Meet The Leader

Chapter 623: response

Liu Jianhong fell into the devil's way, whether he was sincere or helpless, this was a road of no return, and he had no choice.

The Liu family members in Hongye Villa could not leave Hongye Villa until the plan was completed, so Chu Xiu only left a few guards, and then chose another uninhabited place in Dongqi as the location of the alliance, and found The people in the Hidden Demon lineage who are best at formations set up a big formation there, a huge killing formation!

At the same time, Liu Jianhong also spread the news in his own name, and summoned the forces related to the battle of the Nine Heavens Mountain Demon Alliance to come to Dongqi to gather and discuss countermeasures.

Before Liu Jianhong sent them a message, this group of people were all in a panic, looking for a relationship, looking for a relationship, thinking about a countermeasure, thinking of an opponent, but there was no good way to block the hidden demons.

But now the appearance of Liu Jianhong has given them a new hope.

Their single force and single network really can't stop the hidden demon lineage.

But now that they have so many forces united, with more than 20 people under Lin Ye, can they kill thousands of them? The anti-kill is almost the same.

And the most important thing is that they are so loud, they don't believe that those big factions will not be inactive, and even if their alliance is combined, they can match some weaker martial arts forces in Jianghu Songs, such as Canglan Sword Sect and Bashan Sword Sect.

So no matter what ideas they had, after receiving the news of Liu Jianhong, almost no one refused, and they all sent their elites to Dongqi to join Liu Jianhong.

This group of people made such a big noise, and the major factions also heard some rumors, but some started to act, and some did not.

Most of those forces that have taken action have some ideas about the alliance formed by Liu Jianhong, so they are ready to send someone to contact them, but those who have not taken action are either not interested, or simply do not care.

At this time, in a small courtyard of the Delusional Meditation Hall of Daguang Temple, two monks in moon-white robes were sitting down in front of a bodhi tree.

One of the middle-aged monks with a mighty appearance and fierceness is the first 'Veduo Venerable' of the six major martial arts academies.

And the monk opposite him looked very strange.

At first glance, his appearance was very young, as if he was only in his twenties, but upon closer inspection, he seemed to be in his thirties or forties.

If you look into his eyes, you will feel a strange sense of vicissitudes, and you will even suspect that the other party is hundreds of years old.

This strange monk is the head of the three major meditation halls in the Daguang Temple. The first 'Jiu Miao Longshu' Xuyun in the Wandering Zen Hall is considered by the outside world to be the strongest person in the Daguang Temple, second only to the abbot' Venerable Sakyamuni'. However, in the Daguang Temple, many people felt that Xuyun was even more terrifying than the abbot Xuci.

Because this is someone you can't see through at all.

Outsiders can't see through the clouds, and the people in the Daguang Temple can't see through the clouds, and even the teachers of Xuyun, the Buddhist masters of the previous generation of the Daguang Temple, they can't see through the clouds.

Therefore, in the end, Xu Yun, whose reputation was much greater than Xu Ci, became the head of the Wandering Meditation Hall, and Xu Ci became the abbot.

However, in the Daguang Temple, Xuyun's status is no worse than Xuci, at least now Xuyan's attitude towards Xuci is almost as respectful as the abbot.

At this time, Xuyun put down a chess piece lightly, slaughtered the entire dragon of Xuyan, and then moved his hands manually, finally put down the chess piece, and said with a wry smile: "Senior Brother Xuyun, I lost."

Xu Yun put away the chessboard and said lightly: "Xu Yan, you always feel a little uneasy when you play chess, but what happened? If you have nothing to do, you will not rush to find me to play chess."

Xu Yan said with a wry smile: "It's not a big deal, but there are a lot of things in the rivers and lakes recently, some of which I need to take care of in Daguang Temple, and some of which I don't know whether to take care of it or not.

Right now, I am in seclusion, so I can only ask you, Senior Brother Xuyun. "

Xuyun said slowly: "Oh? What is it?"

Xu Yan organized the language, and told Xu Yun everything that happened recently in the hidden demon lineage.

"At the moment, Liu Jianhong of Dongqi Hongye Villa is inviting all the small forces that have participated in the battle of Jiutian Mountain in the past to come to the Dongqi Alliance, and the momentum is not small. If this alliance allows him to achieve it, Its power is even stronger than that of the Canglan Sword Sect or the Bashan Sword Sect, which ranks among the sages of all corners of the world."

After listening, Xu Yun nodded and said, "If that's the case, this Liu Jianhong is really a character, he doesn't sit still like other forces, but instead turns passive into active.

If the crisis is resolved this time, he can take advantage of the situation and become the leader of this alliance, and his power will not lose to Beiyan Juyi Village.

This person has been dormant carefully before, but this time it is a blockbuster, and he has made a big move, and his person is not simple. "

Falsely said: "So I am also hesitant, since Liu Jianhong has already made a move, do we still need to send someone to go to Daguang Temple?

Although Lin Ye's strength is strong, and he once severely damaged Xuxing in Xiaofantian, but in the face of such a powerful alliance, even if he is a martial arts master, he can't stop it. "

Xu Yun waved his hand and said: "Go, of course, if this matter is not done well, it will even cause a violent conflict between the righteous and the devil. Of course, I, Daguang Temple, cannot be absent."

Xu Yan said in surprise: "No way, the Hidden Demons are very measured this time, they have never attacked those big forces, but only those small forces who participated in it and some descendants of loose cultivators, it is difficult for them to return. Do you want to start a war of righteousness and demons?"

Xu Yun pointed to the sky and said: "Sometimes you have to look farther, and now that the demonic path is reviving, it will take a hair and a whole body. There will undoubtedly be more things that I have to consider.

The Jiutian Mountain Magic Dao Alliance has been destroyed for three hundred years, but now the hidden demons are ready to take revenge. If the magic Dao does not recover, do you think they will emerge from the water?

This time, Liu Jianhong formed an alliance to fight the revenge of the hidden demons. According to what you said, there is only one Lin Ye and more than 20 elites in the hidden demons. , is tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg, and he will definitely lose.

The best possibility is that Lin Ye retreats despite the difficulties. Anyway, he has already destroyed several forces, and it can be regarded as revenge, and the grievances are temporarily settled.

The worst result is that Lin Ye is seriously injured or killed, and the hidden demons are completely angry, sending more powerful people to destroy Liu Jianhong's alliance.

At that time, how can I stand by while waiting for the righteous sect? You have to intervene as well. If you say this, will it cause a conflict between the righteous and the devil? "

Xu Yan wiped the sweat from his forehead, he really didn't think so far.

He already knew the false words of these materials, but he had no clue after researching it for so long. Xu Yun thought of the cause and effect after just listening to it once. This is the gap.

In the entire Daguang Temple, in fact, if it is about the overall situation, except for the emptiness and tranquility of the Karma Chan Hall, which specializes in the way of karma and reincarnation, the virtual cloud is the strongest.

Of course, to be precise, Xuyun is very strong in every aspect.

The false words settled down and said: "Then Senior Brother Xuyun, which side are we going to stand on? Need to help Liu Jianhong kill those people in the devil's way?"

Xu Yun waved his hand indifferently and said: "It doesn't matter if I kill or not, as long as my people from Daguang Temple go and show my attitude, it's fine. As long as Lin Ye is not an idiot, he will naturally retreat.

The hidden demons are scattered, except for a few old demons such as Wei Shuya, as well as a new generation of disciples like Lin Ye. manage them.

Now whether it is my Daguang Temple or the Tianshi Mansion, all eyes are on the worship of the moon, Ye Shaonan, that is the enemy! "

Xu Yan hesitated and said, "Senior brother, are you also no match for that Ye Shaonan?"

In Xuyan's mind, Senior Brother Xuyun's strength is unfathomable, even more unfathomable than the abbot.

Although Xu Yan is not a real fire refining God, he cannot figure out the strength of this realm, but he still thinks Xu Yun is very strong and terrifying.

The last time Qinglong Club Bu Tiannan was killed because of Beiyan's natural crime, Xuyun shot him back, and it took less than ten moves.

In the eyes of outsiders, Xuyun is only a few places higher than Bu Tiannan on the Billboard, but in the eyes of Xuyan, the strength of the two is a lot Moon worship leader Ye Shao Although Nan was famous, Xu Yan did not think Xu Yun was inferior to Ye Shao Nan.

Xuyun stretched out a hand at Xuyan, spread out his five fingers, and shook it.

"Five or five?" Xu Yan hesitated.

Xu Yun shook his head: "Five moves, I am sure to block Ye Shaonan's five moves from being defeated and not falling behind, after five moves, success or failure is determined by life and death.

This is still my estimation before Ye Shaonan completed the Heart Sutra for Repairing the Sky. Now that his Heart Sutra has been completed, everything is uncertain. "

Xu Yan took a deep breath. He never thought that Xu Yun's evaluation of Ye Shaonan would reach such a level. Could it be that there will be another big monster like me alone in the rivers and lakes?

Shaking his head, Xu Yan threw this terrifying thought aside, and asked, "Senior Brother Xuyun, who should I send to the Great Bright Temple? Actually, Zong Xuan is the most suitable representative of my Great Bright Temple.

However, he was defeated by Chu Xiu, and he was in retreat at this time, so I would not be able to interrupt his practice. "

Xu Yun waved his hand casually and said, "Let Xu Xing go, it just so happens that Dharma Academy has nothing to do recently, and he is very free."

Xu Yan hesitated and said, "Let Junior Brother Xu Xing go? But in Xiaofan days, he was severely injured by Lin Ye with the Seven Demon Swords, and coupled with his hot temper, I was afraid that he would fight that Lin Ye when he went. "

Xu Yun said indifferently: "Zhengdao Wulin does not want to conflict with the hidden demon lineage now, but this does not mean that we are afraid of the hidden demon lineage.

If Lin Ye was smart, he should have retreated despite the difficulties, and the two sides wouldn't even meet.

On the other hand, if he insists on going, it will teach the hidden demons a lesson.

They stay underground, we don't care, if they dare to show up, then we will beat them down again! "


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