Meet The Leader

Chapter 652: problem

Fang Sha is dead, the overall situation is tentative.

The three martial arts masters in the entire Guanzhong Punishment Hall have all fallen. It can be said that Chu Xiu is the strongest person in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall now.

Chu Xiu looked back at Xiao Yi and the others, and said lightly, "Right now, my Guanzhong punishment hall has undergone a big change, and I also ask the three of you to rest in the main hall temporarily and not leave. After three days, the main hall will discuss matters and then discuss the Guanzhong sentence. Church's future."

Neither Yin Botong, who had a grudge against Chu Xiu, nor Chu Simo, who favored Chu Xiu before, did not speak, but Xiao Yi said solemnly, "Chu Xiu, do you want to annex the Guanzhong Punishment Hall and become the new hall master?

With all due respect, although Hall Master Guan is dead, even if we all promise you, it is impossible for you to truly control Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

There are too many loopholes in your identity. Even if we don't spread it out, Prince Yang of Dongqi has already left a message and evidence. When the time comes, it will be published directly on the rivers and lakes, and your identity will be completely exposed.

If you are just Chu Xiu and not the Demon Dao Junjie Lin Ye, then with your reputation and status in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, it will not be a problem to take over the position of Hall Master.

But after your identity is exposed, Guanzhong Punishment Hall will not allow a guy from the Demon Dao to become the new Hall Master. Even if we are on your side, it is useless. Others will just leave the Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

So if you do it forcibly, all you can get is a fragmented Guanzhong execution hall. Without these bottom-level arresters, it is really useless for you to forcibly leave us in charge of executions. "

Xiao Yi smiled wryly, he didn't mean to deceive Chu Xiu, he just told the truth.

Speaking of what they should do, it's time for them to discuss.

If Chu Xiu became the new hall master, they would not object, nor would they dare to object, but in that case, just as he said, the punishment hall in Guanzhong would be completely disintegrated.

Chu Xiu waved his hand casually and said, "You don't need to worry about this, Master Xiao, I have my own plans."

Xiao Yi and the others had no choice but to follow what Chu Xiu said, and take their subordinates to stay in the Guanzhong Execution Hall honestly, waiting to see how things would change.

After temporarily taking control of the Guanzhong Execution Hall, Chu Xiu immediately sent people to Guanxi and mobilized all his people in the Guanxi land to the main hall.

The gang of Dragoons are always outsiders, and their strength is also somewhat lacking.

And Chu Xiu's power in the land of Guanxi is his confidant. Even though Chu Xiu's identity has been exposed now, he believes that people like the Ghost Hand King and others don't mind joining him in the devil's way.

After dealing with these matters in an orderly manner, Chu Xiu came to Mei Qinglian's room and asked her to discuss the follow-up matters.

Since Guan Siyu's death, Mei Qinglian has been feeling a little uneasy, and this incident has had too much impact on her.

Seeing Mei Qinglian's appearance, Chu Xiu walked over and said, "Sir Saintess is still sad about the death of Hall Master Guan?"

Mei Qinglian shook her head and said, "I can't talk about being sad, it's just that I have some complicated feelings. After all, in the end, Guan Siyu never let me down."

Chu Xiu also sighed: "Although my identity and purpose are destined to be opposed to Hall Master Guan, I have to say that Hall Master Guan is still very admirable in some respects, and now he died in In the hands of Luo Shenjun, it is the cause and effect passed down from the previous generation, in fact, this is also a good thing, it is better than a decisive battle with us at that time."

What Chu Xiu said is not hypocritical and hypocritical. What he said this time is the truth. Although Guan Siyu is dead, he has indeed achieved worthy of his conscience.

As a man, even if he knew Mei Qinglian's identity as a saint of the Yin Demon Sect, he still chose to protect Mei Qinglian, but at the cost of letting Chu Xiu die first.

As the head of the punishment hall, he did not choose to join Dongqi because of his own reasons, and still chose to maintain the independence of the punishment hall in Guanzhong.

In fact, Guan Siyu's choice to join Dongqi is a good choice for Guan Siyu himself.

After all, the Eastern Qi court was the Eastern Qi court. Although the power of the temple was different from that of the rivers and lakes, once it was assembled, it would be a very terrifying thing.

After taking refuge in the Eastern Qi court, Guan Siyu is equivalent to having a big backer. Maybe even Luo Shenjun can stop him. At least he doesn't have to die, and he can even turn the Guanzhong execution hall into his own private property and pass it on to him. one's own descendants or disciples.

But when it came to life and death, Guan Siyu could clearly give in, but he still chose to fight hard, and he did not regret the cultivating kindness of Chu Kuangge in the past.

Although Chu Xiu and Guan Siyu were on opposite sides, he had to admire Guan Siyu at this time, and he still called Guan Siyu the hall master when he spoke.

For some people, something is worth everything to protect, even at the cost of their lives.

Chu Xiu doesn't know if he is such a person. Anyway, he doesn't have anything that can make him die for this. On the contrary, Chu Xiu regrets his life very much. With his life, everything is possible. If his life is gone, then Of course everything is empty.

Mei Qinglian stood up at this time, swept away the previous confusion, and said solemnly: "With the current situation of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, what do you want to do? Xiao Yi is right, wait until Dong Qi gives me my identity. It was revealed that 80% of the people in Guanzhong Punishment Hall would not agree with you to be the head of this hall. Even if you used force to force them, they would leave the Punishment Hall in Guanzhong directly. In the end, the entire Guanzhong Punishment Hall fell apart and you got an empty shell. Sons are useless."

Mei Qinglian is not a little girl who will be trapped by love. She is the saint of Yin Demon Sect, and she is also a martial arts master of the hidden demon lineage. At this time, she has put away those complicated emotions for the time being, and temporarily faces the situation in front of her.

The real value of Guanzhong Punishment Hall is not a name, but the huge number of Jianghu head arrests and criminal detectives in Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

Although these people are usually inconspicuous, they are the core force in constructing the entire Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

It can be said that apart from Guan Siyu, the hall master, other so-called chiefs of the punishment department, inspectors in charge of punishment officers, etc., can do without anyone, but only a large number of low-level Guanzhong punishment hall warriors cannot be removed.

So the first problem facing Chu Xiu right now is, how can they control the Guanzhong execution hall?

Chu Xiu asked back: "Who said I want to be the head of the hall?"

Mei Qinglian was stunned for a moment, could it be that Chu Xiu still wanted to give up the position of the hall master?

Chu Xiu said in a deep voice: "I know what Xiao Yi said, how high my status is in the Guanzhong punishment hall, and I also know that the position of the hall master who was forcibly seized, and standing upright, does have a lot of trouble. .

What we want is the entire Guanzhong punishment hall, not the reputation of a so-called punishment hall master, so as long as we can hold the punishment hall in our hands, what is the difference between us controlling the Guanzhong punishment hall? "

Mei Qinglian's eyes lit up when she heard the words: "Do you mean to find a puppet to be the hall master, and then we just need to get hold of that puppet?"

But then Mei Qinglian frowned and said, "But this puppet is also very hard to find, and there is no one in the Guanzhong torture hall who is qualified for this position.

Xiao Yi, Chu Simo, Siming and others have enough seniority, but not enough prestige.

In fact, if your identity is not exposed, you are the most suitable person to be the head of the hall, but unfortunately, now, it is impossible to find that suitable person. "

At this time, a strange expression appeared on Chu Xiu's face and said: "Actually, in the position of Hall Master, what we need is not strength, we are too strong, and we can't control it.

All we need is a person who has the qualifications to inherit the hall master, at least in terms of status, no one can stop him from becoming the hall master, and I happened to have such a person in the punishment hall. "

Mei Qinglian frowned and said, "Who are you talking about?"

Chu Xiu pointed to the outside and said, "Of course it is the only son of the former hall master, Lord Chu Kuangge, Chu Yuansheng, he came to be the hall master. Who would dare to say half a word in the entire Guanzhong punishment hall?"

Mei Qinglian's eyes lit up when she heard the words. The person Chu Xiu chose was indeed wonderful. In the entire Guanzhong punishment hall, there was indeed no one who was more suitable for this position than Chu Yuansheng.

Even when Chu Kuangge was with Chu Kuangge's prestige in Guanzhong Punishment Hall, if he forced Chu Yuan to become the hall master, no one in Guanzhong Punishment Hall would object, even Guan Siyu He will also willingly assist Chu Yuansheng to secure this position.

However, Chu Kuangge is truly selfless. He knew that his son, let alone not the hall master's material, would struggle even to be an inspector. That's why he tried his best to overcome all the opinions and hand over the hall master's position to Guan Siyu.

Mei Qinglian frowned and said, "However, will Chu Yuansheng agree to your request? I know Chu Yuansheng fairly well, although he can't even match his father's 1/10,000th, he is very unsatisfactory. , but this person is not the kind of villain who is greedy for life and fear of death, if you are in a hurry, he will break the net with you."

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "Master Saint, you underestimate me a bit. In the past, Chu Yuansheng was also the benefactor who led me into the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, so how could I coerce him?

Don't worry, I will handle this matter. You need to contact Senior Wei as soon as possible, and invite Senior Wei or Chu Wuji to come over. The real crisis of Guanzhong Punishment Hall is behind.

If we don't handle this matter well, then even if we successfully control the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, we won't be able to last long. "

Mei Qinglian asked suspiciously, "What are you going to do?"

Chu Xiu touched his nose and said, "It's mainly about me, I used the identity of Lin Ye to kill a lot of people, and also caused a lot of things, and the cause and effect are countless.

When my identity is revealed, I can imagine how those people will react, so I have to think about how to deal with it in advance. "

Chu Xiu was also very helpless at this time. This is the price of pulling too much hatred. If you come out and mix, you will have to pay it back sooner or later.


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