Meet The Leader

Chapter 624: forced to be helpless

The place where Liu Jianhong arranged the alliance was in the Red Maple Valley, not far from the Red Leaf Villa.

Now that the Red Leaf Villa is under the control of Chu Xiu's people, it is naturally impossible to choose a place there, and the terrain of the Red Leaf Villa is also somewhat inconvenient.

The special maple tree in Lin'an County, Eastern Qi, the reason why Hongye Villa is called Hongye Villa is because Hongye Villa is built in a maple forest. Every autumn, the whole villa is wrapped by a red leaf.

The same is true of this Red Maple Valley. The interior is full of maple trees. At this time, it is autumn, and the leaves of these maple trees are also red and shiny.

However, no one paid attention to these scenes at this time. There were thousands of warriors in the Red Maple Valley, all of whom were elites from all over the world.

As the initiator, Liu Jianhong also greeted Taniguchi with a smile, but others didn't notice it, but Liu Jianhong's smile contained a sense of helplessness and cold alienation.

At this time, a middle-aged warrior led a group of disciples into the Red Maple Valley, and greeted Liu Jianhong in Taniguchi, "Brother Liu, I haven't seen you for many years, I didn't expect you to step into the martial arts master. Realm, it is really gratifying to congratulate, this time you take the lead in forming an alliance, and you will definitely catch all the murderers of the devil's line!"

Liu Jianhong smiled and said: "Patriarch Sun is wrong. If I wasn't forced to help, I don't want to stand up and fight against the entire Hidden Demon lineage. After all, it's a behemoth."

The head of the Sun family snorted coldly, "What kind of hidden demons? It's clearly just a group of mice that bully the soft and fear the hard!

It was not only our ancestors who participated in the extermination of the Nine Heavens Mountain Demon Dao Alliance, but also the Daguang Temple and the Sword King City. How could they seek revenge for those people? The persimmons will be picked softly! "

After complaining a few words, the Sun family head walked into the valley.

At this time, there were a few more waves of warriors, including a warrior from Dongqi who knew Liu Jianhong, chatted a few times, and some people asked strangely: "By the way, Liu Jiazhu, what about your younger brother Liu Jianyuan and Young Master Ling? Why? Didn't you see them?"

Liu Jianhong showed an unnatural smile and said: "They are all staying in the Red Leaf Villa. I was also afraid of being attacked by people from the hidden demon lineage, so I put a large part of my strength to guard in the villa."

When the others heard Liu Jianhong say this, they were not suspicious.

And some people have noticed that the disciples of this Red Leaf Villa seem to be much stronger than before, and most of them are still fresh faces?

However, no one asked about this. If they asked about this kind of thing, it would be as if the Red Leaf Villa was not good, and the Red Leaf Villa was not strong.

Of course, there are many people who hold this attitude.

The strength of Red Leaf Villa is strong, but among so many forces, there are still some forces that are not weaker than Red Leaf Villa.

After Liu Jianhong's news came out, they began to regret it. Why didn't they think of such a good solution? Not only can he survive the crisis, but also can accumulate fame, and finally become the leader of the alliance, the benefits are simply unimaginable.

It's a pity that only the primary initiator works for this kind of thing. If they still do this, it will become a slap in the face, and the enemy is right in front of them. They are fighting infighting because of this kind of thing, which is too idiot. Some.

However, although they will not fight infighting, they are still very interested in planning some power and benefit distribution when the alliance is established.

Feeling that the people were almost here, Liu Jianhong walked directly onto the high platform in the center of the Red Maple Valley, surrounded by warriors who came from all over the place.

Looking at the people around, Liu Jianhong said solemnly: "Everyone, the hidden demon lineage has re-emerged now, and wants to avenge the grievances of three hundred years ago, and many forces from the same background as me have already suffered The poisonous hand of the hidden demon lineage.

Right now, I am calling you all together, just to gather everyone's strength to get through this catastrophe together.

Three hundred years ago, we joined forces to strangle the Jiutian Mountain Devil Dao Alliance, and now, we can join forces to survive this disaster!

I know that all of you must have used your personal connections to ask for help from those major factions, but it is better to ask for help than to ask for help. Rather than waiting for others to help, it is better for us to help ourselves! "

The voice fell, and someone below immediately shouted: "Well said!"

However, before Liu Jianhong agreed, an old man stood up next door and said lightly, "Master Liu is right, it is better to ask for others than to ask for yourself. No one else will talk about this alliance. I am in favor of this old man with both hands."

Seeing the old man come forward, the people around him immediately gave way to him with respectful expressions in their eyes.

Among the group of people three hundred years ago, there were very few people who could step into the realm of martial arts masters, and Liu Jianhong was the only one in the prime of life.

But there are other old martial arts masters, and now Yang Guiyuan, the ancestor of Beiyan Yangjiabao, is one of them.

It's just that this ancestor of the Yang family is really old. He has not appeared in the arena for more than ten years. To be precise, even in the Yang family fort, few disciples have seen him.

The ancestor of the Yang family has always been in retreat, but it is not a practice, but wants to save his few lifespans by nourishing qi and blood.

If this incident was not related to the safety of their Yang family fort, the ancestor of the Yang family would never have come forward.

Among these people present, in terms of strength, Liu Jianhong, who is in his prime, is definitely the strongest, but in terms of seniority, no one present can compare to the ancestor of the Yang family, and everyone should call him a senior.

At this time, Liu Jianhong also bowed to the ancestor of the Yang family and said, "Thank you, Senior Yang, for your praise."

Just when Liu Jianhong wanted to continue to say something, the ancestor of the Yang family suddenly waved his hand and said, "Wait a minute, can the owner of Villa Liu give the old man some time to answer some questions of the old man?"

Liu Jianhong frowned slightly, and then said, "Senior Yang, please speak."

The ancestor of the Yang family said slowly: "Master Liu, you want to form an alliance to resist the hidden demon lineage, which is a good thing, but the alliance is not something that can be achieved with the touch of the upper and lower lips, and there are many things that need to be discussed.

For example, since this is an alliance, there must be an alliance leader. The alliance leader allocates power and needs to do things fairly. Moreover, the alliance can’t be the leader of the alliance. It also needs other people’s help to dispatch and come up with some ideas, right? "

Following the words of the ancestor of the Yang family, there was a sudden silence in the room.

Everyone is old, and there are no stupid people here. They can easily hear the subtext in the words of the ancestors of the Yang family.

He wants decentralization!

It is true that you, Liu Jian, proposed the alliance. You can be the leader of the alliance if you want, but this alliance is not something you can decide alone.

In the identity of the ancestor of the Yang family, if he joined the alliance, could it be possible that he would still be sent by one of your juniors? There must be a share of power.

And what about other people whose fame and strength are close to Nei Liu Jianhong? Of course they also want some power.

In short, as the ancestor of the Yang family said, things like alliances are very complicated, and they can't be settled with the touch of the upper and lower lips.

Interests come first, even if the crisis is not far from them, the hearts of this group of people are still not united.

Liu Jianhong looked at the people below expressionlessly, sneering in his heart, and at the same time he felt very sad.

Before, he was a little uneasy in his heart, and he couldn't get over this hurdle, but now seeing the appearance of this group of people, Liu Jianhong suddenly figured it out.

With the strength of Lin Ye and the entire Hidden Demon lineage, it would be easy to deal with this guy who looked like a mess of sand.

It's already time like this, they are still calculating here, they are still thinking about fighting for power and profit, and getting benefits for themselves. If these people don't die, who will die?

Everyone looked at Liu Jianhong standing on the stage without saying a word, and everyone was puzzled. What does Liu Jianhong mean?

The ancestor of the Yang family also frowned: "Master Liu, tell me, what do you think? Even if you don't agree with the old man's opinion, you have to say a charter."

Everyone present thought that Liu Jianhong did not want others to share the power of his alliance leader, so they were angry, but Liu Jianhong said blankly: "Are you ready?"

Everyone present was stunned, what are you ready? What are they getting ready for?

"I've already prepared, I just want you to see the real faces of these Lord Liu, as I said, the so-called reputation and infamy don't really matter. Prestige is the most important thing.

If you have the strength to crush them today, how dare these idiots openly disagree with you and want to share your power? "

As the voice came, Chu Xiu stepped onto the stage step by step from the back, and the audience was silent. Everyone looked at Chu Xiu with extreme horror and horror in their eyes.

In the west, Chu Chuxiu has already killed a lot of people, and the news has been completely disseminated. Of course, they know what Lin Ye of this hidden demon lineage looks like.

As a result, Lin Ye, who was supposed to be in Western Chu, appeared here, standing with Liu Jianhong in a grand manner. Even an idiot would know what happened!

The ancestor of the Yang family tremblingly pointed at Liu Jianhong and scolded: "Liu Jianhong! You actually colluded with the devil to frame me, **** it! Damn it! You are not a son of man!"

No one else could have imagined that Liu Jianhong, the owner of the Red Leaf Villa, and the most powerful among them, would join forces with the demons and take the initiative to pit them!

Liu Jianhong said with an expressionless face, "I was also forced to be helpless."

The people present didn't care so much, and they all started yelling at Liu Jianhong.

At this time, Chu Xiu slammed out a palm, hitting Liu Jianhong's back, and Liu Jianhong fell to the ground in an instant, without life.

Everyone present was stunned, isn't this guy joining forces with the magic line? How was it also killed?

Chu Xiu spread his hands and said, "The line of Demon Dao also doesn't like traitors, I just lied to him.

If you hate him so much, then I will send you down now, and when you get downstairs, you can continue to seek revenge from him. "


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