Meet The Leader

Chapter 620: Red Leaf Villa

In Xichu, Chu Xiu not only attacked the Wang family, but also attacked the forces on many lists in the land of Xichu.

But the strange thing is that each time Chu Xiu only used more than 20 people, and did not use all his strength, which also caused some people to flee every time Chu Xiu started.

Because a large number of people fled, the news that the Hidden Demons began to prepare for revenge gradually spread to the entire Western Chu, and even the rivers and lakes.

Hearing this news, most of the people actually have an indifferent attitude.

There are countless things that have broken families and ruined their homes these days. These people killed by the hidden demons are not as many people who die in vendettas every day. It is not a big deal.

Moreover, although there were quite a few warriors who participated in the battle to destroy the Jiutian Mountain Demon Alliance in the past, there are still inheritances after three hundred years. power, but it is only a drop in the ocean.

In fact, the hidden demons jumped out and did a lot of things before, such as the old magic weapon conference, the spearhead was directly at the Tibetan Sword Villa, one of the five major sword factions. On the rivers and lakes, it is really not a big deal.

Moreover, Wei Shuya was very accurate, only attacking those small forces, not those big ones, although Persimmon's soft pinch seemed a little cowardly, but it was also very safe.

Those big factions have heard about these things, but they haven't really acted.

After all, it's not really about their own interests, and the movement of the hidden demons is not too big, even if it is a sect of the right way like Daguang Temple, its response speed is actually not fast.

At this time, in a secret stronghold of the hidden demon lineage in Western Chu, Zhao Chengping took more than 20 people to carry out the mission of destroying the family, but Chu Xiu was cultivating peacefully in the stronghold. This time he did not even personally hands-on.

Because the target strength this time is too weak, there is only one martial artist in the whole family, who can solve it by handing it over to Zhao Chengping alone. If he goes, it will really become a massacre.

When Zhao Chengping brought people back and saw Chu Xiu's leisurely appearance, he finally couldn't help it, and asked, "Sir, when you let us do this, when can we clean up all the people on the list. ?

Now that we are almost destroying a family, we are going to leak a small part of the people. In the end, I am afraid that we have not even cleaned up those forces in Xichu, and all the forces in our target have already begun to be vigilant and prepared for countermeasures. "

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows and said, "Prepare countermeasures? What I'm afraid of is not that they are prepared, but that they are not.

There are dozens of forces on the list, and their branches are in Western Chu, Beiyan, and Dongqi. Even if they do their best, even if we can teleport, it is impossible to get rid of so many people in a short period of time.

So my plan is very simple, that is, to let them all prepare, rather than we clean up one by one, let them take the initiative to gather together, so that we can start, catch them all, once and for all! "

When Zhao Chengping saw that Chu Xiu seemed to have a plan, he couldn't help but ask: "But sir, how can those forces be scattered throughout the rivers and lakes, how can they listen to us?"

Chu Xiu squinted his eyes and said: "It's very simple, it's better to find someone who can make them obedient.

We have released so many people, I believe that those people have already understood our 'strength', and they have also spread the news and the atmosphere of panic. It's easy to get everyone together. "

Chu Xiu picked up the information Wei Shuya gave him, clicked the name on it, and said, "You continue to lead people to do things here in Xichu, only look for forces weaker than you, don't use forces stronger than you, once If abnormality is found, retreat immediately.

And I took Luo Sancong and the others to Dongqi to find this person who could raise his arms, the owner of the Red Leaf Villa in Lin'an County, Liu Jianhong, the 'Maple Dance Swordsman'! "

The person chosen by Chu Xiu is one of the strongest forces in the list. Liu Jianhong himself stepped into the realm of martial arts masters a year ago. Red Leaf Villa is also the top force in Lin'an County, Eastern Qi. .

Three hundred years ago, these people rose up by destroying the Jiutian Mountain Magic Dao Alliance. Now, some forces have developed mediocrely, while others have developed well. This is the case with Hongye Villa.

Liu Jianhong is the owner of the Red Leaf Villa, and whether it is himself or the Red Leaf Villa, his reputation in the Eastern Qi martial arts is not small.

Liu Jianhong is nicknamed the Maple Dance Swordsman. This word 'xia' is not something that ordinary people can bear. Liu Jianhong has this title because he has helped the poor and the needy in the Eastern Qi Wulin over the years and eradicated the accumulation of many evil spirits. 's reputation.

And Red Leaf Villa will also help some warriors who are in difficulty, regardless of payment, and has a good reputation in the Eastern Qi martial arts.

It's just that in Chu Xiu's view, both Liu Jianhong and this Red Leaf Villa are actually very similar to one person and another force, and that is Nie Renlong of Juyi Village.

Liu Jianhong is following the old path of Nie Renlong, or in other words, he has been imitating Nie Renlong.

Whether it is to help the poor, or to eradicate those demonic murderers, or to help the warriors of Red Leaf Villa, they are all utilitarian.

But in Chu Xiu's view, Liu Jianhong is a bit stingy in his work, far less generous than Nie Renlong.

Nie Renlong also did things for fame, but he dared to pay great risks for these reputations, which is why he has the reputation of Juyi Village on the rivers and lakes now.

And Liu Jianhong was too cautious. He wanted to help those in danger and gain fame, but he did little favors, and he also gave some small favors.

Others are not idiots. Few people will be grateful to you Liu Jianhong because of these small favors.

And almost all the demonic murderers that Liu Jianhong went to eradicate belonged to those who were not as powerful as him, and caused limited damage, so at this time he eradicated those people, and the reputation he gained was also limited.

In Chu Xiu's view, this kind of person is the kind of person whose heart is higher than the sky, but in fact his own abilities and means are limited.

At this time, in the Hongye Villa in Lin'an County, Eastern Qi, Liu Jianhong was sitting on the main seat in the lobby, surrounded by more than ten masters of the Liu family in the Hongye Villa, and some of his descendants were sitting beside them. Vice dignified color.

Liu Jianhong is a middle-aged man with extraordinary temperament, with a square and masculine appearance, holding a long sword with a red maple scabbard in his hand.

But at this time, there was no expression on Liu Jianhong's face, and the atmosphere was very depressed.

The Hidden Demons are ready to avenge the grievances of Jiutian Mountain three hundred years ago. This matter has been passed from Western Chu to Eastern Qi, and the forces related to the incident in the past are in danger.

Liu Jianhong naturally knew how his Liu family ancestors started, so at this time the entire Red Leaf Villa was shrouded in a dignified atmosphere.

At this time, a middle-aged warrior who looked younger than Liu Jianhong couldn't help but stood up and said, "Brother, we can't just sit still like this!

The Hidden Demons want to take revenge, but they don't dare to take action against those big factions. They only dare to provoke us. This time we have to let them see, I am not a soft persimmon!

This time, only Lin Ye, who appeared on the Dragon and Tiger Ranking list a few days ago, was led by the Hidden Demons, and there were more than 20 ordinary martial artists, not even a martial arts master.

Even if Lin Ye can rival the martial arts master, I don't believe that other people have this kind of strength!

We have set up a manpower trap, and when Lin Ye brings people over, he will catch them all at once, frustrate the opponent's spirit, and make my Red Leaf Villa famous in the world! "

Liu Jianhong cast a glance at him and said: "What you think is simple, then Lin Ye is only a junior, no matter how strong he is, it is naturally impossible to rely on him to destroy my Red Leaf Villa, but even if we block Lin Ye, even Is to kill the other party, so what?

What happened this time was the decision of the entire Hidden Demon lineage. Killing a Lin Ye would attract more Hidden Demon lineage masters. What would we do at Red Leaf Villa? "

The martial artist was at a loss for words. If he calculated it like this, he couldn't stop it, and he couldn't kill it. Could it be that they can only sit and wait for the death of Red Leaf Villa?

A young man sitting next to Liu Jianhong stood up and said, "Father why don't we go to the big dispatchers to help?

Father, you are all familiar with people from Tibetan Sword Villa, Zhenwu Sect, and Nancang Xiahou Clan. Right now, the demons are so excessive. If you ask them for help, can the Hidden Demons still be able to compete with these top powers? "

Liu Jianhong sighed and said, "Why haven't I thought about this? Even I had someone send them news before, but it turned out to be a dead end.

Lin'er, you have to remember that a network is a network, but you still have to rely on yourself at critical moments, especially for these people in the big sect, let alone someone you know for your father is not at the level of the head of the family, even if he is the head of the family. Patriarch, for this kind of major event, they also have to discuss it in detail, analyze the pros and cons, and then make a decision.

And when they discuss the results, it doesn't necessarily matter when, we can't just hand over our life and wealth into the hands of others. "

The Liu family looked at each other, they couldn't fight hard, and they couldn't go to foreign aid, so how should the Liu family survive this crisis?

Just then, a voice came from outside the door.

"Why don't I give you an idea? Hongye Villa and Liu Daxia need fame and reputation, and strength and strength. It is better to ask for others than to ask for yourself. In this environment where everyone is in danger, it is better for Liu Daxia to raise his arms and call everyone who has participated. Three hundred years ago, the forces of the Nine Heavens Mountains gathered together to strengthen their power and fight against the hidden demons.

At that time, you will not only be able to survive this catastrophe, but even the top sects of the rivers and lakes cannot ignore this power. As the initiator of this alliance, Liu Daxia, you will have everything you need for your reputation and benefits! "


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