Meet The Leader

Chapter 662: Alliance Demon

Yandong Leping County, where the headquarters of Juyi Village is located.

On weekdays, there are many warriors who come to Juyi Village. At this time of the alliance, the crowd of warriors who come to Juyi Village is even more crowded, which is extremely lively.

Looking at this scene, Nie Renlong couldn't help but feel infinite emotion in his heart.

If Dongliu hadn't died, the foundation he laid for Juyi Village today and the momentum he created could all be passed on. How happy would Dongliu be when he saw this scene?

The loss of a child in middle age is the greatest grief.

But in an instant, Nie Renlong had already put away the sadness in his eyes.

For him, now is not the time for grief, the name of Juyi Village has been passed down through the ages, and this is the time!

At this time, a warrior of the unity of nature and man walked to Nie Renlong's side and reported: "The village master, almost everyone has arrived."

Nie Renlong waved his hand and said, "Piaoxuecheng in the extreme north, has anyone from the Huangfu family in Pingyao, Yanxi, come?"

The man shook his head and said hesitantly: "I haven't come yet, but the village owner, Jibei Piaoxuecheng and Juyi Village have a grudge for a long time, and the other party should not come.

As for the Huangfu Clan in Pingyao, Yanxi, if you invite people from the Huangfu Clan to make up the numbers, that's all, but you are inviting the old ancestor of the Huangfu Clan to come, so I'm afraid it will be a little difficult. "

Nie Renlong frowned. The people from these two families did not come, which was somewhat unexpected, because in his guess, both of these two families should come.

It's true that Jibei Piaoxuecheng has a grudge with him, Nie Renlong, but this time, the whole Beiyan Zhengdao is involved. There is no reason for Jibei Piaoxuecheng to be absent. Even if he doesn't want to increase the power of Juyi Village, he must also consider himself. 's reputation.

Bai Hantian is not a dull and stingy person, he has no reason not to come.

As for the Huangfu Clan in Pingyao, Yanxi, Nie Renlong personally sent a letter to the Huangfu Clan, explaining the relationship.

Huangfu has been low-key for so many years, and it is time to brush up on its presence, and Huangfu has also agreed to Nie Renlong, and the other party has no reason not to be credited.

Nie Renlong frowned and said, "Wait first, one of the two factions is in the North and the other is in Yanxi. I'm afraid there are too many people and it will be delayed."

After waiting for another two hours, there were still no figures of these two factions outside the Juyi Village, while the crowd was full of people inside the Juyi Village, and the people inside were probably impatient.

Nie Renlong felt something wrong in his heart, but he didn't care so much at this time, and said directly: "Forget it, don't wait for those two, the Alliance Council, let's start directly."

After speaking, Nie Renlong turned around and entered the Juyi Village. At this time, there was a lot of people in the Juyi Village. When they saw Nie Renlong walking in, they all bowed to Nie Renlong and said, "Master Nie!"

Nie Renlong flicked his sleeves and walked directly to the high platform in the center, and said solemnly, "Five hundred years ago, the Kunlun Demon Sect swept the rivers and lakes, and the demons rose and disappeared. My righteous martial arts once fell into the darkest time. Fortunately, there is a true martial arts teacher in charge. , Senior Ning Xuanji took action to fight the leader of the demon sect Dugu only me, coupled with my countless seniors of the right way fighting to the death, just now the Kunlun demon sect was destroyed and the world returned to Qingming.

But now, the Demon Dao lineage is already on the verge of making a comeback. That Chu Xiu used two identities to run rampant in the arena, and did countless cruel and evil things. Countless fellows in the rivers and lakes died tragically in his hands. At this time, he even occupied Guanzhong. Punishment Hall, so that the hidden demon lineage has the posture of making a comeback.

In the past, the ancestors threw their heads and shed their blood, and this completely suppressed the gang of demon thieves. Now that we are in our generation, how can we let them harm the rivers and lakes again?

Today's alliance, fortunately, the first master of false words in the Diamond Institute of Daguang Temple, the master of Yan Huainan Yan of the Shenwu Gate, the master of Fang Datong of the giant spirit gang, and others came together, and Nie was very grateful.

At this moment, the martial arts colleagues in the Eastern Qi are also preparing for an alliance, attacking the Guanzhong execution hall, and destroying the evil thief Chu Xiu. Naturally, my Beiyan martial arts cannot be left behind! "

"Master Nie said it well!"

There was a sound of applause from below, especially those warriors from small forces, who were even more excited.

Although most of them were actually not interested in strangling demonic murderers, they couldn't hold back the promise that Nie Renlong had given them earlier.

Not to mention things like fame, Chu Xiu is now entrenched in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. Once the Guanzhong Punishment Hall is broken, half of all the resources, treasures and other things in the Guanzhong Punishment Hall will be theirs.

As for those who came from the great faction sitting on the main seat, Daguang Temple doesn't care about those scattered things, and Shenwumen also wants to save face, so naturally they will not compete with them for those scattered things.

Only the djinn gang will get something.

Fang Datong, the leader of the Djinn Gang, the “Demon General”, is a burly middle-aged man.

In fact, this time in Juyi Village for the alliance, Fang Datong can actually not come.

There is no grudge between the Djinn Gang and Chu Xiu, and the Djinn Gang has a large number of people. They are in charge of business such as water transportation and transportation between the three countries.

However, in Fang Datong's view, this incident is an opportunity for the Djinn Gang, an opportunity to make the Djinn Gang famous in the arena.

All along, the strength of the people and the Six Gangs are relatively weak, and they are not valued by the rivers and lakes, so each family is thinking about development strategies.

Among them, the Tianxia Alliance is the strongest. Chen Qingdi used a pair of iron fists to fight thousands of miles. Even if he is the only one left in the Tianxia Alliance, it is enough to support the entire gang.

Juyi Village is very similar to the World Alliance, both relying on Nie Renlong's reputation alone. As long as Nie Renlong does not die, Juyi Village will still have these reputations in the arena.

Feng Manlou specializes in wind media intelligence and does not need much strength.

Jiangshan Pavilion is far away in the South China Sea. It is said that it is a gang created by a group of Soul Royal Family. It rarely participates in disputes in the Central Plains martial arts, and its strength is unknown.

The rest of the beggar gangs are all over the world. You never know which of the seemingly sloppy beggars are the real beggars and which are the masters of the beggar gang. In short, the strength of the beggar gang is a mystery. Not to mention the gang leader who retreated here, the beggar gang had never gathered together for so many years.

Counting down the six major gangs, in fact, the weakest, even without a single target, is only the Giant Spirit Gang.

Don't look at the large number of people in the Giant Spirit Gang, but if something happens, among the six major gangs, the most likely to be removed is the Giant Spirit Gang.

So this time, Fang Datong didn't even use Nie Renlong's invitation, he took the initiative to join the alliance, and what he wanted to gain was a reputation, a reputation that brought the Djinn Gang into the realm of the righteous sect.

Fang Datong stood up and said solemnly: "It's only been hundreds of years since the demons brought disaster to the rivers and lakes. I can't forget this lesson. Although my Djinn Gang has risen in the wild, I also know that the safety of the rivers and lakes is the responsibility of everyone.

Since Zhuang Zhuang Nie has called us here, please ask Zhuang Zhuang Nie to take over as the leader of the alliance and issue orders, and we will obey orders! "

When Nie Renlong heard this, an imperceptible smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Fang Datong is very sensible. People who carry a sedan chair have no chance for Fang Datong to be the leader of the alliance. Therefore, pushing him to be the leader at this time can be regarded as a good relationship.

However, Nie Renlong still refused to say: "There are so many famous martial arts masters and masters in the world, I, Nie, don't dare to make mistakes."

Xu Yan said lightly on the side: "Since you mentioned the alliance this time, the leader of the alliance, you will naturally be responsible for this alliance. I, Daguang Temple, can just do it."

Yan Huainan had the intention to be the leader of the alliance, but seeing that Fang Datong and Daguang Temple's false words were all this attitude, he also knew how much strength he had, so he could only say: "Master Nie came to be the leader of the alliance, I don't have it either. Opinion."

Just when Nie Renlong was about to humbly decline and agree, the door of Juyi Village was suddenly pushed open.

Nie Renlong frowned, who was this unruly? He has already ordered that when the alliance is in progress, no one is allowed to come in and disturb!

However, as the door was pushed open, a strong smell of blood rushed to his face, which made Nie Renlong's heart sink, and he vaguely guessed something.

The next moment, the demonic energy drifted from outside the Juyi Village, and the cloud covered the roof in an instant, covering the sky and the sun, covering the entire Juyi Village!

Chu Xiu casually threw the two Juyizhuang gang members who had been sucked into mummified corpses by the devil blood Dafa to the with a smile on his face: "If you want me to say, you guys in the right way are hypocrisy. , the position of an alliance leader has to come and go, obviously everyone wants to be in his heart, but he says no.

Now you don't have to fight, someone from me, Chu, took the initiative to send me to the door. If you want to kill me, just come! "

As Chu Xiu's voice fell, on the wall of Juyi Village, Chu Xiu's Tang Ya and others, as well as Luo Sancong and other warriors from the hidden demon lineage, climbed the wall one after another, looking at the people in Juyi Village, killing intent overflowing.

The surrounding magic energy is getting stronger and stronger. This is the formation plate made by Gong Shuyuan. The power of the man of merit.

Almost in an instant, the Righteous Path Alliance, which was still impassioned, became the one under siege, which made everyone present feel a little overwhelmed. Why did the roles suddenly turn around?

Nie Renlong looked at Chu Xiu, gritted his teeth and said, "Chu Xiu! How dare you take the initiative!"

Seeing his 'real' son-killer here, Nie Renlong couldn't wait to swallow Chu Xiu alive, and he really didn't expect that Chu Xiu would take the initiative to attack at such a time.

The person he offended on the rivers and lakes is not only the Beiyan side, but also the Dongqi side who is also carrying out an alliance.

Chu Xiu's response was either to escape or to fight hard. He took the initiative to take action, so he was not afraid that Guanzhong Xingtang would be directly taken over by the people of the Eastern Qi Alliance?

Besides, this is Beiyan, where did he get the confidence to come to Beiyan to be presumptuous? Couldn't he be afraid that the righteous sects of Beiyan will take action and let him go back and forth?


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