Meet The Leader

Chapter 653: choose

When Chu Xiu acted as Lin Ye, the killing was so hearty, he was simply reckless.

But now it's alright, it's time to pay back the karma that was forged at the beginning.

In fact, Chu Xiu was already mentally prepared for such a result. After all, he didn't imagine that he could never reveal his identity for the rest of his life.

But Chu Xiu never thought that his identity would be exposed so quickly, which also made Chu Xiu's preparations a little insufficient, so things were a little tricky.

But right now is not the time to think about it. The most important thing is to temporarily stabilize Guanzhong's punishment hall.

Wei Shuya and the others wouldn't be able to teleport. After Mei Qinglian sent a letter, they would not come here for a while.

The speed of the Dragon Rider Forbidden Army is very fast. This group of people is forbidden. Chu Xiu has just issued the order, and they have already selected a warrior with the fastest movement, and brought the order to Kansai. The ghost hand king and others brought it.

Of course, the large army is still on the way, and they don't have the speed of the Ghost Hand King and others.

Seeing Chu Xiu again, the Ghost Hand King and others felt a little strange. They never thought that Chu Xiu was actually Lin Ye, who had recently gained fame from the hidden demon lineage.

This made them all have a strange feeling, as if they had never really known Chu Xiu.

Of course, the ghost hand king has already had some hunch. After all, he is the person who has the most contact with Chu Xiu. He is sure that Chu Xiu's identity is not that simple, but he did not expect Chu Xiu's background to be so big. .

Liu Hongye, who has been retreating in the Kansai Land all the time, also came, but he was even more shocked than Zhi Guishou Wang and others.

He is not Chu Xiu's subordinate, and he has never related Chu Xiu to Lin Ye. Who knows that someone suddenly told him that Lin Ye is Chu Xiu. Martial Dao masters who have experienced strong winds and waves are also somewhat unable to react.

Looking at the people present, Chu Xiu said lightly: "I'm sorry everyone, I have kept you secret for so long.

Now everyone knows my identity. Of course, identity is identity. I am still Chu Xiu, but it is not Chu Xiu from Guanzhong Punishment Hall, but Chu Xiu from the line of magic.

So next, it depends on how you choose, those who are willing to join the magic path with me, what they looked like before, and what they will still look like in the future.

I don't dare to say that the future is bright, at least follow me, Chu Xiu, I won't let you all suffer. "

Hearing this, the Ghost Hand King and other members of the Blue Dragon Society didn't even think about it, and stood directly behind Chu Xiu.

Wang Guishou hunched his waist, smiled and said, "Old man, I'm not too young. I can't stand the messy winds and waves on the rivers and lakes, and I don't want to wander anymore. It's good to follow Master Chu to save your worries."

In fact, the ghost hand king just looked at Xian Lao, and his treatment under Chu Xiu was not low, even better than Tang Ya and others.

After all, he is the one who helps Chu Xiu manage some chores. Even if he doesn't have his own pockets in it, it is okay to be a little bit biased towards himself in terms of cultivation resources.

When the water is clear, there will be no fish. Chu Xiu knows this. Besides, the Ghost Hand King does not eat alone. He also has a lot of training resources for Tang Ya and others. No one will beat the Ghost Hand King because of this little report. , so Chu Xiu did not pursue it.

After experiencing this period of pampering cultivation, and the fact that the ghost hand king in the Kansai region can watch it casually, he has already stepped into the Yuan Dynasty of the Five Qi Dynasty, just like Tang Ya and others, just because he He was older when he stepped into the Three Flowers Gathering Realm before, so he always looked very old.

It's just that although the Ghost Hand King's cultivation base is progressing rapidly, he is less and less fond of dealing with people.

In his opinion, wouldn't it be better for Chu Xiu to be a housekeeper and deal with these chores and the like than to be a killer in the Azure Dragon Society?

As for the other warriors from the Azure Dragon Society, they also stood on Chu Xiu's side without hesitation.

Tang Ya smiled and said: "Master Chu is very hard to hide from us. If I had known that you were a man of the devil's way, I would have asked you to teach me about the devil's art. I am very interested in this stuff."

Yan Bugui stood behind Chu Xiu with a giant sword on his back. He said few words, but at this time, he rarely opened his mouth and said, "The devil's way is very good. The devil's way can kill more people."

The rest of Huo Nu and others also expressed their opinions one after another, and no one wanted to be left behind.

For them, there is no substantial difference between the Azure Dragon Society and the Hidden Demons, and their reputation in the arena is not that great anyway.

The only difference is that when they were in the Qinglong Club, they did more and took less. Under Chu Xiu's command, they did less and took more.

So they don't care what Chu Xiu's identity is, as long as Chu Xiu can still give them these treatments, they will not betray.

Liu Hongye also quietly stood behind Chu Xiu.

He had no other choice at this time, no matter what identity Chu Xiu was, he had to follow Chu Xiu's path to the dark.

Chu Xiu can still use two identities, but in the battle of Red Maple Valley, he indirectly helped Chu Xiu to kill so many people, there is no room for turning back, Liu Jianhong is dead, he can only use Liu Hongye in his life to act in the identity.

Some of Chu Xiu's subordinates joined Chu Xiu's subordinate because of Lu Fengxian. They only hesitated for a while, but they did not choose to leave.

This group of people all came from loose cultivators. After joining Chu Xiu's command, it was very easy. It would be quite difficult to find such a free and well-received force.

Moreover, most of these people are loyal and loyal. They are friends of Lu Fengxian. When Lu Fengxian was chased and killed in the past, they helped Lu Fengxian escape from Beiyan. It was Chu Xiu who took them in, so they naturally could not betray Chu at this time. stop.

The only one who was hesitant was Du Guangzhong and others who were martial artists from Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

It stands to reason that they were all raised in the torture hall since childhood, and they also knew that Chu Xiu was the traitor and should be eliminated.

But they were under Chu Xiu's command. In all fairness, Chu Xiu treated them ten times better than they were under Wei Jiuduan before.

I have a lot of prestige in the Kansai region, and I have also lost a lot of intrigue. As long as my strength is enough, I can stand out.

Therefore, after arguing for a while, Du Guangzhong took the lead and said: "I am grateful for the kindness of Lord Chu, if there is no adult, I will also spend my whole life in the land of Kansai. Why not?"

Seeing Du Guangzhong's remarks, other Kansai Jianghu headhunters immediately scolded Du Guangzhong secretly. Although this guy usually looks honest, but when he flattered him, they were a little tired of hearing it.

But now Du Guangzhong expresses his position, they naturally can't be so behind others.

People are blindly obedient, and everyone immediately began to show their loyalty to Chu Xiu.

Chu Xiu nodded and said: "Don't worry, you don't have to blame me, and I naturally won't blame you either.

Right now, the punishment hall in Guanzhong is in chaos. From now on, everyone will have to move.

Tang Ya and Yan Bugui, you two come with me.

King of Ghost Hands, you take other people to take over the Dragon Knight Imperial Army, hold the second prince's warrant, and ask them to cooperate with you. I naturally trust you more than them.

If you encounter trouble, and you can't figure it out, then go to this senior Liu Hongye Liu. He is a martial arts master. Right now, in the entire Guanzhong City, his strength is enough to suppress all troublemakers.

Remember, during this period, no one is allowed to leave Guanzhong City, and no one is allowed to enter Guanzhong City! "

"Yes, my lord!"

Everyone should be.

When Chu Xiu left with Tang Ya and Yan Bugui, the Ghost Hand King began to command in high spirits, but Du Guangzhong sighed helplessly.

In the past, their group of Jianghu catchers who were from the Guanzhong Punishment Hall and other people from the Qinglong Club had a lot of struggles. At that time, the two sides were still evenly matched, with one strong and one crowded.

But after this time, they really couldn't fight the Ghost Hand King and others.

Because they hesitated.

Attitude is very important. The King of Ghost Hands stood on Chu Xiu's side for the first time. Although they also chose to be loyal to Chu Xiu in the end, the moment of hesitation had already made a difference.

Just look at Chu Xiu's attitude He took Yanbugui with Tang Ya, leaving the Ghost Hand King to command the overall situation, but they can only be reduced to vassals.

Du Guangzhong also scolded himself in his heart why he was so indecisive. If he stood on Chu Xiu's side immediately like the Ghost Hand King and others, the result might be different.

At this time, Chu Xiu was too lazy to care about the open and secret struggles under his command.

When the water is clear, there will be no fish. If all his subordinates are in harmony, then there is a problem. As long as they don't fight to affect their own power, then Chu Xiu is too lazy to care.

At this time, Chu Xiu was taking people to Chu Yuansheng's residence in Guanzhong City.

Right now, Guanzhong City has been under martial law. Whether it is the Guanzhong Punishment Hall warriors or some pedestrians and merchants in the city, they are not allowed to enter or leave the city.

Tang Ya stood behind Chu Xiu, and asked with a curious look on his face: "Sir, I heard that you are familiar with Li Feilian, the fifth 'Soul Soul Saber' on the Dragon Tiger List? The two of you have also killed together. True Yangzi, the martial arts master of Chunyang Daomen?"

Chu Xiu turned his head and said, "Are you interested in Li Feilian?"

Tang Ya grinned and said, "They all use flying knives and hidden weapons. That one is a senior. Let's inquire and see if we can find out by analogy."

Chu Xiu shook his head and said: "It's different, your hidden weapon is a real hidden weapon, but Li Feilian's flying knife is not a hidden weapon, but an open and honest shot.

Others can't learn or teach Li Feilian's martial arts. You don't have to think about it by analogy.

However, you can develop in another direction, simplify the complexity, and condense all your hidden weapons together. The most important thing is not the hidden weapon itself, but you, the person who uses the hidden weapon. "


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