Meet The Leader

Chapter 651: Take control

ps: Thanks to the leader for passing by and thank you for the reward of 50,000 starting coins

Although Luo Shenjun has left, the drama of Guanzhong Punishment Hall has not yet come to an end.

Guan Siyu is dead, who should run the Guanzhong torture hall?

If there is no Chu Xiu, according to the original trajectory, after Guan Siyu's death, the chief leader An Liunian should take over the punishment hall in Guanzhong.

In Guanzhong Punishment Hall, only his seniority and prestige can temporarily suppress Guanzhong Punishment Hall and compete with Mei Qinglian.

And now, An Liunian is dead, and the identities of Mei Qinglian and Chu Xiu are exposed, what should they do?

Just when the field was silent, Chu Xiu's voice suddenly sounded: "Eunuch Chen, since you are here, don't rush to leave."

Eunuch Chen, who was preparing to evacuate with the dragon cavalry forbidden army, turned his head back, the expression on his face was slightly distorted, with fear and sternness.

This time, His Royal Highness has lost a lot.

Yang Gongdu is a famous person whom His Royal Highness finally paid a lot of money to invite, and making suggestions under His Royal Highness's command has indeed increased His Highness's power a lot.

For example, the dragon cavalry forbidden army under their command was calculated by Yang Gongdu. Otherwise, the prince would make frequent tricks, not to mention the dragon cavalry forbidden army. It would be good to make His Majesty not dislike it.

As a result, Yang Gongdu died here, and it seemed that even he could not leave.

Looking back at Chu Xiu, Eunuch Chen shouted: "Chu Xiu! Don't forget, our family belongs to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince! They belong to the Eastern Qi court!"

Chu Xiu showed an idiot-like smile at Eunuch Chen: "Haha."

Eunuch Chen was really panicked. At this time, he even wanted to take the crown prince and take the Dongqi court to suppress Chu Xiu.

But he forgot that Chu Xiu had never been afraid of a waste like Lu Longji from the very beginning, and he had not cheated on the Crown Prince once or twice.

Moreover, now that Chu Xiu has exposed the identity of the devil, he doesn't mind being more reckless.

And he has a good relationship with the second prince, Lu Longguang. I believe that he has solved the eunuch, and Lu Longguang will be very happy, and help him carry all this by the way.

Stepping out one step, Chu Xiu was already in front of Eunuch Chen in an instant.

Eunuch Chen knew Chu Xiu's strength, and the current Chu Xiu was ten times more terrifying than the Chu Xiu he knew before.

At this moment, Eunuch Chen immediately began to burn his blood, wanting to make a final attempt.

But when he was burning, he found that his blood was burning more and more vigorously, to the point where he couldn't stop himself!

With a wave of Chu Xiu's hand, the blood mist dispersed. Under Chu Xiu's magic blood technique, Eunuch Chen directly burned all the blood in his body and turned into a mummified corpse and fell to the ground.

The faces of the Dragon Riders behind Eunuch Chen all showed fear, but none of them escaped, and they were still holding the sword in their hands and facing Chu Xiu.

It has to be said that the Dragon Cavalry Forbidden Army, as a force exclusively dedicated to the Eastern Qi royal family, has a high level of loyalty, not to mention their own strength.

Like Chu Xiu's cheap father who betrayed the Dragon Cavalry Imperial Army in front of the treasure, and betrayed his brothers, there are always a few.

Glancing at these people, Chu Xiu didn't kill them, just took out a sign, and said solemnly: "Everyone, the prince's people are all dead, but you dragon cavalry forbidden army is only loyal to the power of the royal family, not Loyal to the prince.

The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie, obeying the second prince, and obeying the prince, for you dragon cavalry banned soldiers, there is no difference. "

What Chu Xiu took out was a warrant belonging to the second prince.

At the beginning, the second prince wanted to recruit Chu Xiu, but Chu Xiu did not agree, but because Chu Xiu helped the second prince to cheat the prince, the second prince naturally wanted to have a good relationship with Chu Xiu. Chu Xiu's.

In fact, apart from representing the identity of the second prince, this thing does not have much effect, nor can it mobilize the army, nor can it mobilize the forces under the second prince, because they do not recognize warrants, but people.

But in the current situation, this warrant is just right.

Those dragon cavalry banned soldiers who were present looked at each other and said to Chu Xiu together: "See your lord!"

It is true that the Dragon Knights are loyal to the royal family, but it does not mean that they are all idiots who are ignorant and loyal. On the premise that they can not die, it is naturally better not to die.

At this time, since Chu Xiu was holding the token of the second prince, and they all heard that Chu Xiu was related to the second prince, it would be fine to listen to Chu Xiu's orders for the time being.

As for whether they will be troubled by the prince afterwards, these people from the Dragon Knights are not worried at all.

The real backer of the Dragon Cavalry Imperial Army is His Majesty the Emperor of Dongqi. As long as they have not betrayed the Dongqi royal family, it is the same who listens to their orders. The Dragon Cavalry Imperial Army has no position in the struggle for the throne. This is known to everyone in Dongqi. matter.

The Heavenly Demon Dance in Chu Xiu's hands slashed at the sound of the array plate that imprisoned Mei Qinglian, and made a loud noise.

After more than ten knives in succession, the array finally couldn't bear it and finally dissipated.

Looking at Mei Qinglian, Chu Xiu said solemnly to the officers and officers of the Dragon Cavalry Imperial Army: "Please guard the gate of the execution hall headquarters, without my permission, no one can step out of the gate, and wait for the prison to be sentenced. After the matter in the hall is over, I will send a letter to the second prince to help you ask for a reward."

The members of the Dragon Cavalry Forbidden Army looked at each other and nodded, immediately following what Chu Xiu said, they began to block the Guanzhong Punishment Hall headquarters.

Although today's events are a bit bizarre, they followed the prince's people to trouble Chu Xiu, but now they have to obey Chu Xiu's orders because of the second prince.

But no matter who they listen to, as long as Chu Xiu doesn't endanger the interests of Dong Qi, then everything is easy to say.

And with Yang Gongdu's death, His Royal Highness seems to be in a bad situation. At this time, it is not a big deal for them to lean towards the second prince.

However, the faces of the people in the execution hall in the pass changed abruptly when they heard Chu Xiu's order.

Fang Sha sternly shouted: "Chu Xiu! What do you want to do? Do you think that if Hall Master Guan is dead, you, a demon thief, can take over the entire Guanzhong execution hall? Delusional!"

Chu Xiu turned to look at Fang Sha, and said lightly, "It is because Hall Master Guan is dead that I have to temporarily stabilize the situation in Guanzhong's execution hall.

Besides, Hall Master Guan did not deprive me of my position as the chief torture officer of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall until I was about to die, so until now, I am still one of the four chief execution officers.

As for the leader of Fang, you are the leader of the Criminal Investigation Department, but you are crawling and colluding with outsiders to disrupt the Guanzhong Court of Justice. The one who really deserves to be killed is you! "

The voice fell, Chu Xiu's figure moved, and the demonic energy above the demon dance in his hand rushed to the sky, and he came towards Fang Shazhan with a powerful force.

Xiao Yi and several other officials in charge of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall showed tangled expressions on their faces, but none of them did anything.

What Chu Xiu said was high-sounding. Although Guan Siyu didn't revoke his position as the torture officer, if Luo Shenjun hadn't suddenly intervened, Guan Siyu would have almost killed you, Chu Xiu, and was it your turn to show off your power here?

But just like when Luo Shenjun shot just now, absolute strength represents everything.

The most powerful Luo Shenjun is gone, Yang Gongdu Chen Gonggong was defeated, and the remaining dragon cavalry banned troops became Chu Xiu's accomplices.

Therefore, at the moment in Guanzhong Punishment Hall, even if it is not Mei Qinglian, Chu Xiu is the strongest one.

Although Chu Xiu was not a master of martial arts, he was fighting against Fang Sha at this time. In the eyes of everyone, Fang Sha was the one who was at a disadvantage.

When I think of the identity of Chu Xiu and Lin Ye, how many martial arts masters died in Chu Xiu's hands? Just thinking about it makes me shudder.

Fang Sha gritted his teeth and quickly retreated back.

As a martial arts master, when facing a junior martial artist like Chu Xiu, he did not take action immediately, but chose to retreat immediately, which was indeed a bit embarrassing.

He also saw the fight between Guan Siyu and Chu Xiu just now. With the power at his disposal, he is indeed unmatched.

But how could Chu Xiu let him leave so easily?

Now that Guan Siyu is dead, and the Guanzhong Punishment Hall is headless, isn't it a good time to seize the Guanzhong Punishment Hall?

Although Chu Xiu didn't plan to do it so quickly, at least he had to wait until he had an absolute advantage in the Guanzhong execution hall, but who would have thought that such an accident had happened.

Although the situation is a bit hasty, the most troublesome Guan Siyu is already dead. If he can't make a move to stabilize the situation at this time, when will he wait?

Looking at the direction of Fang Sha's escape, Chu Xiu did not chase quickly, but directly used the primordial spirit as the bow, the mind as the string, and shot a soul-destroying arrow with a horrifying invisible spiritual force condensation It became an arrow blasting away, and almost instantly came to Fang Sha's back.

Fang Sha's whole body burst out with crimson blood energy. He actually chose to directly burn his blood essence to resist Chu Xiu's soul destroying arrow. This shot was extremely decisive.

The soul-destroying arrow split the majestic power of qi and blood. Although most of the power was offset, it still caused Fang Sha to snort and a sharp pain in his head.

But before he could react, Chu Xiu's figure had already appeared in front of him, and the colorless Ding Mudra was displayed, the birth and death in the palm of his hand, and the five aggregates were empty!

The huge handprint slammed down, and wherever it went, the vitality of heaven and earth was reversed and strangled in the handprint.

Fang Sha's whole body condensed qi and blood, using his own qi and blood as a guide, he used his own qi and blood to meet the big handprint, but he still retreated step by step, and a large stream of blood flowed out.

Before he could react, what appeared in front of him was a dazzling sword light, which merged with boundless hatred and attracted the inner demon in his body!

This is not the knife of hatred, but Chu Xiu's use of the Heavenly Demon Dance to simulate the power of the knife of hatred to affect emotions, because it is his own display, although it is not as powerful as the knife of hatred, but it will not cause backlash.

With one slash, Fang Sha's eyes instantly turned red.

He has hatred in his heart, hating Guan Siyu's fascination with Mei Qingliangui, also Yang Gongdu taking advantage of him, and even more hating Chu Xiu who is about to kill him!

But the stronger his hatred, the greater the power of Chu Xiu's knife.

When Fang Sha lost his mind and rushed towards Chu Xiu's knife frantically, he felt that something was wrong, but it was too late.

The long knife fell, Fang Sha's head had already soared into the sky, and there was no longer a chance to hate him.


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