Meet The Leader

Chapter 633: Xuanlongzi

Chen Jiankong's mood is very complicated now.

He was asking for help from the Tianshi Mansion. He also hoped that the Tianshi Mansion would send a master. As a result, the Tianshi Mansion did send a master, but he did not expect that the master was Xuan Longzi. madman!

From Chen Jiankong's point of view, Xuan Longzi is definitely a standard lunatic at this time, even more terrifying than the people in the devil's way.

Don't look at his grinning now, maybe the kind that can push you out to death in the next moment, and he doesn't think about the slightest consequences when he does things.

Fang Caixuan Longzi called him Chen Monkey, and slapped him on the face in front of many disciples of the Bashan Sword Sect. This was a slightly insulting action, but Chen Jiankong didn't dare to say a word of nonsense.

Seeing that Chen Jiankong didn't speak, Xuan Longzi still had a smile on his face and said, "What's the matter, Chen Monkey, I haven't seen you for ten years, you don't welcome me when you see an old friend released?

Don't you still hate that I once molested a woman because of your incompetent son. I broke his leg and vomited blood at the same time, right?

They are all the people in charge, so you can't be so stingy.

By the way, that son of yours is so arrogant, he is more like the number one on the Dragon Tiger List than my little Chengzhen. He will be beaten sooner or later when he goes out to the arena. After so many years, is he dead? "

Chen Jiankong's face turned red, and when he met, he would ask if his son was dead?

However, Chen Jiankong didn't dare to turn against Xuanlongzi seriously, he just smiled reluctantly and said, "I also thanked Brother Xuanlongzi for teaching that wicked son, and also woke me up. He is already married and has restrained his temper."

Xuan Longzi shook his head in disappointment and said, "Oh, he's not dead, this guy is still married, it's a pity, or I'll kill him?"

Chen Jiankong's complexion suddenly changed, but then Xuan Longzi patted him on the shoulder and laughed: "Hahaha, I'm joking with you, you're scary, it's also the head of a sect, why is it such a waste, a little They don't have the composure that Mount Tai collapses in front of them without changing their color."

Chen Jiankong almost vomited blood, wishing he would turn his face with Xuan Longzi now, is there such a joke?

But at this time Xuan Longzi put away his smile and pointed at Chu Xiu with a serious face: "You want to kill this devilish boy?"

Chen Jiankong was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said: "This Lin Ye is a handsome figure cultivated by the hidden demon lineage. He has just appeared on the Jianghu and has already ranked third on the Dragon Tiger List. Daoist Yangzi died in his hands. Not long ago, this person killed dozens of forces and thousands of lives in the battle of Red Maple Valley!

Now, because this son wants to destroy my in-laws, Xiangjia, he is even more arrogant to the point of hitting me with the Bashan Sword and sending him without killing him. What is the dignity of my righteous sect? "

Xuan Longzi looked at Chu Xiu and muttered: "Yo, I haven't been very exciting in the arena in the past ten years, and there is such an interesting young man in the hidden demon lineage, tsk tsk, with courage and courage what."

Chen Jiankong frowned, how could he feel that Xuanlongzi seemed to admire Lin Ye very much.

Xuan Longzi said lightly: "Chen Monkey, you can kill this young man if you want, but you can't do it until that kid kills the vulgar donkey."

Chen Jiankong was shocked: "If Lin Ye kills Xu Xing, Daguang Temple will definitely not let it go, won't it provoke another war between the righteous and the devil? And people will die in my Bashan. Sword Sect, what if the Great Light Temple blames me for being a spectator on the sidelines and leads to the death of an empty body?"

Xuan Longzi sneered and said: "The war between the righteous and the demons? The hidden demons are half a demon, and he has a fart in the Daguang Temple to represent the entire righteous martial arts?

I've been away for ten years, Zhang Daoling's old boy is too stable, the old master doesn't like to meddle in these nosy things, my Tianshi mansion is a little too stable, causing these bald donkeys to think that he is the leader of the righteous path. The sky is clamoring to kill this one and bury that one, it's really noisy.

Isn't the hidden demon lineage trying to emerge? Exactly, I gave them this opportunity to have a fight with the Daguang Temple, and it was just right to show their prestige. "

Xuan Longzi put his arms around Chen Jiankong's shoulder and patted: "As for you, don't worry, your Bashan Sword Sect is covered by my Tianshifu, what are you afraid of?"

Chen Jiankong said quickly: "But..."

"No but!"

Xuan Longzi's eyes narrowed, although he still looked sloppy, the sharpness in his eyes made Chen Jiankong feel a sting.

"Chen Monkey, you are still so confused, don't forget where your Bashan Sword Sect is, the end of the mouse's head is very miserable, unless you move the sect to the north, as long as you Bashan Sword Sect One day in Xichu, you must remember it clearly for me, and don’t forget who is in charge of the righteous martial arts of Xichu!”

Chen Jiankong was so frightened that he didn't even dare to say a word, but in his heart he was scolding Xuanlongzi, a lunatic!

Some people are pretending to be crazy, but Xuan Longzi is really crazy. He has only been released after being detained for ten years, and he dares to do such a crazy thing.

Xuan Longzi's actions are more ruthless and extreme than those of the Demon Dao Martial Artist. He only has Tianshifu in his heart. For him, he will do anything that is beneficial to Tianshifu. Of course, the consequences are not him. I'll take care of it.

At this time, Chen Jiankong was even more regretful, regretting why he wanted to protect Xiangjia.

If he had not promised to protect Xiangjia, he would not have been involved in the matter between the hidden demons, and he would not have been involved in the open and secret struggle between Tianshifu and Daguang Temple.

At this time, Chu Xiu had barely suppressed the backlash of the Seven Devils Sword, and he also noticed the existence of Xuanlongzi.

Xuan Longzi didn't reveal his breath at all, but since the other party was wearing a Taoist robe, an idiot could guess that the other party was from the Tianshi Mansion, which made Chu Xiu's heart tighten.

The Daguang Temple and the Tianshifu are almost the two strongest sects in the Taoist and Buddhist veins. One is a dummy that can be dealt with by himself, and another unfathomable guy, it seems that he should consider withdrawing.

At this moment, Xuan Longzi saw that Chu Xiu did not continue to shoot, he said lazily: "I said boy, what are you waiting for if you don't shoot? Why don't you kill that bald donkey?"

Chu Xiu squinted his eyes and said, "Oh? I killed Xu Xing, and you kill me again, so as to earn the favor of Daguang Temple?

Xuan Longzi said disdainfully: "I don't want to earn the favor of those bald donkeys. If that guy Chen Monkey wants to earn it, let him earn it."

Chu Xiu said lightly: "If I kill Xu Xing, I will die as well. If this is the case, why should I kill him?"

Xuan Longzi said lightly: "It's very simple, if you don't kill him, I will kill you myself, boy, if I take the shot, you will die and die... It's ugly!"

Chu Xiu was silent for a while, and suddenly said: "The Tianshifu wants to use me to provoke a conflict between the hidden demon lineage and the Daguang Temple?"

Xuan Longzi said indifferently: "I see? Anyway, this bald donkey also wants to kill you. If you kill him now, you can still find a backer, isn't that bad?"

Chu Xiu's qi was condensed in the dark, and he said lightly, "However, I don't like being used by others!"

Xuan Longzi stared at Chu Xiu for two eyes, and suddenly showed a smile: "The boy is good, he has a personality, I appreciate you very much, but I am the same, I don't like disobedient guys!"

As soon as the voice fell, Xuan Longzi stepped out in one step, and his figure was like a thunderbolt, and he came to Chu Xiu almost in an instant.

For the first time, Chu Xiu's Heaven's Son of Heaven's Qi Technique couldn't even capture the other party's traces, which was almost the pinnacle of speed!

Chen Jiankong was stunned for a while at the back. Xuan Longzi went crazy again. He was talking about using Chu Xiu to provoke a conflict between the hidden demon lineage and the Daguang Temple, but he killed himself in a blink of an eye. Are you ready to provoke a conflict between the Hidden Demon and the Tianshi Mansion? Is this guy thinking for the sake of the Tianshifu or does he want to pit the Tianshifu?

Xuan Longzi also pointed to a sword. The seemingly understated finger fell, and instantly countless thunder lights converged. The blue-purple thunder light turned into a liquid. The thunder water condensed into a sword and slashed towards Chu Xiu. The prestige covers the heaven and the earth, within a radius of hundreds of feet, the clouds are densely covered, and the rainstorm is pouring down!

A look of astonishment appeared in Chu Xiu's eyes.

The strength of this Xuanlongzi is so powerful that it is perverted. The power of one move has already caused such a large-scale change in the world. This kind of power Chu Xiu has seen in addition to the real fire refining spirit powerhouse, he only In the hands of a martial arts master at the level of Chen Qingdi, I have seen The strength of the Tianshi Mansion is really so terrifying, just pull out a martial arts master to have such strength?

Under Lei Shui's condensed sword, Chu Xiu felt a great pressure from the coercion that was as if facing a thunderstorm in the sky.

The Seven Devils Sword can no longer be used, and Chu Xiu still has the incarnation of the hungry ghost in his body, but that thing hurts others even more.

In this instant, Chu Xiu had no time to think about so many things. All the power in his body was gathered at one point. As Chu Xiu's finger was gently pointed out, a little black light appeared in the center of Chu Xiu's finger. bloom.

The black light is only a little, but it is gradually magnifying. It is an extreme death intent, dissolving everything, annihilating everything, from the entity to the primordial spirit, it can be called the extreme evil.

Heaven and Earth will destroy the Immortal Slaughtering Divine Finger!

The usage of this Great Compassion Fu is extremely incomparable, and this power is also extremely evil.

With Chu Xiu's pointing out, Xuan Longzi's Lei Shui condensed sword was soaked in the will of death and completely melted away.

However, as Chu Xiu pointed out, this martial skill completely drained all the strength of Chu Xiu's body, whether it was qi or spiritual power.

Even now Chu Xiu can stand, it is because of his strong willpower that he did not fall down.

Xuan Longzi let out a light snort, he seemed to underestimate this devilish boy.

A martial artist in the unity of heaven and man was able to block his sword, although he just shot this sword at will, and he didn't even use five points of strength, but it was amazing enough.

There was only one young man who could achieve this level before, and that was Zhang Chengzhen, the younger generation of Tianshi Mansion, and even the entire Tianshi Mansion, except for the old Tianshi, the only person who could make Xuanlongzi look good.


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