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Chapter 643: because of love

Fang Sha was shocked by Guan Siyu's sudden action, and he couldn't even understand it.

If it is normal for Guan Siyu to take action against him in order to protect his woman before, the iron-faced judge is also selfish.

But now they have all revealed the identity of Mei Qinglian's demon girl. The other party is lurking in the Guanzhong punishment hall, and lurking beside you Guan Siyu is simply conspiring to do something wrong. As a result, you don't do anything to Mei Qinglian, but do it to yourself. What is this? mean?

Fang Sha was stunned, but Yang Gongdu was not stunned.

Yang Gongdu waved the folding fan in his hand, and the Gang Qi turned into Ling Lie's sharp blade and swept in. With a clanging sound, he blocked in front of Fang Sha's body. Although he stopped Guan Siyu's move, Yang Gongdu was also knocked back a few steps.

Kneading his numb wrists, Yang Gongdu said: "The nine transformations of magical powers really live up to their reputation."

Fang Sha only seemed to have reacted at this time. He looked at Guan Siyu in disbelief and said, "Master, why did you do something to me? Could it be that you were really completely controlled by that demon girl?"

Yang Gongdu sneered: "Boss Fang, what did I say before? Don't you understand, Hall Master Guan, he has not been confused by Mei Qinglian from the beginning, he knows Mei Qinglian's identity, even more than us. Be early!"

Mei Qinglian's eyes widened suddenly, she suddenly raised her head to look at Guan Siyu, and said in an unbelievable tone: "You knew my identity from the very beginning? The Dafa of the Concubine, never took effect?"

A bitter smile appeared on Guan Siyu's face, nodded and said, "From the first day you came to me and tried to influence me with Dafa, I found out.

Lord Chu Kuangge has left behind a lot of strange exercises, one of which is used to restrain refined and mysterious techniques, and stick to what you really want. "

Mei Qinglian was silent for a while, and then she said, "Then why haven't you exposed me for so many years? You are still obedient to me, as if you have fallen for my concubine Dafa?"

Guan Siyu sighed and said: "In the beginning, I just doubted your identity, so I wanted to keep you by my side to see what your purpose is, which force is malicious to me in Guanzhong Punishment Hall, Just to lead the snake out of the hole and catch it all at once.

But in the end, can't you feel my heart, madam? I have always loved you! "

A look of disbelief appeared on Mei Qinglian's face. She always thought that Guan Siyu's obedience to him was because Dafa had an effect, because Dafa was extremely sensitive to the control of people's hearts. Guan Siyu was mean to him, and the concubine Dafa would definitely notice, so she dared to boast in front of Chu Xiu before, saying that she could completely handle Guan Siyu.

But who would have thought that it wasn't the concubine Dafa that worked, but that Guan Siyu actually had a real love for her!

Yang Gongdu on the side shook his head and said, "To be honest, when I figured this out, I was also very surprised.

With your status as Hall Master Guan, what woman do you want? This lady saint is indeed extremely beautiful, but it is a rose with poisonous thorns, which ordinary people can't touch.

Hall Master Guan, do you know that you are playing with fire and setting yourself on fire? To take in the Holy Maiden of Demon Dao, can you be worthy of your ancestors in Guanzhong's punishment hall, and worthy of Chu Juxia? "

Guan Siyu lowered his head slightly and said expressionlessly: "Qing Jie is sad, who can fully explain the word "Qing"?

What I have been taught is by the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, and the status and power I have now are bestowed by the former Chu Kuangge.

Over the years, I have been conscientious and conscientious about someone, and I have never failed Guanzhong Punishment Hall or the entrustment of Lord Chu Kuangge. I, Guan Siyu, are worthy of my conscience!

I have done what I should do. If I can't even keep a beloved woman, how can I, Guan Siyu, stand on the rivers and lakes?

Yang Gongdu, I don't care what conspiracy and calculations you have today, in my Guanzhong torture hall, these are all jokes!

Mei Qinglian is my wife, not a demon saint. No one will believe or dare to believe what you say! "

Having said that, Guan Siyu looked around for a week and said coldly, "You guys, have you ever seen someone from the devil's way in the punishment hall in Guanzhong?"

Xiao Yi and the others suddenly froze in their hearts, and then shook their heads violently.

The impact of this incident on them was a little too big, and the amount of information was too much for them to digest.

But seeing Guan Siyu's appearance now, they immediately made the most appropriate choice, which is to stand on Guan Siyu's side.

In Guanzhong Punishment Hall, no one can shake Guan Siyu in terms of status, strength or prestige. Even if he wants to protect Mei, no one in Guanzhong Punishment Hall dares to stop him, and no one dares to say nothing.

As for the reaction of the people in the rivers and lakes if the matter spreads to the entire rivers and lakes, it is not within their consideration for the time being.

Yang Gongdu raised his eyebrows and said, "Master Guan is really domineering, and when it comes to prestige, you are now close to the position of Chu Juxia in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall in the past. , that is, Chu Juxia and Hall Master Guan, your prestige is the highest.

But if you can protect Mei Qinglian, Hall Master Guan, can you also protect another 'big man' in the magic way? "

Yang Du suddenly pointed at Chu Xiu with a sly smile on his face and said, "Has anyone told you that Chu Xiu, who is number one on the Dragon and Tiger Rankings, is a handsome man in Guanzhong Punishment Hall, and the existence of winning glory for you in Guanzhong Punishment Hall is actually secretly hidden. His identity is that ruthless method, Lin Ye, who just killed thousands of martial arts masters in the Red Maple Valley Pit just now!"

The voice fell, and everyone present was suddenly in an uproar. This incident was even more shocking to them than Mei Qinglian being the Holy Maiden of the Demon Dao.

The No. 1 and No. 2 on the Dragon Tiger List are the same person? The most important thing is that Chu Xiu and Lin Ye are not related at all. How could they be the same person?

Chu Xiu looked at Yang Gongdu expressionlessly. In fact, when Mei Qinglian was exposed, Chu Xiu secretly said that it was not good, and he was probably at risk of exposure.

Now that it looks like this, his identity has also been made public. Could it be that it was also revealed by the traitor in the hidden demon lineage? But who is that traitor?

Chu Xiu is not Mei Qinglian, he has always been in the magic way, so it is inevitable that he will leave traces. For a long time, Chu Xiu has always used two identities to act.

Therefore, the only people in the Mo Dao lineage who know Chu Xiu's identity are Mr. Lu Wei Shuya's lineage.

Now that their identities are exposed, Chu Xiu does not believe that it was Mr. Lu or Wei Shuya and others who disclosed it. If they want to harm Chu Xiu, there are too many opportunities. The only explanation is that they accidentally revealed it to their confidants, etc. Wait, but that person has become a traitor.

However, Yang Du looked at Chu Xiu with a smile and said, "Compared to the identity of Saintess Mei, I am more curious about you.

Chu Xiu, you lied to the whole world. It is estimated that no one would have thought that the number one on the Dragon Tiger List and the second one on the Dragon Tiger List are the same person.

It's just that no matter how flawless what you do, there will always be some clues left behind.

In the past, you were chased and killed by Duan Tianlang, the former leader of the Azure Dragon Society, who once pretended to be a member of the Dragon Cavalry Imperial Army. Only a few people knew about it, but no one cared about it.

It was not until I helped His Royal Highness take charge of his part of the Dragon Cavalry Imperial Army that I realized that you once pretended to be the Dragon Cavalry Imperial Army to ask for help from the White Tiger Hall, but the head of the branch of the White Tiger Hall was dead, and the rest were too weak to take responsibility and also I'm not in the mood to pursue this matter with you.

But I am a very curious person. I deliberately searched for the survivors of the original White Tiger Hall one by one, and finally learned that the name you used when you pretended to be the Dragon Cavalry Imperial Army was Lin Ye! "

Chu Xiu said with a blank expression: "There are so many people with the same name in the rivers and lakes. It's strange that I have a random name?"

Yang Gongdu shook his head and said, "Of course it's not surprising, if other people, even if they knew about this matter, would definitely think about the coincidence.

But I am different. I am a very suspicious person and a very curious person, so I deliberately investigated a lot of your information.

Again, under the sun, no one can be truly invisible. You are too similar to Lin Ye.

Some language habits, some behaviors, are very similar.

As long as it is where you appear, Lin Ye will not appear, and vice In the past in Xiaofan days, I asked many warriors among them, you and Lin Ye have never appeared at the same time. , including the last many dragon and tiger list heroes and Zhang Chengzhen, Lin Ye's identity did not appear.

And every time Lin Ye is injured, you Chu Xiu will go to retreat. Your retreat and work and rest time, I have found out from some quick catchers in your Kansai land. It is surprisingly similar to that Lin Ye.

It was a coincidence once, but is it also a coincidence that there are so many overlapping places?

Chu Xiu, or Lin Ye, in terms of acting skills, you are more brilliant than that Saint Maiden! "

Chu Xiu heaved a sigh of relief, no one betrayed him, and he was the one who revealed his own fault for co-authoring.

But this kind of thing is also helpless. Just like what Yang Gongdu said, there is no truly invisible person under the sun. Even if Chu Xiu is careful, he will inevitably leave some clues.

Especially when he chose to use the pseudonym Lin Ye, this was Chu Xiu's subconscious choice, because after all, it was the name he used for decades in his previous life.

Moreover, he couldn't control the White Tiger Hall. When he heard that the Hall Master of the White Tiger Hall had died, Chu Xiu thought that the matter had been revealed. This matter, but who would have thought that this Yang Gongdu was clinging to such a little clue, and abruptly found out the identity of Chu Xiu.

Yang Gongdu squinted at Guan Siyu, and said solemnly, "Senior Guan, you can keep one Mei Qinglian, and another Chu Xiu, who is also Lin Ye, can you keep it?

One is the saintess of the Yin Demon Sect, and the other is a rookie of the hidden demon lineage. She has just made her name in the rivers and lakes by ruthless means. If you are locked in the execution hall, you will become a devil's den! "


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