Meet The Leader

Chapter 664: stop

In Xuyun's meditation hall, Xuxing originally thought that after he finished reporting to Xuyun, Xuyun would let him follow him to Juyi Village, but after Xuyun heard it, he called a disciple and said: "Go to Xudu and let him go to Juyi Village with me."

Xu Xing hurriedly said: "Senior brother, then I..."

Xu Yun glanced at him, and said lightly: "You continue to retreat in the Daguang Temple, and don't completely suppress the anger in your heart within a year, don't mention the Daguang Temple, you are even the first of the Bodhidharma Temple. Don't be."

The first appointment or pardon of the Six Great Martial Academy should have been decided by the abbot, but in the Great Bright Temple, Xu Yun has this power and ability.

Hearing what Xu Yun said, Xu Xing didn't even dare to refute at all, so he had to go back to the Damo Academy and continue to retreat.

After a while, Xudu lazily came to Xuyun's meditation hall, he was still carrying a wine gourd, but this time, the wine gourd was really sugar water.

"Go to Juyi Village with me." Xu Yun said solemnly.

This time, Xu Du didn't continue to bullshit, and obediently followed Xu Yun and left the Daguang Temple.

Although he is a little unreliable and serious most of the time, he will not delay the business of the Great Bright Temple.

But while walking on Xudu, he still said: "I said, senior brother, that kid from the hidden demon lineage has lost his mind and gone crazy? At this time, he didn't guard his Guanzhong execution hall, and he dared to come to Beiyanlang. Do you think you didn't die fast enough?"

Xu Yun said lightly: "Don't make others idiots on the spot, once something happens, it has its own reason.

Maybe if we don't have to go to Juyi Village, someone will come to us on their own initiative. "

Xudu touched his bald head, and just wanted to say something, when he heard a voice suddenly: "Master Xuyun really expected things to be like God, I haven't seen it for a long time, it seems that your "Delusional Heaven's Great Freedom Sutra" has another Sophisticated."

Wei Shuya, dressed in black, stood by the side of the road with his eyes narrowed, like an ordinary old man basking in the sun, while Chu Wuji was standing behind him, his eyes were sharp, and he didn't say a word.

Xu Yun looked at Wei Shuya, chanted a Buddha's name, and said, "Amitabha, it turns out to be Elder Wei, after all these years, apart from the battle between the righteous and the demons in Fuyu Mountain, this is your second shot, and it seems that Chu Xiu is really yours. The person you value can actually let you do it yourself."

Xu Du looked at Xu Yun in surprise, but he knew the character of his senior brother. Although he was a monk, he didn't like to say the words 'Amitabha'. Only when he saw the person he really valued, Xu Yun Only say these four words.

This old guy who seems to be about to fall into the ground is so terrifying, worthy of the senior brother's attention?

Wei Shuya waved his hand casually and said, "The Hidden Demon lineage has been in decline for so long, it's not easy to find a good seedling.

If it was Zongxuan of your Daguang Temple who was targeted like this, wouldn't your Daguang Temple take action?

Xuyun, go back, our demonic way has been suppressed by your righteous way martial arts for so many years, and now it is time to come out and bask in the sun.

Eastern Qi, Northern Yan, Western Chu, we do not occupy the hidden demons, but we only show up in a neutral place like the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. Do you still want to stop it?

Stay on the line, don't go too far. "

Xu Yun said lightly: "Since the hidden demon lineage has declined, why not continue to decline? Mr. Wei, you were the only survivor of the battle of Jiutian Mountain in the past, and you should know the cruelty of that battle.

Four of the five Heavenly Demons in your Nine Heavens Mountains died, and the rest of the Demon Dao warriors were killed and injured countless times.

If you had chosen to continue to forbear, instead of openly raising the flag to restore the Kunlun Demon Sect, you would not have killed so many people.

Hidden underground, can live, show up, and die.

You let Chu Xiu do this, not to help him, but to harm him.

When he really touches the bottom line of the righteous way, I am not the only one who does it. "

Wei Shuya's squinted eyes slowly opened, his expression was extremely sharp, and the momentum on his body was gradually rising, from an old guy who seemed to be in the waning years of life, to a demonic giant who stirred the world in the past!

"Why don't you forbear? Over the years, our Hidden Demon lineage has always been called earth mice. I've been afraid of earth mice for a long time, and then I've become a group of cowardly mice who are greedy for life and fear of death!

While the old guy like me is still alive, leave a little heart for the young people and be an example. If an old guy like me is afraid of death, there is really no hope for the hidden demon lineage, even if it is Dugu The leader is resurrected, I am afraid that he will not look down on us trash.

Xuyun, in the Daguang Temple, there are only two people I am not sure of dealing with, one is your abbot, and the other is you.

It is said that the "Sutra of Delusion of Heaven" integrates the essence of the two esoteric sects of Zen. Today, old man, I also want to experience it! "

As soon as the words fell, Wei Shuya's body was surrounded by demonic flames, but a shocking force burst out from his seemingly old body. He stepped out in one step, the sky was dark and the earth was dark, and a punch was thrown out, and the demon was furious!

Xuyun sighed, he said the scriptures, and the murmured Sanskrit chanting came from the heaven and the earth, and the golden Buddha light enveloped him in it. As Xuyun stepped out step by step, it turned into a field.

Everywhere the virtual cloud passes, it is transformed into a realm, step by step, Buddha land, step by step!

One of these two people was the only survivor of the five Heavenly Demons of the Nine Heavens Mountains, who once stirred up the situation in the arena with weak force, rivaling the existence of the entire Righteous Path Martial Arts Forest.

The other is a rare and amazing person in the Daguang Temple in recent years. As the first seat of the Delusional Meditation Hall, it has suppressed the limelight of the abbot. The power between these two people can be called It is earth-shattering.

Xudu put away the wine gourd, and smiled at Chu Wuji: "Don't be stunned, let's hurry up and save our minds when we finish the fight."

The voice fell, and Xudu's whole body was shrouded in Buddha's light. At this time, he seemed to be a little unserious, but at this time, he was solemn. people.

Chu Wuji also sneered, a blood moon was hidden behind him, and he had no knife in his hand, but he used the blood moon as a blade to tear the world apart!

The power of two real fire refining **** realm powerhouses and two martial arts real core realm peak masters fighting against each other, even if a small mountain is shattered, is not surprising.

At this time, at a distance of a hundred miles from the two people's fight, Bai Hantian, the city owner of the snow city in the extreme north, was also preparing to take someone to Juyi Village, but he was stopped by someone, and the person who shot was Pang Hu. With the Qilian iron cavalry under his command.

Last time, Juyi Village teamed up with Yandong Wulin to destroy Qilian Iron Cavalry. Finally, Chu Xiu designed Jibei Piaoxuecheng to intervene. In the end, Juyi Village and Qilian Village were all severely damaged. The only profit was Jibei Piao. Snow City.

Bai Hantian looked at Pang Hu and said coldly, "Pang Hu, with your Qilianzhai strength, you dare to intervene in the affairs of Beiyan Wulin and the hidden demons. Are you trying to kill yourself?"

Pang Hu sneered and said, "Looking for death? With your extreme northern snow city, I'm afraid you don't have the qualifications to let me die!

It was Lin Ye last time, no, it should be Chu Xiu who helped someone, my surname Pang is a rough guy, and the Thirty-Six Great Bandits in the North Land are, to put it bluntly, a group of bandits.

But even thieves have to be moral.

People helped me last time. If I turn a blind eye this time, I am afraid that my brothers will look down on me. You say, right? "


Behind Pang Hu, a group of bandits from Qilian Village shouted loudly, and their momentum was also very extraordinary.

Bai Hantian frowned and snorted coldly, "I don't know what it is! If you want to court death, I will fulfill you all!"

With a wave of Bai Hantian's hand, a group of warriors from the Snow City in the extreme north rushed forward.

In any case, Piao Xuecheng in the extreme north is also a big sect in the rivers and lakes that ranks among the seven sects and eight sects. Compared with Qilianzhai, a bandit-born force, it still has a great advantage.

The northern land formed a group, and at this time, in the land of Yanxi, outside the gate of Huangfu's family, thousands of Beiyan soldiers in black armor surrounded Huangfu's mansion.

Among those soldiers, an extremely gorgeous black dragon chariot, on which lay a middle-aged warrior in a black python robe, with a graceful posture, while yawning and slowly peeling a banana.

Living in the land of Beiyan, you can still eat bananas that are only abundant in some places in Western Chunnan. This kind of extravagant behavior is comparable to an emperor.

In fact, this person is indeed from the royal family. To be precise, the black dragon chariot he is sitting on should only be used by the emperor, but now Beiyan no longer respects the black dragon, so he sits on the black dragon chariot, but no one is there. They will talk a lot, because many people in Beiyan know that among the royal family, whoever rebels, he will not rebel, this guy is just lazy.

This person was born in the Beiyan royal family, and his name was Xiang Wu, but he was a collateral royal family with very weak blood and was not taken seriously. Even Xiang Wu's title was only a marquis, because his fief was in Beiyan Linping House, so his title is Linpinghou.

Xiang Wu showed an extremely amazing talent in martial arts when he was young, but because his lineage did not receive much attention, he was ignored by the Beiyan clan, causing Xiang Wu to wander into the rivers and lakes to hang out. , It was not until he made a little fame in the rivers and lakes that he was discovered by the Beiyan royal family and immediately recalled him to the royal family.

Xiang Long is also worthy of being a hero of a generation. After discovering his negligence, he treated Xiang Wu enough to be a virtuous corporal, and personally asked a strong ancestor of the royal family to teach Xiang Wu, thinking of him as the emperor's younger brother, and handing over the Xiling army among the five armies of Zhenguo. Give him a commander, add the position of a general, and even raise his title to the throne.

However, Xiang Wu refused. In his words, this is something left by the ancestors and cannot be lost.

I don't know if his ancestor knew that his descendants didn't want the throne, but he still held the position of a marquis as a treasure, and he would lift his coffin board angrily.


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