Meet The Leader

Chapter 634: ill

Xuan Longzi was born in Taoism, but he is a real lunatic. He decides everything based on his mood and anger, and does not consider the consequences at all.

Originally, the Tianshifu sent him to solve the problem of the hidden demon lineage, but on a whim, he wanted to provoke the hidden demon lineage to fight the Daguang Temple.

As a result, seeing Chu Xiu's strength now, he even wanted to attack Chu Xiu on a whim. There was no logic at all.

Xuan Longzi was imprisoned for ten years, and even some people in the Tianshi Mansion said that he would continue to imprison him for another ten years, so that he would not jump out and cause trouble again. It was Zhang Daoling who said a few good words for this junior brother, and this allowed him to be detained smoothly. released.

The first thing that was released was that Xuan Longzi was going crazy.

At this time, seeing that Chu Xiu, who had run out of oil and had no power to resist, Xuan Longzi raised his eyebrows, just as he was about to do something, he heard a cold voice: "Xuanlongzi, you are afraid that You've been locked up for too long, are you mad? If you take action against a junior like you, are you still shameless?"

The demonic energy swept through, and Chu Wuji's figure appeared in front of Chu Xiu, which also made Chu Xiu let out a sigh of relief.

In fact, Chu Xiu had only arrived vaguely before, so Wei Shuya and others should not just throw him out without asking.

After all, he is now avenging the grievances of the Hidden Demons three hundred years ago. It is impossible to guarantee that there will not be any big shots, and Chu Xiu cannot resist the existence.

However, Chu Xiu never liked to put his life in the hands of other people. Even if Chu Xiu Ming knew that it was more likely that someone would secretly support him, he still tried his best.

At this time, Xuan Longzi saw that the person who came was Chu Wuji, he rubbed his head, and then seemed to suddenly remember something, and said, "Oh, you are the unfortunate prince who was wiped out by Beiyan, your name is Chu Wuji, right? ?

You're right on one point. I'm really shameless. What is a face? What's the benefit of having it? "

Chu Wuji's complexion turned black with anger, this Xuanlongzi's mouth was really poisonous, and it pierced the most painful part of his heart.

He has not been beaten to death until now, one is because of his strength, and the other is because of his tough backstage.

"Xuanlongzi! You are courting death!"

Chu Wuji had a good temper when he was young, but Wei Gongzi Chu Wuji was famous for being tolerant and generous, and he liked to make friends in all corners of the world.

But the current 'Dharma Venerable Miaoyue' Chu Wuji's impression in the minds of the people in the devil's way is that his methods are decisive, extremely cold, and his temper is not good.

Hearing Xuan Longzi's sarcasm, whether intentional or unintentional, Chu Wuji immediately exploded. With a wave of one hand, the demonic energy condensed in mid-air, a blood moon loomed, and he fell in the air, and the yin wind roared in an instant. The demonic energy is surging and the power is incomparable.

Xuanlongzi's body was like a thunderbolt, and he threw out five huge thunderbolts as thick as a bucket.

The Five Thunders Zhengfa secretly passed down by the Tianshi Mansion was displayed by Xuan Longzi, just like throwing garbage at random, an understatement.

A strange weapon appeared in Chu Wuji's hand.

Like a knife but not a knife, like a crescent moon, with a sinister crimson color on it, this is the magic weapon Miaoyue that Chu Wuji is famous for!

With the movement of Chu Wuji's hand, Miaoyue was in the sky, like a blood moon descending, killing intent everywhere.

Xuan Longzi is also considered a talent, and he can stimulate Chu Wuji to such an extent with just one sentence.

These two people are the pinnacles of Martial Dao's True Pill Realm. Chu Wuji is known as the powerhouse in the Hidden Demon generation who has the most hope of stepping into the True Fire Realm, and Xuan Longzi's limelight even surpassed that Zhang Daoling, who is now in charge of the Tianshi Mansion in place of the old Tianshi, can imagine how strong he is.

It can be said that as long as it is not a life-and-death struggle, these two people can't tell the difference for a while.

With the explosion of the blood moon and the thunder, the surrounding energy of the sky and the earth was completely absorbed by the fight between the two, and a power vacuum was formed. It was extremely terrifying, showing how amazing the explosive power of these two people.

The two fought fiercely for dozens of moves, and finally retreated almost at the same time.

These two people have almost reached the peak that can be accommodated by the Martial Dao True Core Realm, and their strengths are similar.

If you really want to decide a winner or loser, it will be a life-and-death decision.

Naturally, Chu Wuji would not be beaten to death just because of a single sentence. Similarly, although Xuan Longzi was a lunatic, he was just a little crazy in his actions, but he was not the kind of person who would not even care about his own life when he became crazy.

Chu Wuji looked at Xuan Longzi and snorted coldly: "It was a wrong decision for the Tianshi Mansion to let you out. With your virtue, maybe you will kill the Tianshi Mansion!"

Xuan Longzi laughed indifferently and said: "Everyone does things the same way, hesitating, what's the point of worrying so much? Wouldn't it be better to be a little more exciting?"

Looking at Xuan Longzi with cold eyes for a long time, Chu Wuji faintly spit out two words: "I'm sick!"

He himself is also demented, and he has been entangled with this lunatic for so long.

Chu Wuji turned around and looked at the wound on his chest, his breath was depressed to the extreme, and there was a murderous intent in his eyes, but he didn't do anything, just sneered: "Xu Xing, you are lucky, there is that lunatic who came out to disrupt the situation, Otherwise, if Chu Xiu won't kill you, I will kill you too!"

Chu Wuji's personality is somewhat similar to that of Chu Xiu, and he is also bold in some respects.

It would be fine if Xu Xing didn't come to provoke him, but now Xu Xing even dared to chase after Ba Shanjian to kill him, so Chu Wuji wouldn't mind killing him.

But now because of Xuanlongzi's troubles, killing Xuxing is actually to let Tianshifu watch a good show, but Chu Wuji doesn't want to kill it.

Xu Xing covered his wound and snorted coldly: "If you want to kill, kill, I'm still afraid that you won't succeed? Sooner or later, you gang of demon murderers will come to an end!"

Xu Xing is not saying harsh words, he is really not afraid of death.

Although these monks cultivated by the Daguang Temple are a bit extreme, they really can't find a few people who are greedy for life and fear of death.

Moreover, Xu Xing believed that if he died here today, his senior brother, the abbot would definitely kill ten times as many people in the devil's way to avenge him!

Chu Wuji looked at Chu Xiu and said, "Good job, Senior Wei is waiting for you, ready to celebrate for you, let's go."

With that said, Chu Wuji waved his hand and took Chu Xiu, Luo Sancong and the others down the mountain directly.

Until this time, Luo Sancong and others were all relieved.

Xu Xing is not afraid of death, but these people don't want to die.

It's obviously a crushing situation, and the mission is about to be completed. As a result, the martial arts masters don't want money, and they appear one after another. Who can stand it?

Xuanlongzi in the rear watched Chu Wuji take people away, but he did not stop him, because he couldn't stop him.

It would be alright if there was one more helper, but Xuan Longzi cast a glance at Chen Jiankong, and this **** should be forgotten.

The only one who was relieved was Chen Jiankong.

These evil stars have finally left, and although the Xiang family members were eventually destroyed, at least their Bashan Sword Sect did not suffer much loss.

But at this moment, Xuan Longzi suddenly said to Chen Jiankong, "What if I kill Xu Xing?"

Chen Jiankong's complexion suddenly changed, Xu Xing died here, and their Bashan Sword Sect couldn't escape their relationship!

But then Xuan Longzi laughed and patted Chen Jiankong's shoulder: "Hahaha, I am teasing you, Chen Monkey, you are still as interesting as you were back then, why do you take everything seriously?"

Chen Jiankong's face was dark, and if he continued like this, he would be killed by this lunatic sooner or later!

On the way down the mountain, Chu Wuji threw an elixir to Chu Xiu, smiled and said, "You kid did a good job this time, even better than Senior Wei and I imagined."

Chu Xiu swallowed the medicinal pill, and suddenly a heat flow rose from the body, like a stream, gradually replenishing Chu Xiu's strength.

After a pause, Chu Xiu asked, "What should I do in the imagination of Senior Chu and Senior Wei?"

Chu Wuji said indifferently: "Actually, when Senior Wei gave you the list, I never thought that you could solve all the forces on the list, because the geographical span is too large, even if it was me, there was no way, after all, I also Will not teleport.

This incident is just to show the existence of my hidden demon lineage. The key lies in the is in the meaning, not in the result.

So as long as you can eradicate one-third of the forces on this list, it's almost a force within a country. After attracting those big factions, I will naturally take care of it. If I can't take it, there is Senior Wei.

But I didn't expect you to be so agile. In the battle of Red Maple Valley, you directly used the trick to get all those forces to come and kill you. You did a good job, it was really good, and it saved me some effort. "

Although Chu Wuji's tone was light, he looked at Chu Xiu with a hint of admiration in his eyes.

There are too many factions in the Hidden Demon lineage, and some of the older Demon Dao warriors are actually very strong, but when they are asked to plan something, their actions can be called simple and rude.

Chu Wuji once discussed this matter with Wei Shuya. Anyway, in Chu Wuji's view, Hidden Demons lacked everything now, not only lacking strong people, but also lacking an existence with excellent ability and strength like Chu Xiu.

Chu Xiu looked at Chu Wuji in surprise. He didn't expect that the hidden demon lineage was secretly preparing to play so big.

"Aren't the hidden demons afraid of causing a real war between the demons now?"

Chu Wuji shook his head and said, "We haven't touched the bottom line of those sects of the righteous way, and the battle between the righteous and the devil cannot be fought.

The last time I fought in Fuyu Mountain, it was because the five sword factions played too much, and they even joked with the Heavenly Demon Banner of my Demon Dao lineage.

Speaking of which, I should really thank the Moon Worship Cult.

Over the years, the Moon Worship Cult has accumulated strength and kept a low profile. Now that it has risen, its strength is indeed shocking.

For those orthodox sects, their enemy is not us 'earth mice', but the Moon Worship Cult. "


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