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Chapter 666: everyone is greedy

Huangfu Patriarch is actually a very forbearing person.

When you reach the three realms of concentrating on the rivers and lakes, you are basically a big man standing at the peak.

Martial Dao Zhendan is called a grandmaster, and it is the powerhouse who has appeared in front of Jianghu people for the longest time.

There are almost only a handful of existences who have reached the realm of heaven and earth, almost all of them are the top figures on the supreme list, and most of them do not often appear in the rivers and lakes, so the real fire refining spirit realm is definitely a master who can stir up a party's situation. By.

But Huangfu's ancestor clearly has this state, and he has not aged to the point of death, but he still retreats in Huangfu's family for more than ten years, not because he is greedy for life and afraid of death, but because he wants to use his last paragraph Time, escorted Huangfu's last journey.

Although the Huangfu Clan still has him, a powerhouse in the realm of real fire, but in fact the next generation is very mediocre, and the younger generation does not have any outstanding characters.

Therefore, for the sake of the Huangfu family, he could only choose to guard the family and protect the Huangfu family through this debilitating period.

But low-key and forbearance does not mean that the ancestor of Huangfu is a weak person.

Xiang Wu is a junior, but dare to be so arrogant in front of him, and even dare to take the initiative, how can Huangfu ancestors endure this?

At this moment, he pulled out a pitch-black Coiling Dragon spear from the black dragon chariot and held it in his hand.

A single shot was stabbed, a simple shot, but it caused the clouds in the air to gather, and a huge storm cyclone was formed.

The dragon head above the Coiling Dragon Spear was flashing with a scarlet murderous edge, just like a living thing. The Coiling Dragon Spear in Xiang Wu's hands is also a magic weapon!

The ancestor of Huangfu suddenly raised his head, the divine light in his eyes gathered, and wherever he passed, all the qi dissipated, and even the vision condensed by Xiang Wu's spear collapsed.

However, Xiang Wu's spear itself still fell directly towards Huangfu's ancestor with that powerful force, and stabbed him in the chest. Wherever he passed, the ground cracked and the sonic boom bloomed, and the power was extremely fierce.

Ancestor Huangfu snorted, he actually stretched out his hand, and at the critical moment, he held Xiang Wu's gun body, the golden qi burst out, and the other hand slammed directly onto the gun body, with Xiang Wu's gun Wu himself was blasted out by this punch, and his footsteps landed on the ground, instantly bursting a pothole several meters in size.

Xiang Wu laughed and said, "This is the secret technique of Huangfu's family, the Annihilation of the Primordial Divine Eye? It is said to be a secret technique that can annihilate the vitality of any Astral Qi? Interesting, it is much stronger than the Ice Soul Divine Eye of the Extreme North Piaoxuecheng. "

Although Xiang Wu has only just made a move, Xiang Wu has already fallen into the disadvantage, but don't forget, the two are quite different from each other, and the strength that Xiang Wu has displayed now is terrifying enough.

Xiang Wu laughed and continued to charge with his gun. For him, who was usually lazy, he could only get really excited at this time.

Most places in Beiyan are fighting, and some forces have already noticed it, but no one dares to break the situation.

Previously, they thought that under such a situation, Chu Xiu could only choose to think of countermeasures and defenses in the Guanzhong Execution Hall.

And it's okay to take the initiative to take the initiative. There is even the participation of the imperial court, and things are getting more and more complicated.

Therefore, the forces that noticed some movements were waiting, waiting for the results from Juyi Village.

If Chu Xiu wins at Juyi Village, they will assume that they don't know anything, and they don't have anything to do with them.

But if Juyi Village wins, they can take advantage of the situation to attack the Guanzhong Punishment Hall and gain some fame and benefits.

So everything now depends on the outcome of the battle at Juyizhuang, and of course it also depends on whether Wei Shuya and others can stop other forces.

If he couldn't stop him and let others come to support Nie Renlong, Chu Xiu would be in danger.

At this time in Juyi Village, Nie Renlong knew that Chu Xiu and other forces in the North Piaoxuecheng had stopped them, and he said coldly, "If they don't come, they won't come, even if there are not those people, Dingtian will only let some of them run away. It's just a remnant of the devil's way, but you, Chu Xiu, don't want to leave Juyi Village alive!

Also, you only have so many cards. Although the speed on Dong Qi's side is slower, it is not far from the shot.

The Guanzhong Execution Hall, which you have always wanted to keep, will surely be destroyed!

If you hide in the ground and be your ground mouse, I really can't kill you for a while, but you are reluctant to close the foundation of the torture hall and take the initiative to send it to your door. This is simply courting death!

Chu Xiu, your seven magic knives can arouse people's emotions and desires. Have you ever thought that one day, you will die from this greed? "

"Greedy? If the world is not greedy, I am afraid the world will be at peace, but you want me to die here, Lord Nie, you are thinking too much!"

The demonic energy above the Tianmowu in Chu Xiu's hands was surging and hot, and the demonic energy emanating from the formation was absorbed into it, and it condensed into a shadow floating behind Chu Xiu.

Although Chu Xiu is not yet a martial arts master, his strength is already comparable to that of a martial arts master. At least in terms of the use of power, even most martial arts masters are no match for Chu Xiu.

In fact, Nie Renlong was right about one thing, Chu Xiu was indeed very greedy.

This time, if he gave up the Guanzhong Punishment Hall and honestly went to some secret places of the Hidden Demons to dormant for a period of time, that is, a few years, it would be fine after the storm passed. After all, people in Jianghu are forgetful. After a few years, Even if there were people who wanted to trouble him, they couldn't form an alliance of this size.

But just as Nie Renlong said, Chu Xiu couldn't let go of the Guanzhong Punishment Hall. That was the result of his painstaking efforts. If his identity was not suddenly revealed, Luo Shenjun would take action and wait for an accident. As long as he could give Chu Xiu some time, Chu Xiu would Xio was even confident that he would completely swallow the Guanzhong Execution Hall.

The greed in Chu Xiu's heart is indeed heavy, and to be precise, Chu Xiu is not greedy, he just has no sense of security and wants to continue to climb.

With Chu Xiu's current status and strength, as long as he is willing to leave the hidden demon lineage, whether it is to defect to the imperial court or to the Moon Worship Cult, he can live a very nourishing life, and there is no need to live such a dangerous and hard life.

This choice is not because of how loyal Chu Xiu is to the hidden demon lineage, nor because he has any tendency to be abused. It is just that Chu Xiu wants more things, and these things, whether he joins the imperial court or joins the Moon Worship Cult, he cannot. get.

In fact, many people have this kind of mentality, including those long-established martial arts masters, as well as emperors of Beiyan like Xiang Long, they will feel this way more or less.

Those martial arts masters are already standing at the top of the rivers and lakes, and their cultivation strength exceeds 99% of the rivers and lakes warriors. Why do they still have to retreat and cultivate in order to pursue that stronger power? It is nothing more than that they have no sense of security. Although they are strong enough, when they look up, they can still see the strong people at the peak.

Few of those who can cultivate to the realm of martial arts masters are mediocre people, and they do not want to be trampled under their feet for a lifetime, but they can only look up!

Even Zhong Shenxiu, the No. 1 Zizi Tianzhu in the world, maybe he is looking up at this time, looking up at the state that Dugu and Ning Xuanji had reached in the past.

Nie Renlong didn't understand Chu Xiu's state of mind. He thought that Chu Xiu was greedy, but in fact, Chu Xiu was more greedy than he imagined!

Heavenly Demon Dance slashed down, and boundless demonic energy burst out. Wherever this knife passed, countless heaven and earth vitality were swallowed up.

Nie Renlong's Qiankun Lingyun hand came out, stirring the world, but that power was still swallowed up by Chu Xiu's knife!

This is the power of the greedy knife!

Often using the Seven Devils Swords, in addition to hating the sword, Chu Xiu even slowly realized the true meaning of greed for the sword.

In essence, the Seven Devils are the ultimate evolution of human emotions. As long as Chu Xiu can completely control the emotions, even if Chu Xiu does not have the Seven Devils in his hand, even if he does not have a knife in his hand, he can control the power of this emotion.

The greed knife devours everything, and even seems to devour the sky and the earth. This greed does not belong to Nie Renlong, but his Chu Xiu's greed!

Greed, hatred, hatred, love, and **** are demons and a source of strength!

Nie Renlong roared angrily and tore it forward with one hand, the yin and yang of the universe were reversed, and two completely different forces were constantly twisting, UU reading www. One is the pure astral energy between heaven and earth, and the other is the evil magic energy around it.

With the interweaving of the two forces, Chu Xiu's knife was shrouded in it, and between the strangulation and explosion of Gang Qi, Chu Xiu's figure was continuously blasted back, and even the greedy knife could not swallow this powerful force for a while. strength.

But at this moment, an extremely powerful swallowing force came from behind Nie Renlong.

A middle-aged warrior in black stood behind him. In his mouth, an evil hungry ghost with two horns broke free from it, roaring and swallowing it towards Nie Renlong. , even the vitality of heaven and earth has been swallowed up!

This thing is the incarnation of Chu Xiu's Hungry Ghost Dao!

In fact, Chu Xiu had already put the incarnation of the Hungry Ghost Dao here, but he never manipulated the puppet.

After all, the human puppet is just a dead thing, and it will not reveal its aura when it is not moving, so Nie Renlong thought it was just an ordinary magician.

In the end, Nie Renlong didn't react until the incarnation of Hungry Ghost Dao made such a move. There was still such a fierce thing hidden here, and he was so close to it.

Nie Renlong didn't care to attack Chu Xiu again. He stepped out, seemingly in chaos, but it seemed like he stepped out of a strange formation. At the same time, the seals of his hands were blasted out. It seems that they are divided, like a cage, trapping the incarnation of the hungry ghost in it and strangling it.

But at this moment, Chu Xiu, who had already escaped, squeezed the colorless big mudra and fell towards Nie Renlong with a bang, mustard seed Xumi, the universe reversed!

ps: This chapter is very auspicious, 666, commemorate it (≧?≦)


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