Meet The Leader

Chapter 655: The big picture is set

The inner demons revolved Dafa and moisturizing things silently. When facing Chu Yuansheng, Chu Xiu didn't use much mental power, he was just guiding Chu Yuansheng's inner emotions with his mental power.

If Chu Yuansheng really didn't have any obsession with the position of the hall master of the punishment hall, and he didn't have any thoughts, then Chu Xiu's guidance would be useless.

But on the other hand, what Chu Xiu aroused was the desire and demons in Chu Yuansheng's heart!

Chu Yuansheng looked at Chu Xiu with some confusion: "The position of the hall master should be mine?"

Chu Xiu nodded and said solemnly: "Of course it's yours, Big Brother Chu, think about it, if there was no Lord Chu Kuangge in the past, where would there be the Guanzhong Execution Hall today?

You are the only son of Lord Chu Kuangge. Guanzhong Xingtang will pass it on to you in the future. Is it wrong? "

Chu Yuansheng said with a sullen expression: "It's because I'm too useless, so in the end my father passed the title of Hall Master to Hall Master Guan."

Chu Xiu bowed at Chu Kuangge's coffin and said, "This is precisely because Lord Chu Kuangge is unselfish, so he did this, and Hall Master Guan did not live up to the heavy trust of Master Chu Kuangge, and developed the Guanzhong execution hall to this state. .

But now what? Hall Master Guan is already dead. In the entire Guanzhong punishment hall, no one can afford this position. Only you, Big Brother Chu, are different.

You are the only son of Lord Chu Kuangge. You have an identity and a name. Right now, there are no leaders in the punishment hall in Guanzhong. The position of the hall master is out of your elder brother Chu. Who is qualified to take the position? "

Chu Xiu's words kept stirring the desire in Chu Yuansheng's heart. The fire in his heart, which had been extinguished long ago, became the dream of becoming the hall master of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. It was the first time he was so close to him.

However, although Chu Yuansheng was influenced by the Inner Demon Wheel Dafa, the Inner Demon Wheel Dafa only affected his thoughts, and would not really turn him into an idiot puppet who didn't know how to think.

Chu Yuansheng was still a little hesitant and said, "But if I become the head of this hall, what will I do to convince the public? After all, my strength is here, and even an inspector is inferior."

Chu Xiu waved his hand and said, "You don't have to worry about this, Brother Chu, you are my elder brother, and the wife is the widow of Hall Master Guan. We will all stand by your side. In the entire Guanzhong execution hall, no one dares to object!

As long as you nod your head, Brother Chu, and discuss matters tomorrow, I will mobilize my strength to support you as the head of the hall! "

Seeing that Chu Yuansheng was still a little hesitant, Chu Xiu's voice sounded faintly in Chu Yuansheng's ears: "Brother Chu, Lord Chu Kuangge's coffin is here, and his spirit in the sky is watching.

Fathers all want their sons to become dragons. Who doesn't want their sons to succeed in doing something?

Lord Chu Kuangge must have thought it too, but he died unexpectedly in the hands of Luo Shenjun back then. You are still young, so you can only inherit this position from Hall Master Guan. Master Chu Kuangge is also for the good of the entire Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

But no one is vying for this position with you now. Who is the head of the Guanzhong Xingtang? Don't you want Lord Chu Kuangge's spirit in heaven to see that his son will one day inherit his father's business and take this position? "

Chu Xiu's last sentence finally broke Chu Yuansheng's state of mind, he seemed to have figured out something, he let out a long breath, looked directly at Chu Xiu, and said, "I promised you, but I hope this time, Don't lie to me."

A smile appeared on the corner of Chu Xiu's mouth and said: "Brother Chu, please rest assured, I will not lie to you if I lie to anyone."

After taking a photo of Chu Yuansheng, who was still a little lost, Chu Xiu directly took Tang Ya and turned around and walked out of the Chu family mansion.

Tang Ya said behind Chu Xiu: "Sir, you are now supporting this Chu Yuan to become the hall master. What if he stays as the hall master for a long time and develops some other thoughts?"

Chu Xiu said lightly: "No, my eldest brother Chu is actually a very interesting person. If I hadn't stirred up his desires this time, he would not have agreed to take over the position of the hall master.

The most important thing is that my big brother Chu, his ability is really limited, even if he really has this heart, he does not have this strength.

Guanzhong Punishment Hall can be said to be from the generation of Chu Kuangge that has truly gained a foothold in the arena. At this time, it is not bad for it to be brought back into the hands of the Chu family.

Of course, it's just the name back in the hands of the Chu family, as long as we can actually control the Guanzhong execution hall, then there will be no problem. "

Tang Ya nodded, what Chu Xiu said was right, just with Chu Yuansheng's ability and Chengfu, even if he had different intentions, he would still be powerless.

In the early morning of the second day, the discussion in Guanzhong Punishment Hall had already begun.

The other three officers in charge, as well as Si Ming and other leaders of the Criminal Investigation Department have already arrived, including Guan Siyu's disciple Yuchi.

Although Yuchi's strength cannot be compared with others, he is Guan Siyu's direct disciple after all, and he has a certain right to speak on such occasions.

There was silence in the discussion hall, no one communicated, and no one dared to talk nonsense.

Because the situation is already clear, if Chu Xiu wants to be this hall master, they can't stop it, whoever stops it will die.

But they couldn't stop it, but that didn't mean they couldn't.

If Chu Xiu insists on being the hall master forcibly, then the entire Guanzhong execution hall will definitely fall apart. At that time, they will leave if it is a big deal. If they can't be provoked, can't they hide? The people under his command have all run away, and it is meaningless for them to continue to be the judge in charge.

At this moment, Chu Xiu led Chu Yuansheng into the council hall.

Everyone was stunned when they saw that Chu Yuansheng was also there, but then a look of disdain appeared in their eyes.

They all thought that Chu Yuansheng was here for Chu Xiu's platform and wanted to support him to become the head of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

Chu Yuansheng has a special position in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. No matter how weak his ability is, he is also the only son of Chu Kuangge. With this halo, he can gain the respect of all Guanzhong Punishment Hall warriors, even if it is only a bright face. respect on.

But right now, he was going to stand on the platform of a demonic murderer like Chu Xiu, who was trying to seize the position of the hall master of Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

But what happened next caught everyone by surprise.

Chu Xiu did not sit on the main seat, but helped Chu Yuansheng to sit on the main seat, he stood aside and said solemnly: "Everyone, the Guanzhong torture hall has undergone great changes, but it cannot be without a leader.

Right now, in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, there are very few people who are qualified to assume the position of Hall Master.

As the only son of Lord Chu Kuangge, Chu Yuansheng needs prestige and prestige. I recommend him to be the head of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. Do you have any doubts? "

Everyone present looked at each other with a look of astonishment in their eyes. No one would have thought that Chu Xiu would actually bring Chu Yuansheng to be this hall master. How could he still play like this?

However, everyone present did not make a sound, because they did not know whether they should agree or not.

As the only son of Lord Chu Kuangge, Chu Yuansheng has this title, but prestige, at least everyone present knows who Chu Yuansheng is, he has a fart prestige.

Everyone respected him just because they respected Lord Chu Kuangge, and had nothing to do with Chu Yuansheng himself.

And now that Chu Xiu has personally supported Chu Yuansheng to become this hall master, even an idiot can guess that Chu Yuansheng is just a puppet, and it is Chu Xiu who is really behind the scenes.

But if they don't agree, Chu Yuansheng's identity is here, doesn't it mean that they disrespect Lord Chu Kuangge?

Chu Xiu played this trick really well, and it was a dilemma for them, so it was the best choice to deal with it silently.

At this time, Chu Xiu suddenly sneered at Yin Botong and said, "Master Yin, I know that you and I have grudges before, and now you probably don't want me to stay in the Guanzhong torture hall.

But the grievances can be resolved in the future. Right now, when I am in Guanzhong Xingtang and you are in chaos, you sent someone out of the city to contact the Eastern Qi court. Fang Sha sold me in Guanzhong Xingtang once, and you plan to sell it a second time? "

Seeing that Chu Xiu suddenly pointed his finger at him, Yin Botong hurriedly shouted: "You are talking nonsense! I didn't!"

It was true that Yin Botong had a grudge with Chu Xiu, but because of this, he had to be more cautious and low-key at this time, for fear that Chu Xiu would notice him.

At this critical time, the Guanzhong punishment hall was headless, and Chu Xiu had the power alone. Outside the Guanzhong city, there were also a group of dragon riders and Chu Xiu's guards. Looking for death.

Chu Xiu snorted coldly and said, "How dare you quibble when you eat what's inside and out!"

The voice Chu Xiu didn't give Yin Botong a chance to continue to distinguish. He waved his hand, and he performed the magic blood method to the extreme. In an instant, Yin Botong's whole body qi and blood boiled, and his blood vessels burst. A strand of fresh blood was sucked out of Yin Botong's body.

In shock, Yin Botong just wanted to use his qi to suppress it when he saw that the qi that had been absorbed out of his body actually condensed into a machete. Cut the head directly!

Two soft sounds of 'boom'.

Yin Botong's body fell to the ground together with his head.

Chu Xiu stood behind Chu Yuansheng, stared at everyone, and said solemnly, "Now, can you all agree that Chu Yuansheng will be the new head of my Guanzhong Punishment Hall?"

There was a moment of silence in the arena, Chu Simo stood up first and cupped his hands: "See the hall master!"

Among these people present, Chu Simo was the closest one to Chu Xiu because of his disciple Chu Xiaode, and he had helped Chu Xiu speak before.

The most important thing is that he was deeply favored by Chu Kuangge before, and now that Chu Yuansheng took over as the head of Guanzhong Punishment Hall, even if he knew that the actual controller behind Guanzhong Punishment Hall was Chu Xiu, he was willing to agree.

When the others saw this scene, they could only stand up helplessly, and bowed their hands to Chu Yuansheng: "See the Hall Master!"

At this time, they bowed and saluted, and they didn't know whether they were salutes to Chu Yuansheng or to Chu Xiu who was standing behind Chu Yuansheng.

But it doesn't matter anymore, the important thing is that they have succumbed.

Of course, it's okay to not give in, Yin Botong's body is still lying there on the ground.

Although even they didn't know whether Yin Botong did any tricks, it was obvious that the price of disobedience was death.


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