made a lot of troubles. He is also one of the top leaders of the Phaseless Demon Sect. There are many people under him.

Wei Shuya shook his head and said, "There are actually many people in the Hidden Demon lineage who can do things, but unfortunately the alliance is an alliance after all, and there are too many unstable factors in it.

In the past, the five heavenly demons in the Nine Heavens Mountains formed the Magic Dao Alliance, and the reason why I was able to set off such a great power was because the five people I and the other had had strong strength, and with them as the core, a mighty alliance could be formed.

Now, although the hidden demon lineage is much stronger than before, it has more calculations.

Although the sects of Wuxiang Demon Sect, Chi Lian Demon Sect, etc. are all in the vein of hidden demons, they must first consider the interests of their own sects.

The other old guys from the Hidden Demon lineage are even more extreme. They only think about the interests of their disciples and grandchildren, and bring out a lot of disciples. They only think about the benefits, and when they encounter problems, they blame each other.

You say that I have no shortage of powerhouses in my hidden demon lineage, but what I lack in hidden demons is a superpower who can hold down all of them! "

Chu Wuji was silent for a while and said, "You mean, a superpower like Ye Shaonan, who worships the moon and teaches?"

Although the Ming Demon lineage and the Hidden Demon lineage are still in hostility and confrontation, Chu Wuji has to admit that the entire Hidden Demon lineage cannot find a strong man who can match Ye Shaonan, even if there is no Moon Worship Cult in Ming Dynasty The pressure is shared on the face, and now the hidden demon lineage will not be so easy.

Wei Shuya shook his head, narrowed his eyes, and didn't know where to look: "Not enough! Far from enough! What my Hidden Demons need is not only a strong person like Ye Shaonan, but a kind of leader Dugu who can coerce the whole family. With the existence of rivers and lakes, I can completely turn over from the hidden demon lineage!"

Chu Wuji smiled bitterly and said nothing.

Since ancient times, how many people in the world can be compared to the leader of Dugu? Countless!

Lv Chunyang of Chunyang Daomen is one, the Buddhist monk Bodhidharma is one, so is Ning Xuanji of Zhenwu Sect, and the leader of Dugu.

Maybe there are a few people who can compare with the leader of Dugu, but all of them are not more than ten fingers.

Whether the Hidden Demon lineage can produce another strong man like the leader of Dugu, anyway, in Chu Wuji's view, there is little hope, and even his generation can't see it.

At this time, Chu Xiu was also thinking about how he should accomplish this task.

Luo Sancong and others have already surrendered. Although these guys are rebellious, as long as they are obedient, their strength is still very strong, so in this regard, Chu Xiu does not need to worry.

Besides, people all have desires, so do these hidden demons. Chu Xiu's status is here, and standing behind him is Wei Shuya. Perform well in front of you.

So the question before Chu Xiu now is how to solve these forces on the list as quickly as possible.

On the list that Wei Shuya handed over to Chu Xiu, those forces were generally not too strong. Some families might have hidden ancestors who had stepped into the realm of martial arts masters, but Chu Xiu was not afraid.

With his current strength, the ordinary martial arts master Chu Xiu is sure to fight with him, and even has a great chance of winning.

With the Seven Demon Swords in hand, it is not difficult for Chu Xiu to even kill a weaker martial arts master.

So the real difficulty of this mission is speed.

Chu Xiu must use the fastest speed to clean up this group of people. Once this group of people realizes that something is wrong, either they will scatter and hide, or they will attract some warriors from the righteous sect to increase the difficulty for Chu Xiu. It can also cause some unpredictable things.

But these forces on the list are too widely scattered. There are dozens of forces, most of them in Eastern Qi, some in Western Chu, and some in Beiyan. Chu Xiu cleaned up one by one, and it is estimated that more than a dozen forces have been cleaned up. Other forces will notice and respond accordingly.

After thinking for a while, Chu Xiu almost had a plan, he said to Zhao Chengping solemnly: "Zhao Chengping, you have been in the hidden demon lineage for so long, you must be familiar with these people, follow them according to Let’s classify them according to their strengths and what they are good at, and choose a leader for each team and control it within ten people, and the teams with the strongest combat power will be handed over to Luo Sancong.”

Luo Sancong just wanted to say that he is not good at managing these things, and Chu Xiu said directly: "You don't need to worry about that much, when I ask you to kill people, you can take your people to kill people, just listen to me. Commander, can't you do this?"

Hearing what Chu Xiu said, Luo Sancong had no choice but to spread his hands and said, "It can be done."

In fact, a person with a personality like Luo Sancong is not suitable for managing these things, but Chu Xiu can't hand over everyone to Zhao Chengping.

It's just that Chu Xiu doesn't know much about these people now, so he can only do this for the time being.

Zhao Chengping is not an idiot, and he has no opinion on Chu Xiu's approach.

On the contrary, if the other party really believes in himself and leaves everyone to him, either the other party is too stupid and naive, or there is some conspiracy involved.

"Sir, which force should we choose first?" Zhao Chengping asked.

Chu Xiu glanced at the information and said, "Choose one near you, the King of Western Chu, but we don't want to take action. You can choose twenty people and start with me. Remember, other than you, among these twenty people, you can't There are also warriors in the realm of the unity of heaven and man, as long as the three flowers gather in the top realm and the five qi Chaoyuan realm."

Hearing what Chu Xiu said, Zhao Chengping and Luo Sancong felt a little strange.

According to what they think, to destroy these small forces with the strength of their own people, directly dispatch all of them, and solve the other party as if they are destroying the dead, then everything will be fine. As a result, Chu Xiu only uses such a small amount of power. Why bother?

However, seeing Chu Xiu's confident appearance, they didn't ask any more questions, what Chu Xiu said, what they did.


The King's family of Xichu is actually very close to the land of Guanxi, not far from the junction of the land of Guanxi and Xichu. The strength is not weak, but it is not strong. There are also a few warriors in the family who are in the unity of heaven and man. .

It was ten minutes into the night, and the Wang Family Hall was still brightly lit.

During the day, the ancestor of the Wang family had just celebrated his 188th birthday. At this time, the guests had all dispersed, and the ancestor of the Wang family also called his family and gave instructions to the younger generation as usual.

At this time, in the Wang family hall, hundreds of direct disciples of the Wang family were sitting and standing, all gathered beside the ancestors of the Wang family.

The Martial Artist of the Harmony of Heaven and Man has a life span of 200 years. Although the ancestor of the Wang family has only survived for more than ten years in theory, he is still in good spirits at this time, and his face is red.

Looking at the many descendants below, the ancestor of the Wang family stroked his long snow-white beard and said, "It has been more than three hundred years since our ancestors established the family business.

You need to know that starting a business is easy and maintaining a business is difficult. The power of my Wang family is due to the fact that our ancestors followed the kendo masters of Zanwangjianlu more than 300 years ago to destroy the Demon Dao Alliance, because they fought bravely to kill the enemy. Appreciated by the masters of Lu, he gave exercises and established a family.

You should also keep in mind that today's day for my royal family is not easy to come by, and you must practice hard work, don't be lazy, so that you can live up to the legacy left by our ancestors. "

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly came from outside: "Since your ancestors have left so much legacy to your royal family, shouldn't you also pay for the cause and effect of your ancestors?"


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