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Chapter 632: anger!

Buddhists call greed, anger, and delusion as the three poisons, also known as the three defilements. These three things harm people's minds, and make people sink into the world of the mortal world, unable to escape.

Therefore, among the seven emotions and six desires, the most fearful thing among Buddhists is the three thoughts of greed, hatred, and delusion, and they are bound to give up completely.

It is a pity that there are very few Buddhist monks who have been able to completely cut off all these three thoughts.

If the Buddha is not greedy, why is the golden height in the Daxiong Hall soaring, but there are no civil and clay sculptures?

If the Buddha is not angry, why can't he tolerate half-hearted ideas and vow to kill him if he thinks he is wrong?

If a Buddha is not delusional, why can't he see through many karmic obstacles and think he is right?

There are very few Buddhists who have been able to completely cut off the three thoughts of greed, hatred and delusion, and only Master Tan Yuan has ever seen Chu Xiu.

Right now, this vain act may not be greedy for fame, and perhaps there is no infatuation, but his hatred is deep!

In fact, the moment he saw Chu Xiu use the Seven Devils Sword, Xu Xing was already vigilant.

Back in the days of Xiaofan, Chu Xiu used the Seven Devils Sword to inflict heavy damage on him, and he would never make the same mistake again.

That knife aroused the greed in Xu Xing's heart, and at the same time devoured his true qi, which was extremely evil.

However, after returning to Daguangming Temple, Xu Xing deliberately went to find the first Xudu in Kongzhi Zen Hall, and asked him for a "Du'er Kong Zen Sutra" that can suppress the mind. With this practice, he can completely Offset the effect of the magic knife disturbing the mind.

When the hatred knife was slashed, the unparalleled power burst forth, and the monstrous demonic energy swept through the sky. That power turned out to be the largest of the seven demonic knives that Chu Xiu had used.

Anger is obsession, anger, and karma.

The anger knife slashed, and at the moment when Xu Xing angered thoughts, the Buddha flame around him instantly became extremely crimson, instead of the previous golden Buddha flame.

The anger surged, Xu Xing's eyes became red in an instant, and a crazy obsession filled his heart, he would sacrifice everything, even the lives of others! I must also kill the demon in front of me!

But in the blink of an eye, he felt that something was wrong. He bit the tip of his tongue fiercely and spurted out a mouthful of blood, suppressing the crazy thoughts in his heart.

It’s true that the false behavior person is irritable and paranoid, and it’s true that his anger is strong, but after all, he is a martial arts master from the Daguang Temple, and he is also a person who has read Buddhist scriptures for half his life, even if he has not comprehended any too profound Buddhist principles. , but it can't do the kind of thing that sacrifices so many innocent people's lives in order to kill one person.

He gritted his teeth and recited the Du Ekong Chan Sutra, trying to suppress the anger in his body, but as Chu Xiu's anger knife got closer, the anger was not only not suppressed, but even Even more prosperous!

In fact, Xu Xing's way of dealing with it is correct. The Buddhist secret scripture Du Ekong Zen Sutra does have a restraining effect on the evil and strange things like the Seven Devil Swords that can arouse malice in people's hearts.

But last time when Chu Xiu dealt with Xu Xing, he had no experience and used the greedy sword, but this time, he figured out the usage of the Seven Devil Swords, and what he used against Xu Xing was just the hatred sword aimed at his heart.

There is a devil in everyone's heart, which is usually suppressed by the heart, but once released, it will be out of control.

What Chu Xiu's knife released was the devil in Xu Xing's heart. Under the hatred knife, the Du'er Kong Zen Sutra was completely invalid. The red Buddha flames around Xu Xing's body were actually mixed with a trace of black. After the knife was cut down, the black Buddha flames poured into the hatred knife, as if the power of the same source, understatement broke the body-protecting infuriating qi of the empty line, and slashed it away!

As the head of the Bodhidharma Academy, the strength of Xu Xing's physical body also has to crush warriors of the same level.

But at this time, under the hatred knife, a huge wound was cut out on his chest, and the bones were even visible, and a large stream of blood splattered down, which was ten times stronger than when he was hit hard by the hatred knife in the past. Times more than that.

The characteristic of the Seven Magic Swords is that when the sword is used, it depends not only on one's own strength, but also on how strong the emotions and desires in the opponent's heart are.

If you take action against a saint who really has no emotions and desires, the Seven Devil Swords are not even as effective as ordinary treasured soldiers.

However, Chu Xiu's state was not very good at this time.

The Seven Devil Knives hurt others and hurt themselves. In the heyday, Chu Xiu was confident that he would suppress the backlash after one slash, but now Chu Xiu has slashed two successive slashes. Although there are some gaps between them, his strength is not at the peak after all.

At this time, it was obviously a great opportunity to kill Xu Xing, but Chu Xiu did not act.

His eyes became extremely crimson, he was panting heavily, and at the end he almost exhausted the last shred of perseverance before he put the hatred knife into the scabbard.

It is also fortunate that Chu Xiu used the hatred knife, not other knives.

In fact, Chu Xiu's anger is not too strong. He is a person who can see clearly. To put it bluntly, Chu Xiu is very strong and will not be easily influenced by too many emotions. The power that can barely suppress the anger sword.

If it was replaced by a greedy sword or a vicious sword, it is estimated that Chu Xiu would have been demonic at this time.

At this time, Chen Jiankong, who was standing below, found out that Chu Xiu was wrong.

Obviously there is a good opportunity to kill Xuxing, but Lin Ye is standing here and does not move, obviously there is a problem.

If they take advantage of this opportunity to kill Lin Ye and save Xu Xing, their Bashan Sword Sect will be able to gain prestige, and even gain the favor and gratitude of Daguang Temple!

Gently brushing aside Luo Sancong and the others, Chen Jiankong plotted to figure out whether he could let Master Cen and others take action to temporarily block these people in the devil's way, and then kill Lin Ye himself.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from Chen Jiankong's ear, and said lightly: "Chen Monkey, I advise you not to do it."

Because Chen Jiankong looks like a monkey, before he became the head of the Bashan Sword Sect, his form was ridiculed by many people, and many people jokingly called him a monkey.

However, after Chen Jiankong became the head of the Bashan Sword Sect, the eight-armed ape Chen Jiankong who was famous in Western Chu, no one said these words in front of him for a long time.

However, at this time, Chen Jiankong only felt horror, not anger, because he couldn't care about anger anymore.

Someone could come quietly beside him without even realizing it, how terrifying should this person's cultivation be?

Chen Jiankong turned his head to look, and the one who appeared beside him was a sloppy Taoist priest.

The priest was wearing a gray robe.

In fact, this robe should be the classic moon-white robe of Tianshifu, but because it has not been cleaned for a long time, all kinds of dust and stains have accumulated a thick layer on it, so it looks like gray.

The Taoist priest's appearance is not ugly. On the contrary, he is a very handsome middle-aged man, but his hair and beard are all messy, and he is holding a dirty wine gourd in his hand. He takes a sip from time to time. A very sloppy feeling.

After seeing the sloppy Taoist priest, Chen Jiankong's complexion suddenly changed, becoming extremely distorted, and there was even a hint of panic in his eyes, shouting: "Xuanlongzi! Why are you!?"

Xuan Longzi put down the wine gourd, stretched out his dirty hand and patted Chen Jiankong's face, he said with a smile: "Didn't you send someone to the Tianshi Mansion for help, I happened to be released, so I came out to have a look. How is it, old friend, are you surprised or surprised?"

Chen Jiankong's face was blank, and he didn't dare to move at all. He didn't have any surprises at this time, he was only shocked!

'Lei Shenjun' Xuan Longzi, the most famous one of the martial arts masters in Tianshi Mansion in his prime, even more than the current Tianshi Mansion, Zhang Chengzhen's father, although not yet a Tianshi, but instead of the old Tianshi in charge of handling the heavens. Zhang Daoling, the 'Real Man of Yuxiao' in the affairs of the teacher's office, is very famous.

Although this person is a disciple of the Tianshi Mansion, he is not from the Zhang family, but was adopted by the old Tianshi since he was a child, so he is similar to the Zhang family.

When Xuan Longzi was at his peak in the past, he even ranked seventeenth on the Billboard. He was definitely a master in the Tianshi Mansion.

But the most unacceptable thing about this man is...he is a lunatic! A total lunatic!

Xuan Longzi acted arrogantly and arrogantly, and he had no scruples. In the entire Tianshi Mansion, except for the old Tianshi, no one could suppress him.

Chen Jiankong and Xuan Longzi were the same generation, and he was not less humiliated by him at the beginning. It can even be said that he left a psychological shadow on Xuan Longzi.

Of course, these are all small Xuan Longzi caused a big disaster ten years ago.

Ten years ago, when someone opened the ancient ruins, they accidentally released the true spirit of an ancient magician.

Originally, even an ancient powerhouse, after thousands of years, even if he used some means to ensure the immortality of the true spirit, he would still be extremely weak, even the powerhouses such as Lu Wenhou, let alone others.

But at the beginning, there was a guy who took the initiative to die. After he got the real spirit, he didn't strangle him. Instead, he wanted to sacrifice the real spirit and get the memory in it. In the end, he merged with the real spirit, his memory was chaotic, and he completely became a powerful person. The madman caused great damage to the rivers and lakes.

At that time, Tianshifu and other Zhengdao sects joined forces to kill this thing, and the person sent by Tianshifu was this Xuanlongzi.

Originally, it would be very difficult to clear such an existence that has the true spirit of an ancient powerhouse, and the opponent can continue to devour human lives to restore his strength, but Xuan Longzi made a bold layout, using the lives of fellow warriors as bait, and quickly killed the ancient powerhouse. The true spirit of the sect also killed several virtuous masters of the right way!

Although Xuan Longzi's move was to save more people, it also made Tianshifu offend several major factions, forcing Tianshifu to personally go to Fengmanlou and let Xuanlongzi be removed from the list In the end, Xuan Longzi was imprisoned in the dungeon of the Tianshi Mansion for ten years, and the old Tianshi personally went to the major factions to apologize, which calmed the incident.

Ten years is enough to make people forget a lot of things. If Xuanlongzi didn't show up, Chen Jiankong would almost forget him.

It wasn't until Xuanlongzi appeared in front of him that Chen Jiankong remembered that the recent period was the day when Xuanlongzi's sentence had expired, and he finally remembered the fear brought by Xuanlongzi in the past.


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