Meet The Leader

Chapter 642: Poison Dragon

Fang Sha's words shocked everyone present in silence.

Mei Qinglian has been here in Guanzhong Punishment Hall for several years, so why did she suddenly become a saint of the hidden demon lineage?

Guanzhong Xingtang survived in the cracks of the Three Kingdoms. In fact, it is neither the right way nor the magic way, but they will definitely not be inclined to the magic way.

And if Mei Qinglian was really a saint in the line of magic, who had been hiding in the Guanzhong torture hall for so many years, what would she do? Thinking about it makes people feel terrified.

Mei Qinglian raised her head, still with the pitiful expression on her face, and said sadly, "Master Fang, what are you talking about? How did I become a saint of the devil's way?"

Fang Sha said coldly: "Demon girl, you don't need to continue pretending. If I didn't have definite evidence, would I tell it in front of everyone?"

Just when Fang Sha was about to say something, Guan Siyu suddenly raised his head and said expressionlessly, "Get out!"

Fang Sha was stunned for a moment, as if he hadn't reacted yet. He looked at Guan Siyu in shock and said, "Palace Master! I really have evidence to prove that this demon girl is the saint of Yin Demon Sect! If I wronged her, I am willing to do so. Kill yourself on the spot!"

Everyone present saw that Fang Sha had even said such words, and everyone was almost certain that Fang Sha should really have evidence, otherwise he would not have said so decisively and risked his own life.

Guan Siyu is not a soft-hearted person. His behavior today has been regarded as tearing his face with Guan Siyu. If he is lying, there will be no place for him in the punishment hall in Guanzhong after the incident.

But Guan Siyu didn't give him a chance to speak, he just said coldly: "I told you to get out, didn't you hear? Since you don't want the position of the actual controller of the Criminal Investigation Department, then someone else will do it. , Guanzhong Punishment Hall lacks everything, that is, there is no shortage of people!"

Fang Sha still wanted to say something, but a loud laugh came from outside the main hall: "Boss Fang, you still don't understand, how did I tell you before, you are locked in the execution hall. Hall Master Guan is not an idiot, and it is impossible for an idiot to operate the once crumbling Guanzhong Punishment Hall to this point.

Mei Qinglian's identity can be concealed from others, but how can she be concealed from Guan Siyu when they have been together for so long?

The Yin Mozong's Concubine Dafa is indeed miraculous. All other subtle and mysterious methods affect the gods, but the Concubine Dafa affects the heart, but for those with tenacious minds, it cannot be resolved by the practice method.

Master Guan is known as an iron-faced judge. He seems to have a heart like iron, but in fact, he is sweet, but he is very soft. "

The people present immediately looked back and saw a group of people walking in from outside the courtyard. The leader of them was a middle-aged man with a moustache, dressed in a refined manner, exuding an elegant look all over his body. Breath, but this one has the strength of the martial arts master realm.

And beside him is an old **** with the strength of the unity of nature and man. This old **** Chu Xiu also knows. It turned out to be the personal **** director Chen Eunuch of Prince Lu Longji of the Eastern Qi Dynasty. He has dealt with Chu Xiu several times, but But they all suffered big losses in the hands of Chu Xiu.

Behind the two of them, there are a lot of masters, the weakest are in the Three Flowers Gathering Realm, and these people actually belong to the elites of the Dragon Cavalry Forbidden Army.

Seeing Chu Xiu, Eunuch Chen showed a gloomy smile at Chu Xiu.

"Yang Gongdu! What do you want to do? Who gave you the courage to break into my Guanzhong punishment hall?" Guan Siyu looked at the middle-aged scribe with a cold look in his eyes.

Hearing Guan Siyu's words, everyone present suddenly remembered who this person was.

The forty-fifth place on the Billboard, Yang Gongdu, the 'Poison Dragon Warrior', although this person is a martial arts master, he is not famous for his martial arts, but because of the amazing things he has done.

Yang Gongdu is a landed scholar. He studied at a young age, from Xichu to Beiyan, and then to Dongqi. He has been tested in three countries for 20 years in a row, but all of them have landed, and even forced him to rely on others as a doorman. , to live as a teacher.

If other people encountered this kind of blow, it is estimated that they would not be able to hold on long ago, but extraordinary people naturally have extraordinary things. In Yang Gongdu's dictionary, there is no word giving up at all. This person is not an ordinary attachment to power.

It's just that what Yang Gongdu has learned and what he will be tested for in the imperial examinations are two concepts. He is good at conspiracy and power and emperors.

In the imperial examination, no one would take such a thing, and Yang Gongdu was extremely stubborn, and he didn't even bother to study those Confucian classics, benevolence, righteousness and morality, which he despised, so he could only keep landing.

Later, when Duke Yang reached middle age, when he was a teacher of a wealthy family, he felt that his physical strength was declining, so he learned some boxing and kung fu from the guard leader of the wealthy family. Extremely amazing, ordinary boxing skills, he practiced for a few months, he was better than the guard coach for decades.

Under the circumstances, Yang Gongdu began to practice martial arts, and he went smoothly along the way, and cultivated to the realm of martial arts masters.

But he himself is extremely averse to using simple and violent means to solve problems. He has always thought of himself as a scholar, full of strategy and imperialism, ready to sell it to an imperial family.

At the beginning, Yang Gongdu relied on his own strength to serve in Beiyan, and he was a staff general in the military. When Emperor Wulong of Beiyan teamed up with Beiyan Jianghu to resist Dongqi, he made a lot of effort, and he joined the vertical company in it. Heng, win over those Northern Yan big dispatchers.

But later, because he intervened in the matter of winning the heir, some mistakes were made, and he was beaten to the end by Emperor Wulong, and he was also chased and killed by the Beiyan royal family.

Later, Yang Gongdu moved to Western Chu and wanted to persuade the Western Chu royal family to use the local martial arts power to strengthen their momentum. Under the secret plan, it did cause a lot of disturbances in the land of Western Chu, but he was offended at the same time. The Tianshi Mansion and the Moon Worship Cult, in the face of such a powerful strength, even if he has a full stomach, it is useless, and he can only be forced to leave Xichu in the end.

But in any case, Yang Gongdu's ability to do things is recognized as strong, and his tactics are strange and ruthless.

He has the power to follow the dragon, but unfortunately, his person is a poisonous dragon.

If the real dragon is used properly, it will be a great help. Otherwise, Yang Gongdu, the poisonous dragon, will attack its master.

At the beginning, after Yang Gongdu was forced to leave Western Chu, he disappeared. Who knew that he was actually with Chen Gonggong at this time. Obviously, he had already taken refuge with the Prince Lu Longji.

At the beginning, Lv Longji wanted to subdue those scattered cultivators in the southwest and open up the Western Chu trade route. This move was in line with the wishes of the Emperor of Eastern Qi. If it was done, the strength of Lu Longguang's subordinates would be greatly increased.

At the beginning, Chu Xiu was still surprised that Lu Longguang's own ability was very mediocre. Who the **** gave him this idea? Now things are clear, the person who gave Lu Longguang his idea at the beginning should be Yang Gongdu.

At this time, Yang Gongdu appeared here. With this person's character, I am afraid that there is some conspiracy at hand, ready to display. This person has always been chaos wherever people go. He is definitely a dangerous person.

Yang Gongdu took out a folding fan, fanned it casually, and said with a smile on his face: "Guan Tang, please calm down, this time I didn't trespass the Guanzhong execution hall, but the leader Fang Shi Fang invited me to come.

Originally, I didn't want to intervene in the internal affairs of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, but it was related to the gang of demon murderers of the hidden demon lineage. Since someone invited me, how could I refuse? "

Guan Siyu turned his eyes to Fang Sha, and there was a rare trace of murder in his eyes.

Seeing Guan Siyu's gaze, Fang Sha suddenly felt a chill in his heart, and took a step back subconsciously.

At this time, Duke Yang stepped out, just to cut off Guan Siyu's killing intent. He smiled and said, "Tang Master Guan, don't worry, you are busy killing people before the show starts? It's too early."

Saying that, Yang Gongdu casually cupped his hands at Mei Qinglian and said: "The saint of the Yin Demon Sect, you have heard the name for a long time. When the Yin Demon Sect was still in the past, your saint was very low-key. Many people I've heard of your title, but I don't know your appearance, not even your specific name.

The Yin Demon Sect has been destroyed for so long, it is estimated that even the former enemies of the Yin Demon Sect thought you were dead, and the Yin Demon Sect no longer exists, but unfortunately, no one can truly be invisible under the sun, yours The identity has long been known and revealed, and it is still one of your hidden demons. Of course, I will not tell who this person is. UU Reading

Lord Saintess don't have to rush to retort, saying that there is no evidence, since I dare to come here, I must have evidence in my body.

I happen to have a heart-testing stone from the Western Regions here. I am very sensitive to exercises such as the Concubine Dafa. If the Holy Maiden has the courage, then hold the heart-testing stone and take a look at it. Will there be any interesting changes? "

The pitiful expression on Mei Qinglian's face gradually disappeared. She was once again tricked, and she was betrayed by her own people. If she were to find this person, she would smash him to pieces!

Fang Sha hurriedly said: "Lord Hall Master, I know that you are bewitched by this demon girl's concubine Dafa, so you always subconsciously stand on the side of the demon girl, driven by the demon girl, and now kill the demon girl. , I am in Guanzhong Punishment Hall, and it is still Guanzhong Punishment Hall!"

Mei Qinglian also let out a sigh of relief, and the demonic energy around her body was surging, and that powerful momentum bloomed, stronger than Yang Du, stronger than Fang Sha, and even second only to Guan Siyu.

This play can't go on.

Dafa can only subtly influence a person's mind. This influence is like flowing water, moisturizing things silently, but it is impossible to turn a person into a puppet. She has now been completely exposed, and there is no need to act. .

Just when Fang Sha was excitedly gearing up to make a move, Guan Siyu suddenly stepped out, squeezed the seal, moved the mountains to fill the sea, and the seal turned into boundless might and crushed Fang Sha!

Fang Sha's face suddenly showed a look of astonishment, is the hall master completely controlled by Dafa? That Mei Qinglian has already admitted his identity, why does he still take action against him?


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