Meet The Leader

Chapter 637: I am alone!

ps: This chapter is for the reward of the Concubine Silver Cod, the leader of the alliance.

Suddenly seeing his past life from a place that was impossible at all, this is undoubtedly a very scary thing,

But when Chu Xiu wanted to take a closer look, the black-robed figure on the throne of white bones became blurred again, as if what he had seen before were all hallucinations.

Chu Xiu squinted his eyes, all of this is very wrong.

Whether or not what he just saw was an illusion, the scene was very wrong right now.

Wei Shuya had given him the information about the Demon Heaven Realm before. Within the Demon Heaven Realm, there should only be a main hall where Dugu Solitaire retreats. There will also be some notes of Dugu Solitaire's practice in the hall, and even his handwriting. some traces.

Although those traces were drawn by Dugu and I, but for other warriors, these traces are priceless treasures, and many warriors can comprehend some insights from these traces.

And what is Chu Xiu seeing now? Why is what he sees different from others?

At this moment, even an idiot, Chu Xiu can feel that he has a connection with Dugu only me, but where is the connection, Chu Xiu doesn't understand this, and he doesn't dare to think about it, because thinking about it is very scary!

In the original plot, Chu Xiu's current body is the leader of the Demon Sect who restored the Kunlun Demon Sect, which is equivalent to the heir of Dugu and I, and it took only twenty years to reach this point, which is amazing.

Whether Chu Xiu in this life can achieve the achievements of the previous life, Chu Xiu himself does not know, but in the original plot, Chu Xiu got the true inheritance of Dugu and I, and came to this point because of other things?

Could it be that he is now walking the old path of his previous life, and the plot has returned to the right track due to yin and yang, and now he can also get the inheritance of Dugu and I?

After all, those people in the Hidden Demon lineage said that there is a legacy of Dugu and I in Demon Heaven.

But just now I saw that the figure on the throne of white bones was exactly the same as my previous life. What is going on?

The more Chu Xiu thought about it, the more chaotic his mind became, and all kinds of thoughts came pouring in, as if there was a power that was eroding Chu Xiu's will.

Gritting his teeth, Chu Xiu's inner demon revolving Dafa and Heaven and Earth Destroying Soul Dafa were simultaneously displayed, trying to stabilize his mind, but it didn't work at all.

These two extremely powerful Primordial Mystery Laws can suppress mental power, but now Chu Xiulan is not in the spirit, but in his heart!

At this moment, a strange force suddenly came from Chu Xiu's space secret box. Chu Xiu opened the space secret box subconsciously. A stone slab suddenly floated out, and finally shattered, and a strange rhythm poured in. Chu Xiu's body finally suppressed Chu Xiu's chaotic mind.

Chu Xiu took a deep breath, he remembered this thing.

This slate was a slate he took out from the Tongtian Tower, and on it was written a divination comment, 'Destiny is not defeated, the devil is not dead'.

At that time, Chu Xiu suspected that this thing had something to do with Dugu Yume, because although there were a lot of demonic giants in the ancient times, they did not unify the demonic way and coerce the demon masters in the world.

And after ten thousand years, the only person who can stand up to this sentence is Dugu and me.

But Tongtian Tower was built ten thousand years ago.

This is also a mystery, but no one else cared about it at the time, only Chu Xiu felt that the slate seemed to have some connection with him, so he put it away, but it came in handy today, although Chu Xiu So far, I'm at a loss, and I don't know what's going on.

At this time, Chu Xiu was looking at the figure sitting on the throne of white bones. Is this the undefeated Demon Lord Dugu only me? That almost invincible lonely and only me? What is the connection between myself and Dugu and me?

At this moment, the figure sitting on the throne of white bones suddenly stood up, looked at Chu Xiu below, and showed a smile, a smile that was unpredictable and contained countless emotions.

That's right, now Chu Xiu can't see Dugu Wei's face, it's still blurry, but he can feel that Dugu Wei I is smiling, smiling at him, he can see himself!

This scene suddenly shocked Chu Xiu.

Because before, he thought that this was just some images left by Dugu Yume in the past, used for inheritance.

When the strength of some powerhouses reaches a certain level, even if they have not specialized in the Secret Art, it is very simple to leave such images.

But Chu Xiu had never heard that the image was still conscious and could see people.

Although it is also possible that when Dugu only I left this image, he glanced down, but Chu Xiu has a feeling that Dugu only me is looking at himself and smiling at himself!

But before Chu Xiu could react, the surrounding scene had already changed.

The Throne of Bones disappeared, and below was a giant steel city.

The steel giant city was built in the valley, and it looked extremely majestic. There were huge crossbow arrows on the city tower. There were also a large group of warriors wearing battle armor and holding swords standing on the city tower, full of iron and blood. Chilling atmosphere.

A large flag was erected on the tower, with the three characters 'Iron Emperor Castle' written on it.

Dugu Weiwei's figure was entrenched in the air. He gave Chu Xiu a fictitious nod, and then nods himself, meaning to see clearly.

At this time, in the steel giant city, a man with his whole body shrouded in golden armor came from the air. He was carrying nine long weapons such as a spear, a Fang Tianhua halberd, a phoenix wing and a golden tang, and he also held a long weapon in his hand. With the Qinglong Yanyue Saber, he slashed towards Dugu Yume.

Dugu Wei stretched out his hand, and a strange machete appeared in his hand.

It was an extremely magnificent machete, the handle was pitch black, as if it was made of demonic energy, but the blade was as bright as a full moon, shining through the ages.

This is an extremely dazzling and magnificent divine weapon, dazzling and brilliance, if it is not in the hands of Dugu Weiyi, no one will believe that this is actually a magic sword stained with countless blood.

With Dugu Yume slashing down, space and time seem to be stagnant under this knife.

Like a mirror, the man in the armor and the space around him were sealed in the mirror. With Dugu Yume's knife, the mirror shattered!

The void was cracking, the mirror shattered, and the person sealed in the mirror also let out a roar, but it had no effect.

His seemingly gorgeous armor began to crack along with the mirror, and he was also cracking, and finally disappeared with a bang!

Chu Xiu stared at this scene with wide eyes. This should be the scene when Dugu and I were the only one who coerced the entire river and lake in the past, when the hostile forces destroyed their homes.

Although this knife does not have a grand scene of collapse, but its horror makes people shudder.

If you think about the power of the Kunlun Demon Sect as an enemy, you can see how strong it is. This one wearing a battle armor and carrying nine weapons on his back looks like a master, but it turned out to be under the sword of Dugu Yume, and he was taken lightly. Beheading, one can imagine what kind of power this knife contains.

But the crux of the problem now is that Chu Xiu can't understand it!

What does it mean to be alone? Let Chu Xiu see himself or see his shot?

Now Chu Xiu has indeed seen it, but his realm is too far from the realm where Dugu Wei I is. It is almost the same as saying the difference between clouds and mud. With this level of power, even if it makes the current Chu Xiu After reading it hundreds of times, he couldn't see any clues.

At this time, there was another change in the Iron Emperor Castle below.

Seeing that man died tragically under the sword of Dugu Yume, there was a sound of machinery in the Iron Emperor Castle, the machinery above the steel giant city changed, and the strange and complex machinery quickly spread out, wrapping the entire Iron Emperor Castle. Get up, leaving only the exit position of the crossbow.

At this time, the Iron Emperor Castle is like a huge steel castle, and its appearance is extremely solid.

The next moment, countless crossbow arrows burst out, attacking Dugu Yume.

Moreover, these crossbow arrows are not ordinary crossbow arrows. They are all engraved with array patterns, with different attributes and various powers, some with flames on them, and some with frost.

Dugu only I stepped in the void, and countless ripples bloomed in an instant.

During the tremor of the those crossbows trembled, and finally all fell to the ground.

Looking at the Iron Emperor Castle, Dugu Yui put away his magic knife and waved his hand gently forward. Countless magic energy condensed in his hand, turning into a bow.

At the same time, the demonic energy transformed into two arms, one holding a bow and three arms hanging on strings. As the bow pulled the full moon, the black arrows condensed in the void.

With Dugu Yume's arrow, everything was destroyed wherever the arrow passed, and even the vitality of the heavens and the earth was strangled, leaving a dead silence.

The jet-black arrow fell, as if ink droplets fell into the water, the black began to spread, and the destruction began to spread.

The seemingly incomparably sturdy Iron Emperor began to be destroyed under the arrow of Dugu Yume, to break the surface. When the black crack spread to the entire Iron Emperor, there was a loud bang, and the entire Iron Emperor was directly shattered. , turned into countless pieces of iron flying, and in an instant, there was no life!

Destroying an incomparably sturdy steel castle full of mechanized formations with one arrow, Dugu Weiwei's arrow is astonishing.

But the problem is, Chu Xiu still can't understand it!

Since entering the Demon Heaven Realm, everything that has happened is too bizarre, and there are too many mysteries, and Chu Xiu has no time to digest it.

However, it’s okay not to think about these unexplainable things for the time being, but the knife and arrow that Dugu Wei I used is definitely an extremely powerful martial skill, and now it is equivalent to reappearing the scene and displaying it in front of Chu Xiu’s eyes. It is definitely a great opportunity. Let's not say anything else, as long as you can understand a similar shape, for the current Chu Xiu, it is enough to be a trump card at the bottom of the box.

As a result, he couldn't even read it, which was embarrassing.


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