Meet The Leader

Chapter 663: Take you on your way!

Suddenly, the hunter turned into a prey, which made everyone present very uncomfortable.

It was obvious that their alliance came to encircle and suppress this Chu Xiu, but this Chu Xiu actually dared to call on the door.

But then everyone sneered in their hearts. This is Beiyan. This Chu Xiu called the door openly and with such an arrogant attitude. At this time, I am afraid that the Daguang Temple and other Zhengdao sects have already noticed, as long as they hold them for a while, Guarantee that Chu Xiu and these people will not be able to leave Beiyan!

Nie Renlong said coldly: "Chu Xiu, since you took the initiative to come to die, it just saves us some strength! First leave you all in Beiyan, and then break through the Guanzhong Punishment Hall and catch you demons! "

A cold smile appeared on the corner of Chu Xiu's mouth and said: "Master Nie, I am actually very soft-hearted sometimes, you must be very sad to lose a child at such an old age, so I am going to prepare Complete you, send you down to reunite with your son, how about you, are you happy?"

Nie Renlong's complexion suddenly became extremely dark. Just as he was about to scold something, he saw Chu Xiu wave his hand and shouted in a low voice, "Kill!"

The voice fell, and the crowd of demons immediately pulled out the swords in their hands, and under the blessing of the magic energy, they rushed towards the people below!

Although Wei Shuya and the Beiyan court can help Chu Xiu to block some of the power, but this is Beiyan after all, it is better to fight quickly.

And most importantly, Chu Xiu didn't know the extent of the alliance on the East Qi side.

A sneak attack can only be used once. When he returns to the Guanzhong Punishment Hall, he will face a tough battle, so Beiyan must make a quick decision so that he can return to the Guanzhong Punishment Hall to prepare.

Although Chu Xiu was ridiculing Nie Renlong, the faces of Xu Yan and the others were not very good-looking.

Chu Xiu's move is despised, but their entire Beiyan righteous path is martial arts!

Just as they were about to make a move, they saw three figures had stopped in front of Xu Yan and the others.

The three who shot were Mei Qinglian, Mr. Lu and Liu Hongye.

Mei Qinglian's strength was the strongest, and she directly confronted the false words of Daguang Temple.

The concubine Dafa is extremely evil. Although Mei Qinglian's martial arts is not strong in front of the enemy, her fighting skills are first-rate. Pity.

Mr. Lu met Yan Huainan of Shenwumen.

Yan Huainan is on the Billboard, and he can be regarded as a generation of outstanding people. Shenwumen can become one of the seven sects and eight factions, in fact, it is all supported by Yan Huainan alone.

However, Mr. Lu's strength is not bad. At the time of the unity of heaven and man, Mr. Lu was the peak master in this realm. At this time, when he stepped into the master realm, his strength was actually far more than a lot of warriors of the same level. of.

Even after Mr. Lu stepped into the realm of martial arts masters, he had long wanted to find a powerful man who was famous in the arena to try his skills, but he had never been able to do so, and now he finally got what he deserved. willing.

The only one who was at a disadvantage was Liu Hongye.

Although he is also a martial arts master, his time as a martial arts master is a little short, and he himself is not as amazing as Mr. Lu.

And due to inheritance reasons, Liu Hongye's own martial arts cannot be compared with Fang Datong of the Djinn Gang.

After a few consecutive fights, he has fallen into decline, but Chu Xiu did not ask him so much, as long as Liu Hongye can persist in a short period of undefeated.

Countless demonic energy poured into Chu Xiu's body crazily, and the strength of Chu Xiu's whole body was raised to the extreme by him. Among them, the boundless hatred affects the sky!

With a quick decision, Chu Xiu had already used the ultimate ultimate move when he came up.

There was hatred in Nie Renlong's heart, and it was boundless hatred.

The revenge of killing a child is never shared.

At this time, Chu Xiu was standing in front of Nie Renlong. Even if he didn't use the Seven Devil Sabres, Chu Xiu could sense the hatred in Nie Renlong's body, so it was undoubtedly a good choice to use the hatred blade at this time.

The moment Chu Xiu took out the knife, Nie Renlong laughed wildly.

He was enveloped by the hatred of Hate Knife, but he did not choose to fight hard, but took the initiative to merge the hatred in his heart. In an instant, Nie Renlong's eyes became red, and wisps of demonic energy poured in. In his body, the demonic energy released in the great formation was originally prepared for the demonic warriors on Chu Xiu's side, but at this time, it was able to actively pour into Nie Renlong's body!

With a loud bang, Nie Renlong's whole body erupted with demonic energy, even more prosperous than Chu Xiu's. Qiankun Lingyun's hand spread out, but it was not the vitality of heaven and earth, but the boundless demonic energy!

Between the dancing of his hands, countless demonic energy condensed into a cyclone, directly shrouding Chu Xiu in it.

Before the hatred blade could fall, the blade was already shattered, and Chu Xiu's figure was torn apart in the cyclone.

After calming down the blood that was still boiling in his body, Chu Xiu put away the seven magic knives, and there was a dignified look in his eyes.

The seven magic knives are useless to Nie Renlong, and even Nie Renlong's own strength has increased greatly, which is a lot stronger than before he entered the devil last time.

Nie Renlong, who had red eyes but still maintained his sense, surrounded by demonic energy, said coldly, "Chu Xiu, these are all thanks to you!"

This kind of thing is a crisis, but it is also a fortune.

The last time Nie Renlong was enchanted because of Nie Dongliu's death, he was also severely injured.

But after he recovered from his injury, he was used to the powerful power brought by his enchantment, and also adapted to the attributes of demonic energy.

Nie Renlong has never practiced magic arts, but he has experienced a magic spell before he died, but he is already a natural genius!

Although the hatred knife could arouse the hatred in Nie Renlong's heart, when Nie Dongliu died last time, Nie Renlong's hatred had reached its peak after being enchanted. Therefore, hating the knife has no effect on the current Nie Renlong, and even helps him improve some of his strength.

Throwing the seven magic knives into the space secret box, Chu Xiu frowned slightly, miscalculating, he seemed to underestimate Nie Renlong.

An existence like Nie Renlong who came from a rough background but was able to reach the status he is now is all outstanding people in the world, and there is no simple generation.

What happened last time was a disaster for Nie Renlong, but it was also a chance.

Nie Renlong's palm fell, and the monstrous demonic energy covered the sky and the sun. The giant hand of demonic energy that was dozens of feet fell down and slammed towards Chu Xiu.

Chu Xiu's body moved and changed position one after another, but the giant hand of demonic energy grabbed it, and strands of strange rhythm bloomed. Imprisoned in it, and finally squeezed directly, as if to crush Chu Xiu to pieces.

The hands were sealed, and the golden Buddha light bloomed all over Chu Xiu's body, and the sound of Sanskrit reverberated between the heaven and the earth. A phantom of the golden sun Tathagata appeared behind Chu Xiu, and a dazzling holy Buddha light burst out from the giant hand of demonic energy.

Change the day!

Chu Xiu finally broke free from the giant hand of demonic energy as the light of the Buddha Conquering the Demons shone through the heavens and the earth, but this scene made everyone else feel awkward.

It was obvious that Nie Renlong was the leader of the Northern Yan Zhengdao martial arts, and Chu Xiu was the murderer of the devil's way who was to be strangled by them.

As a result, now Chu Xiu's shot is holy Buddha's light, while Nie Renlong's demonic energy is monstrous. No matter how you look at it, it's awkward.

Nie Renlong looked at Chu Xiu, whose face was a little pale, he pressed closer step by step, and also said coldly: "Chu Xiu, you come here today to die, and when other sects of the right way in Beiyan come, you guys will die. Not one can get away!"

Chu Xiu let out a long sigh, and said lightly: "Don't worry, others won't come, Nie Zhuang lord, haven't you reacted yet, why haven't the forces such as Jibei Piaoxuecheng and Huangfu Clan arrived yet? "

Nie Renlong frowned slightly: "The Hidden Demons intercepted them? No! It is impossible for all the Hidden Demons to be dispatched. Do you really want to fight against the true demons again?"

Nie Renlong understood the attack on Guanzhong Xingtang to kill Chu

Chu Xiu belongs to the hidden demon lineage, but he cannot represent the entire hidden demon lineage.

Even if Chu Xiu is the true heir of the Kunlun Demon Sect and Dugu is the only descendant of me, the Hidden Demons will not do everything for him to fight the righteous demons again.

Being in the arena for so long, Nie Renlong naturally knew that, compared with the Ming Demon lineage, the Moon Worship Cult leader, the Hidden Demon lineage actually didn't have a real leader, and its model was very similar to the alliance, but there was still no alliance leader. alliance.

If something happened to Chu Xiu, people in Wei Shuya's line might take care of it, but others might not even interfere.

Unless there is a superpower like the real Dugu Yume who unifies the magical way, no one can command the entire hidden demon lineage.

Nie Renlong couldn't figure out how Chu Xiu stopped the other Beiyan martial arts forces. In fact, just as he was about to take power, Wei Shuya and others had already taken action.

At this moment, in the Daguang Temple, a panicked Daguang Temple disciple ran to Xuxing's residence to report loudly: "The first one! There is news from outside that Chu Xiu brought a large number of warriors and hidden demons from the punishment hall. The warriors of the same line entered Beiyan without covering their tracks, and went straight to Juyi Village!"

When Xu Xing heard this, he immediately exploded, and snorted coldly: "What a courage! He actually dares to take the initiative! Call the disciples of the Bodhidharma Academy and prepare to set off immediately!"

But then Xu Xing thought of something, and snorted softly: "I'll go talk to Senior Brother Xuyun first."

Now that he is still being punished for seclusion, if he leads someone without authorization, the consequences may not be as simple as being punished for seclusion.


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