Meet The Leader

Chapter 645: Kill them all!

Everyone present looked at Guan Siyu, and now Guan Siyu's words can determine the future direction of Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

In fact, among the people present, Xiao Yi and other Guanzhong torturers were the most unlucky.

They depended on the Guanzhong Punishment Hall to survive, and no one wanted to have an accident in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, but looking at this scene, it was obvious that they couldn't be better.

Therefore, they all looked at Guan Siyu nervously, to see how Guan Siyu would choose, whether to still stick to his position in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, or agree to Yang Gongdu, join Lu Longji's subordinates, and join Dongqi.

Guan Siyu looked at Yang Gongdu and said with a blank expression: "Yang Gongdu, I don't know if you still remember, you and I met once. At that time, you were serving as a staff general in Beiyan, working for the Beiyan military."

Yang Gongdu nodded and said, "Of course I remember, at that time I didn't have the reputation I have now, and you, Hall Master Guan, have just taken over the punishment hall in Guanzhong, and you are in turmoil."

Guan Siyu said solemnly: "Since you remember me, then you should know my character. Under that environment, I did not compromise, let alone now, I have never been threatened by someone. !

You Yang Gongdu, do you know what your biggest weakness is? It's not that there is a problem with your calculations, but that you are an extremely egoistic and self-willed person!

You are talented and intelligent, you are full of conspiracies at the age of 20, and you are well-versed in imperial power. Those Confucian classics are not a problem for you at all. Even if you pretend, you can pretend to be a Confucian master full of knowledge. You don't even bother to watch, which has led to your imperial examination for more than 20 years.

Your martial arts talent is excellent and your aptitude is excellent. Even if you start to practice martial arts in middle age, you can still cultivate to the realm of martial arts masters after three days of fishing and two days of netting. , but you yourself were forced out of Western Chu by the powerful force of the Moon Worship Sect and the Tianshi Mansion.

Up to now, you still haven't changed this habit, and you don't have absolute strength, so you want to intimidate me, you are still courting death!

The prince wants to tell all of this, then tell it. After killing you, I will give a complete account of Zhengdao Jianghu. "

Yang Gongdu faintly felt that something was wrong, and his expression changed slightly: "What's the explanation?"

Guan Siyu narrowed his eyes and said, "An account of the internal turmoil in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall! The demonic murderer Lin Ye pretended to be Chu Xiu, lurking in my Guanzhong Punishment Hall, colluding with your strategist and confidant of His Royal Highness the Prince, and wanted to subvert my Guanzhong Punishment Hall. Splitting the Guanzhong Punishment Hall into the Crown Prince of Dongqi and the Demon Dao, I took action to put things right and kill you all. Isn't it easy to explain all this?

It doesn't matter whether other people believe it or not, the Zhengdao sect wants the result, the explanation, kill you, all the explanations are there! "

As Guan Siyu's voice fell, Chu Xiu moved, turned around and fled.

After keeping a low profile for more than ten years, Guan Siyu, the iron-faced judge, gave the impression that he was only iron-faced and selfless even in the Guanzhong execution hall.

But you must know that when Guan Siyu took over the Guanzhong Punishment Hall in the past, there were both internal and external troubles, and it took only a few years to quickly stabilize the situation in such a turbulent time. Guan Siyu definitely relied on more than just being selfless.

The current situation has become a mess, but Guan Siyu's solution is undoubtedly the easiest and most labor-saving, killing everyone, and then letting Guan Siyu explain it, any reason other orthodox sects want, that's easy to say.

Looking at Chu Xiu's figure, Guan Siyu's eyes showed a hint of coldness. He squeezed the seal with his hand, and the majestic True Qi seemed to have turned into boundless waves of the vast ocean, condensed into sea eyes that kept spinning, and a strong suction swallowed everything. , actually pulled Chu Xiu's figure backwards.

Divine Ability Nine Transformations Stir the Sea!

"Chu Xiu, you have disappointed me too much! If you are not from the Hidden Demon lineage, I am really going to train you as the heir of the next generation of Guanzhong Punishment Hall."

There was a deep disappointment in Guan Siyu's eyes. This was not a hypocritical aftermath, but a fact.

Guan Siyu didn't think that Chu Xiu was from the hidden demon lineage before, so after Chu Xiu stepped into the top of the Dragon and Tiger Ranking, Guan Siyu really planned to let Chu Xiu take over the punishment hall in Guanzhong.

Although Chu Xiu showed many shortcomings, such as too much selfish conspiracy, cruel and even bold, but these are not problems in Guan Siyu's view.

Guanzhong Punishment Hall is a sensitive place. If it is really handed over to a mediocre person who is hesitant and indecisive, Guanzhong Punishment Hall will be completely over.

Chu Xiu needs strength and strength, ability and ability, and it is just right to take over this position.

But who knows, Chu Xiu is also a person of the hidden demon lineage. What he wants to do is not the heir of Guanzhong Punishment Hall, but to conspire to annex Guanzhong Punishment Hall. This is absolutely intolerable to Guan Siyu!

Gently pushed it out with a palm, the Gang Qi vortex spun rapidly, and finally burst with a bang, and the ultimate pulling force came suddenly, as if to shred Chu Xiu who was in it.

Holding the Buddha's seal in his hand, Chu Xiu's whole body burst out with Buddha's light, but the deep Buddha's light was filled with a terrifying demonic energy. , This barely allowed Chu Xiu's figure to remain intact in the explosion of the turbulent vortex, but this was also extremely staggering for Chu Xiu's consumption.

Guan Siyu's trick is definitely a big killing move for some weaker warriors. If it wasn't for Chu Xiu's cultivator, Jiuxiao's magic golden body and King Kong's divine power, two not weak body training methods, one devil and one Buddha, I am afraid it would have been a long time ago. It was torn to shreds by this move.

Just when Guan Siyu was about to take action, Mei Qinglian stopped in front of Guan Siyu and frowned, "You can't kill Chu Xiu!"

Guan Siyu's eyes softened a little, and he said softly: "Madam, get out of the way! Don't worry, things haven't reached the point of being irreversible.

Chu Xiu killed countless people as a demon. At this time, his identity was exposed and he played with countless people. Those Zhengdao sects will never give up, so he must die. When he is dead, I can give Jianghu people an explanation.

But you are different, the Yin Demon Sect has already perished, especially you, and there is not much cause and effect involved.

After killing Chu Xiu and then killing Yang Gongdu and the others, I will be sure to protect you and let you completely break away from the hidden demon lineage. With me, no one can move you. "

Mei Qinglian shouted in a low voice, "You're crazy! You only think of the righteous path, but do you know Chu Xiu's position in the hidden demon lineage? If you killed him, what would you give to the hidden demon lineage?"

Guan Siyu said lightly: "I don't need to explain to the hidden demons, in this situation, I must stand on a position between the demons.

Right now, there is a confrontation between the righteous and the demons in the rivers and lakes, and the hidden demons and the bright demons together are not as good as the righteous martial arts, let alone a single hidden demon.

It is clear at a glance who is stronger and who is weaker. I can't stand on the side of the weak, so I can only explain to the strong, I have no choice.

Madam, you don't need to say any more, as I said, I will save you, stand aside. "

Mei Qinglian did not retreat, but the demonic energy lingered around her body, as if some goddess were dancing faintly, not like the evil spirits, but there was another mysterious feeling.

Guan Siyu was in love with her, but actually Mei Qinglian was not in love with Guan Siyu, she just had a complicated feeling for Guan Siyu.

Whether it was guilt, touching, or something else, these Mei Qinglian couldn't tell.

However, Mei Qinglian was very clear about her own position. She was from the Hidden Demon lineage, and she was close to Wei Shuya, so she was also a member of Wei Shuya's lineage.

And Chu Xiu is the person Wei Shuya values, and the heir of the hidden demon lineage. Although there may be many people in the hidden demon lineage who don't think so, but after the last discussion, Chu Xiu entered the Demon Heaven Realm, at least in the name. , Chu Xiu is the heir of the hidden demon lineage.

So no matter what, Mei Qinglian would only stand on Chu Xiu's side.

Guan Siyu shook his head and said, "Madam, you are too naive. I said that the Concubine Dafa has no effect on me. Lord Chu Kuangge has left many exercises, and I have integrated them into the nine transformations of supernatural powers. , useless to me!"

When the words fell, Guan Siyu squeezed the seal in his hand, and faintly spit out two words: "Exorcism!"

A thin and thin divine figure condensed with three faces and six arms, seemingly weak, but wherever she went, the magic energy around Mei Qinglian dissipated, and she felt her own spiritual power. being suppressed.

On the other side, Chu Xiu's inner magic circle was running wildly, the invisible longbow condensed in his hand, the God-destroying arrow was unleashed, and the powerful spiritual force burst out, but it was held by the six arms of the god's shadow. , abruptly broken!

In the past, when Xiahou Town came to the door, Guan Siyu used this exorcism to forcibly destroy Xiahou's divine magic.

No one who has ever fought against Guan Siyu can't appreciate his horror. In fact, Guan Siyu's martial arts is very similar to that of Chu Xiu. He is good at every aspect and has no obvious shortcomings.

The Nine Transformations of Divine Ability is a masterpiece of dozens or even hundreds of martial arts condensed together, superimposed together, and the power is infinite.

Guan Siyu threw out a strange formation plate in his hand, and at the same time, he had qi bursting all over his body, and there was no knife in his hand, but countless qi qi burst out, wrapping Mei Qinglian in it.

The Hu Feng in the Nine Transformations of Divine Ability was displayed, but Guan Siyu didn't really kill Mei Qinglian. Hu Feng just forced Mei Qinglian into the range of the array. The voice sounded, and a blue halo appeared in it, constantly weakening Mei Qinglian's mental strength and qi.

She wanted to break the blue halo, but the power above it suddenly solidified, so that Mei Qinglian had no way to defeat it, so she could only be imprisoned in it.

Guan Siyu said lightly: "Madam, don't waste your energy, that is the prison of the Xuanwumen, it is specially used to temporarily imprison and detain some master-level powerhouses. When I kill them all, I will let you out!"


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