Meet The Leader

Chapter 641: exposed

Although the inheritance of Guanzhong Punishment Hall is not very long, the distribution of power has always been considered relatively reasonable.

The four branches are responsible for guarding the four places in Guanzhong, and the main hall is responsible for processing all kinds of information from these four places, analyzing and sorting out, and providing support.

The Judgment Division is the highest combat power in the Guanzhong Execution Hall, and is only responsible for simple and direct killings.

It is precisely because of this tight system that the Guanzhong Punishment Hall can become stronger and stronger.

The Guanzhong Punishment Hall is called an existence between temples and rivers and lakes, and it is precisely because of their system.

But this time, because of An Liunian's death, and Guan Siyu also had to rein in his own power, it caused a lot of momentum and turmoil in the Guanzhong execution hall. The leader of the Criminal Division, as well as some powerful real-power inspectors under his command, such as Ghost Hand King and Tang Ya, as well as some powerful spies who belong to the Criminal Division.

In the end, the scale of the discussion was a bit too large. There were nearly a hundred people participating, and the meeting room could not fit in. Everyone had to move to the courtyard in the center of the main hall to discuss.

Guan Siyu was sitting on the chair in front of him, and Mei Qinglian sat beside him, a well-behaved appearance of a husband and wife.

Xiao Yi and others were already used to Guan Siyu taking Mei Qinglian with him every time he discussed matters, and some warriors who participated in this kind of discussion for the first time and had less contact with Guan Siyu were a strange discovery. Such a side?

Of course, they just went through this idea once in their minds, and no one was stupid enough to come forward and say something.

Guan Siyu looked around for a week and said solemnly: "Everyone must already know that An Liunian, the chief of the Criminal Investigation Division, is in retreat and may not be able to leave for several years. Therefore, in the Criminal Investigation Division, the forces must be reorganized and cleaned up. Some corpses are vegetarians, and then some capable Jianghu catchers will be promoted to the Criminal Investigation Department."

After Guan Siyu said this, he also subconsciously looked at Fang Sha, because Guan Siyu was originally aimed at Fang Sha.

An Liunian will die when he dies. If Guan Siyu just wants to divide the power left by An Liunian, then it is actually easy to do, just change a few people.

But now Guan Siyu is changing the entire criminal investigation department. This is not against him, but against whom?

So when Guan Siyu thinks about it, Fang Sha will definitely refute or even be angry, but whoever thinks that Fang Sha's face just shows a sneer of unknown reasons, and he doesn't even say a word.

Although Guan Siyu was a little puzzled why Fang Sha was so calm today, he did not ask, but continued to arrange several other appointments, and said solemnly: "All the martial artists in the Guanzhong punishment hall who want to join the punishment department are all You can come to the Judgment Division to register, but you must pass the Judgment Division's assessment before you can join the Judgment Division.

Xiao Yi spread his hands indifferently, but not only him, but Yin Botong, who was the most stingy, didn't plan to stop him.

In the arena, killing one's parents, stealing people's money, and preventing people from making progress are all taboos among taboos.

If their subordinates want to join the Criminal Investigation Division, they will let them go. Those who have no determination in their hearts are not considered their true confidants.

Another point is that in case these people who join the Criminal Investigation Department can become prosperous in the Criminal Justice Department, then it is natural to respect the old superior who gave him this opportunity at the beginning, so this is also a way to expand contacts. good time.

Guan Siyu continued: "The big leader is temporarily unable to manage the Judgment Division, so at the moment the Judgment Division naturally respects the second leader, Fang Sha.

However, I am going to replace the three leaders of the Criminal Investigation Division with Chu Xiu as the fourth leader. "

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was in an uproar. No one expected that Guan Siyu would give Chu Xiu such a high status.

Following An Liunian's retreat, in the Criminal Investigation Department, except for Fang Sha, the second leader, Chu Xiu was treated the best. He almost had what he wanted, which would naturally lead to dissatisfaction and jealousy of some warriors.

And the replaced Si Ming didn't say anything. He was Guan Siyu's true confidant, and he never cared much about other things.

And Siming's own power has not changed.

Without An Liunian, Chu Xiu is now the second child, and Siming is still the third, so in general, Siming did not suffer.

And as Guan Siyu's voice fell, Fang Shadang stood up and said coldly, "Hall Master, for such an important decision, I advise you to think twice before making your decision.

When did the Criminal Investigation Department allow an outsider to control such a powerful force? "

Guan Siyu frowned and said, "Chu Xiu is the officer in charge of my Guanzhong Punishment Hall. When did I become an outsider in Guanzhong Punishment Hall's handsome man?"

Fang Sha sneered: "Master, how long did I wait to join the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, and how long did he Chu Xiu join the Guanzhong Punishment Hall?

For so many years, I have worked so hard to close the torture hall, which one is not more senior than that Chu Xiu, what is he not an outsider?

One person alone controls the land of Kansai, and he is also the leader of the criminal investigation department. With such honor, his position in the Guanzhong execution hall is second only to you, the hall master, what is he Chu Xiu! ? "

Fang Sha's point actually expressed the aspirations of many martial artists in Guanzhong's punishment hall.

The younger generation of warriors only respected and envied Chu Xiu, and regarded him as their idol.

But for those warriors of the older generation, Chu Xiu is a junior who can sit in such a position, and the hall master is too partial to him, right?

Mei Qinglian said lightly on the side: "Boss Fang, this time the master wants to re-arrange the power branch of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, in fact, it is to eliminate some corpses.

If qualifications are useful, what else can you do? Everyone on the rivers and lakes has seen Chu Xiu's ability. It is an absolute honor to be number one on the Dragon and Tiger List.

In other sects, Chu Xiu's status is even second only to the existence of the sect master. Now that it is placed in my Guanzhong execution hall, is it too much for us to give him one more leader's position?

Chief Fang, don't make people chill. "

Guan Siyu waved his hand and said: "Madam is right, it's alright, let's do this, Fang Sha, although you are the second chief of the Criminal Investigation Department, but An Liunian is away, you are exercising the responsibility of the chief, you You don't have to feel wronged."

Fang Sha stood up and said coldly: "But I still refuse to accept it! Hall Master, you have changed, since this demon girl came to the Guanzhong execution hall, you have changed.

She bewitched you to protect Chu Xiu and elevate a junior like Chu Xiu who had only joined the Guanzhong Punishment Hall to such an honorable position. It won't take long for most of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall's power to be eroded by them.

At that time, is this Guanzhong Punishment Hall her Madam Mei's Guanzhong Punishment Hall or your Guanzhong Punishment Hall, Master Guan! ? "

Fang Sha's words came out, and everyone present was stunned. Everyone looked at Fang Sha in stunned eyes. Is this person crazy? These words, even the previous An Liunian dare not say it!

Fang Sha is an old man from the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, and his character is also very slick.

In the previous struggle between An Liunian and Guan Siyu, he neither stood on An Liunian's side nor on Guan Siyu's side, but only guarded his own part of the power, doing his own affairs well even if everything was fine, rarely will talk more.

And now what he said, he almost completely tore off his face with Mei Qinglian and even Guan Siyu!

But to be honest, what Fang Sha said actually made some sense, and they also felt it. Mei Qinglian seemed to have more and more weight in her words in the Guanzhong torture hall.

In the beginning, Mei Qinglian was only Mrs. Guan, and did not participate in the affairs of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

But later, Guan Siyu would take Mei Qinglian with him every time there was a discussion or any major event in Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

Even now, Mei Qinglian can openly express her own suggestions on some major events, and even Guan Siyu is still obedient, which makes everyone wonder, whose Guanzhong Punishment Hall is this Guanzhong Punishment Hall?

There is also Chu Xiu. When he first joined the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, although Chu Xiu was also on the Dragon and Tiger Ranking, he still did not have such strength and reputation.

But at that time, Chu Xiu was already daring, and even dared to openly kill his boss, violating the laws and regulations of the Guanzhong Xingtang.

If it wasn't for Mei Qinglian to protect Chu Xiu, he would have been severely punished by the law and discipline of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

Even saying that Chu Xiu is Guan Siyu's might as well say that Chu Xiu is a person of Mei Qinglian.

Guan Siyu's face was gloomy, he stood up suddenly, and said coldly: "Fang Sha, are you crazy? You are an old man in my Guanzhong torture hall. We used to work together in the past. I know you feel a little uncomfortable, retreat. Come on, I can treat it as today, nothing happened."

Mei Qinglian made a look of grievance on the side: "The slave family just sees that the master is working too hard, so I just want to do my best for the Guanzhong torture hall, but I didn't expect that it was misunderstood and wanted to intervene. The Guanzhong Punishment Hall is powerful, that's good, in the future, the slave family will stay in the deep boudoir and not go out, so as not to affect the reputation of the master."

Fang Sha pointed at Mei Qinglian and sneered: "Demon girl, you are still pretending to be here! When I first saw you, I was deceived by you, the saintess of the dignified Yin Demon Sect is also in the hidden demon lineage. A person with a high reputation in the middle, actually pretends to be like a weak girl from Xiaojiabiyu here, it's amazing, amazing! Your acting skills are much stronger than your strength."

Fang Sha turned his head to Chu Xiu again, and sneered: "Chu Xiu, didn't you expect it? The backer you rely on is actually a demon girl with evil intentions! I said, your backer is unreliable!"

The people present suddenly stared at Fang Sha in stunned eyes. What did he say? Madam Mei is the saint of Yin Demon Sect? Is it a magician? Or a martial arts master? how can that be!

The Yin Demon Sect already exists in name only, and its reputation is not obvious in the rivers and lakes, so some people present have not even heard the name of the Yin Demon Sect, and they thought Fang Sha was mad and was talking nonsense.

But they didn't realize that the pitiful look on Mei Qinglian's face became a little distorted in an instant.


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