Meet The Leader

Chapter 658: Clouds are coming

Nie Renlong kneeled like this, and immediately shocked Xu Xing and others, and they didn't expect Nie Renlong to come out like this.

Although the Daguang Temple is powerful, the martial arts master is a martial arts master after all. As the owner of Juyi Village, Nie Renlong is also a figure on the list. As a result, he knelt down directly in front of them, including Xudu.

Xu Yan quickly helped Nie Renlong and said, "Master Nie, you don't have to do this. The Daguang Temple's duty is to eliminate demons and guard the way. We can't afford to be like you."

Nie Renlong didn't stand up, but shook his head and said, "This time I'm here not only for the entire Jianghu, but also for myself.

My poor child Dongliu died tragically at the hands of Chu Xiu, but I, the father, can't even find the real object of revenge. What a sad irony!

This time, Chu Xiu's identity was exposed, which caused anger and resentment. This son acted boldly and his methods were ruthless. In the future, he would definitely become a giant owl of the devil's lineage, causing chaos in all corners of the world.

If I don't kill him now, I'm afraid I won't be able to get revenge in my life!

It's just that my strength in Juyi Village is low, and that Chu Xiu is a rookie of the hidden demon lineage, and he will definitely be sheltered by the hidden demon lineage. I want to kill him, it is difficult and difficult! "

Xu Yan frowned and said, "So you mean, Master Nie, you want to ask me, Daguang Temple, to take revenge for you?"

Nie Renlong shook his head and said, "This is not what I mean here. My own grievances should naturally be reported by myself. I want to invite the Daguang Temple to preside over justice. I want to use the great reputation of the Daguang Temple to form the Demon Slayer Alliance in Beiyan. , and jointly kill the evil thief Chu Xiu!

This son of Chu Xiu is extremely ruthless in the arena. If he is not killed at this time, it will be a big problem for my righteous martial arts confidant in the future.

But my strength in Juyi Village is too weak, and I rashly said something about forming an alliance, I was afraid that people would laugh at it, so I came to Daguang Temple for help.

I am willing to take the Daguang Temple as the leader of the alliance, and order the righteous powerhouses in the entire Beiyan Wulin to attack together to attack the Guanzhong Punishment Hall and destroy the murderer! "

Xu Yan and the others all frowned, and they did not expect that Nie Renlong would actually say such a thing.

To be honest, as soon as the incident of Chu Xiu came out, Daguang Temple would definitely end the grievances between Chu Xiu and Chu Xiu.

After all, the Daguang Temple warriors who died in the hands of Chu Xiu were not one or two.

It's just that no matter whether it was Xu Xing or Xu Yan who wanted to seek revenge from Chu Xiu, they never thought that they were going to make such a big fuss as Nie Renlong said.

After thinking about it for a while, he said in a deep voice, "Master Nie, forgive your request and I can't grant it for the time being.

This matter is very important. The abbot is in retreat at this time. I need to ask the first Senior Brother Xuyun of the Wandering Meditation Hall before I can make a decision.

Master Nie can go ahead and wait, we will go back when we go. "

Nie Renlong nodded, then stood up and followed a disciple of Daguang Temple to the living room.

After Nie Renlong left, Xu Yan said: "Let's go, go and tell Senior Brother Xuyun about this."

Several people nodded, and just about to leave, Xu Du suddenly laughed from behind: "Nie Renlong is not a simple guy, he keeps talking about killing demons, but he has a heart in his heart. magic."

As for Xu Du's words, Xu Yan and others didn't care.

In the Daguang Temple, Xudu looked like he didn't do anything right all day, was insane, and was talking about gods and gods. After a long time, everyone didn't take his words as serious words. Generally, there are serious things, and everyone will not go. Find Xudu to discuss.

After a few people came to Xuyun's Zen courtyard, they all knocked on the door respectfully, and only after being allowed to enter the Zen courtyard, their attitude was almost as respectful as the abbot.

At this time, under the Zen courtyard, Xu Yun was holding a scripture, while watching, drinking tea under the Bodhi tree, seeing everyone coming, Xu Yun said lightly: "It's rare that you have so many people here, but you are out of here. What's the big deal?

There is also Xudu, pour out the wine in your gourd, and then let me see you openly breaking the precepts in the temple, you will go to clean the latrine for a month. "

Xu Du's expression changed, and he quickly said: "Senior Brother Xuyun, you misunderstood, where is my wine, just sugar water, Buddha said..."

Before Xu Du could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Xu Yun raising his hand: "Has Buddha ever said, why does the sugar water in your wine gourd taste exactly the same as sweet-scented osmanthus wine?"

When Xu Yan heard the words, he glared at Xu Du. He really thought that Xudu wine gourd was filled with sugar water.

Xu Du smirked and poured out the osmanthus wine from the wine gourd, but then he touched his bald head, feeling that something was wrong.

If Senior Brother Xuyun has never drunk alcohol, how can he smell that his wine gourd is filled with osmanthus wine?

But at this time, Xu Yan couldn't care about these messy little things, and he told Xu Yun everything about Nie Renlong.

Xu Yun did not express his position, but asked Xu Yan, "What do you think, what should I do at Daguang Temple in this matter?"

Xu Yan thought for a while and said: "I should promise Nie Renlong, my Daguang Temple itself has a grudge with that Chu Xiu, I am afraid that the hidden demon lineage will also take the opportunity to emerge, and take this opportunity to kill the hidden demon lineage. OK."

Xu Yun said lightly: "It's right to promise. Nie Renlong can also form an alliance if he wants to, but this so-called alliance leader, my Daguang Temple is not right."

Xu Yan said in surprise: "Why? In the entire Beiyan Jianghu, besides me, Daguang Temple, who is qualified to be the leader of this alliance?

Moreover, this matter can also increase the prestige of my Daguang Temple in Beiyan Jianghu, why not do it? "

Xu Yun shook his head and said: "Even if I, Daguang Temple, are not the leader of the alliance, I am still the leader of the Northern Yan Buddhist Sect. Will this affect our reputation?

On the contrary, if there is a deviation in this incident, it will affect the prestige of my Great Light Temple.

So I joined the alliance from Daguang Temple. Nie Renlong wanted to use the reputation of my Daguang Temple to increase the momentum of the alliance. Yes, but we should not be the leader of the alliance. "

The false words said doubtfully: "There is a deviation? Then Chu Xiu's identity is exposed, and he has already provoked anger and resentment. What other deviations will there be in this matter?"

Xu Yun said lightly: "There is nothing in this world that is absolute, it is always right to think about defeat before winning, and don't imagine the hidden demon lineage too weak, if the hidden demon lineage is really weak, Nor can they stay now.

This time it is up to you to take some of the elite disciples of the six major martial arts academies and stay in the Daguang Temple to retreat in vain. "


Xu Xing couldn't help but ask.

He had the biggest hatred with Chu Xiu, and was hit twice in a row, but he could not wait to swallow Chu Xiu alive, but now he finally had a fair chance, Xu Yun didn't even let him shoot.

Xu Yun glanced at Xu Xing and didn't say a word, but the deep eyes seemed to be able to see through Xu Xing's heart, which made Xu Xing suddenly cool from head to toe, and did not dare to say a word.

After a long while, Xu Yun said indifferently: "The anger in your heart has been completely motivated by Chu Xiu's magic knife, and your state of mind is even on the verge of being enchanted. In this situation, how do you go?

It doesn't matter if you want to find death yourself, but don't bring my disciples from Daguang Temple to find death! "

Xu Xing lowered his head by Xu Yun's words, and did not dare to say another nonsense.

After Xu Xing, Xu Yan and Xu Hong left, Xu Du said with a rare serious look: "Senior brother, why did you agree to that guy Nie Renlong? There is a ghost in this man, and he kept saying that he wanted to eliminate harm for the sake of the rivers and lakes. To take revenge for his son, but in fact, as long as the alliance is successful, whether it is my Daguang Temple to be the leader of the alliance, or his Nie Renlong to be the leader of the alliance, as the organizer and initiator, his Juyi Village has the greatest reputation. ."

Xu Yun leaned on the Bodhi tree behind him and said lightly: "Everyone has an evil spirit in their heart, whether it is greed, hatred or obsession.

Instead of worrying about whether there are ghosts in other people's hearts, it is better to surrender to your own inner demons.

What Nie Renlong wants to do has nothing to do with my Daguangming Temple. What he gets has nothing to do with my Daguangming Temple. My Daguangming Temple cares only about this matter, whether my Daguangming Temple suffers any That's it Simple. "

Xudu shook his head, turned and walked out of Xuyun's Zen courtyard, and said as he walked, "It's really too tiring to play with you guys. The Buddha said, can you be simpler?"

Xu Yun, who was behind him, closed his eyes and said, "Only in the turbid world can we train our hearts. I can be simple and simple, but the result is that I don't even have the money to give me the Buddha's gilded body, and I can't even get enough of the fast food for my disciples. ."

At this time, in the living room, when Nie Renlong got the reply from the Daguang Temple, his eyes suddenly showed ecstasy, but he was forcibly suppressed by him.

Xudu guessed right, Nie Renlong came to the Daguang Temple, of course, not simply to eliminate evil in the rivers and lakes, he was not so noble.

Taking revenge for his son is one reason, but the more reason is that he wants to make Juyi Village become brilliant again in the arena.

During the period of Nie Dongliu's death, Nie Renlong was hit by a demon and was almost disheartened.

However, he was a heroic figure after all, and it took him a year to gradually get out of his depression.

No son, but he still has Juyi Village!

In the future, Juyi Village will be famous in the history of the rivers and lakes. He, the first-generation owner of Juyi Village, will also be able to pass on his name to the rivers and lakes for thousands of years.

So this time he formed an alliance, with three points to kill Chu Xiu to avenge, and seven points to raise Juyi Village's reputation to a higher level.

After receiving the reply from the Daguang Temple, Nie Renlong immediately began to spread the news of the alliance in Beiyan Wulin, and the response was overwhelming.

And almost at the same time, on the Dongqi side, someone also thought of the same method as Nie Renlong, forming an alliance to kill Chu Xiu, for revenge, but also for fame, and that force was the Xiahou clan.


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