Meet The Leader

Chapter 650: Great change

ps: Sorry, the update was late. I was in a hurry at night and only got home, but fortunately, it was not delayed until the next day...

The powerhouse in the real fire refining spirit realm shot Chu Xiu before. On the top of Fuyu Mountain, two digital real fire refining realm powerhouses fought against each other. .

But Chu Xiu has never seen such a strange real fire refining spirit powerhouse as Luo Shenjun, not even Guan Siyu.

The shot is invisible and invisible, but it is real, and its mysterious and strange, it is simply impossible to ponder.

However, Chu Xiu has a certain degree of certainty. After his strength has risen to a certain level, he can see through this wonderful change with the Heavenly Son's Qi Technique.

Of course, we must wait for Chu Xiu to reach a certain level, at least a martial arts master.

In the boundless blade hell, Guan Siyu's majestic qi burst out, and a divine shadow shrouded his body, constantly growing upwards, resisting those invisible blades.

This is the strongest one of the nine transformations of Guan Siyu's supernatural powers, and it appears as a god, but this **** is a false existence, not spread in any legends, but in Guan Siyu's heart forever.

"Ha ha."

Luo Shenjun chuckled lightly, stepped out one step, and fell with a punch!

A sonic boom resembling a thunderous roar suddenly sounded in the air, and the divine shadow that was growing up was extremely fragile and began to crack.

The divine light subsided, Guan Siyu's figure retreated step by step, and blood couldn't help flowing from his mouth.

Just on the ground where Guan Siyu was standing before, a huge fist mark lay on the spot and penetrated several meters into the ground, extremely terrifying.

Luo Shenjun shook his head and said, "You are stronger than I thought, but it's only a little bit, you can't compare with Chu Kuangge at all.

You can also see my strength. Hard resistance is just a man’s arm to block the car. You don’t have much time, so don’t waste my time here. Open Chu Kuangge’s mausoleum, you won’t die, I will save your effort. "

Guan Siyu gave Mei Qinglian a deep look, but there was a complex look in his eyes.

This is the only woman he has ever loved in his life. He didn't expect this time, I'm afraid it will be a farewell because of this change.

Even if there is no Fang killing, without Yang Gongdu, this calamity cannot be avoided by himself, Luo Shenjun is destined to come, this is the cause and effect left by Chu Kuangge, and naturally he has to bear it.

Guan Siyu is not a person who is greedy for life and fear of death, but at this time he is really reluctant.

However, some things are more important than life. If he is not the hall master of the punishment hall today, if he is only the head of the punishment officer or the leader of the punishment department, then Guan Siyu can hide away and not express any opinions.

If Luo Shenjun started killing, then he would desperately resist, otherwise he would not say much.

But now he is the head of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, and some causality and responsibility must be shouldered on his shoulders. Others can retire, but he alone cannot retire!

Taking a deep breath, Guan Siyu said solemnly: "Although I know this sentence is very tacky, I still want to say it now.

If you want to move the mausoleum of Lord Chu Kuangge, then step over my corpse! "


Luo Shenjun shook his head, made a seal with his hands, and pinched a very strange seal.

He embraced his hands, and in an instant, with Guan Siyu as the center, everything within a radius of 100 feet was completely divided and shrouded in it, as if Guan Siyu was no longer in the same world as everyone present.

As Luo Shenjun clenched his arms tightly, in an instant, the space began to shrink extremely.

Guan Siyu, who was in it, roared angrily, and the nine transformations of magical powers were used one after another, and various powerful moves were thrown out by him one after another. It simply cannot be broken.

Chu Xiu could see that although Luo Shenjun used this trick without the slightest trace, what the other party used should be something similar to the domain to completely separate Guan Siyu from the outside world.

Most of the people in Tianmen exist in the legends of Jianghu, even if Fengmanlou is due to certain things, they dare not release the information of the people in Tianmen, but in Chu Xiu's view, the warriors of this Tianmen, or just this Luo Shenjun, when he looks at these ordinary warriors, he always has a feeling of looking at ants, which is very wrong.

It's not like Chu Xiu, a powerhouse in the realm of real fire refining, has never seen him, whether it is a martial arts master or a real fire refining realm, in the final analysis, it is only the realm of the first-level martial arts.

At this time, Luo Shenjun seems to regard himself as a superior existence. This does not seem to be because of his strength, but his background. In Luo Shenjun's eyes, he really seems to represent the sky. The people outside are all ants.

Chu Xiu didn't know whether it was Luo Shenjun's own strange mentality, or all martial artists from Tianmen.

If it is the latter, the Tianmen faction is very terrifying, it is simply a group of paranoid lunatics.

If Chu Xiu did this kind of thing, he wouldn't be as laborious as Luo Shenjun did, and he would also do something to Guan Siyu.

He just said one sentence. If he doesn't hand over Chu Kuangge's mausoleum, he will kill all the people in the Guanzhong torture hall, and kill them one by one in front of Guan Siyu. Guarantee that if he kills less than ten people, Guan Siyu will be forced to agree. .

Of course, you can do it first with Guan Siyu, the strongest ones have been eliminated, let alone the others, it's just a bit laborious.

But even if Luo Shenjun worked hard, Guan Siyu couldn't stop him from a few tricks.

In that field, Guan Siyu's nine transformations of supernatural powers were displayed one after another, but they were still useless!

Seeing that the realm was getting tighter and tighter, Guan Siyu roared angrily, and countless blood energy exploded around him, and the magical powers merged into one.

Guan Siyu took a deep look ahead, but he was not looking at Luo Shenjun, but at Mei Qinglian.

The next moment, that power turned into a giant blade that was as red as blood, and slashed towards Luo Shenjun!

Luo Shenjun just frowned, and then he squeezed gently, and in an instant, the blood mist drifted away!

In that field, Guan Siyu's figure has disappeared, leaving only a tiny blood mist, but it is like dust, completely dissipated.

Everyone present was stunned, staring blankly at all this.

Guan Siyu died, and he died so easily, so easily, that one could hardly believe his own eyes.

Chu Xiu also sighed in his heart. The matter of Luo Shenjun was the truth that led to the great change in Guanzhong's punishment hall. His exposure was actually an accident.

If there is no own existence, it is estimated that Guan Siyu in the original plot will also make this choice.

Luo Shenjun looked at the warriors in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, and said lightly: "Now, who can tell me where is Chu Kuangge's mausoleum?"

"I'm waiting for you to fight!"

Several warriors from Guanzhong Punishment Hall stood up and roared, waiting to rush towards Luo Shenjun.

But Luo Shenjun just moved his finger lightly, and several people had already burst into a cloud of blood.

The realm gap between the two is too big. For Luo Shenjun, killing these people is really no different from stepping on a few ants.

Pointing at someone, Luo Shenjun said lightly, "Tell me, where is Chu Kuangge's mausoleum?"

The man gritted his teeth, arguing whether he should say it or not.

What he said can save his life, but he will definitely be spurned by everyone, and even he himself can't pass the test.

However, seeing that the warrior was hesitating, Luo Shenjun pointed it out directly, and the warrior immediately burst into a cloud of blood, which made everyone shudder.

Just when Luo Shenjun turned his eyes to another person, that person hurriedly shouted: "I said! I know where the mausoleum of Lord Chu Kuangge is located, it is in the basement of the back hall. Those who died inside the execution hall, where are the mausoleums!"

Luo Shenjun muttered: "If you say that earlier, you won't get it, you have to waste time."

Luo Shenjun suddenly took a step forward, and the powerful force penetrated into the ground. Wherever he passed, the earth was cracked, and at the same time, the basement of the back hall was exposed.

After the warrior pointed out Chu Kuangge's coffin, Luo Shenjun directly opened the coffin and took out the space secret box and some funerary items.

Because Chu Kuangge is thrifty by nature, there are not many funeral are just some of his personal belongings.

Luo Shenjun directly opened the secret box of space, and after seeing the thing in it, he suddenly laughed twice. He had been looking for this thing for decades, and finally found it.

The last time he missed, he was ridiculed for so long by several other gods in Tianmen. This time, things were finally complete.

The other warriors in Guanzhong Punishment Hall glared at Luo Shenjun, wishing they could swallow him alive on the spot.

The underground palace where the hall masters of the past dynasties were buried in Guanzhong Xingtang was opened, and Luo Shenjun's behavior was like digging someone's ancestral grave.

At this time, the warrior who pointed the way was also relieved.

If you find something, you can survive yourself, right?

But before he could react, Luo Shenjun moved his hand, and the martial artist exploded into a cloud of blood in an instant.

Luo Shenjun said lightly: "Forgot to mention, the betrayal, so is also very annoying."

Seeing this scene, some warriors who were not firm before scolded in their hearts, this person is simply a lunatic.

To be stubborn in the end means not knowing how to lift up and being stubborn.

In the end, I promised you, but I became a betrayal. Anyway, I will die at that time. Is it unreasonable?

After getting what he wanted, Luo Shenjun's eyes swept across Chu Xiu and Mei Qinglian, but he just laughed out of nowhere and stepped out, but his figure had disappeared.

Chu Xiu, Mei Qinglian, and the mess in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, he had seen them outside before.

The grievances and grievances between these ants, Luo Shenjun is too lazy to take care of them.

When he was in a good mood, he might still watch a play for a while, but this time he was short of time to leave Tianmen, but he didn't even have time to watch a play.


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