Meet The Leader

Chapter 635: reward

The Bashan Sword Sect has spread widely on the rivers and lakes, not only because of what Chu Xiu did, but also because Xuanlongzi left the customs again and fought against Chu Wuji.

No matter how strong Lin Ye's identity was, he couldn't compare to Xuan Longzi, who had caused countless troubles in the arena ten years ago. This lunatic had a lot of troubles in the arena in the past ten years. He didn't appear in the rivers and lakes, and some people really forgot him, but when he appeared again at this time, he still made many people grit their teeth secretly, such as Chen Jiankong.

And when everyone was shocked and Xuan Longzi appeared again on the rivers and lakes, the second thing was that Lin Ye actually defeated Chen Jiankong and hit Xuxing one after another.

These two are the heads of the Bashan Sword Sect. Although people of the same level know that Chen Jiankong's strength is not too strong, but after all, he is the head of a sect, and he is a top figure in the arena. But it was easily defeated by Lin Ye.

There is also Xuxing, this one is even more unlucky.

In Xiaofan days before, Xuxing was severely injured by Lin Ye with the Seven Demon Swords. That time, he had already lost face once, and was regarded as one of Lin Ye's achievements in the promotion of the Dragon and Tiger Ranking.

However, the result of that time was that Lin Ye turned around and fled after the heavy damage to Xu Xing, so most people thought that the heavy damage to Xu Xing was just because of his own carelessness and was successfully attacked by Lin Ye, so the ship capsized in the gutter and fought head-on. In fact, his strength is still completely better than Lin Ye.

As a result, this time at the top of Bashan, Lin Ye in front of so many warriors, under the premise of defeating Chen Jiankong first, then severely injured Xuxing, this matter was quite shocking, so Fengmanlou also took Lin Ye this time 's ranking rose from third to second, pushing Zong Xuan down.

Although Zong Xuan is equally strong, after all Zong Xuan does not have such a brilliant record as Lin Ye.

Of course, what's even more embarrassing is that Lin Ye was ranked second on the Dragon Tiger List by virtue of his virtuous efforts to create Daguang Temple, so if he didn't choose to pursue Lin Ye this time, he had to find Lin Ye. Trouble, maybe it won't cause so many troubles. Lin Ye stepped into the second place on the Dragon and Tiger list, and it was also a lot of effort in the virtual walk.

I heard that Xu Xing, who was recuperating in Daguang Temple, spat out a mouthful of blood after hearing the news, and his injury became a little worse.

Moreover, Jianghu people also heard that Fengmanlou was going to give Daguangming Temple a face this time, and did not choose to promote Lin Ye to the second place in the Dragon and Tiger List.

As a result, the lunatic Xuanlongzi came to the headquarters of Fengmanlou in Nanliang City, Dongqi, and sat there without leaving. He insisted on letting Fengmanlou insist on the responsibilities of a media outlet, and could not engage in black box operations. and many more.

In the end, Feng Manlou was really afraid of this lunatic, so he could only follow the normal process and promote Lin Ye to the second place on the Dragon Tiger list.

Of course, Xuan Longzi was not helping Lin Ye, he just wanted to be angry at the Great Bright Temple.

These gossips in the rivers and lakes are of interest to some loose cultivators, but some of the righteous sects are a little worried. If one is not careful, Lin Ye, who was born in the magic way, has already stepped into the second place on the dragon and tiger list.

Although there are people who have climbed to the top of the Dragon and Tiger Rankings over the years, they are very few. No matter how you compare them, the number of warriors from the righteous path occupies the majority. In addition, Fengmanlou sometimes More or less suppressed and deliberately ignored, so in the past few hundred years, there are very few magic Dao Junjies who have been able to step into the top of the Dragon and Tiger Rankings.

How long has it been since Lin Ye appeared on the arena, and he has already stepped into the second place on the Dragon Tiger list. God knows if he will step into the first place.

Fortunately, although Zhang Chengzhen was no longer on the Dragon Tiger list, Chu Xiu's strength was not weak, and it should not be a problem to block Lin Ye's promotion again.

Although that Chu Xiu acted extremely ruthlessly, and he was not from a sect of the righteous way, at least he was not from the magic way, and he would not let people say that there was no one in the younger generation of the martial arts of the righteous way.

Chu Xiu didn't know about these things on the rivers and lakes for the time being. At this time, he was following Chu Wuji to the secret branch of the hidden demon lineage.

The reason why the hidden demon lineage can be hidden so deeply is because the entire hidden demon lineage actually does not have a specific gathering place.

Everyone is fighting on their own on weekdays, some are sects, some are alone, or with some disciples, you can find one, but you can't find all.

Only when something big happens, will Wei Shuya, an old man with deep experience in the Hidden Demon lineage, come forward, choose a place, and gather everyone together.

The place Wei Shuya chose this time was the secret place in Western Chu, and it was the kind of secret place that was hidden very deeply, even in another independent space.

Legend has it that the ancient powerhouses have the strength to open up a separate space, but that is just a legend, no one knows if anyone can do this.

But there are indeed a lot of secret places on the rivers and lakes. They are in independent spaces. After the formation is arranged, it is extremely secret and difficult to be discovered.

Xichu is relatively dangerous for the hidden demon lineage. Whether it is the Moon Worship Cult or the Tianshi Mansion, they are actually enemies of the hidden demon lineage. Therefore, the secret place set up here is also extremely secret, even apart from Luo Sancong and Zhao Cheng Ping and other people who are relatively strong in the hidden demon lineage, others are not even qualified to enter this place.

After dispersing most of the people, Chu Wuji took Chu Xiu and a few others into the Hundred Thousand Mountain. After a long period of twisting and turning, he found a huge banyan tree with five people around him. , a huge portal suddenly appeared on the banyan tree.

Chu Wuji took the lead and walked into it, a black light flashed in front of Chu Xiu's eyes, but his figure appeared in a pitch-black space.

There is only a slight light in the center of this place, and the surroundings are completely dark, of course not completely black. It seems that there are black shadows surrounding the air, exuding a faint green light. If you look closely, it turns out to be a seat On the high platform, there are bronze thrones standing on it. There is a figure sitting on each bronze throne, and there are more or less people standing behind them, but they can't see the specific faces.

And this bronze throne seems to have the effect of covering the breath, at least Chu Xiu standing here, can't feel any breath on the bronze throne, and can't see any face.

Chu Wuji nodded at Chu Xiu, and took Luo Sancong and the others to a high platform to stand behind. At the same time, on the bronze throne of the high platform, an old voice came: "The wind from the rivers and lakes must be known by all of you. , Lin Ye is the most outstanding outstanding hero of my hidden demon lineage. This time, I represent my hidden demon lineage to avenge the grievances of 300 years ago. The battle will be settled, and my hidden demon lineage will be re-established in the world. I dare to Said that in the entire Hidden Demon lineage, no one can compare to Lin Ye.

Even on the side of the Ming Demon lineage, whether it's the kid who swallowed the Blood Flood Dragon's Inner Pill and practiced the Monster Beast Cultivation Technique, or the short-lived Saintess of the Moon Worship Cult, they can't compare to my hidden Demon lineage Lin Ye! "

Chu Xiu could hear that the person who spoke was Wei Shuya.

There was a circle around the throne on the high platform. Those who were qualified to sit on the throne were obviously people from the hidden demon lineage who were qualified to be equal to Wei Shuya in terms of strength and qualifications.

Judging from the number of them, the strength of the Hidden Demons is indeed much stronger than what the Jianghu people imagined, but these thrones do not seem to be full, and I don't know if those people have not come or have fallen.

Hearing Wei Shuya's words at this time, some people on the high platform let out a sneer.

The people sitting on the throne are the real bosses of the hidden demon lineage, and the others should be their disciples, or people on their side, just like Chu Wuji.

Chu Xiu remembered that Mr. Lu or Chu Wuji once told him that this opportunity was personally designated to him by Wei Shuya, but it aroused some dissatisfaction among the other hidden demons.

Because this is a good opportunity to brush your reputation, and it's not difficult.

If someone else leads the team, although they won't do as well as Chu But the process itself is more important than the result. As Chu Wuji said before, as long as Chu Xiu can make the list When the top third of the forces are resolved, the matter is complete.

So at the beginning, many bigwigs wanted to let their own disciples, etc., do this, but they were rejected by Wei Shuya.

After all, Wei Shuya was the only survivor of the Five Heavenly Demons in the Nine Heavens Mountains, and he had absolute priority over this matter.

But now it seems that there are still many people who are dissatisfied with him.

Wei Shuya glanced coldly in that direction, and said coldly, "In the alliance discussion, when will these juniors be qualified to be yin and yang? Are there no rules? If you can't control your own disciples, then I will help you! "

The voice fell, Wei Shuya's whole body was faintly stirred, and the power was incomparable.

Although from the outside, Wei Shuya was just a bad old man, he used to be one of the five Heavenly Demons of Jiutian Mountain who dared to rival the entire Righteous Dao Martial Arts Forest.

Scanning the surroundings, Wei Shuya said solemnly: "Lin Ye has made such a feat, no one can question his ability, and his strength is also recognized. Among the younger generation of Jianghu, who can stand shoulder to shoulder with the heroes of the righteous way, I am the only one in the magic way, Lin. Ye alone!

The rules of my hidden demon lineage are very simple. If you have strength and ability, you can get everything, so now I propose to open up the Demon Heaven Realm left by the former leader of Dugu to Lin Ye for 12 hours! "

As soon as these words came out, the big demons who had been silent all the time before shouted angrily at almost the same time: "Impossible!"

Some people even couldn't help but stand up, showing their excitement.


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