Meet The Leader

Chapter 654: puppet

Among the warriors under Chu Xiu's command, Chu Xiu is most optimistic about these warriors from the Azure Dragon Society.

They were all elites of the rudder of heaven and sin before, and now they joined Chu Xiu's command, they got better resources, and their cultivation speed is also a thousand miles.

Among these people, the talents of Wolf King and Huo Slave are slightly weaker. Although they work hard enough, their talents are here. If there is no chance, their achievements in this life will be limited.

Tang Ya and Yanbugui's age and their talents are considered excellent.

Tang Ya was a little tired. At this time, he had already stepped into the realm of harmony between man and nature, and it was only a matter of time before he broke through this realm.

As for Yan Bugui, his talent is a little confusing, and even Chu Xiu can't understand it, because Chu Xiu doesn't know what this guy is thinking, and what he has learned about martial arts, maybe one day he will be in a daze Or when practicing swordsmanship, you can break through.

So for these two people, Chu Xiu doesn't mind pointing them.

Although Chu Xiu's realm is only one level higher than them, when it comes to attainments above martial arts, Chu Xiu is already far beyond most martial arts masters.

Tang Ya nodded thoughtfully, and Chu Xiu turned to Yanbugui again, but he finally shook his head and said, "Your martial arts are too special, unlike me, I can't tell you anything, but you just need to remember Stay for a while, that is to stick to your own martial arts, any one developed to the extreme, the power will be earth-shattering.

Xeons are not martial arts, weapons, or martial arts, they are always people. "

Yan Bugui nodded, his eyes were out of focus, and he didn't know if he understood.

Chu Xiu's perceptions are based on his experience, just like he played the Bashan Sword Sect before.

The Bashan Sword Sect is one of the seven sects and eight sects. It has been rich before, and has produced several supreme powers who can stir up the situation in the arena.

But now it has completely declined, and even a junior like Chu Xiu came to the door, like a paper-pasted tiger, and was almost wiped out.

They are all the same martial arts and the same inheritance. As a result, this generation of Bashan Sword Sect is so weak. It is impossible to resent the ancestors and the training methods. It can only be said that this year's people can't.

The mansion where Chu Yuansheng lived was very conspicuous in Guanzhong City, but at this time, the mansion was wearing a white sail wreath.

Chu Xiu knew what was going on, Chu Yuansheng was leading people to cry Chu Kuangge.

Luo Shenjun forcibly opened Chu Yuansheng's mausoleum and insulted the deceased. This was not only an insult to the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, but also an insult to Chu Yuansheng, the only son of Chu Kuangge.

There are two warriors of the Chu family guarding the gate of the house. They are also considered members of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, but they are specially used by the Guanzhong Punishment Hall to protect Chu Yuansheng, and they are extremely loyal to Chu Yuansheng.

At this time, when they saw Chu Xiu coming, the two warriors from the Guanzhong execution hall subconsciously pulled out the swords in their hands and looked at Chu Xiu vigilantly.

Although what happened in the main hall did not spread on a large scale, so many people saw it, and it was impossible to hide it, and they naturally heard the news.

Chu Xiu was secretly Lin Ye from the hidden demon lineage. They all knew about the intention to overthrow the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. When they saw Chu Xiu looking for Chu Yuansheng, they subconsciously thought that Chu Xiu was not at ease.

Tang Ya stepped forward, chuckled twice, his hand trembled slightly, and the two dragon-tailed soul darts had already been released, directly smashing the swords of the two men, and even causing their mouths to bleed. , very appalling.

Tang Ya had a smile on his face, but he didn't show any mercy: "Master Chu Yuansheng and my family are sworn brothers, why do we need you watchdogs to be loyal to the Lord? Get out of here! "

The two warriors looked at each other with anger and sadness in their eyes, and could only helplessly move away.

Loyalty alone is useless, the strength gap between the two sides is too large, and they are just dying to rush up.

Stepping into the lobby, the coffin of Chu Kuangge was being enshrined in the lobby at this time. Chu Yuansheng was dressed in filial piety and was kneeling and crying in front of the coffin.

"Father, it is the child who is not filial, the child is incompetent, and you are humiliated after your death! The child is incompetent!"

While crying, Chu Yuansheng heard the voice behind him. He looked back and saw Chu Xiu. Chu Yuansheng couldn't help but said angrily, "Chu Xiu! What are you doing here!? You demon thief was admitted to the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, are you here to see my jokes?"

Chu Xiu walked slowly to Chu Kuangge's coffin, picked up three sticks of incense, ignited it with his internal strength, and bowed respectfully to Chu Kuangge's coffin three times. After putting in the incense, he said to Chu Yuan: "Chu Brother, I have something to tell you."

Chu Yuansheng snorted coldly, "Don't call me eldest brother! I, someone in Chu, are not worthy of a brother like you, who is the number one in the younger generation of Demon Dao!"

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "Brother Chu, I'm afraid you have misunderstood me. My identity is not directly related to my people."

Saying that, Chu Xiu winked at Tang Ya, and Tang Ya immediately smiled at everyone in the lobby and said, "Everyone, please go outside and wait for a while. My lord wants to talk to Daxia Chu about something."

Those who were present, whether they were servants of Chu Yuansheng or some warriors in Guanzhong's execution hall, saw this scene and left with interest.

At this time, Chu Xiu was in a big situation, and looking at Chu Xiu's appearance, he did not have any killing intent towards Chu Yuansheng, and everyone couldn't blame him for fighting with Chu Xiu.

Seeing this, Chu Yuansheng shouted in a panic, "Chu Xiu! What are you doing?"

Tang Ya, who was beside him, shook his head slightly.

He had never seen Chu Kuangge, but based on the legends of Chu Kuangge in the past, and now even though Chu Kuangge has been dead for decades, it seems that Siyu and other warriors in Guanzhong's torture hall are still willing to die for him. , Chu Kuangge can definitely be called a world leader.

It is a pity that this legendary man of the world, his son is so unbearable, it is almost a shame.

Chu Xiu forcibly 'supported' Chu Yuansheng to the chair beside him and sat down, looked at Chu Yuansheng, and asked without blinking: "Brother Chu, ask yourself, although I am from the Demon Dao, what did I do? Why, when did I infringe on the interests of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall? And over the years, how much benefit have I obtained for the Guanzhong Punishment Hall?

It's true that I was born in the Demon Dao, but in fact, people outside have misunderstood my hidden demon lineage. My hidden demon lineage was chased and killed by those sects of the right way, so I had to hide my name and change my identity in Jianghu. There are quite a few people in the arena who are scumbags, and who have an identity like me, even in those big factions.

What happened before, rumors and rumors now say that I, Chu Xiu, want to seize the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, but in fact, if it hadn't been for the people who colluded with the Eastern Qi court, how could things have gotten to this point? "

Chu Yuansheng glanced at Chu Xiu suspiciously. What Chu Xiu said was right. Over the years in Guanzhong Punishment Hall, Chu Xiu did not do much harm to the interests of Guanzhong Punishment Hall. Things are more.

But all this can't hide Chu Xiu's identity as a person in the devil's way.

So Chu Yuansheng snorted coldly: "You haven't harmed the interests of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall now, but you gang of demonic murderers are extremely cunning, you and sister-in-law... no! It's Mei Qinglian, the demon girl who has been lurking in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall for so many years. Don't you have the slightest ambition?

What do you mean by coming today? Want me to support you and become the new head of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall?

I tell you, stop being delusional! Although I, Chu Yuansheng, are incompetent, I can't do such a thing. Even if you kill me, I will never open my mouth! "

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "Brother Chu, I said it before, you are my elder brother, how could I kill you?

I have never thought about the position of Hall Master of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, and I also know that even if I don't have the identity of the devil, with my qualifications and status, it is difficult to sit in this position. "

Chu Yuansheng frowned and said, "Then why are you here today?"

Chu Xiu pointed at Chu Kuangge's coffin and said, "The mausoleum of Chu Juxia has been insulted by others, so I, Chu Xiu, are still the judge in charge of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, so naturally I should come to pay homage.

As for the other, I'm here to invite you, Big Brother Chu, to succeed you as the head of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall! "

"What did you say!?"

Chu Yuansheng was shocked by Chu Xiu's words and almost stood up.

He never thought that Chu Xiu would say such a word to him.

To be honest, Chu Yuansheng had indeed thought about the position of Hall Master of Guanzhong Punishment Hall, but that was when he was young.

At that time, Chu Yuansheng's heart was higher than the sky, and he even complained about Chu Kuangge in his heart. Why didn't he leave the position of Hall Master of Guanzhong Punishment Hall to his son, but to an outsider?

However, as he got older, Chu Yuansheng's strength did not increase, and he also saw how much Guan Siyu paid for Guanzhong's execution hall. If it was him, he would not be able to do it.

So after that, Chu Yuansheng stopped thinking about it. Unexpectedly, today, Chu Xiu proposed him to be the head of the hall. How could Chu Yuansheng not be shocked?

After calming down, Chu Yuansheng hurriedly waved his hand: "No, no, how can I sit as the hall master? In the entire Guanzhong punishment hall, there are countless people who are stronger than me. If I come to be the hall master, it will be ruined. Guanzhong Punishment Hall!

Chu Xiu leaned forward and looked at Chu Yuansheng's eyes. There seemed to be a bottomless deep pool in his eyes, with endless dim light blooming, trying to devour Chu Yuansheng.

"Brother Chu, the situation in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall is in critical condition right now, since the Hall Master Guan is dead, and there is no martial arts master in the entire Guanzhong Punishment Hall, strength is not the most important thing.

Right now, in the entire Guanzhong Punishment Hall, the only person with enough prestige to sit on the position of the hall master is you, Big Brother Chu!

Besides, Big Brother Chu, don't you want to take the seat of this hall master? This is supposed to be yours! "


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