Meet The Leader

Chapter 667: threaten

Realm and combat power are not absolute, just like the current Chu Xiu, the ordinary martial arts master he no longer regards it, even in the face of Nie Renlong's existence on the list, he dares to take the initiative to counterattack other side.

The incarnation of the hungry ghost devoured everything in the back, and Chu Xiu's incomparably strong colorless handprint fell in front, and the offensive and defensive trend was reversed in an instant.

Nie Renlong roared, and the powerful qi burst out around him, absorbing the power of heaven and earth. As his hands danced, the universe of yin and yang reversed, and two completely different forces converged into a storm and swept through, with a touch of blood between them.

The boundless storm swept Nie Renlong himself into it, and even devoured the incarnation of the Hungry Ghost Dao. In the end, even Chu Xiu was involved in the storm, and he had to use the colorless big handprint to resist the power of the storm.

Nie Renlong's martial arts inheritance is actually not strong. He has a lot of martial arts. After reaching the realm of martial arts masters, he added these martial arts with his own understanding of martial arts, and finally condensed them into this Qiankun Lingyun Hand.

This type of martial arts, or a kind of martial arts, is actually not very conspicuous at the low level, but at this time in the hands of Nie Renlong, this type of martial arts almost uses the power of the real dan realm to borrow the power of heaven and earth to the extreme, with one point Strength, to stir up the three-point world of heaven and earth, so taking advantage of it, it is in line with Nie Renlong's own style.

In that storm, the incarnation of the Hungry Ghost Dao was constantly devouring that power. It was able to hold on, but the human puppet couldn't hold on any longer.

The human puppet was made by Gong Shuyuan with An Liunian's body. It was unknown whether he could defeat Nie Renlong when he was alive. Now that he was dead, his body naturally couldn't withstand the impact.

This thing is not easy to come by, and Chu Xiu wants to use it a few more times, so he can only let it retreat and withdraw from the storm for the time being.

With both hands clenched, the storm exploded, and the sky was scattered.

Nie Renlong stood there, his face slightly pale.

He couldn't control this level of power for too long.

But just when he was about to go to see if Chu Xiu was dead or not, demonic energy and Buddha's light burst out from the scattered astral energy at the same time.

Chu Xiu's figure was like a demon, and he shot out from the turbulent qi storm. He squeezed the nine-character art of speed and slowness, and the nine seals merged into one. With unparalleled power, he crushed Nie Renlong down!

The fellow cultivator Jiuxiao Refining the Golden Body and Donkey Kong Divine Power, the Buddha, the Demon, and the two body-refinement exercises, Chu Xiu hasn't died so easily. In terms of defensive power, he is also stronger than most martial arts masters.

Nie Renlong greeted him with both palms, his left palm was a surging qi, and his right palm was a surging demonic qi.

The two forces are entangled and intertwined, and the power is multiplied.

The sound of the explosion erupted between Nie Renlong and Chu Xiu. With the two at the center, the ground beneath their feet shattered inch by inch, stretching for dozens of feet.

Nie Renlong's complexion was pale, but Chu Xiu's complexion was even paler.

His explosive power is indeed amazing, but he had forcibly resisted Nie Renlong's blow before, and at this time, he used the martial arts such as the Colorless Ding Mudra and Jiuyin Unity, which even Chu Xiu couldn't bear.

But even if he couldn't bear it any longer, Chu Xiu had to deal with Nie Renlong as quickly as possible, otherwise his raid on Juyi Village would have no meaning at all, and he would even put himself in danger.

A single blow failed, and Chu Xiu pointed out immediately that everything passed by would be annihilated.

Destroy the Holy Finger!

Nie Renlong was terrified by the deadly power. While he resisted, he quickly retreated backwards, but he was still brushed by this deadly finger, and his arm was instantly saturated with deadly aura. It turned into a pitch-black color, and that deadly aura was eating away at his qi and blood meridians!

Nie Renlong's complexion suddenly changed, and he swung his arm. In an instant, a large amount of blood and a black death energy were forced out by him, but his arm was temporarily abolished.

At this moment, Chu Xiu used the primordial spirit as the bow, condensed the arrow with spiritual power, and shot out the soul-killing arrow.

Seeing that there was no way to hide, Nie Renlong roared angrily, and the power of qi and blood all over his body burst out. He wanted to resist the arrow, but he was struck by the soul-destroying arrow and let out a painful roar.

Chu Xiu's figure was directly pressed up. Although his complexion was also pale due to the excessive consumption, he still took the Heavenly Demon Dance in his hand and chopped it down. After a few moves, Nie Renlong was already in danger!

The battle between Chu Xiu and Nie Renlong would turn out to be such a result. Everyone present did not expect this, even Nie Renlong himself.

After all, one of the two is a master on the Billboard, but the other, no matter how famous, is only a state of harmony between man and nature.

And the last time in Beiyan, Nie Renlong almost killed Chu Xiu after he was enchanted. Although Nie Renlong was enchanted at that time, he could still feel how strong Chu Xiu was at that time.

As a result, when he saw Chu Xiu this time, he was shocked to discover that Chu Xiu's strength had more than doubled? This speed is horrendous!

Of course, in fact, although Chu Xiu has made progress, it is not too exaggerated. It's just that Nie Renlong has overlooked one thing.

When he was in Beiyan, Chu Xiu appeared as Lin Ye.

So at that time, Chu Xiu couldn't actually use all his cards.

Now Chu Xiu can finally use all his strength, which is of course not the same.

Seeing that Nie Renlong was in crisis and was almost killed by Chu Xiu with a few knives, the entire Juyi Village fell into pessimism.

Nie Renlong is the initiator and organizer of the alliance. Once something happens to him, is it necessary for the alliance to continue?

Xu Yan was also very anxious. He was going to rescue Nie Renlong at this time, and he didn't want to entangle with Mei Qinglian anymore.

With a roar, he said falsely that the golden light of the Buddha's flames bloomed all over his body, and he fell with a punch.

This punch forced Mei Qinglian to retreat, but before he could come to the rescue, Mei Qinglian came from behind him again. , but before he could completely defeat those demonic qi, the illusion was already reborn in front of his eyes.

He obviously only had a short distance to rescue Nie Renlong, but no matter how much he ran, he couldn't reach Nie Renlong.

It was only at this moment that Fu Yan knew that he had fallen into Mei Qinglian's concubine Dafa again.

But when Xuyan was awake, Mei Qinglian already had a scarlet dagger in his hand, stabbing towards Xuyan's chest!

Putting his hands together, he uttered the sound of thunder, and the nine-transformation lion roar of the Daguang Temple unleashed, directly forcing Mei Qinglian to retreat, but before he could do anything, Mei Qinglian came again, which made the false words go crazy. .

The magic of Yin Mozong's concubine Dafa is magical in that it is not a simple mental power illusion, but has already invaded your mind quietly.

Just like just now, he was clearly only fighting head-on, but the result was inexplicable and he fell into the illusion. He was almost attacked by Mei Qinglian, and he didn't even notice it before.

This kind of subtle and silent illusion technique is even more terrifying.

Xu Yan is confident that with his own strength, willpower, and powerful blood, he can carry Dafa, but in fact he thinks too much and underestimates Mei Qinglian.

There are only a thousand days of being a thief in this world, but there is no reason to be a thief for a thousand days.

Gu Yan had to keep this nervous mentality to defend against Mei Qinglian's illusion, so the more he fought, the more tired Gu Yan became. At this time, he didn't even have the mood to rescue Nie Renlong.

Xu Yan wanted to rescue but was stopped by Mei Qinglian, but on the other side, someone defeated his opponent, not Yan Huainan who was fighting with Mr. Lu, but Fang Datong of the Djinn Gang.

This is not to say that Fang Datong is stronger than Yan Huainan, but that his opponent is a little weaker.

Liu Hongye himself is relatively weak among the martial arts masters, and his inheritance is not strong, so his own strength is really limited.

The last time he fought against Chu Xiu, he was defeated in a few moves. At this time, facing Fang Datong, the leader of the Djinn Gang, Liu Hongye's support was extremely reluctant.

The Djinn Gang's "Djinn Wu Dian" integrates more than 100 kinds of martial arts of the Djinn Gang in the past. Although it is not a famous magic manual in the arena, its power is not dozens of tricks After coming down, Liu Hongye was severely injured by Fang Datong and vomited blood.

After solving Liu Hongye, Fang Datong subconsciously looked towards Chu Xiu and Nie Renlong.

Nie Renlong hurriedly said, "Help Fang, come and help me!"

Fang Datong immediately prepared to take action, but at this time Chu Xiu said coldly: "Fang Gang, you and I have no grievances in the past and no enmity in the past, but today you come to join this Demon Slayer Alliance, I don't mind, I will just leave if you leave now. When nothing happened.

Otherwise, after I am defeated today, even if I am forced to hide in the dark, I will definitely be with you and the Giant Spirit Gang forever!

If you ruin my future, I will kill your whole family!

Gang Master Fang, you have to think about it. If you make a move today, you'd better stay close to your wife and children, your confidant of the Djinn Gang, otherwise, if I see one, I will kill one! "

Fang Datong's heart suddenly froze, and the movement he was about to make suddenly stopped there.

He believed that with the character and strength shown by Chu Xiu, he could do it.

Facing the enemy head on, even he is not sure to beat Chu Xiu, let alone such a terrifying enemy shameless, hiding in the dark always thinking of biting you.

Sometimes the scary thing is not the tiger with its teeth and claws in front of you, but the poisonous snake hidden in the dark, I don't know when it will pounce!

Fang Datong hesitated so much, and Nie Renlong fell into danger, and was almost cut off by Chu Xiu.

He roared: "Fang Datong! Are you out of your mind? Since you joined the Demon Slayer Alliance, there is no turning back! Do you believe what the demons say? Even if you leave, Chu Xiu will not let you go! Today, I will join forces to kill him here, what else is there to do later?"


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