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Chapter 621: Very 'greedy' man

The idea that the voice that suddenly appeared was actually a good suggestion, and it even made Liu Jianhong feel a little overwhelmed.

Turning passive into active, turning calamity into opportunity, if it really works well and there is no problem, their Red Leaf Villa may really be more powerful than Juyi Village.

But at this time in the entire lobby, no one would feel happy, but everyone was nervous and immediately picked up their weapons and stood up.

This is the Red Leaf Villa, the territory of their Liu family, but as a result, someone broke through the defense of his Liu family outside the villa and overheard so much of what they said, which made everyone in the Liu family feel horrified just thinking about it.

"Pretend to be a ghost, come out for me!"

Liu Jianhong snorted coldly, and with a wave of one hand, the long sword in his hand was already unsheathed, turning into a crimson sword qi that fluttered and danced, and a sword gang actually evolved into a somewhat ethereal sword force.

Outside the gate, Chu Xiu dropped a punch, and the murderous aura condensed, smashing the sword gang directly and stepping into the lobby.

Behind him, Luo Sancong led more than 200 elites of hidden demons to break through the gate and poured into the Red Leaf Villa. In an instant, the entire Red Leaf Villa was filled with demonic energy.

Seeing Chu Xiu's figure, Liu Jianhong's complexion suddenly changed: "Lin Ye! Why are you here!?"

According to the news, this Lin Ye should be in Western Chu, why did he suddenly appear in Eastern Qi?

There are also those behind him, nearly twenty-three warriors in the unity of heaven and man, and the others are the weakest in the realm of Sanhua Gathering. Such a strong force is coming to attack his Red Leaf Villa. It's enough to attack the Bashan Sword Sect!

Chu Xiu sneered and didn't speak. He squeezed the seal in his hand, and the demon and Buddha figure of killing life was displayed behind him, and the scarlet blood blade slashed, and the power was extremely powerful. I felt a heavy pressure.

Although Liu Jianhong has only just stepped into the realm of a martial arts master, he is also a martial arts master no matter what, and as a result, he felt such a strong coercion on Chu Xiu's body. Isn't this a joke?

Fang Jianhong gritted his teeth, and the long sword in his hand swayed countless flowers, which looked gorgeous, but they contained murderous intentions. Each flower had a hint of sword intent and aura, and the secret numb flowers fell from the sky. In fact, there are countless swords in the air!

Seeing Fang Jianhong's move, Chu Xiu couldn't help but reveal a sneer on the corner of his mouth. This Fang Jianhong's strength was lower than he imagined.

Although Chu Xiu is in the realm of the unity of heaven and man, in fact, most of the people who are qualified to fight against him are martial arts masters.

Moreover, among the martial arts masters who fought against Chu Xiu, except for Qiao Liandong, who died in his hands, his strength was weak, and the rest were not weak, even those like Zhen Yangzi were considered strong among martial arts masters.

These powerful martial arts masters have a common feature, that is, when they fight, they rarely use the advantages of the martial arts masters themselves, but develop their own strength.

What are the most basic advantages of martial arts masters? It is to condense the Martial Dao Zhendan, which can quickly absorb the vitality of heaven and earth and turn it into its own strength, which is inexhaustible and endless.

So theoretically, you can use the number of people to kill the warriors of the unity of heaven and man. Even if it is Zongxuan's kind of warrior with terrifying power and strength, his internal strength is not a bottomless pit, but the warriors of the true core are not relying on With a large number of low-level warriors, the number of people can be piled to death.

This is the biggest advantage of martial arts masters, but this advantage is only for martial artists who are far less powerful than themselves. When two martial arts masters compete, this advantage is naturally gone, so most martial arts masters still have to develop their own. strength to make their combat effectiveness stronger.

But in front of Liu Jianhong's shot, his explosive power was not even as strong as Chu Xiu's. His sword stance seemed to be continuous, but in fact he was trying to use his continuous True Qi to consume Chu Xiu to death.

This move of his is easy to say to other warriors who are in the unity of heaven and man, but for Chu Xiu, it is simply wishful thinking.

The knife that killed the devil and Buddha directly smashed those seemingly magnificent flowers, and the boundless blood rushed to the sky. Coupled with the Buddha's dharma with the devilish flames, it made this knife even more evil.

The swords intersected, and Liu Jianhong suddenly felt a strong force coming, and his figure couldn't help but step back.

That knife was even more affecting his own qi and blood, and even made Liu Jianhong feel as if his own qi and blood were boiling.

With Liu Jianhong's reputation in the Eastern Qi martial arts, he has played against a lot of martial artists, but he has never really played against the top ten Junjie on the Dragon Tiger List.


In the view of him who has become a martial arts master, how can the world of the unity of man and nature be strong no matter how strong it is? Are the so-called descriptions on the Dragon Tiger list a little too exaggerated?

As a result, Liu Jianhong now sees that the Dragon Tiger List has not exaggerated the fighting power of these young heroes, and is even more powerful than he imagined!

The figure repulsed back, Liu Jianhong roared, the sword shot out like a fire, and the crimson sword gang was beating with a flame of silence, this sword pierced, Liu Jianhong's rank six rank Baobing seemed to be unable to bear it, and became hot, as if it was about to melt.

Liu Jianhong is not from a loose cultivation background. The ancestor of his Liu family relied on his rise in the battle of the Nine Heavens Mountains, but he did not accumulate much family background, so Liu Jianhong's own inheritance of the practice is not really. Considered strong.

Although he has now become a master of martial arts, his martial arts inheritance can't compare to Chu Xiu, even some ordinary disciples from the big sect.

This type of swordsmanship does not belong to him, but a residual move he accidentally obtained from the secret box. It is extremely powerful, but because it is only a residual move, there is a certain degree of risk of backlash after using it, unless it comes to the critical moment. , otherwise Liu Jianhong would rarely use it.

He also did not expect that with just one move, his own martial arts master would be forced to such a level by the younger generation of Lin Ye. It was ridiculous and pathetic!

Feeling the scorching fire in that sword, the power of annihilation in it, Chu Xiu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Sure enough, even if it is a weak martial arts master, since the opponent can achieve such a state, he must have some kung fu to press the bottom of the box.

The power of this sword is very extraordinary, and its complete sword move must have been very powerful in ancient times.

But unfortunately, no matter how powerful a move is, it is only a move. The key point is the person who uses this move!

Behind Chu Xiu, the killing demon and Buddha dissipated, and at the same time, Chu Xiu's hand was also on the greedy knife behind him.

The Seven Demon Knives hurt others and hurt themselves. Originally, Chu Xiu didn't intend to use this thing easily.

But now he needs to quickly defeat Liu Jianhong and others, and Chu Xiu can only use the killer move of the Seven Devils.

The Seven Devil Swords are aimed at people's seven emotions and six desires. With Chu Xiu's current strength, no matter which sword he uses, Chu Xiu can only cut out a single sword, so he must choose a sword that can completely target Liu Jianhong's inner emotions. , otherwise he would waste an opportunity.

Greed, hatred, hatred, hate, desire, among these seven emotions, the word greed is unavoidable for most people.

Some people are greedy for money, some people are greedy for sex, and some people are greedy for power.

Liu Jianhong is utilitarian, and he cannot escape this greed!

The greedy sword was unsheathed, and in an instant, an evil demonic energy roared out, devouring all power, and arousing Liu Jianhong's inner demon.

In an instant, Liu Jianhong's eyes were slightly red, and the greed in his heart had even been reflected on his face, distorting his original square appearance to be extremely ferocious.

Liu Jianhong was deeply greedy, even deeper than Chu Xiu imagined.

He is a greedy person, he is greedy for fame, status, and power!

There is Juyi Village in the north, rising in the grass, Nie Renlong has gathered the world's grass masters, Juyi, which is now the famous Juyi Village.

And he, Liu Jianhong, admitted that he was no worse than Nie Renlong!

He has always wanted to make Hongye Villa a Juyi Village in Dongqi, and he has been planning for countless years for this.

So today, he can't die here, and he doesn't want to die here!

With the greedy knife Liu Jianhong's qi has even changed a little.

Originally, his Astral Qi was crimson. Although Chu Xiu couldn't recognize what kind of Astral Qi it was, Chu Xiu was sure that it was definitely not the Astral Qi of the Devil's Lineage.

But now, the aura around Liu Jianhong has turned black and red, exuding an evil aura.

The greedy knife cuts down and devours everything.

The qi was swallowed up by the sword, and the sword with the silent flame of the greedy sword did not completely swallow it, but as the greedy sword fell, the endless magic flames wrapped it, and even Liu Jianhong's body was twisted. The gang qi involuntarily poured into the greedy sword, and even helped the greedy sword to suppress his sword moves!

Demonic energy spilled out, and the sword gang scattered.

The long sword in Liu Jianhong's hand shattered directly. He spurted out a mouthful of blood and flew out, smashing a row of tables and chairs behind him.

Chu Xiu's eyes were also slightly red, but he used his powerful mental strength to suppress the backlash of the greedy sword, and put the greedy sword back into the scabbard.

The inspiration of the Seven Magic Swords comes from the Seven Great Limits of the Supreme Sword Technique in the ancient times. Although it cannot evoke the power of heaven and earth like the Seven Great Limits, the power of the seven emotions of human beings is equally terrifying.

As long as you are not a saint with few desires, then when facing the Seven Devils, you will definitely be affected by the Seven Devils.

Liu Jianhong's nickname is the Swordsman of the Maple Dance. He doesn't know if the word 'xia' was given to him by someone else, or if he found someone to spread it out by himself, but today, under the greed of swords, Liu Jianhong has revealed his true form. .

He may be a chivalrous man, but he is a very greedy ' chivalrous man'.


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