Meet The Leader

Chapter 636: Matenkai

ps: This chapter is for the reward of the leader Zhu Han.

The Demon Heaven Realm is very symbolic for the Hidden Demon lineage, because it is said that there is a legacy of Dugu only me in that place.

Before the Demon Heaven Realm was not called the Demon Heaven Realm, that place was just a secret realm that Dugu and I used to retreat. In the past, when the Kunlun Demon Sect existed, no one dared to enter it except Dugu and me.

However, just a while before Dugu Wei I was about to confront Ning Xuanji, he suddenly told several of his confidants about the way to enter the Demon Realm, and he didn't say what it meant.

Later, with the collapse of the Kunlun Demon Sect, the hidden demon lineage was hidden in the dark and dared not show its face. In the past, the inheritors of Dugu and I, who were my confidants, wanted to open the Demon Heaven Realm to see if there was any Dugu and I left behind. hand.

It's a pity that after they entered the Demon Heaven Realm, apart from observing some traces left by Dugu Wei I in the past, and gaining some insights, they did not get any unexpected gains.

Therefore, in the next few hundred years, there are many strong masters of the hidden demon lineage and young Junjie who have entered it, but still nothing.

However, later generations still feel that in the past, Dugu only I would not suddenly be bored, and he must have a deep meaning in handing over the way to open the Devil's Heaven Realm to others, but the later generations are stupid and have no comprehension.

At present, the Demon Heaven Realm is in the hands of the entire Hidden Demon lineage, and it is sealed by a large formation. All the bigwigs of the Hidden Demon Lineage must agree to join forces to unlock the formation restrictions, so that they can enter it.

It's just that the conditions for opening the Demon Heaven Realm are a bit harsh, so it's not easy to enter.

The Devil's Realm was originally a secret realm, and every time it was opened, it needed a lot of power as energy support, and the more people who entered it, the greater the power consumed by the Devil's Realm.

For the former Dugu Yume, this poor power is nothing, he can gather with a wave of his hand, but for others, even if it is the existence of the real fire refining spirit realm, facing the need for such power Also extremely exhausting.

Therefore, the hidden demon lineage is actually using a five-color spiritual crystal as a driving force to open the demon realm.

It’s just that the five-colored spirit crystals are too precious, so the conditions for opening the Demon Heaven Realm are extremely harsh. Needless to say about those small conditions, it’s very difficult just for everyone to agree to this matter, and the longer it takes to open , the more power the five-color spirit crystals consume.

Therefore, the Demon Heaven Realm has not been opened for more than ten years, and everyone wants to fight for this opportunity for their descendants or inheritors.

Even if you can't get the inheritance of the legendary Dugu only me, you can get some insights and benefits from it.

Now Wei Shuya will give this opportunity to Chu Xiu as soon as he opens his mouth, and it is still twelve hours. This time is almost the same as the time when martial arts masters enter it. How can they accept this?

Wei Shuya looked around for a week and said indifferently: "Why, you are not convinced? Then tell me, who among the younger generation can guarantee victory over Lin Ye? Your descendants happen to be here as well. Let's compete on the spot, who will win? Now, who will this opportunity be given to, how?"

As soon as these words came out, no one in the audience spoke, because this was simply impossible.

Although there were many people present who were not convinced by Chu Xiu, but they were really asked to fight against Chu Xiu, and now they are also at a loss.

At this time, a deep voice said, "Wei Shuya, this is not in line with the rules.

How long has it been since Lin Ye officially joined my magic line? You should be clear about the meaning of the existence of the Demon Heaven Realm, and now it is open to him. "

An old voice also echoed: "That's right, Lin Ye's contribution is great, and he should be rewarded, but the Devil's Realm is a big deal, unless you can find another treasure like the five-color spirit crystal to support it. The Secret Realm formation works, otherwise, there will only be a chance once in more than ten years. Some disciples of the Hidden Demon lineage have gone from the younger generation of warriors to middle-aged people without getting it. Before, it didn't make sense."

Wei Shuya said with a blank expression, "Why do I belong to the hidden demon lineage, and now I'm just like those sects of the righteous way, I always like to talk about these things?"

Someone in the dark said: "This is not about reasoning, but about rules, and breaking the rules is equivalent to destroying the stability of my hidden demon lineage, so the matter of the Devil Heaven Realm must be discussed again."

On the high platform, there was a burst of discussion, but almost all of them held objections. Although not all of them, at least 80% of the people did not support Chu Xiu's attitude.

In the face of these strange voices of opposition, Wei Shuya said nothing. After these voices died down, Wei Shuya said coldly, "Are you all finished?"

After looking around for a week, Wei Shuya said lightly, "You seem to have forgotten one thing, but I'm not actually an orthodox of the Hidden Demon lineage.

In the past, the Five Heavenly Demon Alliances of Jiutian Mountain raised their flags, and they once asked you to join in to grow their momentum, but you all refused.

You are afraid of death, and some people are not afraid of death. My eldest brother and the four of them are fighting for the right way in martial arts, leaving the last trace of backbone for my magic way, a continuous backbone.

I, Wei Shuya, don't think I've done anything that I'm sorry for the line of Demon Dao, but your actions today make me very cold.

Although I am useless, this old man still has some face. Lin Ye is still young and has a promising future. You need to be kind. You can't help others, but you can't stop them from getting ahead.

You don't agree with the opening of the Demon Heaven Realm. Well, I'll take Lin Ye's baby to go to Ye Shaonan. I believe that Shengxian Lake of the Moon Worship Cult will be happy to open it up for us. "

Hearing this, the expressions of the big men of the hidden demon lineage suddenly changed.

Some of them quickly said: "Elder Wei, if there is something you can discuss, don't make trouble."

Wei Shuya said lightly: "Do you think I'm joking? Hidden demons and demons are all demons. What does this virtuous Hidden Demon talk about reviving the Kunlun Demon Sect? It's better to be realistic and hug the thigh of the Moon Worship Sect. Forget it, anyway, my relationship with the orthodox Kunlun Demon Sect is not that deep."

Many of the powerhouses of the hidden demon lineage present had a toothache, because they were not sure whether Wei Shuya was telling the truth or threatening them.

In terms of origin, Wei Shuya is right in the magic way, but he is not like other people of the hidden demon lineage. The inheritance is so long, it can be traced back to the period of the Kunlun demon sect.

The five heavenly demons gathered in Jiutian Mountain, in fact, those five people are not from the orthodox Kunlun Demon Sect. If it is said that they are connected with the hidden demons, Wei Shuya is really not too deep.

Even now Chu Wuji, Luo Sancong and others, most of them are loyal to Wei Shuya, not the entire Hidden Demon lineage.

With Wei Shuya's strength and Lin Ye's status in the arena, if they really choose to join the Moon Worship Cult, then it is estimated that Ye Shaonan will go out to greet them in person.

To be able to get such two strong men, one old and one young, and Chu Wuji, a martial arts master who was still in his prime, the old grudges were nothing to the Moon Worship Cult.

Especially Ye Shaonan, this person is a giant owl of the devil's way, with a heart for Haitian, if Wei Shuya and Lin Ye come to vote, Ye Shaonan's character will not refuse 100%.

As for Shengxian Lake, the holy land of the Moon Worship Cult, it is said that only the leader and the saint are qualified to enter it for cultivation. If Lin Ye can join the Moon Worship Cult, with his status, it would not be difficult to enter for ten days and a half months. .

Many of the Demon Dao tycoons present secretly communicated, and this matter is really tricky. If Wei Shuya and Lin Ye are really forced to go to the Moon Worship Cult, then their hidden demon lineage will really become a joke. .

After a long while, someone said solemnly: "Lin Ye can enter the Demon Heaven Realm, but twelve hours is too long, and the consumption of the five-color spirit crystals is too great, why do you want to leave some opportunities for future generations?

It is usually only three hours for a warrior who has not yet reached the True Core Realm to enter the Demon Heaven Realm. Let's give Lin Ye six hours, okay? "

Wei Shuya waved his hand and said, "Yes."

In fact, at the beginning Wei Shuya said that twelve hours was just a room for bargaining, and six hours was enough.

"Then let's do it, open the Demon Heaven Realm."

The big guys of the hidden demon lineage are not in a good mood. With their strength and status, it is strange that they are intimidated in this The mood is good.

Of course, Wei Shuya can only use this method once, and the second time will make people feel disgusted. By the third time, I am afraid that he will completely break with the entire Hidden Demon lineage.

The Demon Heaven Realm is a secret realm, and the way to open it is in the hands of many hidden demons.

There are many big men of the hidden demon lineage at the same time, and at the same time, a large array with intricate patterns emerges in the center of the entire field. There is a strange five-color spar in the center, exuding an extremely rich world. Power.

As everyone unraveled the formation, a portal appeared in the formation, Wei Shuya said solemnly, "Go in, estimate the time, the formation will be closed after six hours."

With that said, Wei Shuya waved his hand gently at Chu Xiu, and a mental force poured into Chu Xiu's body.

That is a piece of information, a piece of detailed information about the description in the Demon Heaven Realm. It has the experience of people who have entered the Demon Heaven Realm in the past dynasties. It can help Chu Xiu to get familiar with the environment as soon as possible in the Demon Heaven Realm, and to understand those things, so as not to waste time .

Chu Xiu nodded and walked straight into the portal. His eyes suddenly became dark. When there was light in front of him again, what appeared in front of him was a magnificent scene.

Dark clouds and demonic energy rushed into the sky for thousands of miles, the ground cracked, and lava erupted. A throne made of white bones stretched directly from the ground to a height of 10,000 feet. A figure in a black robe sat on the white bone throne. Lifting his head slowly, Chu Xiu was horrified to find that the person's appearance was exactly the same as his, to be precise, it was exactly the same as his previous life!


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