Meet The Leader

Chapter 656: influences

Chu Yuansheng took over as the head of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, which was a big deal for the entire Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

People who heard this news felt awkward at first, how could Chu Yuansheng be the hall master?

But if you think about it carefully, if it wasn't Chu Yuansheng who took over the position of Hall Master, they would be even more unacceptable if it were Chu Xiu or someone else.

With the overall situation settled, Chu Xiu also released the restrictions of Guanzhong City, but he sent some of his own forces to various places in Guanzhong to infiltrate.

I believe that as long as there is enough time, the Guanzhong Execution Hall will completely become the Guanzhong Execution Hall of his 'Chu Xiu'.

Of course, it's the same now. Although Chu Yuansheng is the hall master, it is Chu Xiu who actually controls the punishment hall in Guanzhong.

After another day, Chu Wuji also came to the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, and came directly to find Chu Xiu and Mei Qinglian.

Looking at the two of them, a strange expression appeared on Chu Wuji's face and said, "How did things get done? Why did it suddenly become so chaotic?"

Chu Wuji knew the true identities of Chu Xiu and Mei Qinglian. Both of them were lurking in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. Together, in Chu Wuji's view, it was a sure thing that the Guanzhong Punishment Hall would change its owners, but it shouldn't be done in such a hurry. confusion.

Chu Xiu shook his head and said, "Something happened, which caused us to be exposed and all the plans were disrupted."

Having said that, Chu Xiu also told Chu Wuji everything that happened recently in Guanzhong Punishment Hall in detail.

Chu Wuji frowned and said, "It turns out that it's Yang Gongdu's **** stirrer, this guy has some intelligence, otherwise it would be impossible to stir up the situation from a low-level talent.

It's just that this guy has a high self-esteem, and often ignores some giants in the arena. As a result, he is severely beaten in the face every time. Fortunately, he is alive and alive to this day.

It's just that I didn't expect this matter to be related to Tianmen. Yang Gongdu could be regarded as kicking the iron plate. People from Tianmen have never followed the rules. "

Chu Xiu was a little curious: "What kind of existence is Tianmen? When I was at the peak of the Kunlun Demon Sect, I couldn't completely drive Tianmen down from Kunlun Mountain?"

Chu Wuji shook his head and said, "To be honest, I don't know what kind of existence Tianmen really is.

The people of Tianmen are powerful, but they have certain taboos when they step out of Tianmen. It seems that only one person can step out of Tianmen every once in a while. Of course, there are two or more people, but it is rare.

The existence of Tianmen seems to have a certain mission. As long as you don't conflict with the people of Tianmen over such a mission, you don't have to worry about Tianmen coming to you.

Just like Chu Kuangge's death, if Chu Kuangge hadn't taken the initiative to prevent the people of Tianmen from taking the treasure, he would not have died. "

But then Chu Wuji sneered and said, "As for the fact that our Holy Religion failed to dominate the West Kunlun Mountains five hundred years ago, it was purely because the people of Tianmen put gold on their faces, and many people knew about those secret hidden demons back then.

At the beginning, the leader of Dugu wanted to drive away the people from Tianmen, and even broke into the door alone. Eight of the nine gods of that generation would be killed by the leader of Dugu, and one was abolished.

In the end, Cult Master Dugu fought with that generation of Tianmen Sect Master and almost broke half of the Heavenly Sect. That generation of Tianmen Sect Master was beaten to the point of resignation, and took the initiative to let Dugu Sect Master enter the Heavenly Sect.

But I don't know why, after entering the Tianmen, the leader of Dugu did not continue to completely drive the half-abandoned Tianmen away from Kunlun Mountain, but left directly, and set out an area for Tianmen, telling the disciples of the holy religion, Do not continue to shoot at Tianmen.

That generation of Tianmen sect masters returned to the ruins on the second day of the incident. The only survivor of the nine great gods, who was also abolished, became the Tianmen sect master, and began to seal the mountain for a hundred years. After opening the mountain gate, people gradually began to set foot in the rivers and lakes, and began to brag that even when the Kunlun Demon Sect was at its peak in the past, they were not afraid of Tianmen and could stand against it.

However, if it weren't for the fact that the former leader of Dugu didn't know why he showed mercy, his Tianmen would have been destroyed eight times long ago.

Now the Lord of Tianmenmen, Wushen, is an amazing figure. He is the disciple and grandson of the guy who survived from the leader of Dugu in the past. When he was at his peak, he even wanted to be the number one in the world.

It's a pity that he was defeated by Zhong Shenxiu before his ambition was realized, and he honestly went to retreat and practice asceticism. "

Chu Xiu nodded knowingly.

It seems that although Tianmen is mysterious, its strength is not too exaggerated. Otherwise, it would not be Ning Xuanji who ended the Kunlun Demon Sect's dominance in the world, but the generation of Tianmen's sect master.

Chu Wuji said solemnly: "Okay, let's not talk about these messy things, why did you come to me this time?"

Chu Xiu said solemnly: "It's very simple, I want to ask the attitude of the hidden demon lineage.

If I guess right, in just a few days, what happened in Guanzhong Punishment Hall and my identity will spread throughout the rivers and lakes. At that time, there will definitely be some people who will not give up and sit back and watch me, or say that they are hidden demons. The one who controls the Guanzhong Punishment Hall.

I have forged a lot of cause and effect. If it was just someone from my peers who came to me for trouble, even if Zong Xuan brought someone here, I would not be afraid.

But as you know, Senior Chu, for those people in the right way, they never have to follow any rules when dealing with us 'demon demons'.

I killed Mayoko and severely damaged the Xuxing of Daguangguang Temple. This time, I am afraid that it is obvious what the reaction of these major factions will be.

Although I am arrogant, I have not yet reached the level of conceit. The trouble is so big. If there is no support from the hidden demon lineage, then I can only hide my name and keep a low profile for a while. "

Chu Wuji raised his eyebrows and said, "Do you mean that you want the hidden demons to help you carry those powerful masters from the big faction?"

Chu Xiu said solemnly: "Not only to help me, but also to help the entire Hidden Demon lineage.

Guanzhong Punishment Hall has now been completely stabilized, and I have temporarily controlled it, leaving Guanzhong Punishment Hall. This place is located in the middle of the Three Kingdoms. Although its geographical location is sensitive, it is extremely important. The future development is extremely important, and it can quickly advance and retreat from the land of the Three Kingdoms.

On the other hand, if the hidden demons in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall do not want it, then I can only leave Baoming first. "

Chu Wuji smiled and said, "Kid Chu Xiu, you don't need to irritate me, don't think so low of your status, and don't think so weak of the entire Hidden Demon lineage.

After you entered the Demon Heaven Realm last time, no matter what other Hidden Demons think, you are already the heir of the Hidden Demons, and the strongest of the younger generation of the Hidden Demons.

Now that your identity has been exposed, the Hidden Demons will not ignore them, even if not everyone will help you, but Senior Wei still has some old-time Demon Masters, enough to help you stop those people .

You have only offended a few sects, but not the entire Jianghu. This cause and effect can be carried by the hidden demons. "

Hearing Chu Wuji's promise, Chu Xiu was not excited, instead he frowned and said, "But there are other problems as well, if the Hidden Demon lineage is dispatched on a large scale because of my affairs, will it attract The fear of the sect of the righteous way? Thus causing another battle between the righteous and the devil? After all, the last time I was Lin Ye, I had already made a lot of noise."

Chu Wuji said indifferently, "It is precisely because you made such a big noise last time, and the major factions did not react too violently, Senior Wei can confidently say that those sects will not fight again.

The cost of the battle between the righteous and the devil is too high, and even the last time on Fuyu Mountain was not considered a large-scale battle of the righteous and the devil. In the real fight, the outcome is unknown.

Besides, my hidden demon lineage has been hidden underground for hundreds of years, but no one has said that my hidden demon lineage can only be destined to be a mouse in the ground for a lifetime! "

Chu Xiu squinted his eyes and said, "Since this is the case, then I know what to do. I would like to thank Senior Chu and also Senior Wei for me."

The forces in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall were obtained by Chu Xiu after a lot of energy. The warriors of the execution hall will never leave with him.

Being able to preserve this side's power is of great significance to Chu Xiu.

What's more significant is that as long as Chu Xiu can survive this calamity, then for the Hidden Demons, they don't have to hide in the ground all the time. It also means that the Hidden Demons have finally come out completely. Underground dark trends.

At this time, the outside world, as Chu Xiu had expected, with the news of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, the Crown Prince Lu Longji was also furious when he learned that Yang Gongdu and Chen Gonggong died in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. The news of Xiu's identity was spread, and there were also some sayings that Yang Gongdu added fuel to it, which instantly detonated the entire river and lake.

No one expected that Chu Xiu would be Lin Ye, and Lin Ye would be Chu Xiu.

A lot of hidden demons are hidden in the rivers and lakes. Many people know this, but it is too ironic that the fake identity of the first on the Dragon and Tiger list is actually the second on the Dragon and Tiger list.

Since Fengmanlou established the Dragon Tiger Wind and Cloud Supreme Ranking, there have been some outstanding figures who are on both the Dragon and Tiger Ranking and the Fengyun Ranking, and now Zhang Chengzhen is one of them.

But like Chu Xiu, one person occupies two rankings, but Chu Xiu is the first, and it is almost the same as no one before.

For most of the Jianghu people, this matter is to watch a lively and a fresh one.

But for those big factions who have hatred with Chu Xiu or Lin Ye, and some other famous warriors on the list, they all fell into anger after knowing the news. Chu Xiu made them feel like they were being tricked. a feeling of.


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