Meet The Leader

Chapter 661: 1 knife

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As for the subtle relationship between Beiyan Wulin and Beiyan court, Chu Xiu had already noticed it when he was in Beiyan.

The two sides can join forces when facing a common enemy, but what about after joining forces? Even if the two sides did not turn their faces, I am afraid that some filth will be born.

What the imperial court wants is absolute control over the territory under its command, while the Jianghu forces want absolute freedom.

For example, for sects such as Yannan Shenwumen, he wished that in the land of Yannan, his Shenwumen family had the final say, and even the imperial court took them there.

Of course, this kind of thing is absolutely intolerable to the court.

Beiyan's own background is a little weaker, so it is not like Dongqi, which has the military force of the imperial family, such as the Dragon Cavalry Forbidden Army, to use.

However, Xiang Long, as a hero of a generation, is even provocative to the expansion of Beiyan Wulin. Even if his strength is insufficient, he will not pay dividends.

Therefore, around the prefectures, counties and prefectures of Beiyan, you can almost see Beiyan's garrison there. The reason is to prevent Beiyan's Jianghu Zongmen from doing too much.

However, because of this, Beiyan had to reduce the power input to the borderlands. Of course, it is now in the stage of steady development of the Three Kingdoms, and it will not be able to fight for a while.

Xiang Long stared at Chu Xiu and said coldly, "You mean, you can help me deal with those Jianghu sects who do not obey discipline?

Chu Xiu, do you think I will make the same mistake a second time?

When the state of Yan was in crisis, I cooperated with the martial arts of the state of Yan. Although we defeated Dongqi, it caused the tail of the martial arts of the state of Yan to be unable to shake off.

Now, if I cooperate with you guys in the devil's way, I might be able to suppress the martial arts sects in the Yan Kingdom, but if you take the opportunity to become bigger, what should you do?

The front door drives the wolf, and the back door enters the tiger. In the end, I, Dayan, have to face a big enemy.

At the beginning, I decided to join hands with Yan Kingdom's martial arts because things had indeed reached a critical moment.

But now my country of Yan has not reached that time, why should I join forces with you dangerous gang of demons? "

Chu Xiu said solemnly: "Your Majesty is wrong, it is safest for you to join forces with the hidden demons and me, because I do not have a stable base for the hidden demons.

Those martial arts sects are rooted in Beiyan, and it is very difficult for His Majesty to completely suppress them, because their background is all in Beiyan.

And what is the situation of my hidden demon lineage, Your Majesty should know, I am like a floating pine.

Your Majesty cooperates with us, we are a knife in His Majesty's hand, the Beiyan court gives us shelter, and we kill for His Majesty, it's that simple.

One day His Majesty gets tired of using our knife, you can throw it away, and even push all the evil things on us, the court is still the court, don't worry that we will threaten the interests of Beiyan in the slightest. "

Xiang Chong on the side stared at Chu Xiu in a stunned manner. Is there such a thing as a condition? This Chu Xiu actually told all his weaknesses and shortcomings, isn't he putting himself in danger?

Xiang Long narrowed his eyes and looked at Chu Xiu, with no expression on his face, and he couldn't see anything wrong.

After a long while, Xiang Long said, "If you tell me all this, you won't be afraid that in the end, I will really abandon your hidden demon lineage as you said, and even strangle it? You know, the death of the cunning rabbit, Running dog cooking!"

Chu Xiu said lightly: "To be honest, I'm afraid, but the entire Hidden Demon lineage is not afraid.

In the past, the entire Zhengdao sect failed to strangle my hidden demon lineage. Although the Beiyan court was strong, it was still worse.

And if you say something that is taboo, it’s easy to get together and break up. If Your Majesty doesn’t want to use us in the future, just say it directly, my hidden demon lineage will go out.

But if His Majesty insists on playing a tricky role, it will only result in one more enemy.

In short, this time I actually wanted to use the power of the Beiyan court to get through this disaster, but at the same time, I came here to deliver a knife to the Beiyan court.

Holding the sword of the hidden demon lineage, I will kill whomever your majesty wants to kill afterwards! "

Xiang Long didn't speak. After being silent for a while, Xiang Long suddenly chuckled and said, "You people from all corners of the world always like to talk about some hypocritical truths, collusion with the demon sect is a scum of the rivers and lakes, then I don't know, the court colluded with the demon sect, What is it?"

There was also a smile on Chu Xiu's face, he knew about this, and it was done.

"Can the affairs of the imperial court be called collusion? It's too ugly, it's called Zhao'an."

Xiang Long stood up and said: "Zhao An? Very good, I don't care if he is a righteous or a devil if he can be used by me!

Chu Xiu, I can stop this disaster for you, but the Northern Yan court's contribution is limited.

Although you represent the hidden demon lineage, I also know that it is impossible for all the power of the hidden demon lineage to help me, so this time, my Beiyan court will only help you within the scope of our ability, no It will use all its strength, and it is impossible to use all its strength.

If you can live, what you just told me will work, and if you die, you can only blame yourself for being unlucky. "

Chu Xiu cupped his hands and said, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, there are countless people in this world who want me to die, but I am still alive and well."

After speaking, Chu Xiu said goodbye and left the palace.

"Old Thirteen, you can also go down." Xiang Long said lightly.

Xiang Chong nodded and hurriedly saluted and left the palace.

After Xiang Chong left, Xiang Long said lightly: "National teacher, what do you think of this matter? Is it correct for me to cooperate with this Chu Xiu and the hidden demon lineage?"

In the dark corner, an old man in a Taoist robe came out.

The robe on this robe old man is very strange, it is pitch black, and the embroidered on the back is not the common Taoist yin-yang tai chi cloud pattern and other things, but an evil picture of yin and yang impermanence.

Black and white impermanence interweave end to end at an extremely evil angle, forming a Tai Chi appearance, but the more you look at it, the more evil you feel.

The old man in the robe had a goatee, high eyebrows, a sword in his left hand, a whisk in his right hand, hunched over, stood behind Xiang Long, and said in a low, hoarse voice: "I watched the back of this son's head turn to the bone, And ambitious, it is to hinder the Lord to overcome the appearance of the Shang, Your Majesty will use this person, please be careful.

Moreover, the hidden demon lineage is not that simple. I have had contact with this group of people. They are a group of lunatics who are thinking about reviving the Kunlun Demon Sect. When cooperating with them, they must be cautious and cautious. "

Xiang Long didn't say anything, he just laughed and said: "Will the lord get on? You must know that there is no one in this world that I can't use!

Back then, Yang Gongdu was a talented person, and his ambition was no less than that of Chu Xiu. As a result, with a word from Zhen, he also wanted to get out of the Yan Kingdom in despair!

If I hadn't remembered that he had indeed contributed to me, Dayan, and some of the credit could not be denied, do you think he would have left the country of Yan alive? "

The old Taoist lowered his head when he heard the words, and quickly said: "Your Majesty said very much, His Majesty is the Lord of destiny, even if Chu Xiu is a figure of seven murders, His Majesty can hold him."

Xiang Long laughed for no apparent reason, and while walking back, he said: "National teacher, please rest assured, I cooperate with Chu Xiu and the hidden demon lineage, just want to reduce the amount of time I bring when Dayan suppresses those martial arts forces. It's just a loss.

Chu Xiu is a person from the hidden demon lineage, the hidden demon lineage, I have never been able to trust, and you are my confidant. "

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" The old Taoist lowered his head, but there was a strange edge in his eyes.

After leaving the Beiyan Palace, Chu Xiu returned to the Guanzhong Execution Hall without stopping.

At this time, Wei Shuya had come to the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, and he also brought Zhao Chengping, Luo Sancong and other warriors who had followed Chu Xiu to carry out the mission of extermination.

These people are still very convinced of Chu Xiu, and they are also very horrified after knowing Chu Xiu's identity.

This adult is really extraordinary. It is not surprising that one person has two identities. In fact, many people in the hidden demon lineage are like this.

But one person pushed both identities to the first and second positions on the Dragon Tiger list, which is a bit surprising.

Moreover, not only Luo Sancong and others came, but also some of the warriors from the Phaseless Demon Sect brought by Mr. Lu.

After all, the Wuxiang Demon Sect is not a subordinate of Wei Shuya, they can only say that they are friends with Wei Shuya.

Therefore, at this time, the Wuxiang Demon Sect sent Mr. Lu and these warriors to Wei Shuya and Chu Xiu very much. Chu Xiu should also write down this After seeing Wei Shuya, Chu Xiu sent him I told Wei Shuya about the conditions discussed with the Northern Yan Emperor Xiang Long.

After listening to this, Wei Shuya looked at Chu Xiu with a half-smile but said, "Are you cutting first and then playing?"

Chu Xiu said in Xiang Long that he could represent the hidden demon lineage, at least the attitude of Wei Shuya's lineage. As a result, after receiving Xiang Long's reply, Chu Xiu told Wei Shuya this. Isn't this what it is?

Chu Xiu smiled and said, "Senior Wei, don't pay attention to those details. Xiang Long and I are just a verbal promise. If you disagree, I don't need Beiyan's support, and the transaction is just void."

Wei Shuya glanced at Luo Sancong and the others, and sighed: "Old man, I'm old, it's the same wherever I stay, but these young people joined the hidden demon lineage either because of inheritance or because of chance and coincidence, and joined me. Under his command, I can't promote them, but I can't delay them either.

Follow me, they have been hiding in the dark and the local mice. When they rarely take action, they stay for a long time, and people will be useless. It is better to follow you to Beiyan and make a career. "

Luo Sancong and the others hurriedly bowed to Wei Shuya and said, "Thank you, Senior Wei!"

After they joined the Hidden Demon lineage, it was true that they rarely took action, because of the rules of the Hidden Demon lineage, and because under Wei Shuya's command, there was indeed not much to do for them.

For these warriors who are in their prime, they have not yet reached the time of seclusion and penance all day long.

Instead of hiding in the dark all day, with limited resources to do penance, it is better to follow Chu Xiu to fight outside.

They thank Wei Shuya, one is for Wei Shuya's protection over the years, and the other is Wei Shuya for fulfilling them.


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