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Chapter 649: Luo Shenjun

No one would have thought that Luo Shenjun's shot would be so straightforward, that he would slap Yang Gongdu to death, and the reason was just because he did not like Yang Gongdu's eye.

As Luo Shenjun himself said, let alone Yang Gongdu, even if the emperor of the Eastern Qi came, Tianmen didn't need to give him face.

For so many years, Tianmen seems to be isolated from the world. Most of the time, they stay on the West Kunlun Mountains, and they don't do things like occupying land. .

Temples and rivers and lakes have always been opposed to each other, but the two sides also cooperated with each other. In Dongqi, even Chunyang Daomen and Zhenwu Sect wanted to give the Dongqi court some face, but Tianmen did not.

If you have the ability, you can send troops to bypass Western Chu, enter the western extreme wasteland, and then go to Kunlun Mountain to attack my Tianmen.

Even when the Kunlun Demon Sect was at its peak in the past, it failed to drive Tianmen down from the Kunlun Mountains, let alone the Eastern Qi court.

It's just ironic that Yang Gongdu died.

He has been plotting these conspiracies and tricks all his life, although most of them ended in failure, but at least his momentum is not weak, and he has avoided danger many times, and has been dead for so long without any real accident.

Therefore, Yang Gongdu himself felt that he was just bad luck, not his own problem.

It was not until his death that Yang Gongdu really understood that without strength, no matter how strong the strategy was, he would not be able to use it.

Someone like Luo Shenjun would not even give him a chance to speak.

It's a pity that by the time Yang Gongdu really understood this, it was already too late.

Luo Shenjun, who slapped Yang Gongdu to death like a fly, turned his eyes to Guan Siyu, and said lightly, "You are the hall master of this generation of Guanzhong punishment hall? Although that guy just now is very annoying, but he restores the original matter. Not Li Shi, he was right, someone came to get something, to get back what originally belonged to me.

You don't have to worry that I will anger you because of what happened to Chu Kuangge in the past. Although Chu Kuangge is a bit stubborn, his strength is really not weak. Fighting to the realm of losing both sides, forcing me to return to Tianmen for several years to recover from injury, it is a character.

Of course, that guy is also a little stupid. Is it worth it to take his own life for a **** little family who doesn't know the current affairs? "

Hearing this, everyone present was shocked.

Before, they thought that when Chu Kuangge fought against Luo Shenjun, Luo Shenjun had not yet reached the realm of real fire refining, and he had been a powerhouse in the realm of real fire refining for decades. , this strength is beyond their imagination.

Guan Siyu's face didn't change, he just said solemnly: "I don't know what Tianmen wants? Before Mr. Chu Kuangge died, there was nothing left."

Although Guan Siyu is the heir of Chu Kuangge, he is not Chu Kuangge.

In the past, Chu Kuangge fought with Luo Shenjun just because Luo Shenjun wanted to kill people and win treasures. This was not worth it in the eyes of many people, but in Chu Kuangge's view, human life was too great, and his own life was exchanged for it. Dozens of lives were lost, and it was worth it.

But in Guan Siyu's view, this is obviously not worth it.

Right now, the power displayed by Luo Shenjun is almost crushing. Although Luo Shenjun said that he would not take out his anger at the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, but seeing Luo Shenjun slapped Yang Gongdu to death with a slap, it was obvious that the other party was the one. The domineering character of those who obey me will prosper, and those who oppose me will perish.

If you don't hand in things, what will Luo Shenjun do, then it's really not sure.

It's just that Guan Siyu really doesn't know what Luo Shenjun wants, what does he give? Before Chu Kuangge died, he was not the only one present, so many people were watching, but Chu Kuangge really didn't leave anything for them.

Surprisingly, when Luo Shenjun heard Guan Siyu say this, he was not angry, but nodded thoughtfully and said, "That's right, even Chu Kuangge himself, he probably doesn't know what that thing is used for. .

What an idiot, he stole something from a certain hand, but he didn't even know what he stole. Is he really just for the lives of those **** idiots? "

After muttering a few words, Luo Shenjun waved his hand and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't know, someone came to find it by himself, where is Chu Kuangge's body buried? Take out his grave goods, space secret box, etc., and see if it is there. "

Upon hearing this, the expressions of all the warriors who belonged to the Guanzhong Punishment Hall changed.

Even some of the old people in Guanzhong's punishment hall wanted to rush up to curse Luo Shenjun regardless of their lives.

Luo Shenjun actually wanted to dig up Chu Kuangge's mausoleum. This is simply a humiliation to them in the torture hall, and it is something they can't bear.

Those who are not the old people of Guanzhong Punishment Hall will not understand the prestige and status of Chu Kuangge in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall in the past. It is definitely a belief-like existence.

If Guan Siyu is now relying on the law to maintain the Guanzhong execution hall, then Chu Kuangge is only relying on his own personal charm.

In the eyes of the Guanzhong Xingtang martial artists at that time, Chu Kuangge was definitely a god-like existence, and no one could be insulted and blasphemed.

Therefore, before Chu Kuangge was dying, it was very abrupt that they chose Guan Siyu to take over as the head of the hall. Although there were many people who were dissatisfied and did not understand, they still chose to obey Chu Kuangge and agreed that Guan Siyu would take over. The position of Hall Master, or else Guan Siyu, the Hall Master's position, would not be able to sit firmly.

At this time, Luo Shenjun actually opened his mouth to dig the mausoleum of Chu Kuangge, which was simply unbearable for most of the Guanzhong execution hall warriors present.

Guan Siyu's complexion also changed, and he said solemnly: "Master Chu Kuangge has already been buried in the earth, and no one can disturb him, even Tianmen!

I have no intention of being an enemy of Tianmen. If Tianmen wants something, I can try my best to help you find it. However, insulting Lord Chu Kuangge is equivalent to insulting me in the punishment hall. This is absolutely intolerable for me in the punishment hall. ! "

For Guan Siyu, he has two most important people and one most important thing in his life.

The most important thing is to develop the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. At least when I step down as the hall master, I can confidently say that I have lived up to the training of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

As for those two people, one of them was naturally Mei Qinglian, and the other was Chu Kuangge.

The young Guan Siyu joined the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. From then on, he regarded Chu Kuangge as his idol and his leader.

Although he was not a disciple of Chu Kuangge, but in Guanzhong Punishment Hall, Chu Kuangge taught him a lot of things, without the slightest hidden secrets, it can be said that Chu Kuangge is also a teacher and a father to him.

Over the years, he has worked diligently and painstakingly to control the development of the punishment hall in Guanzhong to this level, and a large part of the reason is that he does not want to live up to the expectations of Chu Kuangge in the past.

Since Chu Kuangge handed this position to him before he died, then if he couldn't do it, how could he face Master Chu Kuangge under Jiuquan?

And now there are people who want to move Lord Chu Kuangge's mausoleum, which is even more unacceptable to Guan Siyu.

Taking a deep look at Guan Siyu, Luo Shenjun took another look at the others with angry faces, and even dared to glare at him, an old man in the punishment hall of Guanzhong, who was a powerhouse in the realm of real fire refining. He couldn't help shaking his head and said: "Strange, it's true It's very strange, you all know my strength, why are you resisting, aren't you afraid of death? Or do you really think that someone is very good at talking?

It's just a dead person, the body is dead and the Tao is gone, except for the bones and scum, the rest is gone, why are you so persistent? Do you know that you will die in this way? "

The last word of death was spit out, which seemed to be an understatement, but everyone present couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts.

That was not murder, but contempt.

In Luo Shenjun's opinion, these people present are like ants, and they can be trampled to death with just one foot.

It was just because he was finally able to leave the gate of heaven again, so he was in a very good mood, so he said a few more words to these ants, as long as they knew the current affairs, he could let them go.

But why can't these ants see clearly? Why would he risk his own life to resist for a matter that, in his opinion, was irrelevant?

Luo Shenjun didn't understand very, just like he didn't understand why Chu Kuangge wanted to fight with him for the lives of a group of garbage ants.

So now, Luo Shenjun is a little angry.

Guan Siyu let out a long sigh and said solemnly, "Because some things, even if they die, have to be maintained with all their might!

Lord Chu Kuangge represents the final dignity of the Guanzhong torture hall, and no one can desecrate it, not even the Heavenly Gate! "

Luo Shenjun shook his head and said: "It's stubborn and nerve-racking, why can't you let me save some energy?"

The words fell, and Guan Siyu suddenly felt an extremely dangerous aura coming from him. He squeezed the seal in his hand, and the vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth began to swirl crazily like the eyes of the sea, converging into a huge vortex of Astral Qi.

Stirring the sea showed, but not attacking Luo Shenjun, but blocking himself.

The next moment, an invisible force was rewarded, as if an invisible big hand clenched tightly in front of him, and in an instant, the vitality vortex burst.

The nine transformations of the supernatural powers Guan Siyu relied on to become famous were broken in such an inexplicable moment!

A look of disappointment appeared on Luo Shenjun's face: "Weak, very weak, you are much weaker than Chu Kuangge.

Chu Kuangge stopped me because he had strength. Your strength is so weak, why should you stop me? "

The voice fell, Luo Shenjun raised his palm as a knife in front of him, and slashed.

But in the next moment, the endless wind energy in the void condensed and turned into an invisible blade and fell.

Guan Siyu can't see anything, but in his perception, this world seems to have turned into a blade hell, sharp and murderous, everywhere!


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