Meet The Leader

Chapter 644: Calculation

The identity of Chu Xiu was revealed. In fact, Guan Siyu was no less horrified than others, because he really did not expect that Chu Xiu was also a member of the magic line, and it was Lin Ye.

Guan Siyu was able to discover Mei Qinglian's identity because Mei Qinglian took the initiative to use the Concubine Dafa on Guan Siyu.

But Chu Xiu showed no flaws in front of Guan Siyu.

Moreover, Chu Xiu officially joined the hidden demon lineage. To be precise, it should be when he met Mr. Lu when he was investigating the Qiu Zhensheng case in Pegasus Ranch. Therefore, at the very beginning, Chu Xiu was really with the hidden demon. One pulse doesn't matter.

Although Guan Siyu can also perceive that Mei Qinglian is helping Chu Xiu, in Guan Siyu's view, Mei Qinglian should be prepared to support no complicated forces because she wants to have more right to speak in the Guanzhong execution hall. , Chu Xiu, who is not so experienced himself, is in the upper position, but he did not think about Chu Xiu's identity as a member of the magic line.

Fang Sha on the side has been in a sluggish state since Guan Siyu's shot. At this time, he seemed to have recovered, glaring at Yang Gongdu and said: "Chu Xiu is also a person of the magic line, why don't you tell me?"

Yang Gongdu was hiding this matter from him, otherwise Fang Sha would not have said those words to Chu Xiu at the beginning of the discussion.

Yang Gongdu said indifferently: "If I say it all, why would you choose to say everything in public? You are afraid that you will secretly explain all this to Guan Siyu? How can things make such a big deal?"

Fang Sha's face showed a trace of anger, he knew that he was being used by this Yang Gongdu.

When Fang Sha wanted to come, revealing Mei Qinglian's identity, it was just a tumor to clear from the Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

But although Chu Xiu's strength is not as good as that of a martial arts master, his status and reputation are even greater in the arena, and things are more difficult.

Fang Sha is not an idiot, and he doesn't want to really destroy the Guanzhong torture hall, so if he learns of Chu Xiu's identity, he will definitely tell Guan Siyu secretly, rather than say it in front of the public.

From the very beginning, Yang Gongdu wanted to use him and use him to make things bigger!

Guan Siyu looked at Yang Gongdu coldly and said, "Tell me, what exactly do you want to do?"

Yang Gongdu is known as the Poison Dragon Scholar.

This time, he used Fang Sha to throw all the negative things about the Guanzhong Punishment Hall on the bright side. Apart from harming the Guanzhong Punishment Hall and harming others, Guan Siyu couldn't think of anything else.

Yang Gongdu squinted his eyes and said, "Tang Master Guan, this matter is not trivial. You have taken in Mei Qinglian, a saint from the Yin Demon Sect, and Chu Xiu, a deeply hidden rookie in the magic way. But it's a big event, think about the karma of the hidden demon lineage, think about the person who Chu Xiu killed, once his identity is revealed, trouble will come one after another, you can't stop it when you are locked in the execution hall!

However, if you can stand on the side of His Royal Highness, let Guanzhong Punishment Hall merge into Dongqi, and help the prince, Dongqi will help you to stop all the messy things in the rivers and lakes. You Guan Siyu, you are still the hall master of Guanzhong Punishment Hall. , even if you want to pass it on to your own apprentices, your own son is no problem! "

After hearing Yang Gongdu's words, everyone present understood Yang Gongdu's plan. He actually planned to take over the entire Guanzhong Punishment Hall!

Originally, the matter of Guanzhong Punishment Hall had nothing to do with him. Whether Guan Siyu was bewildered or deliberately took in people in the magic way, some of these things may be interesting, but they have nothing to do with Yang Gongdu.

But now with the intervention of Yang Gongdu, the meaning of all this has changed.

Guanzhong Punishment Hall is located in the middle of the Three Kingdoms, seeking neutrality. This is something that Guan Siyu has always insisted on since he took over as the head of the Punishment Hall.

But in the same way, the geographical location of Guanzhong Punishment Hall is also very important. If any country gets Guanzhong Punishment Hall, it is equivalent to an additional bridgehead for attacking other two countries.

However, the Guanzhong Punishment Hall itself is not weak. Once someone forcibly attacks the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, it will attract strong resistance from the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, and it will also cause the other two countries to intervene. Therefore, in this environment, the Three Kingdoms will naturally A balance has been formed, and Guanzhong Xingtang has developed in this fragile balance.

But other people can't attack Guanzhong Xingtang, what if Guanzhong Xingtang himself takes refuge in a certain country?

Right now, Yang Gongdu is the advisor of Prince Lu Longji. If he can help the prince to capture the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, with this great contribution, then there will be no one in the entire Eastern Qi who can shake Lu Longji's position. With the power of Conglong, after Lu Longji ascended the throne, he can fully display his imperial skills and show his ambitions.

Guan Siyu squinted at Yang Gongdu, and said coldly, "Follow Lu Longji, take refuge in Dongqi? Yang Gongdu, you're afraid you have already paid attention to Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

Do you know how much I paid for today in Guanzhong Punishment Hall? Now you come over and tell me this, and force me to join Dongqi, you are not afraid that I will kill you! ? "

The last sentence was uttered, and the momentum around Guan Siyu was like a volcanic eruption.

There are also strong and weak martial arts masters. Qiao Liandong, the ancestor of the Yang family, and Liu Hongye, who died in the hands of Chu Xiu in the past, are actually the weakest among the martial arts masters.

As for Zhenyangzi and Xuxing, they are considered strong.

Those who really stand at the pinnacle of this realm are Chen Qingdi, Xuanlongzi, Chu Wuji and other such existences.

No one thought that Guan Siyu could compare with these characters before. Everyone thought that Guan Siyu could rank in the top ten of the Billboard, and most of the credit was due to his status.

In Xiaofan, Guan Siyu's shot has shocked everyone. At this time, Guan Siyu almost unreservedly showed his powerful momentum, and he could almost completely crush Fang Sha and Yang Gongdu, even Mei Qinglian couldn't compare with them. .

In the face of Guan Siyu, who showed such a powerful momentum at this time, although Yang Gongdu was defeated, he still managed to walk out, not even resisting at all, but opened his arms and laughed: "Everyone in the world is I underestimated you, Hall Master Guan, but I, Yang Gongdu, dare not underestimate you.

I am afraid that with my little strength, I can't even stop Hall Master Guan's three magical powers and nine transformations, but I dare to come today because I dare to gamble with you, Hall Master Guan! Go take my life and gamble with your future in the execution hall! "

Yang Gongdu's eyes flashed with madness: "I know Mei Qinglian's identity, and I have investigated Chu Xiu's secret, don't you really think I didn't tell anyone?

His Royal Highness knows this news. If you kill me now, the next day, His Royal Highness will send the news to Tianshifu, Daguang Temple, Chunyang Daomen and other gates of all the great sects of Jianghu!

And I also added some innocuous things in the 'small', you should be what I am best at, I can guarantee that after seeing those things, these big factions will definitely want to put you in the punishment hall and exterminate them immediately. Come on the Demon Guard!

It has been passed down for hundreds of years in exchange for my own life, and now it is not inferior to the Guanzhong Punishment Hall of the top sects of the rivers and lakes. It is worth it!

Hall Master Guan, I dare to gamble on this life, I don't know you, do you dare to gamble with the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, which has been passed down for hundreds of years? "

Eunuch Chen, who was standing behind Yang Gongdu, was madly scolding Yang Gongdu in his heart, this lunatic!

When he came, Yang Gongdu didn't say that this matter would be so dangerous, and he even used his life. Looking at it, it has risen to the level of gambling.

Yang Gongdu wanted to die, but he didn't want to!

Everyone present looked at Yang Gongdu with dignified eyes. Those who can rank on the Billboard are the existences that can stir up the situation of the rivers and lakes. None of them are ordinary people, and Fengmanlou will not let a mediocre person step into the scene. Billboard, that is purely smashing his own brand.

In fact, looking at what Yang Gongdu has done in his life, he is not a success, he has always been a failure.

After finally helping Beiyan to unite vertically and horizontally, gather the power of many Jianghu sects to defeat but lost everything because of the failure of participating in the succession.

Later, in Xichu, he stirred up the situation of the rivers and lakes in Xichu, and he almost succeeded, but at the same time he offended the two most powerful forces in the world, one righteous and one demon, the Moon Worship Cult and the Tianshifu, and was kicked out. After leaving Xichu, he did not dare to come back.

Yang Gongdu has suffered repeated defeats and battles in his life. Although he has almost never won, he was able to survive such an encounter without dying or losing heart. He began to defect to Lu Longji again, and continued to do things in the temples of Jianghu. This person's tenacity And perseverance is rare in the world, and it is enough to prove his strength and ability.

Today's scene is almost as Yang Gongdu expected, Guan Siyu is not so easy to give in, and what he lacks is strength.

There are people who are stronger than Guan Siyu in Dongqi, but not under Lu Longji.

Therefore, even if Yang Gongdu invited the masters of martial arts who leaned towards Lu Longji, and he himself was no match for Guan Siyu, instead of taking the initiative to die, he would bet against Guan Siyu.

In Yang Du's analysis of Guan Siyu's character, there are only two things that Guan Siyu values ​​most in his life, one is Mei Qinglian, and the other is Guanzhong's punishment hall.

Although joining Dongqi goes against the development direction of Guanzhong Punishment Hall, it can keep Guanzhong Punishment Hall and even make Guanzhong Punishment Hall temporarily stronger. Yang Du believes that Guan Siyu can easily figure out how to choose.

Yang Gongdu's actions are a little crazy, but he gambles his life with others, and usually he will take action only after he is 50% sure of himself.

As for the remaining 50%, it depends on the will of God. If God wants you to succeed, 50% is enough. If God wants to kill you, even if there is only a 10% risk, you will surely die.


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