Meet The Leader

Chapter 659: response

Among the people who were offended by Chu Xiu, most of them were in Eastern Qi and Beiyan, but not much in Western Chu.

Especially in the Xiahou Clan, Chu Xiu, as Lin Ye, not only killed Xiahou Town's only son, but also killed many young Xiahou Clan's disciples, and Chu Xiu also killed Xiahou Town's confidants in his original identity.

This hatred is not small, but Xiahou Zhen also knows that it seems that it is not that easy to solve Chu Xiu based on his own strength.

The Xiahou Clan is not his own Xiahou Clan. If you want to move Chu Xiu, you must first consider whether there will be anyone in the Hidden Demon lineage to stand up to stop him.

Therefore, the easiest way is to make an alliance and gather the strength of the entire Eastern Qi martial arts to solve Cai Chuxiu.

However, compared with Beiyan, the alliance led by the Xiahou clan was slower and weaker.

After all, the Xiahou Clan needed to persuade some Eastern Qi martial arts forces to take action, and those forces were still a little unconvinced that Xiahou Clan came to be the leader of the alliance. On the other hand, Beiyan's side was much smoother.

Although Nie Renlong is not the strongest in Beiyan Wulin, it is undeniable that Nie Renlong's reputation in Beiyan Wulin is much stronger than that of Xiahou's in Eastern Qi.

The most important thing is that when Nie Renlong was preparing to establish an alliance at the beginning, most of the warriors were in a wait-and-see attitude, and some even felt a little dismissive.

You, Nie Renlong, do have a little reputation, but the overall strength of Juyi Village is not strong. It is a little bit meaningless to want to be the leader of this alliance.

However, after the people from the Daguang Temple took the initiative to join the alliance, these people were no longer reserved, and even scrambled to join the alliance.

After all, the status of Daguang Temple is not comparable to Juyi Village. Even Daguang Temple is in the alliance. Why are the others reserved?

On the other hand, the Xiahou Clan did not have such good luck. Although Dongqi also has a Pure Yang Daomen, the relationship between the Xiahou Clan and the Pure Yang Daomen is not very good, and the Chunyang Daomen does things directly and does not like to do this kind of thing. .

At this time, in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, Chu Xiu was not cultivating, and was staring at the news from the outside.

Whether it is the alliance formed by Juyi Village and Xiahou in Dongqi and Beiyan, the momentum is so great that there is no need to hide it. The news is almost sent one after another. The hearts of the confidants were panicking.

They were also psychologically prepared before. Their adults have such a great ability to draw hatred. Now that their identities are exposed, they are afraid that they will not be able to be kind, and many people will definitely come to take revenge.

But the preparations they made were coming one after another. Who would have thought that these people would play so much, and directly formed a mighty alliance in Beiyan and Dongqi, posing a pair of strong attacks and punishments. Church's posture.

The Ghost Hand King and others panicked in their hearts, but Chu Xiu, who was sitting in the main seat, was very calm.

"Are some people ready to flee in Guanzhong's execution hall?" Chu Xiu suddenly asked.

The Ghost Hand King hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "Indeed, but my lord, none of my warriors from the Kansai region escaped. The ones who escaped were almost all warriors from the other three places. Guannan has the most people."

Guan Nan's criminal officer was Yin Botong, who had just been found by Chu Xiu on an unwarranted charge and beheaded Liwei in public.

Therefore, among the four places in Guanzhong, the place in Guannan was the most resistant to Chu Xiu.

Chu Xiu waved his hand casually and said, "At the moment of the enemy, it's better if some unstable guys leave, don't get in the way, don't worry."

Mei Qinglian said: "They don't have to worry, you should worry about yourself first.

Dongqi and Beiyan Wulin are both planning to form an alliance to attack you. What will you use to stop them?

Even if there are Senior Wei and the others who can help you stop those people, they can't stop them all.

If it doesn't work, you should hide in some secret places of the hidden demon lineage for a while and wait for the storm to pass before coming out. "

Mei Qinglian's remarks were also for the good of Chu Xiu. She didn't expect that the momentum on the rivers and lakes would be so huge.

Chu Xiu raised his eyebrows and said, "It's easy to hide, but once I hide, wouldn't the foundation of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall be in vain? Besides, once I choose to hide, in a short period of time, I will never step out of the rivers and lakes again. The opportunity is here, this calamity, how can I have to carry it myself."

Mei Qinglian frowned and said, "But what do you use to carry it? Even if you reach the realm of a martial arts master, it is impossible to stop the two alliances of Dongqi and Beiyan from attacking at the same time."

Chu Xiu stood up and said solemnly: "But why do I have to wait until someone comes to the door before I think about defensive countermeasures? Sitting down and dealing with the attacks of the two major alliances at the same time is no different from courting death."

When the words fell, Chu Xiu said solemnly to the Ghost Hand King: "Go, screen out the elites of the entire Guanzhong punishment hall, and then screen out a thousand absolutely loyal warriors, led by Tang Ya and Yanbugui, follow me. North Yan!

At the same time, you come to guard the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. If something unexpected happens, immediately send someone to contact me, and at the same time put all these secret letters into the hands of these people. "

Chu Xiu threw a few secret letters to the Ghost Hand King. Mei Qinglian couldn't see what was written on it. She frowned and said, "What are you going to do? And who are you going to give these secret letters to?"

Chu Xiu said lightly: "As I said, it's not my style to sit still and wait until the two alliances are successful and come to the door, I'd better take the initiative and break one alliance first!

These secret letters are all my personal connections. Don't think that I, Chu Xiu, are all enemies. There is more than one person who is willing to help me at this critical juncture. "

Mei Qinglian looked at Chu Xiu in a stunned manner. She really did not expect this move.

When most people faced this kind of predicament, they either wanted to defend or escape. As a result, Chu Xiu was so bold that she wanted to go upstream and attack others. She didn't know whether to say Chu Xiu was bold or not. It should be said that Chu Xiu is arrogant.

Chu Xiu turned around again and said to Mei Qinglian: "Sir, please send a letter to Senior Wei and ask him to help me stop the people from Daguang Temple.

Juyi Village is in the Beiyan Alliance, although it is far away from the Daguang Temple, with the strength of the Daguang Temple in Beiyan, it is estimated that when I bring people to Beiyan, I will be noticed by the people of the Daguang Temple.

I'm not afraid of other people coming, but if the first of the three major meditation halls in Daguang Temple comes, I can't stop it.

Also, help me find Sheng Tianyao. "

Mei Qinglian asked strangely, "What are you doing with Sheng Tianyao?"

'Jiu Li Jian' Sheng Tianyao is a martial arts master of the hidden demon lineage, but his current identity is the enshrined of the Beiyan royal family, and he once helped Chu Xiu to live in Nie Renlong.

But to tell the truth, although Sheng Tianyao's strength is not weak, it is not too strong. It is not very meaningful for Chu Xiu to find him.

Moreover, although Sheng Tianyao is also a member of the Hidden Demon lineage, he is not a member of Wei Shuya's lineage. In the Hidden Demon lineage, he does not belong to anyone, he is just a pure master of the magic path.

The last time he helped Chu Xiu was to give Mei Qinglian face, it was just a harmless help.

But this time, if he helped Chu Xiu, he would have to face a lot of masters of righteous martial arts, and Sheng Tianyao would probably not take risks.

Chu Xiu understood what Mei Qinglian meant, and he said solemnly: "Of course I didn't go to Sheng Tianyao for help, I just wanted to see someone through Sheng Tianyao.

Since Nie Renlong knows how to borrow the power of the Daguang Temple, don't I know how to use the power? "

Mei Qinglian said in surprise: "Who do you want to borrow?"

"Beiyan court!"

Although there are many cooperations between Jianghu and temples, most of the time they are always opposites.

Especially what the Beiyan court has done over the years, there are many articles that can be done.

Mei Qinglian gave Chu Xiu a deep look and said, "I hope you are confident this time, not gambling."

Chu Xiu said indifferently: "Where in the world is there any thing that you can be 100% sure about? No matter how safe things are, there will still be some variables in the end.

In fact, people are gambling all the time in their life, but I believe that I can win. "

No matter whether Chu Xiu is gambling or she is fascinated by self-confidence, Mei Qinglian is already tied to a chariot with Chu She can only do as Chu Xiu said , while contacting Wei Shuya, and helping Chu Xiu contact Sheng Tianyao.

For Sheng Tianyao, if Mei Qinglian really asked him to reveal his identity and stand up to help Chu Xiu fight against Nie Renlong's Beiyan Demon Slayer Alliance, Sheng Tianyao would probably refuse.

But since Mei Qinglian only said that she wanted to help Chu Xiu introduce the emperor of Beiyan, he could still fulfill this small request.

Moreover, Sheng Tianyao was too smart not to introduce himself. After all, his identity is sensitive, and rashly recommending Chu Xiu, a man in the magic way who is at the cusp of the storm, would easily reveal his identity.

He was going to introduce Chu Xiu to meet the Beiyan Emperor through the Thirteenth Prince Xiang Chong.

The thirteenth prince once wanted to recruit Chu Xiu in the past, but unfortunately Chu Xiu did not agree at that time.

This time, when he saw Chu Xiu, Xiang Chong was very excited: "Brother Chu, you have figured it out and decided to do something for the king."

Chu Xiu asked back: "Is it possible that Your Highness doesn't know my identity? Now I am being chased and killed by the righteous martial arts. There are so many people in the world who want me to die."

Xiang Chong laughed and said, "How about the right way? What about the devil's way? In the eyes of this king, there are only those who can help this king and those who cannot.

As long as Brother Chu agrees to help this king, this king will definitely protect you, brother Chu! "

Xiang Chong looked at Chu Xiu with a sincere expression. If he were an ordinary person, he would definitely be moved by Xiang Chong's appearance.

His Royal Highness King Yan was an example of a corporal of virtuousness. Even though Chu Xiu was in such a big trouble, he was ready to protect Chu Xiu.

But in fact, these guys from the royal family, out of ten sentences, nine and a half sentences are false, and the same is true of this young thirteenth prince, King Yan.


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